27 research outputs found

    Pharmacological interventions for the hemodynamic management of deceased organ donors

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    Chaque annĂ©e, plusieurs milliers de patients aux prises avec une maladie chronique terminale s’ajoutent Ă  la liste d’attente pour une transplantation d’organe, espĂ©rant ainsi prolonger leur espĂ©rance de vie. Le plus souvent, le don d’organes survient suite au dĂ©cĂšs neurologique d’un donneur, une condition qui n’est pas sans consĂ©quence sur la qualitĂ© des organes. Les traitements pharmacologiques visant Ă  rĂ©tablir l’homĂ©ostasie et Ă  protĂ©ger les organes Ă  transplanter ont Ă©tĂ© majoritairement Ă©tudiĂ©s dans des Ă©tudes observationnelles, au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 80. Depuis, trĂšs peu d’essais randomisĂ©s ont Ă©valuĂ© l’impact d’interventions chez des donneurs sur des issues cliniques chez des receveurs. ConsĂ©quemment, le bĂ©nĂ©fice net des traitements pharmacologiques utilisĂ©s de routine chez les donneurs d’organes aprĂšs dĂ©cĂšs neurologique demeure inconnu et la rationnelle physiopathologique supportant leur utilisation est questionnable. Cette thĂšse a pour visĂ©e de recenser les Ă©vidences supportant les traitements pharmacologiques employĂ©s pour la stabilitĂ© hĂ©modynamique des donneurs d’organes aprĂšs dĂ©cĂšs neurologique et de dĂ©crire le niveau d’évidence supportant leur usage. Nous visons Ă©galement Ă  identifier des cibles de recherche potentielles basĂ©es sur de nouvelles observations pathophysiologiques. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons dressĂ© un large portrait de la prise en charge actuelle des donneurs aprĂšs dĂ©cĂšs neurologique, ceci menant ensuite Ă  l’exploration des perceptions des mĂ©decins intensivistes canadiens en regard de ces interventions. Nous avons Ă©galement explorĂ© la prĂ©sentation clinique cardiaque des donneurs et nous avons identifiĂ© des barriĂšres Ă  la recherche clinique dans le domaine. Notre thĂšse a menĂ© Ă  4 articles scientifiques. D’abord, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© Ă  l’aide d’une revue systĂ©matique des lignes directrices internationales sur la prise en charge des donneurs aprĂšs dĂ©cĂšs neurologique que les recommandations actuelles sont incohĂ©rentes et que leur faible qualitĂ© mĂ©thodologique reflĂšte la lenteur de l’émergence de la recherche dans le domaine. Ensuite, nous avons effectuĂ© un sondage national auprĂšs de mĂ©decins des soins intensifs ayant de l’expĂ©rience dans la prise en charge des donneurs. Nous avons ainsi dĂ©montrĂ© que les perceptions de pratiques sont trĂšs variables au pays et avons attribuĂ© ces divergences d’opinions au manque de donnĂ©es probantes, et Ă  la possible inexpĂ©rience relative des mĂ©decins face aux rares cas de don d’organes sur une unitĂ© de soins intensifs. Notre troisiĂšme article a dĂ©montrĂ© que la dysfonction ventriculaire droite est frĂ©quente aprĂšs un dĂ©cĂšs neurologique, bien que la littĂ©rature actuelle ne mette l’emphase que sur la dysfonction ventriculaire gauche et ses consĂ©quences. Nous Ă©mettons l’hypothĂšse que la description actuelle des consĂ©quences hĂ©modynamique du dĂ©cĂšs neurologique est incomplĂšte et qu’une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes sous-jacents Ă  la dysfonction ventriculaire droite permettrait d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thĂ©rapeutiques. Finalement, en s’appuyant sur nos observations, nous questionnons l’efficacitĂ© et la pertinence d’interventions pharmacologiques administrĂ©es de routine chez les donneurs telles que l’hormonothĂ©rapie de remplacement. Nous avons donc effectuĂ© un essai randomisĂ© pilote visant Ă  Ă©valuer la faisabilitĂ© d’une Ă©tude multicentrique dĂ©terminante comparant la levothyroxine au placebo chez des donneurs potentiels. Cette Ă©tude pilote a dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une Ă©tude d’envergure Ă©tait nĂ©cessaire afin d’évaluer le bĂ©nĂ©fice de l’intervention et a permis d’identifier des barriĂšres Ă  la recherche spĂ©cifiques au domaine. Nous proposons que des activitĂ©s de transfert de connaissances sur le niveau d’évidence supportant les interventions pharmacologiques actuelles soient implantĂ©es en prĂ©paration d’un essai randomisĂ© contrĂŽlĂ© multicentrique. Cette thĂšse a permis de mettre en lumiĂšre la validitĂ© questionnable du traitement pharmacologique pour la prise en charge de l’instabilitĂ© hĂ©modynamique des donneurs d’organes tel qu’il est utilisĂ© prĂ©sentement. Nous avons fait ressortir que le traitement actuel est historiquement basĂ© sur des donnĂ©es de faible Ă©vidence. Nous suggĂ©rons que l’avenir de la recherche interventionnelle chez les donneurs d’organes repose sur la capacitĂ© des cliniciens et des chercheurs Ă  reconnaitre les zones d’incertitude dans les connaissances actuelle et Ă  accepter des changements dans leur pratique.Every year, thousands of chronically ill patients are added to the transplant list, in the hope of an organ transplant that could save their life. Most frequently, organ donation occurs following neurological death of a donor, a clinical pathological condition that can jeopardize the quality and stability of organs. The body of literature on the hemodynamic consequences of neurological death and their treatment exist since the early 80’s. Since then, very few randomized trials have been performed on the neurologically deceased donor population. As a consequence, the benefit of routine pharmacological therapies for the hemodynamic management of neurologically deceased donors on recipients’ outcomes is still uncertain, and the pathological theory underlying their use remains questionable. Consequently, this thesis aims at describing the actual body of evidence supporting the pharmacological treatment for the hemodynamic management of neurologically deceased donors and the theoretical rationale for their use. We also aimed at adding to the actual knowledge of brain death physiological hemodynamic consequences. To achieve this goal, we drew a broad portrait of the actual management of hemodynamic instability in organ donors, leading to the exploration of perceptions on these interventions. We then explored physiological consequences of neurological death at the heart level and evaluated the feasibility of conducting a multicentre trial on a pharmacological intervention in donors. Our thesis let to four research articles. First, we demonstrated through a systematic review of international guidelines for the management of neurologically deceased donors that the existing recommendations are inconsistent and that their poor methodological quality reflects the slow emergence of clinical research in the field. Then, in a national survey of intensive care physicians with experience in organ donor clinical management, we identified varying perceptions of practices in the country. We attributed this difference in opinions to the paucity of research in the field and to the possible relative inexperience of some physicians when managing deceased donors, a relatively rare condition in the intensive care unit. Our third article suggested that right ventricular dysfunction is frequent after neurological death, although existing literature focus mainly on the occurrence and consequences of left ventricular dysfunction. We postulate that the actual description of hemodynamic consequences of neurological death is incomplete and that a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying right ventricular dysfunction would permit to identify new therapeutic targets. Finally, based on our previous conclusions, we questioned the relevance and efficacy of levothyroxine routine administration in donors and designed a pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate the feasibility of a multicenter definitive trial. This pilot trial permitted to identify important barriers to interventional research including neurologically deceased donors. We propose that knowledge translation activities on the actual level of evidence supporting routine interventions be implemented in the preparation of a future randomized trial. This thesis permits to question the validity of the actual pharmacological management of neurologically deceased donors highlighting the paucity of high-evidence literature in the field and the penetrance of historical interventions and concepts. We suggest that the future of research in the field lies on the ability to recognize areas of uncertainties and the acceptance of practice change


