16 research outputs found

    Probing Substituents in the 1- and 3-Position: Tetrahydropyrazino-Annelated Water-Soluble Xanthine Derivatives as Multi-Target Drugs With Potent Adenosine Receptor Antagonistic Activity

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    Tetrahydropyrazino-annelated theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine) derivatives have previously been shown to display increased water-solubility as compared to the parent xanthines due to their basic character. In the present study, we modified this promising scaffold by replacing the 1,3-dimethyl residues by a variety of alkyl groups including combinations of different substituents in both positions. Substituted benzyl or phenethyl residues were attached to the N8 of the resulting 1,3-dialkyl-tetrahydropyrazino[2,1-f ]purinediones with the aim to obtain multi-target drugs that block human A1 and A2A adenosine receptors (ARs) and monoaminoxidase B (MAO-B). 1,3-Diethyl-substituted derivatives showed high affinity for A1 ARs, e.g., 15d (PSB-18339, 8-m-bromobenzyl-substituted) displayed a Ki value of 13.6 nM combined with high selectivity. 1-Ethyl-3-propargyl-substituted derivatives exhibited increased A2A AR affinity. The 8-phenethyl derivative 20h was selective for the A2A AR (Ki 149 nM), while the corresponding 8-benzyl-substituted compound 20e (PSB-1869) blocked A1 and A2A ARs with equal potency (Ki A1, 180 nM; A2A, 282 nM). The 1-ethyl-3-methyl-substituted derivative 16a (PSB-18405) bearing a m,p-dichlorobenzyl residue at N8 blocked all three targets, A1 ARs (Ki 396 nM), A2A ARs (Ki 1,620 nM), and MAO-B (IC50 106 nM) with high selectivity vs. the other subtypes (A2B and A3 ARs, MAO-A), and can thus be considered as a multi-target drug. Our findings were rationalized by molecular docking studies based on previously published X-ray structures of the protein targets. The new drugs have potential for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Parkinson's disease

    The mechanisms of pharmacokinetic food-drug interactions: A perspective from the UNGAP group

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    The simultaneous intake of food and drugs can have a strong impact on drug release, absorption, distribution, metabolism and/or elimination and consequently, on the efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy. As such, food-drug interactions are one of the main challenges in oral drug administration. Whereas pharmacokinetic (PK) food-drug interactions can have a variety of causes, pharmacodynamic (PD) food-drug interactions occur due to specific pharmacological interactions between a drug and particular drinks or food. In recent years, extensive efforts were made to elucidate the mechanisms that drive pharmacokinetic food-drug interactions. Their occurrence depends mainly on the properties of the drug substance, the formulation and a multitude of physiological factors. Every intake of food or drink changes the physiological conditions in the human gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a precise understanding of how different foods and drinks affect the processes of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and/or elimination as well as formulation performance is important in order to be able to predict and avoid such interactions. Furthermore, it must be considered that beverages such as milk, grapefruit juice and alcohol can also lead to specific food-drug interactions. In this regard, the growing use of food supplements and functional food requires urgent attention in oral pharmacotherapy. Recently, a new consortium in Understanding Gastrointestinal Absorption-related Processes (UNGAP) was established through COST, a funding organisation of the European Union supporting translational research across Europe. In this review of the UNGAP Working group "Food-Drug Interface", the different mechanisms that can lead to pharmacokinetic food-drug interactions are discussed and summarised from different expert perspective

    In Silico Food-Drug Interaction: A Case Study of Eluxadoline and Fatty Meal

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    Food-drug interaction is an infrequently considered aspect in clinical practice. Usually, drugs are taken together with meals and what follows may adversely affect pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, and hence, the therapeutic effects. In this study, a computational protocol was proposed to explain the different assimilations of two µ-receptors agonists, eluxadoline and loperamide, with a peculiar pharmacokinetic profile. Compared to loperamide, eluxadoline is absorbed less after the intake of a fatty meal, and the LogP values do not explain this event. Firstly, keeping in mind the different pH in the intestinal tract, the protonation states of both compounds were calculated. Then, all structures were subjected to a conformational search by using MonteCarlo and Molecular Dynamics methods, with solvation terms mimicking the water and weak polar solvent (octanol). Both computational results showed that eluxadoline has less conformational freedom in octanol, unlike loperamide, which exhibits constant behavior in both solvents. Therefore, we hypothesize that fatty meal causes the “closure” of the eluxadoline molecule to prevent the exposure of the polar groups and their interaction with water, necessary for the drug absorption. Based on our results, this work could be a reasonable “case study”, useful for future investigation of the drug pharmacokinetic profile

    Chemoinformatic Database Building and in Silico Hit-Identification of Potential Multi-Targeting Bioactive Compounds Extracted from Mushroom Species

