755 research outputs found

    The image of the world in the Yijing 易经 : an atempt to identify the intellectual context proper to chinese philosophy

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    Before we think about reality, before we talk about it or remain silent, first we have some of the most basic images. What do philosophers brought up in the given culture have in mind when they use the term ‘reality’? In this article I attempt to identify and elaborate the intellectual context proper to Chinese (especially Confucian and Daoist) philosophical culture, by presenting its most general features. How deep must we probe to find the internal network of sense that is the basis of Confucian, and daoist images of reality? What we are looking for can be found by trying to think in a context that is broader than the merely linguistic context. This broader context is that provided by philosophical understanding of the terms: ‘world,’ ‘individual being,’ ‘thing,’ ‘truth,’ ‘wisdom.

    A fragmented response to media freedom at risk in the Union

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    Restoring Poland’s Media Freedom

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    Keeping the Past and the Present Apart

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    The Analysis of the Cutting Forces and Surface Layer Stereometry in the Grinding Process of Abrasion-Resisting Materials

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    The article presents the investigation of the grinding process of flat samples made of materials that meet requirements of the lowest abrasibility, which belong to difficult to machine materials. Research enclosed measurement of cutting forces and surface layer stereometry during grinding without using cutting fluid. The tests were carried out with the aid of new generation grinding wheel, Quantum

    Some properties of solutions of the heat equation

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    In this paper we investigate some properties of solutions of the heat equation. Their basic properties are established in [3]. Our object is to prove some partial distribution function inequalities for the area integral which can be used to study the local and the global behavior of solutions of the heat equation. Theorem 3 shows that the area integral A and the nontangential maximal function N are remarkably closely related. The method used in this paper is based on the treatment of analogous problems for harmonic functions in [1]

    Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis of the spine

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    Spontaneous hyperostosis of the spine is a degenerative disease with a non-inflammatory base consisting in the formation of bone growth with thickening, calcification and ossification of soft tissues surrounding at least four vertebral bodies and three disc spaces. The part of the spine covered by these changes take the shape of stearin burning after the candle - this symptom is visible in X-ray images. The disease especially affects the elderly. Symptoms of the disease are associated with stiffness of the spine and chronic pain. The principle of comprehensive treatment applies to the treatment of hyperostosis. In addition to pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy is widely used (kinesitherapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy), a properly balanced diet and psychotherapy, and in extreme cases such as dysphagia, compression and spine stenosis, surgical procedures are implemented to remove pathologically grown bone tissue

    Electroencephalographic detection of synesthesia

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    In this paper the research on a person declaring synesthetic abilities will be presented.According to the current state of knowledge synesthesia activates additional cortical fields in the brainwhich can be found in the EEG. The research was conducted using an EGI-EEG system (ElectricalGeodesic Inc., Eugene, Oregon, USA) with the GeoSource software. GeoSource is a tool that implementsthe algorithms LAURA, LORETA and sLORETA. Using these algorithms for EEG analysis wecan determine where in the brain the source of activity is. The authors will try to answer the questionwhether the use of these tools can prove the occurrence of synesthesia

    The impact of thyroid function on the occurrence of metabolic syndrome in obese children and adolescents

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    Wstęp: Zaburzenia funkcji osi tarczycowej są częste u pacjentów otyłych. Ich znaczenie w rozwoju metabolicznych powikłań otyłości pozostaje niejasny. Cel badania: Ocena wpływu zaburzeń funkcji tarczycy u pacjentów otyłych na wystąpienie u nich powikłań metabolicznych. Materiały i metody: Ocena funkcji tarczycy w grupie 100 pacjentów (59 dziewcząt, 41 chłopców; średni wiek 13,5 roku) z otyłością prostą (średni BMI SDS u chłopców 4,175 i u dziewcząt 4,723) z zespołem metabolicznym rozpoznanym na podstawie kryteriów IDF 2007 ZM (ZM, 25 pacjentów) i bez. U wszystkich wykonano oznaczenie stężeń TSH, fT4, fT3 przeciwciał przeciw tyreoperoksydazie tarczycowej (TPOAb) i przeciwciał przeciwko tyreoglobulinie (TGAb) w pojedynczej próbce krwi. Wyniki: W analizowanej grupie nie stwierdzono przypadku jawnej niedoczynności tarczycy. Nie było istotnych statystycznie różnic (p > 0,05) średniej wartości TSH, fT4 i fT3 u pacjentów z ZM i bez ZM (odpowiednio: 2,7 μIU/ml vs 3,0 μIU/ml, 14,5 vs 14,0 pmol/l i 5,6 vs 6,2 pmol/l). W grupie spełniającej kryteria ZM (n = 25) tylko dwie osoby (2/25; 8%) miały stężenie TSH powyżej górnej granicy normy (N: 0,3-4,0 μIU/ml). W grupie bez ZM zwiększone stężenie TSH stwierdzono u 18 (18/75; 24%) pacjentów. Maksymalną wartość TSH (10,44 μIU/ml) odnotowano u chłopca bez ZM. Dodatnie miano przeciwciał przeciwtarczycowych (TPOAb i/lub TGAb) było obecne u 11% pacjentów: 2 pacjentów (2/25; 8%) z ZM i u 9 (9/75; 12%) bez ZM. Wnioski: Izolowane zwiększenie stężenia TSH jest częste u otyłych nastolatków, chociaż nie występuje zależność pomiędzy stężeniem TSH, fT3 ani fT4 a wartością BMI SDS. Izolowane zwiększenie stężenia TSH nie ma związku z występowaniem ZM u młodzieży.Introduction: Thyroid axis abnormalities are common in obese patients. Their contribution in the development of metabolic obesity complications remains unclear. Aim of study: To assess the influence of thyroid axis dysfunction on the occurrence of metabolic obesity complications. Material and methods: A cross-sectional review of the thyroid function in 100 obese patients (59 girls and 41 boys, mean age 13.5 years) with alimentary obesity (mean standardised body mass index [BMI SDS] in boys 4.175 and girls 4.723) complicated by metabolic syndrome (MS) diagnosed on the basis of the IDF 2006 criteria (MS, 25 patients) and uncomplicated (75 patients). TSH, fT4, fT3 thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb), and thyroglobulin antibodies (TGAb) were assessed in a single fasting blood sample. Results: There was no case of overt thyroid disease within the whole analysed group. There were no significant differences in mean TSH, fT4, and fT3 levels in patients with and without MS (2.7 μIU/ml vs. 3.0 μIU/ml, 14.5 vs. 14.0 pmol/l, and 5.6 vs. 6.2, respectively; p > 0.05). In the MS group only two patients (8%) presented with a TSH level above the upper limit of the normal range; in the group without MS elevated TSH was noticed in 18 (24%) patients. The maximal value of TSH (10.44 μIU/ml) was noticed in one boy without MS. Positive TPOAb and/or TGAb were present in 11% of all patients: two patients (8%) with MS and nine (12%) without MS. Conclusions: Isolated increased TSH level is common in obese adolescents, although there is no correlation between TSH, fT3, and fT4 levels and BMI SDS value. Isolated increased TSH level is not associated with the occurrence of MS in obese adolescents. The occurrence of asymptomatic autoimmune thyroiditis (AITD) in obese adolescents is more common than in the general population