360 research outputs found

    Überidentifikation von Lernstörungen bei Kindern mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Implikationen für die Normierung von standardisierten Schulleistungstests

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    This German prevalence study examined disproportionate representation of language- minority students among children identified with learning disorder (LD) according to ICD-10 (WHO, 1992). Most German school achievement tests used in LD diagnostics do not provide separate norms for language-minority students, and thus do not take these children’s second language status into account when evaluating their academic performance. Although this is likely to result in an LD over identification of language-minority students, little is known about the magnitude of this effect. Therefore, we compared the estimation of LD prevalence between native German speaking students (n = 566) and language-minority students (n = 478) when pooled versus group-specific achievement norms were used for LD classification. Three important findings emerged from our study: Firstly, and as expected, significant disproportionality effects occurred under pooled norms. Specifically, the likelihood of being diagnosed with LD amounted to 14–18 % among native German speakers and nearly doubled to 25–30 % among language-minority students. Secondly, disproportionality varied as a function of LD subtype: Whereas no disproportionate representation was revealed for arithmetic LD (F81.2), overidentification of language-minority students was found for verbal LD subtypes (namely, reading disorder [F81.0], spelling disorder [F81.1], and mixed disorder of scholastic skills [F81.3]). Thirdly, disproportionality effects were absent when group-specific norms were used for LD classification that controlled for second-language issues. Challenges that have to be met when testing language-minority students for LD are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.)Die Prävalenzstudie untersucht bei Kindern, die Deutsch als Muttersprache (DaM) bzw. als Zweitsprache (DaZ) sprechen, die Häufigkeit von Lernstörungen nach ICD-10 (WHO, 1992). Die meisten deutschen Schulleistungstests, die zur Lernstörungsdiagnose herangezogen werden, stellen keine gesonderten Normen für Kinder mit DaZ bereit. Es ist anzunehmen, dass dies zu einer Überidentifikation von Lernstörungen bei Kindern mit DaZ führt, da die besondere Spracherwerbssituation dieser Kinder nicht berücksichtigt wird. Dennoch ist bislang wenig über das Ausmaß dieses Effektes bekannt. Die vorliegende Studie vergleicht daher die Lernstörungsprävalenz zwischen Drittklässlern mit DaM (n = 566) bzw. mit DaZ (n = 478) wenn gemeinsame versus getrennte Schulleistungsnormen zur Leistungsbeurteilung herangezogen werden. Die Studie erbrachte drei wesentliche Ergebnisse: (1) Wie erwartet kam es bei Verwendung gemeinsamer Schulleistungsnormen zu einer deutlichen Erhöhung der Lernstörungsprävalenz bei Kindern mit DaZ. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Lernstörungsdiagnose belief sich für diese Teilstichprobe auf 25–30 % und war damit annähernd doppelt so groß wie bei Kindern mit DaM, für die sich eine Gesamtprävalenz von 14–18 % ergab. (2) Die Gruppenunterschiede variierten dabei in Abhängigkeit des Lernstörungstypus: Während keine signifikant unterschiedlichen Prävalenzraten für die isolierte Rechenstörung (F81.2) nachweisbar waren, zeigten sich für die verbalen Lernstörungstypen (d. h. Lese-Rechtschreibstörung [F81.0], isolierte Rechtschreibstörung [F81.1] und kombinierte Störung schulischer Fertigkeiten [F81.3]) signifikant erhöhte Prävalenzraten für Kinder mit DaZ. (3) Werden hingegen getrennte Schulleistungsnormen zur Lernstörungsdiagnose herangezogen um für die besondere Spracherwerbssituation von Kindern mit DaZ zu kontrollieren, nähern sich die Prävalenzraten beider Gruppen wie erwartet auf ein vergleichbares Niveau an. Es wird diskutiert, welche Herausforderungen sich bei der Lernstörungsdiagnostik von Kindern mit DaZ ergeben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Two-way automata and regular languages of overlapping tiles

