107 research outputs found

    Pourquoi la connaissance du nom des lettres est-elle si importante dans l’apprentissage de la langue Ă©crite ?

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    Inscrite dans le contexte thĂ©orique de la litĂ©racie Ă©mergente, la prĂ©sente recherche conduite auprĂšs de soixante quatorze jeunes français rĂ©vĂšle que la connaissance du nom des lettres rĂšgle les comportements d’écriture prĂ©coces et influence l’apprentissage implicite des relations lettre-phonĂšme ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement de la sensibilitĂ© phonĂ©mique. Parce qu’il fournit une identitĂ© phonologique aux lettres, le nom des lettres favorise la manipulation et la conceptualisation de l’écriture alphabĂ©tique. La connaissance du nom des lettres s’avĂšre une acquisition critique, conclusion suggĂ©rant des implications pratiques pour l’enseignement prĂ©scolaire et scolaire.Situated within the theoretical context of developing literacy, this research work done with seventy-four young French students reveals that letter names knowledge sets early behaviour patterns towards writing and influences the implicit learning of letter-sound connections as well as developing phonemic awareness. As it gives a phonological identity to the letters, the names of the letters turned out to be crucial knowledge. The conclusion suggests practical implications in pre-school and school teaching.Incluida en el contexto teĂłrico de la literacia emergente, la presente investigaciĂłn llevada con setenta y cuatro jĂłvenes franceses revela que el conocimiento del nombre de las letras reglamenta los comportamientos de escritura precoces e influye en el aprendizaje implĂ­cito de las relaciones letra-fonema asĂ­ como el desarrollo de la sensibilidad fonĂ©mica. Por proporcionar una identidad fonĂłlogica a las letras, el nombre de las letras favorece el manejo y la conceptualizaciĂłn de la escritura alfabĂ©tica. El conocimiento del nombre de las letras se revela una adquisiciĂłn crĂ­tica, conclusiĂłn que sugiere implicaciones prĂĄcticas para la enseñanza preescolar y escolar.Im theoretischen Kontext der Literacy bei kleinen Kindern macht vorliegende bei 74 jungen Franzosen gefĂŒhrte Forschungsarbeit bekannt, dass die Kenntnis der Buchstabennamen das Schreibverhalten beim FrĂŒhschreiben bestimmt und das implizite Lernen der Buchstaben-Phonem-Verbindungen beeinflusst so wie die Entwicklung der phonemischen Empfindlichkeit. Da er den Buchstaben eine phonologische IdentitĂ€t verleiht, fördert der Buchstabenname die Bedienung und Konzeptualisierung des alphabetischen Schreibens. Die Kenntnis der Buchstabennamen erweist sich als ausschlaggebende Erwerbung. Dieses Shlusswort bietet praktische Folgen im vorschulischen und schulischen Unterrichten an

    Effet de pairs et logiques d’orientation aux Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures au sein du marchĂ© des Ă©tablissements scolaires quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Le marchĂ© des Ă©tablissements scolaires quĂ©bĂ©cois comprend un rĂ©seau francophone et un rĂ©seau anglophone. Dans ce contexte, certains parents francophones font le choix d’un Ă©tablissement anglophone pour leurs enfants. Or, quels sont les impacts de ce choix sur l’orientation scolaire future de leurs enfants ? C’est Ă  partir d’une approche sociologique constructiviste que nous analysons l’articulation entre l’expĂ©rience scolaire et les logiques d’orientation de jeunes francophones qui ont frĂ©quentĂ© un Ă©tablissement anglophone. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les jeunes francophones sont marquĂ©s par un effet de pairs, c’est-Ă -dire par une culture normative de l’orientation vĂ©hiculĂ©e par les pairs qui valorise la poursuite d’études supĂ©rieures en anglais.Quebec’s educational market includes both a French and an English network. Within this context, some Francophone parents choose an English school for their children. How does this choice impact their children’s future educational decisions? We analyze the link between the school experience and the choice of academic direction of young Francophones who attended English schools with a constructivist sociological approach. The results show that young Francophones are influenced by a peer effect, that is to say by a peer culture promoting the choice of English higher education

    Roles of consonant status and sonority in printed syllable processing: Evidence from illusory conjunction and audio-visual recognition tasks in French adults.