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    In Canada, as elsewhere, nurses must face many challenges if they want to participate as an influential group within health care organizations, but there are some facilitators; among them are the ability to analyze the context, issues and the right course of actions from a political perspective. This article shares the learning outcomes of postgraduate students during a seminar on policies related to nursing services administration at UniversitĂ© Laval, QuĂ©bec, Canada. The aim of this article is to present the learning achieved from themes and issues discussed in the seminar and introduce tools for political analysis that are useful to draw the current state of nursing in the healthcare system. At the end of the seminar, the learning achieved allowed students to comprehend different elements that must be taken into account to assess the current situation concerning important issues for the nursing profession and consider courses of action to influence their evolution. No CanadĂĄ, como em outros lugares, enfermeiros devem enfrentar muitos desafios caso queiram participar como umgrupo que influencia em organizaçÔes de cuidados em saĂșde. Contudo, existem alguns facilitadores, entre eles estĂŁo a habilidade deanalisar o contexto, assuntos e percurso correto de açÔes sob a perspectiva polĂ­tica. Este artigo compartilha o resultado de aprendizado de estudantes de pĂłs-graduação durante um seminĂĄrio em politicas relacionadas aos serviços de administração de enfermagem na Universidade Laval, Quebec, CanadĂĄ. O objetivo deste artigo Ă© apresentar o aprendizado alcançado sobre temas e assuntos discutidos e introduzir ferramentas para anĂĄlise polĂ­tica, Ășteis para descrever a atual posição de enfermagem no sistema de saĂșde. No final do seminĂĄrio, o aprendizado permitiu aos estudantes compreender diferentes elementos que devem ser considerados para avaliar a atual situação no que diz respeito a assuntos importantes para a profissĂŁo, e considerar percursos de ação para influenciar seu desenvolvimento.En CanadĂĄ, como en otros sitios, enfermeros deben pasar por muchos desafĂ­os si desean participar como un grupo queinfluencia organizaciones de cuidados en salud. Sin embargo, hay algunos facilitadores, entre los cuales estĂĄn la habilidad de analizarel contexto, asuntos y camino correcto de acciones bajo la perspectiva polĂ­tica. Este artĂ­culo comparte el resultado del aprendizaje deestudiantes de posgrado durante un congreso de polĂ­ticas relacionadas a los servicios de administraciĂłn de enfermerĂ­a en la UniversidadLaval, Quebec, CanadĂĄ. El objetivo del artĂ­culo fue presentar el aprendizaje alcanzado acerca de temas y asuntos discutidos asĂ­ comointroducir herramientas para anĂĄlisis polĂ­tico, Ăștiles para describir la actual posiciĂłn de la enfermerĂ­a en el sistema de salud. En elfinal del evento, el aprendizaje permitiĂł a los estudiantes comprender diferentes elementos que deben ser considerados para evaluarla actual situaciĂłn acerca de asuntos importantes para la profesiĂłn, y considerar caminos de acciĂłn para influenciar su desarrollo

