1,396 research outputs found

    Strainrange partitioning behavior of an automotive turbine alloy

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    This report addresses Strainrange Partitioning, an advanced life prediction analysis procedure, as applied to CA-101 (cast IN 792 + Hf), an alloy proposed for turbine disks in automotive gas turbine engines. The methodology was successful in predicting specimen life under thermal-mechanical cycling, to within a factor of + or - 2

    Peningkatan Daya Terima Dan Kadar Protein Nugget Substitusi Ikan Lele (Clarias Batrachus) Dan Kacang Merah (Vigna Angularis)

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    Catfi sh and red beans are high in protein and essential amino acid than can be processed into nuggets and used as high-protein snack alternative. This research aimed to determine the effect of catfi sh and red beans toward the acceptance and protein content, as well as determine the best composition to produce a good quality nuggets. Type of research in the development formula using true experimental with a completely randomized design. There were four (4) types of treatment (combination of catfi sh, catfi sh bones, and red beans) with three (3) times replication. Panelist used was 35 untrained panelists. Product acceptance was tested using statistical analysis Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney (ƒ¿ . 0.05). The result of organoleptic tests showed the most preferred nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans). Highest increased protein per 100g nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans) with 14.5 gcompare to F0 (catfi sh) with 11,5 g, there was signifi cant difference between F0 and F1, F2, F3, F4 to the characteristic of odour (p = 0.000), texture (p = 0.008), fl avor (p = 0.000), and form (p = 0.000). The best composition formula is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans).The best formula in terms of its composition, acceptability, and nutritionalvalue was F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans)

    Balita pada Rumahatangga Miskin di Kabupaten Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan Gizi

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    Latar belakang. Risiko ketidaktahanan pangan rumahtangga timbul karena rendahnya pendapatan, rendahnya ketersediaan pangan maupun faktor gegrafis. Proporsi penduduk dengan asupan kalori di bawah tingkat konsumsi minimum (<1400 kkal/hari) sebesar 14,47% dan (<2000 kkal/hr) sebesar 64,21%, hampir dua kali lipat dari target MDGs (35,32%) menunjukkan adanya gangguan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia, yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan status gizi kelompok rentan, diantaranya Balita. Tujuan. Menilai status gizi dan menganalisis risiko gangguan gizi Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah prioritas dan non prioritas kerawanan pangan di Indonesia Metode. Analisis lanjut data Riskesdas tahun 2010 untuk 99 kabupaten: diantaranya 71 kabupaten prioritas masalah kerawanan pangan (prioritas I:11, prioritas II: 25 dan prioritas III: 35) dan 28 kabupaten non prioritas di Indonesia, dengan unit analisis rumahtangga yaitu 11084 rumahtangga dan 2464 rumahtangga diantaranya tergolong miskin dan memiliki Balita Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko terjadinya masalah gizi Balita di wilayah prioritas rawan pangan yaitu gizi buruk dan kurang 2,172 kali lebih besar dan risiko sangat pendek dan pendek 1,669 kali besar dibandingkan di wilayah non prioritas. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,445 kali lebih besar serta berisiko sangat pendek/pendek lebih besar 1,406 kali dibandingkan Balita pada rumahtangga tidak miskin. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin didaerah prioritas kerawanan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,535 lebih besar serta berisiko terjadi sangat pendek dan pendek 1,608 kali dibandingkan Balita usia 0-6 bulan. Simpulan. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah kabupaten prioritas kerawanan pangan (I,II dan III) lebih rentan mengalami gangguan gizi (sangat pendek/pendek dan gizi buruk/kurang) dibandingkan di kabupaten non prioritas. Saran. Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan di Indonesia perlu mendapat prioritas utama percepatan perbaikan gizi

