36 research outputs found

    Socio-Demographic Factors Associated to Condom Use in the Cameroon Military

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    With an average HIV prevalence rate more than two times higher than the general population, the Cameroon military is in need of effective HIV/AIDS prevention intervention programs. The aim of this study is to examine socio-demographic factors associated to condom use among military personnel through an existing HIV prevention program and offer recommendations for HIV prevention interventions to the Cameroon military.Objectives: Analyze baseline condom use data collected from the 2005 HIV surveillance and behavioral study of the Armed Forces of Cameroon. Provide feedback to GVFI to effectively utilize this information for the 2009/2010 HIV/AIDS surveillance and intervention plan targeting the Armed Forces of Cameroon. Methods: The data included responses from a behavioral questionnaire and blood samples (n=2154) obtained from military personnel in Cameroon. Estimated population proportions of condom use data were compared for each of the following socio-demographic variables: military region, age, gender, marital status, military rank, and religion. Chi-square analyses were utilized to test for significance within each socio-demographic variable. Multivariate logistical regressions were executed based on the significant findings of the chi-square tests. Statistical analyses were completed using SYSTAT 13 and SAS 9.2.Results: Specific populations of military personnel demonstrated less condom use, including individuals from military Region 3, older personnel, women, married individuals, non-commissioned officers, and non-Christians. Discussion: This research has shown that there is a relationship between certain socio-demographic characteristics and lower reported rates of condom use. This information can be utilized for the new HIV/AIDS intervention prevention plan (2009/2010) targeting the Cameroon military. Conclusion: Training of trainers and peer educator programs targeting specific populations within the military can have an effect on decreasing the current STI/HIV prevalence rate. A multi-dimensional approach that focuses on intensive education at all levels of the military, outreach that includes condom distribution and counseling, and the availability of HIV testing is essential in creating the most effective HIV/AIDS prevention intervention program. Implications for public health: Consistent and proper condom use is a highly effective method for HIV/AIDS prevention. This research provides background data to inform the planning of an HIV intervention prevention program targeting military personnel in Cameroon. Such a program can be adapted for military programs around the world

    Electrosprayed core-shell nanoparticles of PVP and shellac for furnishing biphasic controlled release of ferulic acid

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    Coaxial electrospraying was explored to organize polymer excipients in a core-shell manner for providing biphasic controlled release of active ingredient. With ferulic acid (FA) as a model drug, and shellac and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as the core and shell polymeric matrices, core-shell nanoparticles were successfully fabricated. A series of tests were carried out to characterize the prepared core-shell nanoparticles and also the nanoparticles prepared using a single fluid electrospraying of the shell or core fluids alone. The core-shell nanoparticles had an average diameter of 530 ± 80 nm with clear core-shell structure. The contained FA was converted to an amorphous state both in the core and the shell parts due to the favorable hydrogen bonding between the components. In vitro dissolution tests demonstrated that the core-shell nanoparticles were able to provide the desired biphasic drug-controlled release profiles. Coaxial electrospraying is a useful tool for the development of novel nanodrug delivery systems from polymers

    The scope of coverage under the Rotterdam Rules - Unimodal and multimodal aspects

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    U radu se proučavaju, raščlanjuju i interpretiraju sve relevantne odredbe o polju primjene Roterdamskih pravila. Analizira se njihovo opće polje primjene, govori se o ugovorima, prijevozima te subjektima prijevoznih poslova na koje se Roterdamska pravila primjenjuju. Proučavaju se i specifične odredbe o posebnim isključenjima. Tumači se u kojem opsegu Roterdamska pravila pokrivaju multimodalni prijevoz te se govori o multimodalnosti kao obilježju suvremenog prijevoza i unifikaciji multimodalnog prijevoza. Pomno se ulazi u sadržaj i doseg odredbi kojima se propisuju uvjeti koji moraju biti ispunjeni da bi odredbe druge međunarodne prijevozne konvencije imale prednost u odnosu na odredbe Roterdamskih pravila. Nastoji se ukazati i na razlike u pogledu njezinog polja primjene i polja primjene međunarodnih konvencija koje su na snazi, a kojima se uređuje prijevoz stvari morem. Odredbe o polju primjene iznimno su važne i zadiru u bit nove konvencije, njezinu koncepciju, temeljna načela i ciljeve novog pravnog uređenja koje Konvencija propisuje. Najvažnije novine polja primjene Roterdamskih pravila u odnosu na međunarodne konvencije koje su na snazi, a koje uređuju prijevoz stvari morem jesu proširenje polja primjene na prijevoze “od vrata do vrata” i novo uređenje prijevoznih isprava. Cilj rada je skrenuti pažnju na polje primjene kao važno pitanje koje utječe na recepciju Roterdamskih pravila i istaknuti ona rješenja koja se najviše kritiziraju i za koja se osnovano može pretpostaviti da predstavljaju zapreku za njihovu recepciju.This paper considers the application of provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (the Rotterdam Rules). The scope of coverage issues go to the heart of the new Convention. This article highlights the major topics relating to the scope of coverage. All aspects of this key issue are examined here: the general scope of application; criteria that must be satisfied for the Convention to be applied; types of transactions that the Convention might govern; application to certain parties. Some of these questions have been particularly controversial. Moreover, this paper addresses the circumstances under which the Rotterdam Rules give way to other conventions. The author discusses issues that may arise from the fact that the Convention will cover both the inward and the outward carriage. It further considers specific exclusions from the Convention. Differences between the Rotterdam Rules and the international legislation in force are pointed out. One of the most significant changes introduced by the Rotterdam Rules to the existing law is the expansion of its scope of coverage to include the door-to-door transport. The Convention covers both the inbound and the outbound international shipments to or from a Contracting State. The Convention applies to contracts in both the liner and the non-liner trades, but not to charterparties and other contracts for the use of a ship or of any space thereon. Volume contract, to which the Convention applies, may provide for greater or lesser obligations and liabilities than those imposed by the Rotterdam Rules

    Ovarian cancer molecular pathology.