    Pharmacological interventions for agitation in patients with traumatic brain injury: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a worldwide leading cause of mortality and disability. Among TBI complications, agitation is a frequent behavioural problem. Agitation causes potential harm to patients and caregivers, interferes with treatments, leads to unnecessary chemical and physical restraints, increases hospital length of stay, delays rehabilitation, and impedes functional independence. Pharmacological treatments are often considered for agitation management following TBI. Several types of agents have been proposed for the treatment of agitation. However, the benefit and safety of these agents in TBI patients as well as their differential effects and interactions are uncertain. In addition, animal studies and observational studies have suggested impaired cognitive function with the use of certain antipsychotics and benzodiazepines. Hence, a safe and effective treatment for agitation, which does not interfere with neurological recovery, remains to be identified. Methods/design With the help of Health Sciences librarian, we will design a search strategy in the following databases: PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE¼, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, LILACS, Web of Science, and Prospero. A grey literature search will be performed using the resources suggested in CADTH’s Grey Matters. We will include all randomized controlled, quasi-experimental, and observational studies with control groups. The population of interest is all patients, including children and adults, who have suffered a TBI. We will include studies in which agitation, not further defined, was the presenting symptom or one of the presenting symptoms. We will also include studies where agitation was not the presenting symptom but was measured as an outcome variable and studies assessing the safety of these pharmacological interventions in TBI patients. We will include studies evaluating all pharmacological interventions including beta-adrenergic blockers, typical and atypical antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, dopamine agonists, psychostimulants, antidepressants, alpha-2-adrenergic agonists, hypnotics, and anxiolytics. Discussion Although agitation is frequent following TBI and pharmacological agents that are often used, there is no consensus on the most efficacious and safest strategy to treat these complications. There is a need for an updated systematic review to summarize the evidence in order to inform practice and future research. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD4201603314

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Introduction aux thĂ©rapies continues de remplacement rĂ©nal et principes d’ajustement des posologies des mĂ©dicaments