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    Notre Ă©tude visait Ă  Ă©tudier le rĂŽle du codage phonologique en lecture silencieuse chez des adultes français. Nous avons particuliĂšrement Ă©tudiĂ© le profil de sonoritĂ©, les rĂšgles phonotactiques ainsi que la structure syllabique aux frontiĂšres syllabiques grĂące Ă  une tĂąche de reconnaissance audio-visuelle et au paradigme des conjonctions illusoires (Prinzmetal, Treiman & Rho, 1986). Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© si les adultes experts avaient recours aux syllabes. Nous souhaitions Ă©galement observer si le codage phonologique Ă©tait sensible Ă  des facteurs linguistiques tels que le statut de la consonne pivot et au profil de sonoritĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans les deux expĂ©riences ont montrĂ© que les adultes s’appuyaient sur les syllabes. Cependant, le recours aux syllabes Ă©tait influencĂ© et contraint par la phonotactique. En effet, les adultes se sont montrĂ©s sensibles aux profils de sonoritĂ© pour dĂ©terminer les frontiĂšres syllabiques. Ainsi, les profils intervocaliques respectant un cycle de sonoritĂ© optimal (i.e., coda liquide-attaque plosive) ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s aux autres profils de sonoritĂ©. Ces donnĂ©es s’accordent avec les thĂ©ories linguistiques selon lesquelles le contact optimal entre deux syllabe repose sur une coda plus sonore que la consonne subsĂ©quente en position d’attaque (e.g., Clements, 1990).The paper investigates how French readers visually process consonant clusters between two syllables. First, we aimed at assessing whether skilled adults were sensitive to syllable-sized units. Second, we wondered whether syllable processing depended on linguistic characteristics of consonant clusters such as consonant status and sonority profile. Two visual recognition tasks were used: the classical illusory conjunction paradigm (Prinzmetal, Treiman & Rho, 1986) and an original audio-visual recognition tasks. The results showed that syllable-sized units were used in both tasks. However, sonority profile and consonant status modulated syllable processing whatever the task. Consonant clusters whose sonority profile was ‘sonorant coda-obstruent onset’ (e.g. ‘LP’ in ‘TOLPUDE’) was preferred to all other sonority profiles. These behavioural results were in line with linguistic principles according to which the best contact between two syllables lies on a peak in sonority at the end of the first syllable following by a drop in sonority at beginning of the subsequent one (e.g., Hooper, 1972 ; Clements, 1990)

    Immigrant Youth in Canadian Postsecondary Education: Pathway Morphologies in the Province of Quebec

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    This article aims to describe and understand the postsecondary pathway morphologies of immigrant youth in Quebec, as well as the factors contributing to structuring them. The results obtained from the analysis of the Ministry of Education data (N = 20,387) show that these young people pursue postsecondary education through linear pathways in larger proportions than their peers whose parents are born in Canada. However, the differences are much higher at university level than at that of general and vocational colleges (known by their French acronym CÉGEP: CollĂšge d’enseignement gĂ©nĂ©ral et professionnel). In addition, there are significant differences among immigrant youth according to the geographical region of origin of their parents. In contrast, there is almost no difference in nonlinear pathways. This article suggests some possible interpretations.Cet article vise Ă  dĂ©crire et comprendre la morphologie des parcours des jeunes QuĂ©bĂ©cois issus des familles immigrantes dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur, ainsi que les facteurs qui contribuent Ă  la structuration de ces parcours. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  partir des donnĂ©es du ministĂšre de l’Éducation (N=20,387) rĂ©vĂšlent que ces jeunes poursuivent les Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures par la voie des parcours linĂ©aires dans une proportion plus Ă©levĂ©e que leurs pairs dont les parents sont nĂ©s au Canada. Toutefois, les diffĂ©rences sont nettement plus Ă©levĂ©es Ă  l’universitĂ© qu’au collĂšge d’enseignement gĂ©nĂ©ral et professionnel (CEGEP). De plus, il existe des diffĂ©rences significatives parmi les jeunes d’origine immigrante selon l’origine gĂ©ographique des parents. En revanche, il n’y a presque pas de diffĂ©rence Ă  propos des parcours non linĂ©aires. L’article suggĂšre quelques pistes d’interprĂ©tation.Este artĂ­culo tiene por objeto la descripciĂłn y comprensiĂłn de la morfologĂ­a de trayectorias de jĂłvenes de origen inmigrante en la educaciĂłn superior, asĂ­ que los factores que contribuyen a su estructuraciĂłn. Los resultados recogidos a partir de datos del ministerio de EducaciĂłn (N = 20,387) demuestran que estos jĂłvenes cursan estudios superiores siguiendo trayectorias lineales en mayor proporciĂłn que sus pares cuyos padres nacieron en CanadĂĄ. Sin embargo, las diferencias son considerablemente mĂĄs altas en la universidad que en los colegios de enseñanza general y profesional (CEGEP en Quebec). AdemĂĄs, se observan diferencias significativas entre los jĂłvenes de origen inmigrante segĂșn el origen geogrĂĄfico de los padres. En cambio, no se observan diferencias en lo que concierne las trayectorias no lineales. Este artĂ­culo propone pistas de interpretaciĂłn de dichos resultados.