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    Electrospun pH-sensitive core–shell polymer nanocomposites fabricated using a tri-axial process

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    A modified tri-axial electrospinning process was developed for the generation of a new type of pH-sensitive polymer/lipid nanocomposite. The systems produced are able to promote both dissolution and permeation of a model poorly water-soluble drug. First, we show that it is possible to run a tri-axial process with only one of the three fluids being electrospinnable. Using an electrospinnable middle fluid of Eudragit S100 (ES100) with pure ethanol as the outer solvent and an unspinnable lecithin-diclofenac sodium (PL–DS) core solution, nanofibers with linear morphology and clear core/shell structures can be fabricated continuously and smoothly. X-ray diffraction proved that these nanofibers are structural nanocomposites with the drug present in an amorphous state. In vitro dissolution tests demonstrated that the formulations could preclude release in acidic conditions, and that the drug was released from the fibers in two successive steps at neutral pH. The first step is the dissolution of the shell ES100 and the conversion of the core PL–DS into sub-micron sized particles. This frees some DS into solution, and later the remaining DS is gradually released from the PL–DS particles through diffusion. Ex vivo permeation results showed that the composite nanofibers give a more than twofold uplift in the amount of DS passing through the colonic membrane as compared to pure DS; 74% of the transmitted drug was in the form of PL–DS particles. The new tri-axial electrospinning process developed in this work provides a platform to fabricate structural nanomaterials, and the core–shell polymer-PL nanocomposites we have produced have significant potential applications for oral colon-targeted drug delivery

    The development of sustainable reporting : A comparisation over time

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    Hållbarhetsredovisning är ett relativt nytt fenomen och hur företag ska hantera detta är oklart. Denna studie fokuserar på förändringen över tid av denna typ av rapport från början på 2000-talet fram till de senast publicerade rapporterna, 2013 och 2014 i stora svenska företag. Vi granskade tre företags hållbarhetsrapporter från olika branscher för att identifiera skillnader och likheter med hjälp av en egen analysmodell. Vi valde vidare att utföra denna undersökning med legitimitetsteorin i åtanke för att få en förståelse för varför företag hållbarhetsrapporterar som de gör. Vi kunde se att två av företagen utvecklades relativt mycket från och med att de började hållbarhetsredovisa fram till de senast upprättade rapporterna och uppvisade allt mer relevant information, medan det tredje företaget, i förhållande till de andra två, redan från början hade hög kvalitet på sina hållbarhetsrapporter och därmed inte utvecklades i samma utsträckning. Vi kom fram till att införandet av GRI har påverkat rapporteringen kring hållbar information och att samhällets ökade förväntningar på företag påverkar rapporteringen.Sustainability reporting is a relatively new phenomenon and how organizations are supposed to handle this is not quite clear. This study focuses on the shift of this type of reporting from the beginning of the 21th century until the latest published sustainability reports from 2013 and 2014 from big Swedish enterprises. The study includes three different enterprises from three different business areas to examine differences and similarities with our own analysis model. Furthermore we decided to conduct this survey with legitimacy theory in mind to get an understanding of why enterprises report on sustainability the way they do. We found that two of the enterprises evolved considerable and the reports included more relevant information over time, while the third enterprise showed, in relation to the other enterprises, relatively consistent information and reports from the early years to 2014. Our study shows that the introduction of GRI has affected reporting of sustainable information and the enhanced expectations of the community on enterprises also influences reporting. This study is conducted in Swedish

    The development of sustainable reporting : A comparisation over time

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    Hållbarhetsredovisning är ett relativt nytt fenomen och hur företag ska hantera detta är oklart. Denna studie fokuserar på förändringen över tid av denna typ av rapport från början på 2000-talet fram till de senast publicerade rapporterna, 2013 och 2014 i stora svenska företag. Vi granskade tre företags hållbarhetsrapporter från olika branscher för att identifiera skillnader och likheter med hjälp av en egen analysmodell. Vi valde vidare att utföra denna undersökning med legitimitetsteorin i åtanke för att få en förståelse för varför företag hållbarhetsrapporterar som de gör. Vi kunde se att två av företagen utvecklades relativt mycket från och med att de började hållbarhetsredovisa fram till de senast upprättade rapporterna och uppvisade allt mer relevant information, medan det tredje företaget, i förhållande till de andra två, redan från början hade hög kvalitet på sina hållbarhetsrapporter och därmed inte utvecklades i samma utsträckning. Vi kom fram till att införandet av GRI har påverkat rapporteringen kring hållbar information och att samhällets ökade förväntningar på företag påverkar rapporteringen.Sustainability reporting is a relatively new phenomenon and how organizations are supposed to handle this is not quite clear. This study focuses on the shift of this type of reporting from the beginning of the 21th century until the latest published sustainability reports from 2013 and 2014 from big Swedish enterprises. The study includes three different enterprises from three different business areas to examine differences and similarities with our own analysis model. Furthermore we decided to conduct this survey with legitimacy theory in mind to get an understanding of why enterprises report on sustainability the way they do. We found that two of the enterprises evolved considerable and the reports included more relevant information over time, while the third enterprise showed, in relation to the other enterprises, relatively consistent information and reports from the early years to 2014. Our study shows that the introduction of GRI has affected reporting of sustainable information and the enhanced expectations of the community on enterprises also influences reporting. This study is conducted in Swedish