198 research outputs found

    The changing fauna and flora of Finland – discovering the bigger picture through long-term data

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    To discern changes in nature during the current era of unprecedented biodiversity change, there is no alternative to systematic long-term data collection efforts. Finland holds a globally unique treasure trove of long-term ecological data series, each springing from its own origins, purposes and approaches. If sensibly used, these data provide a unique baseline for what was before, insight into current directions of change, and a scientifically sound foundation for informed policies. To leverage the mobilisation of these data, we conduct a basic SWOT analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with our national data treasure. As Strengths, we identify the globally unique extent, depth and coverage of data. As Weaknesses, we identify the fragmented nature of data storage, access, and taxonomic coverage. As Opportunities, we show how new syntheses spanning across decades and taxa may reveal both the extent of and mechanisms behind biodiversity change. As Threats, we point to the alarming lack of long-term funding, legislation and coordination of these time series. We conclude that these data provide a unique potential for informing relevant policies – and that this potential can only be secured, tapped and maintained by transformative changes in national monitoring strategies, funding and legislation

    When group dispersal and Allee effect shape metapopulation dynamics

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    The dispersal ability of a species will be critical for how population dynamics are realized in spatially structured systems. To date, the effect of group dispersal on metapopulation dynamics is poorly understood. Here, we investigate how group dispersal and Allee effects shape metapopulation dynamics identifying conditions in which group dispersal can be an advantage over independent dispersal. We approach this question by building and analysing a Markovian random walk for metapopulation dynamics including group dispersal and Allee effect. This Markovian random walk is analogous to the discrete-time Stochastic Patch Occupancy Model (SPOM). We find that intermediate group sizes may lead to larger and more sustainable metapopulations in the presence of an Allee effect. Hence, understanding how group size variation and realized (meta) population dynamics are linked offers an exciting future venue for research that is expected to yield key insights into the ecology and evolution of populations occupying spatially structured environments.Peer reviewe

    Ecological and evolutionary implications of spatial heterogeneity during the off-season for a wild plant pathogen

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    •While recent studies have elucidated many of the factors driving parasite dynamics during the growing season, the ecological and evolutionary dynamics during the off-season (i.e. the period between growing seasons) remain largely unexplored. •We combine large-scale surveys and detailed experiments to investigate the overwintering success of the specialist plant pathogen Podosphaera plantaginis on its patchily distributed host plant Plantago lanceolata on the Åland Islands. •Twelve years of epidemiological data establish the off-season as a crucial stage in pathogen metapopulation dynamics, with approximately forty percent of the populations going extinct during the off-season. At the end of the growing season, we observed environmentally-mediated variation in the production of resting structures, with major consequences for spring infection at spatial scales ranging from single individuals to populations within a metapopulation. Reciprocal transplant experiments further demonstrated that pathogen population of origin and overwintering site jointly shaped infection intensity in spring, with a weak signal of parasite adaptation to the local off-season environment. •We conclude that environmentally-mediated changes in the distribution and evolution of parasites during the off-season are crucial for our understanding of host-parasite dynamics, with applied implications for combating parasites and diseases in agriculture, wildlife and human disease systems.Peer reviewe

    Effect of maternal infection on progeny growth and resistance mediated by maternal genotype and nutrient availability

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    1. Maternal effects of pathogen infection on progeny development and disease resistance may be adaptive and have important consequences for population dynamics. However, these effects are often context-dependent and examples of adaptive transgenerational responses from perennials are scarce, although they may be a particularly important mechanism generating variation in the offspring of long-lived species. 2. Here, we studied the effect of maternal infection of Plantago lanceolata by Podosphaera plantaginis, a fungal parasite, on the growth, flower production and resistance of the progeny of six maternal genotypes in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor environments. For this purpose, we combined a common garden study with automated phenotyping measurements of early life stages, and an inoculation experiment. 3. Our results show that the effects of infection on the mother plants transcend to impact their progeny. Although maternal infection decreased total leaf and flower production of the progeny by the end of the growing season, it accelerated early growth and enhanced resistance to the pathogen P. plantaginis. 4. We also discovered that the effects of maternal infection affected progeny development and resistance through a three way-interaction between maternal genotype, maternal infection status and nutrient availability. 5. Synthesis. Our results emphasize the importance of maternal effects mediated through genotypic and environmental factors in long-living perennials and suggest that maternal infection can create a layer of phenotypic diversity in resistance. These results may have important implications for both epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions in the wild.Peer reviewe

    Antibiotic resistance in the wild: an eco-evolutionary perspective

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    The legacy of the use and misuse of antibiotics in recent decades has left us with a global public health crisis: antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on the rise, making it harder to treat infections. At the same time, evolution of antibiotic resistance is probably the best-documented case of contemporary evolution. To date, research on antibiotic resistance has largely ignored the complexity of interactions that bacteria engage in. However, in natural populations, bacteria interact with other species; for example, competition and grazing are import interactions influencing bacterial population dynamics. Furthermore, antibiotic leakage to natural environments can radically alter bacterial communities. Overall, we argue that eco-evolutionary feedback loops in microbial communities can be modified by residual antibiotics and evolution of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this review is to connect some of the well-established key concepts in evolutionary biology and recent advances in the study of eco-evolutionary dynamics to research on antibiotic resistance. We also identify some key knowledge gaps related to eco-evolutionary dynamics of antibiotic resistance, and review some of the recent technical advantages in molecular microbiology that offer new opportunities for tackling these questions. Finally, we argue that using the full potential of evolutionary theory and active communication across the different fields is needed for solving this global crisis more efficiently. This article is part of the themed issue 'Human influences on evolution, and the ecological and societal consequences'.Peer reviewe