    Profiles of learner readers and their early literacy skills and environmental predictors: a large-scale longitudinal study from preschool to grade 1

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    As part of the French national cohort ELFE, a two-year longitudinal study was conducted and children’s literacy skills were assessed twice (N = 2,767), namely at the end of preschool (t1) and at the end of Grade 1 (t2). At t1, letter-name knowledge (LNK), phonological skills (PhoSk) and vocabulary were assessed and at t2, phonemic segmentation, word reading, listening and reading comprehension. Latent profile analyses conducted at t2 resulted in five profiles, ranging from good readers (48.8%), to average readers above the mean (16.2%), readers with very low phonological awareness skill (8.2%), poor readers with low reading comprehension skill (19.4%), and poor readers with general difficulties (7.4%). Two early literacy skills (LNK and PhoSk) and two environmental variables (parents’ educational level and household income) constituted good predictors of membership of a profile. However, home literacy practices also predicted membership of the good reader/poor reader profiles, albeit at a lower level

    Achieving food system resilience requires challenging dominant land property regimes

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    International audienceAlthough evidence continues to indicate an urgent need to transition food systems away from industrialized monocultures and toward agroecological production, there is little sign of significant policy commitment toward food system transformation in global North geographies. The authors, a consortium of researchers studying the land-food nexus in global North geographies, argue that a key lock-in explaining the lack of reform arises from how most food system interventions work through dominant logics of property to achieve their goals of agroecological production. Doing so fails to recognize how land tenure systems, codified by law and performed by society, construct agricultural land use outcomes. In this perspective, the authors argue that achieving food system “resilience” requires urgent attention to the underlying property norms that drive land access regimes, especially where norms of property appear hegemonic. This paper first reviews research from political ecology, critical property law, and human geography to show how entrenched property relations in the global North frustrate the advancement of alternative models like food sovereignty and agroecology, and work to mediate acceptable forms of “sustainable agriculture.” Drawing on emerging cases of land tenure reform from the authors' collective experience working in Scotland, France, Australia, Canada, and Japan, we next observe how contesting dominant logics of property creates space to forge deep and equitable food system transformation. Equally, these cases demonstrate how powerful actors in the food system attempt to leverage legal and cultural norms of property to legitimize their control over the resources that drive agricultural production. Our formulation suggests that visions for food system “resilience” must embrace the reform of property relations as much as it does diversified farming practices. This work calls for a joint cultural and legal reimagination of our relation to land in places where property functions as an epistemic and apex entitlement

    Achieving Food System Resilience Requires Challenging Dominant Land Property Regimes