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    Mushrooms are widely-consumed fungi which contain natural compounds that can be used both for their nutritive and medicinal properties, i.e., taking advantage of their antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, anti-allergic, immunomodulation, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects. Currently, scientific interest in natural compounds extracted from the fungal species is increasing because these compounds are also known to have pharmacological/biological activity. Unfortunately, however, their mechanisms of action are often unknown, not well understood or have not been investigated in their entirety. Given the poly-pharmacological properties of bioactive fungal compounds, it was decided to carry out a multi-targeted approach to predict possible interactions occurring among bioactive natural fungal extracts and several macromolecular targets that are therapeutically interesting, i.e., proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids. A chemical database of compounds extracted from both edible and no-edible mushrooms was created. This database was virtually screened against 43 macromolecular targets downloaded from the Protein Data Bank website. The aim of this work is to provide a molecular description of the main interactions involving ligand/multi-target recognition in order to understand the polypharmacological profile of the most interesting fungal extracts and to suggest a design strategy of new multi-target agents

    Natural Products Extracted from Fungal Species as New Potential Anti-Cancer Drugs: A Structure-Based Drug Repurposing Approach Targeting HDAC7

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    Mushrooms can be considered a valuable source of natural bioactive compounds with potential polypharmacological effects due to their proven antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, and antioxidant activities. In order to identify new potential anticancer compounds, an in-house chemical database of molecules extracted from both edible and non-edible fungal species was employed in a virtual screening against the isoform 7 of the Histone deacetylase (HDAC). This target is known to be implicated in different cancer processes, and in particular in both breast and ovarian tumors. In this work, we proposed the ibotenic acid as lead compound for the development of novel HDAC7 inhibitors, due to its antiproliferative activity in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). These promising results represent the starting point for the discovery and the optimization of new HDAC7 inhibitors and highlight the interesting opportunity to apply the “drug repositioning” paradigm also to natural compounds deriving from mushrooms

    The Mu.Ta.Lig. Chemotheca: A Community-Populated Molecular Database for Multi-Target Ligands Identification and Compound-Repurposing

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    For every lead compound developed in medicinal chemistry research, numerous other inactive or less active candidates are synthetized/isolated and tested. The majority of these compounds will not be selected for further development due to a sub-optimal pharmacological profile. However, some poorly active or even inactive compounds could live a second life if tested against other targets. Thus, new therapeutic opportunities could emerge and synergistic activities could be identified and exploited for existing compounds by sharing information between researchers who are working on different targets. The Mu.Ta.Lig (Multi-Target Ligand) Chemotheca database aims to offer such opportunities by facilitating information exchange among researchers worldwide. After a preliminary registration, users can (a) virtually upload structures and activity data for their compounds with corresponding, and eventually known activity data, and (b) search for other available compounds uploaded by the users community. Each piece of information about given compounds is owned by the user who initially uploaded it and multiple ownership is possible (this occurs if different users uploaded the same compounds or information pertaining to the same compounds). A web-based graphical user interface has been developed to assist compound uploading, compounds searching and data retrieval. Physico-chemical and ADME properties as well as substructure-based PAINS evaluations are computed on the fly for each uploaded compound. Samples of compounds that match a set of search criteria and additional data on these compounds could be requested directly from their owners with no mediation by the Mu.Ta.Lig Chemotheca team. Guest access provides a simplified search interface to retrieve only basic information such as compound IDs and related 2D or 3D chemical structures. Moreover, some compounds can be hidden to Guest users according to an owner's decision. In contrast, registered users have full access to all of the Chemotheca data including the permission to upload new compounds and/or update experimental/theoretical data (e.g., activities against new targets tested) related to already stored compounds. In order to facilitate scientific collaborations, all available data are connected to the corresponding owner's email address (available for registered users only). The Chemotheca web site is accessible at http://chemotheca.unicz.it

    Multi-targeting bioactive compounds extracted from essential oils as kinase inhibitors

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    Essential oils (EOs) are popular in aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims their curative effects. Moreover, several studies reported EOs as potential anti- cancer agents by inducing apoptosis in different cancer cell models. In this study, we have considered EOs as a potential resource of new kinase inhibitors with a polypharmacological profile. On the other hand, computational methods offer the possibility to predict the theoretical activity profile of ligands, discovering dangerous off- targets and/or synergistic effects due to the potential multi-target action. With this aim, we performed a Structure-Based Virtual Screening (SBVS) against X-ray models of several protein kinases selected from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) by using a chemoinformatics database of EOs. By evaluating theoretical binding affinity, 13 molecules were detected among EOs as new potential kinase inhibitors with a multi-target profile. The two compounds with higher percentages in the EOs were studied more in depth by means Induced Fit Docking (IFD) protocol, in order to better predict their binding modes taking into account also structural changes in the receptor. Finally, given its good binding affinity towards five different kinases, cinnamyl cinnamate was biologically tested on different cell lines with the aim to verify the antiproliferative activity. Thus, this work represents a starting point for the optimization of the most promising EOs structure as kinase inhibitors with multi-target features