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Objectif : Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  introduire les notions de base sur les thĂ©rapies continues de remplacement rĂ©nal et propose des mĂ©thodes d’ajustement posologique des mĂ©dicaments. Source des donnĂ©es : Une revue de littĂ©rature a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  l’aide de Pubmed (2004) en employant les mots « hĂ©mofiltration, antibiotique, soins intensifs, clairance ». SĂ©lection des Ă©tudes et extraction des donnĂ©es : Toutes les Ă©tudes concernant l’ajustement des antibiotiques citĂ©s dans l’article ont Ă©tĂ© revues et l’information pertinente concernant les thĂ©rapies continues de remplacement rĂ©nal a Ă©tĂ© incluse. Analyse des donnĂ©es : L’insuffisance rĂ©nale aiguĂ« est une complication frĂ©quente chez les patients de soins critiques. L’hĂ©mofiltration est de plus en plus souvent utilisĂ©e. Cependant, peu de donnĂ©es complĂštes sur l’ajustement des mĂ©dicaments avec cette technique sont disponibles dans la littĂ©rature. Conclusion : Les donnĂ©es publiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature ne peuvent ĂȘtre extrapolĂ©es. L’ajustement de la posologie des mĂ©dicaments doit ĂȘtre individualisĂ©. Le choix de la mĂ©thode d’ajustement relĂšve du jugement clinique. Abstract Objective : This article presents the basis to understand continuous renal replacement therapies and proposes different methods for drug adjustment. Methods : A literature search was performed using Pubmed with the following words « hemofiltration, antibiotics, critical care, clearance ». All studies reporting data on antibiotics adjustment with continuous renal replacement therapies were reviewed and information on these therapies was included in the review. Results : Acute renal failure commonly complicates the course of hospitalisation for intensive care unit patients. Hemofiltration is becoming a treatment of choice to treat these patients. However, few data are available regarding drug adjustment in this context. Conclusions : Data regarding drug adjustment with hemofiltration cannot be easily applied to patients in clinical practice. Individualised regimens are often more appropriate. Clinical judgement is needed to choose the best adjustment method.Key words : Continuous renal replacement therapies, drug adjustement, acute renal failure, pharmacokinetics, critical care

    Évaluation de l’efficacitĂ© et de l’innocuitĂ© de la dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine comme agent de sĂ©dation aux soins intensifs

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Objectif : Évaluer les donnĂ©es appuyant l’utilisation de la dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine pour la sĂ©dation postopĂ©ratoire ainsi que son usage prolongĂ© Ă  l’unitĂ© de soins intensifs mĂ©dicaux. Sources des donnĂ©es : Une recherche Ă  partir de la base de donnĂ©es Pubmed a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e avec les mots-clĂ©s suivants : dexmedetomidine, soins intensifs, chirurgie cardiaque. SĂ©lection des Ă©tudes et extraction des donnĂ©es : Ont Ă©tĂ© retenues les Ă©tudes prospectives Ă  rĂ©partition alĂ©atoire, ayant Ă©valuĂ© l’utilisation de la dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine dans une population de patients adultes pour la sĂ©dation aux soins intensifs avec un marqueur d’efficacitĂ© comme objectif primaire. Les Ă©tudes rĂ©digĂ©es dans des langues autres que le français ou l’anglais ont Ă©tĂ© exclues. Analyse des donnĂ©es : La dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine permet d’obtenir un degrĂ© de sĂ©dation lĂ©ger Ă  modĂ©rĂ©. Cependant, l’utilisation de doses supĂ©rieures Ă  celles actuellement recommandĂ©es par la monographie ainsi que l’ajout d’autres agents sĂ©datifs s’avĂšrent souvent nĂ©cessaires. La dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine possĂšde des propriĂ©tĂ©s uniques parmi les agents disponibles. Elle permet d’obtenir un degrĂ© de sĂ©dation lĂ©ger Ă  modĂ©rĂ©, favorise un meilleur contact avec les patients et possĂšde un effet analgĂ©sique qui permet de diminuer lĂ©gĂšrement les besoins en opiacĂ©s, bien que cet effet ne semble pas cliniquement significatif. Pour certains patients ciblĂ©s, l’emploi de ce nouvel agent pourrait aider Ă  prĂ©venir la survenue de delirium, faciliter les sevrages de ventilation mĂ©canique et possiblement diminuer les durĂ©es d’intubation ou de ventilation mĂ©canique. Conclusion : La dexmĂ©dĂ©tomidine possĂšde des propriĂ©tĂ©s pharmacologiques uniques et des avantages dĂ©montrĂ©s par rapport aux agents actuellement disponibles pour la sĂ©dation aux soins intensifs. L’optimisation des pratiques de sĂ©dation actuelles est toutefois Ă  prioriser. Abstract Objective: To evaluate the data supporting the use of dexmedetomidine for post-operative sedation as well for its prolonged use in the medical intensive care unit. Data sources: A search using the PubMed database was done using the following key words: dexmedetomidine, intensive care, cardiac surgery. Study selection and data extraction: Retained were the randomized prospective studies that evaluated the use of dexmedetomidine in a population of adult patients undergoing sedation in the intensive care unit and that had efficacy as a primary end point. Studies written in languages other than French or English were excluded. Data analysis: Dexmedetomidine provides light to moderate sedation. However, doses superior to the ones recommended in the product monograph are often necessary as is the addition of other sedative agents. Dexmedetomidine has unique properties among the available agents. It provides light to moderate sedation, tact with patients, and has an analgesic effect that allows a small decrease in opiate requirements even if these do not seem to be clinically significant. By targeting certain patients, the use of this new agent could help prevent the onset of delirium, facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation, and possibly decrease the duration of intubation or mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine has unique pharmacological properties and has certain advantages over the sedative agents currently available in intensive care. Optimization of current sedation practices should be a priority. Key words: Dexmedetomidine, intensive care, sedation, delirium, mechanical ventilatio