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    Although evidence continues to indicate an urgent need to transition food systems away from industrialized monocultures and toward agroecological production, there is little sign of significant policy commitment toward food system transformation in global North geographies. The authors, a consortium of researchers studying the land-food nexus in global North geographies, argue that a key lock-in explaining the lack of reform arises from how most food system interventions work through dominant logics of property to achieve their goals of agroecological production. Doing so fails to recognize how land tenure systems, codified by law and performed by society, construct agricultural land use outcomes. In this perspective, the authors argue that achieving food system “resilience” requires urgent attention to the underlying property norms that drive land access regimes, especially where norms of property appear hegemonic. This paper first reviews research from political ecology, critical property law, and human geography to show how entrenched property relations in the global North frustrate the advancement of alternative models like food sovereignty and agroecology, and work to mediate acceptable forms of “sustainable agriculture.” Drawing on emerging cases of land tenure reform from the authors’ collective experience working in Scotland, France, Australia, Canada, and Japan, we next observe how contesting dominant logics of property creates space to forge deep and equitable food system transformation. Equally, these cases demonstrate how powerful actors in the food system attempt to leverage legal and cultural norms of property to legitimize their control over the resources that drive agricultural production. Our formulation suggests that visions for food system “resilience” must embrace the reform of property relations as much as it does diversified farming practices. This work calls for a joint cultural and legal reimagination of our relation to land in places where property functions as an epistemic and apex entitlement

    Évaluation des connaissances prĂ©coces prĂ©dictives de l’apprentissage de la lecture en grande section de maternelle

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    Le premier objectif de ce travail, menĂ© auprĂšs de plus de 3000 élĂšves de grande section de maternelle, Ă©tait de valider une batterie de tests Ă©valuant les compĂ©tences prĂ©dictives de l’acquisition de la lecture dans ses deux composantes, identification de mots Ă©crits et comprĂ©hension. Pour cela, les qualitĂ©s mĂ©trologiques des Ă©preuves expĂ©rimentales en reconnaissance de lettres, en habiletĂ©s phonologiques, en vocabulaire et en comprĂ©hension orale ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Le second objectif Ă©tait d’identifier des profils d’élĂšves et les difficultĂ©s des plus faibles (par l’analyse des erreurs). La conclusion souligne l’intĂ©rĂȘt des sessions prĂ©coces d’évaluation afin de prĂ©venir les difficultĂ©s avec des aides ciblĂ©es Ă  l’apprentissage de la lecture en CP.The first goal of this study, conducted among more than 3000 kindergarten children, was to validate a series of tests which assess predictive skills necessary to master reading in two main components, word recognition and language comprehension. For that purpose, measurements from experimental tasks in letter recognition, phonological skills, vocabulary and comprehension were examined. The second aim was to specify pupils’ profiles and the difficulties of the poorest pupils (through error analysis). The conclusion emphasized the benefit of early assessment sessions, in order to prevent difficulties with targeted support for learning to read

    Mutation of neuron-specific chromatin remodeling subunit BAF53b:rescue of plasticity and memory by manipulating actin remodeling

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    Recent human exome-sequencing studies have implicated polymorphic Brg1-associated factor (BAF) complexes (mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes) in several intellectual disabilities and cognitive disorders, including autism. However, it remains unclear how mutations in BAF complexes result in impaired cognitive function. Post-mitotic neurons express a neuron-specific assembly, nBAF, characterized by the neuron-specific subunit BAF53b. Subdomain 2 of BAF53b is essential for the differentiation of neuronal precursor cells into neurons. We generated transgenic mice lacking subdomain 2 of Baf53b (BAF53b Delta SB2). Long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory, both of which are associated with phosphorylation of the actin severing protein cofilin, were assessed in these animals. A phosphorylation mimic of cofilin was stereotaxically delivered into the hippocampus of BAF53b Delta SB2 mice in an effort to rescue LTP and memory. BAF53b Delta SB2 mutant mice show impairments in phosphorylation of synaptic cofilin, LTP, and memory. Both the synaptic plasticity and memory deficits are rescued by overexpression of a phosphorylation mimetic of cofilin. Baseline physiology and behavior were not affected by the mutation or the experimental treatment. This study suggests a potential link between nBAF function, actin cytoskeletal remodeling at the dendritic spine, and memory formation. This work shows that a targeted manipulation of synaptic function can rescue adult plasticity and memory deficits caused by manipulations of nBAF, and thereby provides potential novel avenues for therapeutic development for multiple intellectual disability disorders
