14 research outputs found

    Initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic on real-life well-being, social contact and roaming behavior in patients with schizophrenia, major depression and healthy controls: A longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic strongly impacted people\u27s daily lives. However, it remains unknown how the pandemic situation affects daily-life experiences of individuals with preexisting severe mental illnesses (SMI). In this real-life longitudinal study, the acute onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany did not cause the already low everyday well-being of patients with schizophrenia (SZ) or major depression (MDD) to decrease further. On the contrary, healthy participants’ well-being, anxiety, social isolation, and mobility worsened, especially in healthy individuals at risk for mental disorder, but remained above the levels seen in patients. Despite being stressful for healthy individuals at risk for mental disorder, the COVID-19 pandemic had little additional influence on daily-life well-being in psychiatric patients with SMI. This highlights the need for preventive action and targeted support of this vulnerable population

    Flawed saviours: the myths of Hindenburg and PĂ©tain

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    Although Hindenburg and PĂ©tain emerged from very different historical traditions, one monarchical and authoritarian, the other democratic and republican, their trajectories and cults in the twentieth century in fact had much in common. Both emerged as military heroes, saving the fatherland in 1914 in iconic victories, and both were subsequently called back as political saviours as the Weimar and Third Republics ran into difficulties and collapsed. The status and reputation of each was enhanced by a cult that was both manufactured and spontaneous, ranging widely across the political spectrum and reaching deep into the body politic. The cults drew on powerful images of solidity and ancient heroes. Both leaders were, however, flawed, compromising with Nazi power, and they were buried far from the sites of their victories. In spite of these flaws, however, the cults of Hindenburg and PĂ©tain have been remarkably adaptable and enduring

    Flawed Saviours: the Myths of Hindenburg and PĂ©tain

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    Salinity control, water reform and structural adjustment: the Tragowel Plains Irrigation district

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    Deposited with permission of the author © 1999 Dr. Neil Francis BarrThe Tragowel Plains Irrigation District lies in the lower Loddon catchment of northern Victoria. Since the 1890s progressive development of the irrigation infrastructure of the Tragowel Plains has been accompanied by the development of irrigation induced soil salinity. In 1988 the State Government of Victoria supported the development of a community managed salinity management plan. At the same time, the water supply industry was significantly deregulated. Full cost recovery principles were applied to irrigation water pricing. Water entitlements were transformed into tradable commodities.The Tragowel Plains Salinity Plan was subsequently promoted by the Victorian government and the Loddon irrigation community as a model for encouraging structural change in a Commonwealth government facilitated regional development plan for the whole of the Loddon-Murray irrigation region. The process of developing this regional development plan revealed difference in the objectives of the various actors in this new planning process. The objective of community planners was the survival of the irrigation district. One of the objectives of Commonwealth was the transfer of water from low value use to high value use. These higher value uses were potentially elsewhere in the Murray Darling Basin. Further, these actors in the planning process used differing implicit models of the process of structural change in irrigation areas. The Commonwealth representatives had an implicit model of structural change in which farm consolidation was driven by the rate of exit from farming. They were also sceptical of the capacity of the Tragowel Plains salinity plan model to facilitate significant change in water use


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    Vergleich der Sanierung von Krisenunternehmen durch Kreditinstitute und Private-Equity-Gesellschaften : Empirische Analyse mit Implikationen fĂŒr die Sanierungspraxis

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    Ausgelöst durch die weltweite Corona-Pandemie sehen sich zahlreiche Unternehmen unvorhergesehenen Krisensituationen gegenĂŒber, die zu einem erhöhten Restrukturierungsbedarf fĂŒhren können. Im Zuge der damit einhergehenden Finanzierungsproblematik vieler Unternehmen steigt womöglich die Anzahl an SanierungsfĂ€llen in den Workout-Abteilungen deutscher Banken. Eine Alternative zur klassischen Fremdfinanzierung bietet sich Unternehmen durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Turnaround-Equity-Gesellschaften im Rahmen einer Eigenkapitalbeteiligung. Auf der Grundlage einer kĂŒrzlich durchgefĂŒhrten explorativen Studie befasst sich dieser Beitrag mit den zentralen Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden im Sanierungsvorgehen beider Finanzierer und leitet Implikationen fĂŒr die Sanierungspraxis ab