    Daya Terima Dan Kadar Betakaroten Donat Substitusi Labu Kuning

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    Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type of tubers and a local food product that contains high beta-carotene. It is also potential to be used as a substitution for snacks which favored by children such as donuts. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability and beta-carotene level of pumpkin donut substitution. This research was true experimental for product development and quasi experimental for acceptability with a completely randomized design, 6 repetitions on one control formula (F0) and 3 modifi cation formula (F1, F2, F3) with additional of pumpkin. Panelist consists of 4 people as limited panelists and 30 people as non trained panelists. The difference of acceptability was analyze using Friedman test and continued with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test if it shows a signifi cant difference. The level of beta-carotene was analyze using spectrophotometer. The result of this study showed the best acceptability found in formula 3 (with 40% addition of pumpkin) with an average value of 2,28 and beta-carotene level of was 0,139 ppms. Formula 3 donut have a good acceptability and also contains higherbeta-carotene than commercial donuts, so it is potential as an alternative healthy snack for schoolchildren

    The Mean and Scatter of the Velocity Dispersion-Optical Richness Relation for maxBCG Galaxy Clusters

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    The distribution of galaxies in position and velocity around the centers of galaxy clusters encodes important information about cluster mass and structure. Using the maxBCG galaxy cluster catalog identified from imaging data obtained in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we study the BCG-galaxy velocity correlation function. By modeling its non-Gaussianity, we measure the mean and scatter in velocity dispersion at fixed richness. The mean velocity dispersion increases from 202+/-10 km/s for small groups to more than 854+/-102 km/s for large clusters. We show the scatter to be at most 40.5+/-3.5%, declining to 14.9+/-9.4% in the richest bins. We test our methods in the C4 cluster catalog, a spectroscopic cluster catalog produced from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR2 spectroscopic sample, and in mock galaxy catalogs constructed from N-body simulations. Our methods are robust, measuring the scatter to well within one-sigma of the true value, and the mean to within 10%, in the mock catalogs. By convolving the scatter in velocity dispersion at fixed richness with the observed richness space density function, we measure the velocity dispersion function of the maxBCG galaxy clusters. Although velocity dispersion and richness do not form a true mass-observable relation, the relationship between velocity dispersion and mass is theoretically well characterized and has low scatter. Thus our results provide a key link between theory and observations up to the velocity bias between dark matter and galaxies.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, published in Ap

    Daya Terima Dan Indeks Glikemik Makanan Brownies Yang Diperkaya Tepung Beras Merah Dan Kurma

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    People with diabetes mellitus need low glycemic index snack to support their nutritional requirement and to control blood glucose levels. The research objective was to analyze the acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) and the glycemic index of brownies enriched with red rice flour (Oryza nivara) and dates (Phoenix dactylivera). Completely randomized factorial design with 5 repetitions was used on 5 formulas, one control formula (F0) and 4 modification formulas; F1 (25% red rice flour and 24% dates), F2 (75% red rice flour and 24% dates), F3 (25% red rice flour and 40% dates), and F4 (75% red rice flour and 40% dates). Four professional panelist and 30 non skilled panelists were recruited. Friedman test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test at α=0.05 was used to test the difference between group. Formula F2 has the highest acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) with an average value of 2.83, while the lowest acceptability was found in F3 (25% brown rice flour and 40% of dates) with an average value of 2.40. The glycemic index of brownies formula F2 is 41.97. Brownies F2 which substitute wheat flour with red rice flour (25%:75%) and enriched with dates (24%) was the best modification brownies formula for its color, flavor, and texture with glycemic index of 41.97. Adding other ingredients to brownies can be done to improve the taste and lower glycemic index at the best formula (F2)

    Kebiasaan Makan Balita Stunting Pada Masyarakat Suku Sasak: Tinjauan 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK)

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    The first 1000 days of a child's life is the most crucial period for child's cognitive and mental development. The lack of nutrition in the period would cause inter-generation shortness, known as stunting. Moreover, stunting could lead to brain cells development and increase the risk of degenerative disease. The phenomena was mostly found in Central Lombok with high pervelance of stunting in toddler. This research uses qualitative approach with phenomenology research design; conducted in Community Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat/Puskesmas) in Sengkol, District of Central Lombok. This article concludes that there are diatery habit in Sasak people which became predisposing factors to the occurrence of stunting to the children in Sasak. Those are the lack of animal protein intake, mistreatment of breast milk pattern giving which causes failure to fulfill nutrition standard, and there are myth-related belief that opposes the principal of nutrition fulfillment in children

