56 research outputs found

    3D Simulations of the Thermal X-ray Emission from Young Supernova Remnants Including Efficient Particle Acceleration

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be the major contributors to Galactic cosmic rays. The detection of non-thermal emission from SNRs demonstrates the presence of energetic particles, but direct signatures of protons and other ions remain elusive. If these particles receive a sizeable fraction of the explosion energy, the morphological and spectral evolution of the SNR must be modified. To assess this, we run 3D hydrodynamic simulations of a remnant coupled with a non-linear acceleration model. We obtain the time-dependent evolution of the shocked structure, impacted by the Rayleigh-Taylor hydrodynamic instabilities at the contact discontinuity and by the back-reaction of particles at the forward shock. We then compute the progressive temperature equilibration and non-equilibrium ionization state of the plasma, and its thermal emission in each cell. This allows us to produce the first realistic synthetic maps of the projected X-ray emission from the SNR. Plasma conditions (temperature, ionization age) can vary widely over the projected surface of the SNR, especially between the ejecta and the ambient medium owing to their different composition. This demonstrates the need for spatially-resolved spectroscopy. We find that the integrated emission is reduced with particle back-reaction, with the effect being more significant for the highest photon energies. Therefore different energy bands, corresponding to different emitting elements, probe different levels of the impact of particle acceleration. Our work provides a framework for the interpretation of SNR observations with current X-ray missions (Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku) and with upcoming X-ray missions (such as Astro-H).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Figures quality has been reduced for the arXi

    XMM-Newton Large Program on SN1006 - II: Thermal Emission

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    Based on the XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 and our newly developed spatially resolved spectroscopy tools (Paper~I), we study the thermal emission from ISM and ejecta of SN1006 by analyzing the spectra extracted from 583 tessellated regions dominated by thermal emission. With some key improvements in spectral analysis as compared to Paper~I, we obtain much better spectral fitting results with less residuals. The spatial distributions of the thermal and ionization states of the ISM and ejecta show different features, which are consistent with a scenario that the ISM (ejecta) is heated and ionized by the forward (reverse) shock propagating outward (inward). Different elements have different spatial distributions and origins, with Ne mostly from the ISM, Si and S from the ejecta, and O and Mg from both ISM and ejecta. Fe L-shell lines are only detected in a small shell-like region SE to the center of SN1006, indicating that most of the Fe-rich ejecta has not yet or just recently been reached by the reverse shock. The overall ejecta abundance patterns for most of the heavy elements, except for Fe and sometimes S, are consistent with typical Type~Ia SN products. The NW half of the SNR interior probably represents a region with turbulently mixed ISM and ejecta, so has enhanced emission from O, Mg, Si, S, lower ejecta temperature, and a large diversity of ionization age. In addition to the asymmetric ISM distribution, an asymmetric explosion of the progenitor star is also needed to explain the asymmetric ejecta distribution.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, MNRAS in pres

    XMM-Newton Large Program on SN1006 - I: Methods and Initial Results of Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy

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    Based on our newly developed methods and the XMM-Newton large program of SN1006, we extract and analyze the spectra from 3596 tessellated regions of this SNR each with 0.3-8 keV counts >104>10^4. For the first time, we map out multiple physical parameters, such as the temperature (kTkT), electron density (nen_e), ionization parameter (netn_et), ionization age (tiont_{ion}), metal abundances, as well as the radio-to-X-ray slope (α\alpha) and cutoff frequency (νcutoff\nu_{cutoff}) of the synchrotron emission. We construct probability distribution functions of kTkT and netn_et, and model them with several Gaussians, in order to characterize the average thermal and ionization states of such an extended source. We construct equivalent width (EW) maps based on continuum interpolation with the spectral model of each regions. We then compare the EW maps of OVII, OVIII, OVII Kδζ\delta-\zeta, Ne, Mg, SiXIII, SiXIV, and S lines constructed with this method to those constructed with linear interpolation. We further extract spectra from larger regions to confirm the features revealed by parameter and EW maps, which are often not directly detectable on X-ray intensity images. For example, O abundance is consistent with solar across the SNR, except for a low-abundance hole in the center. This "O Hole" has enhanced OVII Kδζ\delta-\zeta and Fe emissions, indicating recently reverse shocked ejecta, but also has the highest netn_et, indicating forward shocked ISM. Therefore, a multi-temperature model is needed to decompose these components. The asymmetric metal distributions suggest there is either an asymmetric explosion of the SN or an asymmetric distribution of the ISM.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables, MNRAS, in pres

    A fresh perspective on the 3-D dynamics of Tycho's supernova remnant: ejecta asymmetries in X-rays

