37 research outputs found

    Glassy correlations and microstructures in randomly crosslinked homopolymer blends

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    We consider a microscopic model of a polymer blend that is prone to phase separation. Permanent crosslinks are introduced between randomly chosen pairs of monomers, drawn from the Deam-Edwards distribution. Thereby, not only density but also concentration fluctuations of the melt are quenched-in in the gel state, which emerges upon sufficient crosslinking. We derive a Landau expansion in terms of the order parameters for gelation and phase separation, and analyze it on the mean-field level, including Gaussian fluctuations. The mixed gel is characterized by thermal as well as time-persistent (glassy) concentration fluctuations. Whereas the former are independent of the preparation state, the latter reflect the concentration fluctuations at the instant of crosslinking, provided the mesh size is smaller than the correlation length of phase separation. The mixed gel becomes unstable to microphase separation upon lowering the temperature in the gel phase. Whereas the length scale of microphase separation is given by the mesh size, at least close to the transition, the emergent microstructure depends on the composition and compressibility of the melt. Hexagonal structures, as well as lamellae or random structures with a unique wavelength, can be energetically favorable.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physics (http://jcp.aip.org

    Molecular Characterization of Borrelia persica, the Agent of Tick Borne Relapsing Fever in Israel and the Palestinian Authority

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    The identification of the Tick Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF) agent in Israel and the Palestinian Authority relies on the morphology and the association of Borrelia persica with its vector Ornithodoros tholozani. Molecular based data on B. persica are very scarce as the organism is still non-cultivable. In this study, we were able to sequence three complete 16S rRNA genes, 12 partial flaB genes, 18 partial glpQ genes, 16 rrs-ileT intergenic spacers (IGS) from nine ticks and ten human blood samples originating from the West Bank and Israel. In one sample we sequenced 7231 contiguous base pairs that covered completely the region from the 5′end of the 16S rRNA gene to the 5′end of the 23S rRNA gene comprising the whole 16S rRNA (rrs), and the following genes: Ala tRNA (alaT), Ile tRNA (ileT), adenylosuccinate lyase (purB), adenylosuccinate synthetase (purA), methylpurine-DNA glycosylase (mag), hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (hpt), an hydrolase (HAD superfamily) and a 135 bp 5′ fragment of the 23S rRNA (rrlA) genes. Phylogenic sequence analysis defined all the Borrelia isolates from O. tholozani and from human TBRF cases in Israel and the West Bank as B. persica that clustered between the African and the New World TBRF species. Gene organization of the intergenic spacer between the 16S rRNA and the 23S rRNA was similar to that of other TBRF Borrelia species and different from the Lyme disease Borrelia species. Variants of B. persica were found among the different genes of the different isolates even in the same sampling area

    Arbeitsbezogene Ressourcen, Stressoren und Beanspruchung bei klinischen und nicht-klinischen Personen

