4 research outputs found

    Refining deep-sea habitat classification schemes based on recent surveys in Maltese waters

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    ROV imagery is leading to the discovery of diverse deep-sea habitat types in the Malta Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) at depths of 200 to 1000 meters. These include rocky bottoms with mixed assemblages dominated by cold-water corals and gorgonians, as well as sponges with both encrusting and erect growth habits. Vast expanses of different types of soft-bottom habitats are also present, mostly dominated by Anthozoa, Foraminifera and/or burrowing infauna. New habitat categories will need to be added to the existing habitat classification schemes for the deep Mediterranean Sea, including those of the European Nature Information System (EUNIS), and the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), to accommodate some of these discoveries.peer-reviewe

    Assessing the importance of nursery areas of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) using a body condition index

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    In this study, we analysed the variability of reserve storage in juvenile European hake (Merluccius merluccius) off the western coasts of Italy (Central Mediterranean Sea). Reserve storage was measured by the hepatosomatic index (HSI), in relation to environmental and population covariates. HSI has been proved to be a consistent measure of energy storage in gadoids, thus reflecting quantity and quality of food availability for growth. Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to model the effect of depth, bottom temperature, bottom currents, fish density and fish body size on HSI of juvenile European hake. The results revealed that reserve storage in the liver appears to be maximized for juveniles living on the shelf break, between 120 and 170 m depth, with bottom temperature and current speed not exceeding 14 °C and 0.04 m s−1respectively. Furthermore, HSI significantly increased with fish density up to about 6000 individuals per km−2and decreased at higher densities indicating that reserve accumulation in the liver might be subject to density-dependent mechanisms (e.g. competition for food) as well. These findings suggest that the use of density as measure of nursery importance need to be further investigated. Finally, we found that HSI increased with fish size up to about 14 cm total length. Based on these results, HSI appears a reasonable index to indirectly measure the quality of habitats where juvenile European hake aggregate after their settlement on the bottom, and to potentially monitor habitat suitability as nursery across the spatial-temporal gradient

    Assessing the importance of nursery areas of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) using a body condition index

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    In this study, we analysed the variability of reserve storage in juvenile European hake (Merluccius merluccius) off the western coasts of Italy (Central Mediterranean Sea). Reserve storage was measured by the hepatosomatic index (HSI), in relation to environmental and population covariates. HSI has been proved to be a consistent measure of energy storage in gadoids, thus reflecting quantity and quality of food availability for growth. Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to model the effect of depth, bottom temperature, bottom currents, fish density and fish body size on HSI of juvenile European hake. The results revealed that reserve storage in the liver appears to be maximized for juveniles living on the shelf break, between 120 and 170 m depth, with bottom temperature and current speed not exceeding 14 °C and 0.04 m s1respectively. Furthermore, HSI significantly increased with fish density up to about 6000 individuals per km2and decreased at higher densities indicating that reserve accumulation in the liver might be subject to density-dependent mechanisms (e.g. competition for food) as well. These findings suggest that the use of density as measure of nursery importance need to be further investigated. Finally, we found that HSI increased with fish size up to about 14 cm total length. Based on these results, HSI appears a reasonable index to indirectly measure the quality of habitats where juvenile European hake aggregate after their settlement on the bottom, and to potentially monitor habitat suitability as nursery across the spatial-temporal gradient

    Indicator-based assessment of marine biological diversity–lessons from 10 case studies across the European Seas

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    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires the environmental status of European marine waters to be assessed using biodiversity as one out of 11 descriptors, but the complexity of marine biodiversity and its large span across latitudinal and salinity gradients have been a challenge to the scientific community aiming to produce approaches for integrating information from a broad range of indicators. The Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool (NEAT), developed for the integrated assessment of the status of marine waters, was applied to ten marine ecosystems to test its applicability and compare biodiversity assessments across the four European regional seas. We evaluate the assessment results as well as the assessment designs of the ten cases, and how the assessment design, particularly the choices made regarding the area and indicator selection, affected the results. The results show that only 2 out of the 10 case study areas show more than 50 % probability of being in good status in respect of biodiversity. No strong pattern among the ecosystem components across the case study areas could be detected, but marine mammals, birds, and benthic vegetation indicators tended to indicate poor status while zooplankton indicators indicated good status when included into the assessment. The analysis shows that the assessment design, including the selection of indicators, their target values, geographical resolution and habitats to be assessed, has potentially a high impact on the result, and the assessment structure needs to be understood in order to make an informed assessment. Moreover, recommendations are provided for the best practice of using NEAT for marine status assessments