    Nové inhibitory cholinesteráz a monoaminooxidáz na bázi propargylaminu: Syntéza, biologické hodnocení a studie dokování

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    A combination of several pharmacophores in one molecule has been successfully used for multi-target-directed ligands (MTDL) design. New propargylamine substituted derivatives combined with salicylic and cinnamic scaffolds were designed and synthesized as potential cholinesterases and monoamine oxidases (MAOs) inhibitors. They were evaluated in vitro for inhibition of acetyl- (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) using Ellman's method. All the compounds act as dual inhibitors. Most of the derivatives are stronger inhibitors of AChE, the best activity showed 5-bromo-N-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)salicylamide 1e (IC50 = 8.05 mu M). Carbamates (4-bromo-2[(prop-2-yn-1-yl)carbamoyl]phenyl ethyl(methyl)carbamate 2d and 2,4-dibromo-6-[(prop-2-yn-1-yl)carbamoyl] phenyl ethyl(methyl)carbamate 2e were selective and the most active for BuChE (25.10 and 26.09 mu M). 4-Bromo2-[(prop-2-yn-1-ylimino)methyl]phenol 4a was the most potent inhibitor of MAOs (IC50 of 3.95 and approximate to 10 mu M for MAO-B and MAO-A, respectively) along with a balanced inhibition of both cholinesterases being a real MTDL. The mechanism of action was proposed, and binding modes of the hits were studied by molecular docking on human enzymes. Some of the derivatives also exhibited antioxidant properties. In silico prediction of physicochemical parameters affirm that the molecules would be active after oral administration and able to reach brain tissue.Kombinace několika farmakoforů v jedné molekule byla úspěšně použita pro návrh multi-target-directed ligands (MTDL). Byly navrženy a syntetizovány nové propargylaminem substituované deriváty kombinované se salicylovými a skořicovými skelety jako potenciální inhibitory cholinesteráz a monoaminooxidáz (MAO). Byly hodnoceny in vitro na inhibici acetyl- (AChE) a butyrylcholinesterázy (BuChE) pomocí Ellmanovy metody. Všechny sloučeniny působí jako duální inhibitory. Většina derivátů je silnějšími inhibitory AChE, nejlepší aktivitu vykazoval 5-brom-N-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)salicylamid 1e (IC50 = 8,05 u M). Karbamáty (4-brom-2[(prop-2-yn-1-yl)karbamoyl]fenylethyl(methyl)karbamát 2d a 2,4-dibrom-6-[(prop-2-yn-1-yl)karbamoyl ] fenylethyl(methyl)karbamát 2e byly selektivní a nejaktivnější pro BuChE (25,10 a 26,09 uM). MAO (IC50 3,95 a přibližně 10 uM pro MAO-B a MAO-A, v tomto pořadí) spolu s vyváženou inhibicí obou cholinesteráz, které jsou skutečnými MTDL. Byl navržen mechanismus účinku a byly studovány vazebné režimy zásahů. molekulárním dokováním na lidských enzymech. Některé z derivátů také vykazovaly antioxidační vlastnosti. Predikce fyzikálně-chemických parametrů in silico potvrzuje, že molekuly by byly aktivní po orálním podání a mohly by dosáhnout mozkové tkáně

    Hit identification of novel small molecules interfering with MALAT1 triplex by a structure-based virtual screening

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    Nowadays, RNA is an attractive target for the design of new small molecules with different pharmacological activities. Among several RNA molecules, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are extensively reported to be involved in cancer pathogenesis. In particular, the overexpression of lncRNA metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) plays an important role in the development of multiple myeloma (MM). Starting from the crystallographic structure of the triple-helical stability element at the 3'-end of MALAT1, we performed a structure-based virtual screening of a large commercial database, previously filtered according to the drug-like properties. After a thermodynamic analysis, we selected five compounds for the in vitro assays. Compound M5, characterized by a diazaindene scaffold, emerged as the most promising molecule enabling the destabilization of the MALAT1 triplex structure and antiproliferative activity on in vitro models of MM. M5 is proposed as a lead compound to be further optimized for improving its affinity toward MALAT1

    In Silico Identification and Biological Evaluation of Antioxidant Food Components Endowed with Human Carbonic Anhydrase IX and XII Inhibition

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    The tumor-associated isoenzymes hCA IX and hCA XII catalyze the hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and protons. These isoforms are highly overexpressed in many types of cancer, where they contribute to the acidification of the tumor environment, promoting tumor cell invasion and metastasis. In this work, in order to identify novel dual hCA IX and XII inhibitors, virtual screening techniques and biological assays were combined. A structure-based virtual screening towards hCA IX and XII was performed using a database of approximately 26,000 natural compounds. The best shared hits were submitted to a thermodynamic analysis and three promising best hits were identified and evaluated in terms of their hCA IX and XII inhibitor activity. In vitro biological assays were in line with the theoretical studies and revealed that syringin, lithospermic acid, and (-)-dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol behave as good hCA IX and hCA XII dual inhibitors