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    Trotz einer zunehmenden Relevanz psychischer Erkrankungen im Gesundheitssystem und einer bedeutenden psychosozialen Funktion der Arbeit gibt es bisher wenige Studien, die sich explizit einer Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von psychischer Erkrankung und Arbeitsplatzproblemen widmen. Noch weniger Befunde gibt es zu einem Vergleich von klinischen und nicht-klinischen Personen bezüglich arbeitsrelevanter Faktoren. In der hier vorliegenden Studie erfolgte erstmals eine Überprüfung der Karasek-Modelle gleichzeitig an klinischen und nicht-klinischen Personen. Insgesamt nahmen 160 Personen an der Studie teil, jeweils 40 befanden sich in stationärer bzw. ambulanter psychotherapeutischer Behandlung; zu all diesen Personen wurden insgesamt 80 nicht-klinische Personen untersucht, die der Patientenstichprobe in Beruf, Geschlecht und Alter glichen. Alle Personen gaben Auskunft per Fragebogen und berichteten in einem etwa einstündigen Interview von Stressoren und Ressourcen am Arbeitsplatz. Diese Untersuchung ergab, dass sich die Arbeitsplatzprobleme klinischer Personen in der Qualität nicht von denen nicht-klinischer Personen unterschieden, jedoch berichteten klinische Personen eine höhere Anzahl an Arbeitsplatzproblemen. Die positiven Faktoren am Arbeitsplatz unterschieden sich weder qualitativ noch quantitativ zwischen klinischen und nicht-klinischen Personen. Die klinischen Personen setzten häufiger ungünstige Stressverarbeitungsstrategien ein und zeigten teilweise einen ungünstigeren Umgang mit der Arbeit. In der Gesamtstichprobe gelang eine Bestätigung des Job-Demand-Control-Modells sowie des Job-Demand-Control-Support-Modells (ohne Interaktionseffekte); Personen mit geringer Kontrolle, hohen Anforderungen und geringer sozialer Unterstützung am Arbeitsplatz wiesen die höchsten Erschöpfungswerte auf (38.8% der Varianz der Erschöpfungswerte konnte so erklärt werden). Innerhalb der klinischen Stichprobe und bei Personen mit hoher Internalität erbrachten die Modelle höhere Vorhersageleistungen, mögliche Ursachen werden diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit gehen über bisherige Befunde hinaus. Sie unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit der Berücksichtigung arbeitsrelevanter Faktoren in der Psychotherapie und unterstützen die aktuelle Entwicklung der zunehmenden gesundheitsrelevanten Hilfsangebote für Arbeitnehmer (z.B. Coaching-Sitzungen) in großen Unternehmen

    Energy-specific solar radiation data from MSG: The Heliosat-3 Project

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    Solar energy technologies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal power plants, passive solar heating/cooling systems and day lighting in buildings are expected to continue their very rapid growth. In this context the availability of reliable solar radiation data is of high economic value both for planning and operating these systems. HELIOSAT-3 aims the quantification of surface solar irradiance in cloud free and cloudy situations and additional energy-specific parameters as direct normal and diffuse irradiance over Europe and Africa using the enhanced capabilities of MSG. Emphasis is laid on clouds, water vapor, aerosols and ozone and their influence on surface solar irradiance. Several projects as e.g. the HELIOSAT-3 and PVSAT-2 European Commission FP5 and the ENVISOLAR (ESA Earth Observation Market Development Program) projects made profit from the data access and additional MSG product information obtained through the RAO program. The paper focuses on results obtained during the RAO project based on funding in HELIOSAT-3, PVSAT-2 and ENVISOLAR projects

    Ansätze zur Analyse historischer Netzwerke mit Neo4j® – Aus der Projekt-Werkstatt der Datenbank zur Fachgeschichte der Musikwissenschaft

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    The dichotomy Carl Dahlhaus-Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht appears to be legendary for West German musicology. It has been quite common to assume that since the 1960s and even after Dahlhaus’ death in 1989, musicologists have been very strongly oriented towards these two persons, but actually only either Dahlhaus or Eggebrecht. But can such a legend be verified in information technology? How, if necessary, can one grasp and make understandable academic networks? We have searched the entire MGG-Online for references to the names of Dahlhaus and Eggebrecht, we looked at Festschriften dedicated to Dahlhaus or Eggebrecht with regard to the persons who are marked in the texts/books as important for the two professors (also ‘pupils’, assistants, students etc.). All professional cooperations manifested through publications were also considered, including persons whose texts were edited by Dahlhaus or Eggebrecht. These data were converted into the format of a graph database and visualized. The resulting graph shows a polarized network but a small group with connections to both lead figures, too. Eggebrecht’s network reveals a remarkable gap regarding connections to members of his own generation. Dahlhaus’ personal network seems to be significantly bigger but less intense regarding the relation quality. The findings exemplify the possibilities and limitations of the evaluation of historical data by graph database technologies