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    International audienceWe consider classes of languages of overlapping tiles, i.e., subsets of the McAlister monoid: the class REG of languages definable by Kleene’s regular expressions, the class MSO of languages definable by formulas of monadic second-order logic, and the class REC of languages definable by morphisms into finite monoids. By extending the semantics of finite-state two-way au- tomata (possibly with pebbles) from languages of words to languages of tiles, we obtain a complete characterization of the classes REG and MSO. In particular, we show that adding pebbles strictly increases the expressive power of two-way automata recognizing languages of tiles, but the hierarchy induced by the number of allowed pebbles collapses to level one

    “Make it happen!” Verbs as markers of agency increase message effectiveness

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    Verbs may be attributed to higher agency than other grammatical categories. In Study 1, we confirmed this hypothesis with archival datasets comprising verbs (N = 950) and adjectives (N = 2115). We then investigated whether verbs (vs. adjectives) increase message effectiveness. In three experiments presenting potential NGOs (Studies 2 and 3) or corporate campaigns (Study 4) in verb or adjective form, we demonstrate the hypothesized relationship. Across studies, (overall N = 721) grammatical agency consistently increased message effectiveness. Semantic agency varied across contexts by either increasing (Study 2), not affecting (Study 3), or decreasing (Study 4) the effectiveness of the message. Overall, experiments provide insights in to the meta-semantic effects of verbs – demonstrating how grammar may influence communication outcomes

    Development of working memory from grade 3 to 5. Differences between children with and without mathematical learning difficulties

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    Based on the finding that children with mathematical learning difficulties (MLD) have deficits in working memory (WM), the question arises as to whether these children differ from typical learners only in the level or also in the developmental trajectories of WM functioning. To this end, the WM of 80 children with MLD and 71 typical learners was assessed longitudinally from third to fifth grade. Typical learners outperformed children with MLD in the phonological, visuospatial and central executive WM functioning in third grade. Latent change analyses indicated that both phonological and central executive WM functioning developed in a parallel pattern in children with MLD and in typical learners. In contrast, visuospatial WM functioning revealed a different development in children with and without MLD since the gap between both groups decreased over time. Overall, despite starting at a lower level, the WM functioning in children with MLD did not develop more slowly. (DIPF/Orig.

    La nécropole protohistorique du Camp de l’Église-Sud (Flaujac-Poujols, Lot)

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    Découverte et fouillée lors des travaux préliminaires à la construction de l’Autoroute A20, la nécropole du Camp de l’Église-Sud se compose d’une cinquantaine de sépultures à incinération secondaire de la fin de l’âge du Bronze et du début de l’âge du Fer. Cet ensemble est le premier recensé en Quercy. Les sépultures les mieux conservées présentent une structure d’entourage circonscrivant un tumulus originel en terre. Les dépôts funéraires se composent d’un ossuaire recouvert d’un plat utilisé comme couvercle ; ces vases sont parfois accompagnés d’un ou deux gobelets. L’absence de dépôts alimentaires carnés est à relever, comme la rareté des objets métalliques. L’analyse anthropologique a permis de discuter du recrutement de la nécropole, et les confrontations avec les résultats de l’analyse de l’architecture et du mobilier offrent de séduisantes hypothèses sur l’organisation sociale de ces nécropoles.The protohistoric necropolis at Camp de l’Église Sud (Flaujac-Poujols, Lot). The necropolis at Camp de l’Église-Sud was discovered and excavated during the preliminary construction phase of the A20. The site comprises 50 secondary cremations dated to the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age. This is the first such group found in Quercy. The best-conserved burials form a circle that delimits an earthen tumulus. The burial goods comprise an ossuary covered with flat lid; sometimes one or two cups accompany these vases. The absence of meat residues is noteworthy along with the relative absence of metalwork. The anthropological study allows us to consider the characteristics of the necropolis’ populations. The contrasting of this data with the results obtained from the study of the architecture and the finds presents some appealing ideas on the nature of the social organisation of these necropolises

    La nécropole protohistorique du Camp de l’Église-Sud (Flaujac-Poujols, Lot)