    Évaluation de l’implantation d’un guide de pratique en antibioprophylaxie chirurgicale (projet Évidance)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Introduction : L’implantation structuree de guides de pratique en antibioprophylaxie chirurgicale permet d’ameliorer le taux de conformite aux recommandations emises par ces derniers et de reduire les couts associes a ce type de prophylaxie. Toutefois, aucun lien n’a pu etre etabli entre le taux de conformite aux propositions contenues dans le guide et les effets cliniques observes. Objectif : Comparer la conformite des ordonnances en antibioprophylaxie chirurgicale (chirurgies generale et orthopedique) aux propositions contenues dans le guide de pratique, emis en octobre 2002 a l’Hopital Sacre-Coeur de Montreal, un centre hospitalier de soins tertiaires et de traumatologie, avant et apres l’implantation de ces directives et en evaluer les retombes cliniques et economiques. MĂ©thodologie : Un protocole de recherche quasi experimental de type pre-post sans groupe temoin a ete retenu pour cette etude. Le dossier medical constitue la source des donnees. RĂ©sultats : Nous avons procede a l’analyse des donnees portant sur un echantillon de 468 patients. Le taux de conformite globale totale (prescripteurs apparies, n = 344) des ordonnances aux instructions emises dans le guide de pratique est passe de 41 % a 58 % (p = 0,002). Aucune difference significative n’emerge sur l’incidence de complications postoperatoires et sur les couts directs d’acquisition des antibiotiques entre les groupes pre et postimplantation. Conclusion : Le taux de conformite globale aux recommandations enoncees dans le guide de pratique a progresse a la suite de l’implantation de celui-ci. L’amelioration de ce taux n’a pas entraine d’augmentation des complications infectieuses en periode postoperatoire et a permis de realiser certaines economies sur les couts directement lies a l’acquisition a des produits servant a l’antibioprophylaxie chirurgicale sans augmenter ceux des antibiotiques administres durant le sejour hospitalier.

    S100A8/A9 and sRAGE kinetic after polytrauma; an explorative observational study

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    Abstract Background Following tissue injury after trauma, the activation of innate immune pathways results in systemic inflammation, organ failure and an increased risk of infections. The objective of this study was to characterize the kinetics of the S100A8/S100A9 complex, a new-recognized alarmin, as well as its soluble receptor sRAGE, over time after trauma as potential early biomarkers of the risk of organ damage. Methods We collected comprehensive data from consenting patients admitted to an ICU following severe trauma. The blood samples were taken at Day 0 (admission), Day1, 3 and 5 S100A8/A9 and sRAGE were measured by ELISA. Biomarkers levels were reported as median (IQR). Results Thirty-eight patients sustaining in majority a blunt trauma (89%) with a median ISS of 39 were included. In this cohort, the S100A8/A9 complex increased significantly over time (p = 0.001), but its levels increment over time (D0 to D5) was significantly smaller in patients developing infection (7.6 vs 40.1 mcg/mL, p = 0.011). The circulating level of sRAGE circulating levels decreased over time (p < 0.0001) and was higher in patients who remained in shock on day 3 (550 vs 918 pg/mL; p = 0.02) or 5 (498 vs 644 pg/mL; p = 0.045). Admission sRAGE levels were significantly higher in non-survivors (1694 vs 745 pg/mL; p = 0.015) and was higher in patients developing renal failure (1143 vs 696 pg/mL, p = 0.011). Discussion Our findings reveal an interesting association between the biomarker S100A8/9 least increase over time and the presence of infectious complication after trauma. We describe that the sRAGE decline over time is in relation with shock and markers of ischemic injury. We also confirm the association of sRAGE levels measured at admission with mortality and the development of renal failure. Conclusions This work illustrates the importance of following the circulating level of biomarker overtime. The utilization of S1008/9 as a tool to stratify infection risk and trigger early interventions need to be validated prospectively