    SDSS-RASS: Next Generation of Cluster-Finding Algorithms

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    We outline here the next generation of cluster-finding algorithms. We show how advances in Computer Science and Statistics have helped develop robust, fast algorithms for finding clusters of galaxies in large multi-dimensional astronomical databases like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Specifically, this paper presents four new advances: (1) A new semi-parametric algorithm - nicknamed ``C4'' - for jointly finding clusters of galaxies in the SDSS and ROSAT All-Sky Survey databases; (2) The introduction of the False Discovery Rate into Astronomy; (3) The role of kernel shape in optimizing cluster detection; (4) A new determination of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity Function which has bearing on the existence of a ``deficit'' of high redshift, high luminosity clusters. This research is part of our ``Computational AstroStatistics'' collaboration (see Nichol et al. 2000) and the algorithms and techniques discussed herein will form part of the ``Virtual Observatory'' analysis toolkit.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of MPA/MPE/ESO Conference "Mining the Sky", July 31 - August 4, 2000, Garching, German

    Automated template-based brain localization and extraction for fetal brain MRI reconstruction.

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    Most fetal brain MRI reconstruction algorithms rely only on brain tissue-relevant voxels of low-resolution (LR) images to enhance the quality of inter-slice motion correction and image reconstruction. Consequently the fetal brain needs to be localized and extracted as a first step, which is usually a laborious and time consuming manual or semi-automatic task. We have proposed in this work to use age-matched template images as prior knowledge to automatize brain localization and extraction. This has been achieved through a novel automatic brain localization and extraction method based on robust template-to-slice block matching and deformable slice-to-template registration. Our template-based approach has also enabled the reconstruction of fetal brain images in standard radiological anatomical planes in a common coordinate space. We have integrated this approach into our new reconstruction pipeline that involves intensity normalization, inter-slice motion correction, and super-resolution (SR) reconstruction. To this end we have adopted a novel approach based on projection of every slice of the LR brain masks into the template space using a fusion strategy. This has enabled the refinement of brain masks in the LR images at each motion correction iteration. The overall brain localization and extraction algorithm has shown to produce brain masks that are very close to manually drawn brain masks, showing an average Dice overlap measure of 94.5%. We have also demonstrated that adopting a slice-to-template registration and propagation of the brain mask slice-by-slice leads to a significant improvement in brain extraction performance compared to global rigid brain extraction and consequently in the quality of the final reconstructed images. Ratings performed by two expert observers show that the proposed pipeline can achieve similar reconstruction quality to reference reconstruction based on manual slice-by-slice brain extraction. The proposed brain mask refinement and reconstruction method has shown to provide promising results in automatic fetal brain MRI segmentation and volumetry in 26 fetuses with gestational age range of 23 to 38 weeks

    The C4 Clustering Algorithm: Clusters of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present the "C4 Cluster Catalog", a new sample of 748 clusters of galaxies identified in the spectroscopic sample of the Second Data Release (DR2) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The C4 cluster--finding algorithm identifies clusters as overdensities in a seven-dimensional position and color space, thus minimizing projection effects which plagued previous optical clusters selection. The present C4 catalog covers ~2600 square degrees of sky with groups containing 10 members to massive clusters having over 200 cluster members with redshifts. We provide cluster properties like sky location, mean redshift, galaxy membership, summed r--band optical luminosity (L_r), velocity dispersion, and measures of substructure. We use new mock galaxy catalogs to investigate the sensitivity to the various algorithm parameters, as well as to quantify purity and completeness. These mock catalogs indicate that the C4 catalog is ~90% complete and 95% pure above M_200 = 1x10^14 solar masses and within 0.03 <=z <= 0.12. The C4 algorithm finds 98% of X-ray identified clusters and 90% of Abell clusters within 0.03 <= z <= 0.12. We show that the L_r of a cluster is a more robust estimator of the halo mass (M_200) than the line-of-sight velocity dispersion or the richness of the cluster. L_r. The final SDSS data will provide ~2500 C4 clusters and will represent one of the largest and most homogeneous samples of local clusters.Comment: 32 pages of figures and text accepted in AJ. Electronic version with additional tables, links, and figures is available at http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~chrism/c