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    Découverte et fouillée lors des travaux préliminaires à la construction de l’Autoroute A20, la nécropole du Camp de l’Église-Sud se compose d’une cinquantaine de sépultures à incinération secondaire de la fin de l’âge du Bronze et du début de l’âge du Fer. Cet ensemble est le premier recensé en Quercy. Les sépultures les mieux conservées présentent une structure d’entourage circonscrivant un tumulus originel en terre. Les dépôts funéraires se composent d’un ossuaire recouvert d’un plat utilisé comme couvercle ; ces vases sont parfois accompagnés d’un ou deux gobelets. L’absence de dépôts alimentaires carnés est à relever, comme la rareté des objets métalliques. L’analyse anthropologique a permis de discuter du recrutement de la nécropole, et les confrontations avec les résultats de l’analyse de l’architecture et du mobilier offrent de séduisantes hypothèses sur l’organisation sociale de ces nécropoles.The protohistoric necropolis at Camp de l’Église Sud (Flaujac-Poujols, Lot). The necropolis at Camp de l’Église-Sud was discovered and excavated during the preliminary construction phase of the A20. The site comprises 50 secondary cremations dated to the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age. This is the first such group found in Quercy. The best-conserved burials form a circle that delimits an earthen tumulus. The burial goods comprise an ossuary covered with flat lid; sometimes one or two cups accompany these vases. The absence of meat residues is noteworthy along with the relative absence of metalwork. The anthropological study allows us to consider the characteristics of the necropolis’ populations. The contrasting of this data with the results obtained from the study of the architecture and the finds presents some appealing ideas on the nature of the social organisation of these necropolises

    Increased accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles by magnetizable implant materials for the treatment of implant-associated complications

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    Background: In orthopaedic surgery, accumulation of agents such as anti-infectives in the bone as target tissue is difficult. The use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) as carriers principally enables their accumulation via an externally applied magnetic field. Magnetizable implants are principally able to increase the strength of an externally applied magnetic field to reach also deep-seated parts in the body. Therefore, the integration of bone-addressed therapeutics in MNPs and their accumulation at a magnetic orthopaedic implant could improve the treatment of implant related infections. In this study a martensitic steel platelet as implant placeholder was used to examine its accumulation and retention capacity of MNPs in an in vitro experimental set up considering different experimental frame conditions as magnet quantity and distance to each other, implant thickness and flow velocity.Results: The magnetic field strength increased to approximately 112% when a martensitic stainless steel platelet was located between the magnet poles. Therewith a significantly higher amount of magnetic nanoparticles could be accumulated in the area of the platelet compared to the sole magnetic field. During flushing of the tube system mimicking the in vivo blood flow, the magnetized platelet was able to retain a higher amount of MNPs without an external magnetic field compared to the set up with no mounted platelet during flushing of the system. Generally, a higher flow velocity led to lower amounts of accumulated MNPs. A higher quantity of magnets and a lower distance between magnets led to a higher magnetic field strength. Albeit not significantly the magnetic field strength tended to increase with thicker platelets.Conclusion: A martensitic steel platelet significantly improved the attachment of magnetic nanoparticles in an in vitro flow system and therewith indicates the potential of magnetic implant materials in orthopaedic surgery. The use of a remanent magnetic implant material could improve the efficiency of capturing MNPs especially when the external magnetic field is turned off thus facilitating and prolonging the effect. In this way higher drug levels in the target area might be attained resulting in lower inconveniences for the patient

    Skin Microvascular Thrombosis in Fusarium Infection in Two Early Biopsied Cases

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    Fusarium species cause rare and severe infections. Their incidence is increasing in immunocompromised patients but they are also observed in healthy hosts. Because of the rapid dissemination of infection and the frequent resistance of Fusarium species to antifungal drugs, histopathologic evidence of hyphae is very helpful to obtain the diagnosis rapidly. We report the clinical and pathological features of two patients with initial cutaneous lesions. Cutaneous early biopsies showed microvessel involvement with hyphae and thrombosis. Fusarium infection was confirmed by skin culture. Hyphae within a microvessel thrombus in the skin were highly suggestive of disseminated fungal infection. These pathological features enabled to establish an early diagnosis and to start efficient antifungal treatment. In early cutaneous biopsies of immunocompromised patients, the presence of cutaneous vessel thrombosis can suggest a fungal infection and may help to start specific therapy without delay for these life-threatening infections
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