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    450 years after the explosion of the Type Ia SN1572, the dynamics of the Tycho supernova remnant can give us keys to understand the explosion mechanism and the interaction of the remnant with the interstellar medium. To probe the asymmetries and the evolution of the SNR, we track the ejecta dynamics using new methods applied to the deep X-ray observations available in the Chandra space telescope archive. For the line of sight velocity measurement Vz, we use the Doppler effect focused on the bright Si line in the 1.6-2.1 keV band. Using the component separation tool General Morphological Component Analysis (GMCA), we successfully disentangle the red and blueshifted Si ejecta emission. This allows us to reconstruct a map of the peak energy of the Si line with a total coverage of the SNR at a 2'' resolution and a proxy of the velocity in the line of sight. For the proper motions in the plane of the sky Vxy, we develop a new method, named Poisson Optical Flow, to measure the displacement of 2D features between the observations of 2003 and 2009. The result is a field of 1700 velocity vectors covering the entire SNR. These exhaustive 3D velocity measurements reveal the complex and patchy dynamics of the SNR. At the large-scale, an asymmetry with the North being dominantly blueshifted and the South redshifted is observed. The proper motion vector field Vxy highlights different dynamics between the East and the West parts of the SNR. The eastern velocity field is more disturbed by external inhomogeneities and the South-East ejecta knot. In particular, a slow-down is observed in the North-East which could be due to the interaction with higher densities as seen in other wavelengths. The vector field is also used to backtrace the center of the explosion which is then compared with potential stellar progenitors distances from the latest Gaia DR3, leaving only stars B and E as possible candidates.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 12 figure

    The discovery of a new non-thermal X-ray filament near the Galactic Centre

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    We report the discovery by XMM-Newton and Chandra of a hard extended X-ray source (XMM J174540-2904.5) associated with a compact non-thermal radio filament (the Sgr A-E `wisp'=1LC 359.888-0.086= G359.88-0.07), which is located within ~4 arcmin of the Galactic Centre. The source position is also coincident with the peak of the molecular cloud, M -0.13-0.08 (the `20 km/s' cloud). The X-ray spectrum is non-thermal with an energy index of 1.0 (+1.1 -0.9) and column density of 38 (+7 -11) x 10^22 H/cm2. The observed 2--10 keV flux of 4 x 10^-13 erg/s/cm2 converts to an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity of 1 x 10^34 erg/s assuming a distance of 8.0 kpc. The high column density strongly suggests that this source is located in or behind the Galactic Centre Region. Taking account of the broad-band spectrum, as well as the source morphology and the positional coincidence with a molecular cloud, we concluded that both the radio and X-ray emission are the result of synchrotron radiation. This is the first time a filamentary structure in the Galactic Centre Region. has been shown, unequivocally, to have a non-thermal X-ray spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS, also found in http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~mas/research/paper/#Sakano2002mnra

    Unusual X-ray transients in the Galactic Centre

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    We report the discovery in the Galactic Centre region of two hard X-ray sources, designated as XMM J174457-2850.3 and XMM J174544-2913.0, which exhibited flux variations in the 2--10 keV band in excess of a factor of 100 in observations spanning roughly a year. In both cases the observed hydrogen column density is consistent with a location near to the Galactic Centre, implying peak X-ray luminosities of ~5 x 10^34 erg/s. These objects may represent a new population of transient source with very different properties to the much more luminous Galactic Centre transients associated with neutron star and black-hole binary systems. Spectral analysis shows that XMM J174457-2850.3 has relatively weak iron-line emission set against a very hard continuum. XMM J174544-2913.0, on the other hand, has an extremely strong K-line from helium-like iron with an equivalent width of ~2.4keV. The nature of the latter source is of particular interest. Does it represent an entirely new class of object or does it correspond to a known class of source in a very extreme configuration?Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in MNRAS, figures with full resolution are available at http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~mas/research/paper/#Sakano2004mnra

    Thermal and Nonthermal Emission from the Forward Shock in Tycho's Supernova Remnant

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    We present Chandra X-ray images of Tycho's supernova remnant that delineate its outer shock as a thin, smooth rim along the straight northeastern edge and most of the circular western half. The images also show that the Si and S ejecta are highly clumpy, and have reached near the forward shock at numerous locations. Most of the X-ray spectra that we examine along the rim show evidence of line emission from Si and S ejecta, while the continuum is well-represented by either a thermal or nonthermal model. If the continuum is assumed to be thermal, the electron temperatures at the rim are all similar at about 2 keV, while the ionization ages are very low, because of the overall weakness of the line emission. These electron temperatures are substantially below those expected for equilibration of the electron and ion temperatures, assuming shock velocities inferred from radio and X-ray expansion measurements; the electron to mean temperature ratios are <~0.1-0.2, indicating that collisionless heating of the electrons at the shock is modest. The nonthermal contribution to these spectra may be important, but cannot be strongly constrained by these data. It could account for as much as half of the flux in the 4-6 keV energy range, based on an extrapolation of the hard X-ray spectrum above 10 keV.Comment: ApJ, in press; 32 pages LaTeX, 9 postscript figures; replaced version to better match ApJ versio

    The warm interstellar medium around the Cygnus Loop

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    Observations of the oxygen lines [OII]3729 and [OIII]5007 in the medium immediately beyond the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant were carried out with the scanning Fabry-P\'erot spectrophotometer ESOP. Both lines were detected in three different directions - east, northeast and southwest - and up to a distance of 15 pc from the shock front. The ionized medium is in the immediate vicinity of the remnant, as evinced by the smooth brightening of both lines as the adiabatic shock transition (defined by the X-ray perimeter) is crossed. These lines are usually brighter around the Cygnus Loop than in the general background in directions where the galactic latitude is above 5 degrees. There is also marginal (but significant) evidence that the degree of ionization is somewhat larger around the Cygnus Loop. We conclude that the energy necessary to ionize this large bubble of gas could have been supplied by an O8 or O9 type progenitor or the particles heated by the expanding shock front. The second possibility, though highly atractive, would have to be assessed by extensive modelling.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, ApJ 512 in pres