    Coinfection with a virus constrains within-host infection load but increases transmission potential of a highly virulent fungal plant pathogen

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    The trade-off between within-host infection rate and transmission to new hosts is predicted to constrain pathogen evolution, and to maintain polymorphism in pathogen populations. Pathogen life-history stages and their correlations that underpin infection development may change under coinfection with other parasites as they compete for the same limited host resources. Cross-kingdom interactions are common among pathogens in both natural and cultivated systems, yet their impacts on disease ecology and evolution are rarely studied. The host plant Plantago lanceolata is naturally infected by both Phomopsis subordinaria, a seed killing fungus, as well as Plantago lanceolata latent virus (PlLV) in the angstrom land Islands, SW Finland. We performed an inoculation assay to test whether coinfection with PlLV affects performance of two P. subordinaria strains, and the correlation between within-host infection rate and transmission potential. The strains differed in the measured life-history traits and their correlations. Moreover, we found that under virus coinfection, within-host infection rate of P. subordinaria was smaller but transmission potential was higher compared to strains under single infection. The negative correlation between within-host infection rate and transmission potential detected under single infection became positive under coinfection with PlLV. To understand whether within-host and between-host dynamics are correlated in wild populations, we surveyed 260 natural populations of P. lanceolata for P. subordinaria infection occurrence. When infections were found, we estimated between-hosts dynamics by determining pathogen population size as the proportion of infected individuals, and within-host dynamics by counting the proportion of infected flower stalks in 10 infected plants. In wild populations, the proportion of infected flower stalks was positively associated with pathogen population size. Jointly, our results suggest that the trade-off between within-host infection load and transmission may be strain specific, and that the pathogen life-history that underpin epidemics may change depending on the diversity of infection, generating variation in disease dynamics.Peer reviewe

    Intraspecific trait variation and changing life-history strategies explain host community disease risk along a temperature gradient

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    Predicting how climate change will affect disease risk is complicated by the fact that changing environmental conditions can affect disease through direct and indirect effects. Species with fast-paced life-history strategies often amplify disease, and changing climate can modify life-history composition of communities thereby altering disease risk. However, individuals within a species can also respond to changing conditions with intraspecific trait variation. To test the effect of temperature, as well as inter- and intraspecifc trait variation on community disease risk, we measured foliar disease and specific leaf area (SLA; a proxy for life-history strategy) on more than 2500 host (plant) individuals in 199 communities across a 1101 m elevational gradient in southeastern Switzerland. There was no direct effect of increasing temperature on disease. Instead, increasing temperature favoured species with higher SLA, fast-paced life-history strategies. This effect was balanced by intraspecific variation in SLA: on average, host individuals expressed lower SLA with increasing temperature, and this effect was stronger among species adapted to warmer temperatures and lower latitudes. These results demonstrate how impacts of changing temperature on disease may depend on how temperature combines and interacts with host community structure while indicating that evolutionary constraints can determine how these effects are manifested under global change. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Infectious disease ecology and evolution in a changing world’

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence host infection during epidemics in a wild plant pathosystem

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    While pathogenic and mutualistic microbes are ubiquitous across ecosystems and often co-occur within hosts, how they interact to determine patterns of disease in genetically diverse wild populations is unknown. To test whether microbial mutualists provide protection against pathogens, and whether this varies among host genotypes, we conducted a field experiment in three naturally occurring epidemics of a fungal pathogen, Podosphaera plantaginis, infecting a host plant, Plantago lanceolata, in the angstrom land Islands, Finland. In each population, we collected epidemiological data on experimental plants from six allopatric populations that had been inoculated with a mixture of mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi or a nonmycorrhizal control. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increased growth in plants from every population, but also increased host infection rate. Mycorrhizal effects on disease severity varied among host genotypes and strengthened over time during the epidemic. Host genotypes that were more susceptible to the pathogen received stronger protective effects from inoculation. Our results show that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi introduce both benefits and risks to host plants, and shift patterns of infection in host populations under pathogen attack. Understanding how mutualists alter host susceptibility to disease will be important for predicting infection outcomes in ecological communities and in agriculture.Peer reviewe

    Multiple dimensions of biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate herbivory in a montane grassland

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    Invertebrate herbivores are important and diverse, and their abundance and impacts will likely shift under climate change. Yet, past studies of invertebrate herbivory have documented highly variable responses to changing temperature, making it challenging to predict the direction and magnitude of these shifts. One explanation for these responses is that changing environmental conditions drive concurrent changes in plant communities and herbivore traits. The impacts of changing temperature on herbivory might therefore depend on how temperature combines and interacts with characteristics of plant and herbivore communities. To test this, we surveyed damage to leaves by invertebrate herbivores on 4400 plant individuals in 220 sampling plots along a 1101 m elevational gradient. Increasing temperature drove community‐level herbivory via at least three overlapping mechanisms: increasing temperature directly reduced herbivory, indirectly affected herbivory by reducing plant‐community phylogenetic diversity, and indirectly affected herbivory by altering the effects of plant‐community functional and phylogenetic diversity on herbivory. Consequently, increasing plant functional diversity reduced herbivory in colder environments while increasing plant phylogenetic diversity increased herbivory in warmer environments. Moreover, different herbivore feeding guilds varied in their response to temperature and plant community composition. These results indicate that, even along a single elevation gradient in a single year, a variety of mechanisms can concurrently drive herbivory, thereby supporting the hypothesis that a universal response of herbivory to changing environmental conditions is unlikely to exist. Instead, our results highlight the importance of considering both plant and herbivore community context to predict how climate change will alter invertebrate herbivory
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