178 research outputs found

    The possibility of using representative actions to pursue claims resulting from the Dieselgate scandal – the future of redress for infringements of collective consumer interests

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    Since the disclosure of unethical and illegal solutions used by Volkswagen A.G. during exhaust emission tests in many countries, proceedings are underway to impose an appropriate penalty on the company and to compensate the victims. On a global scale, the USA, Australia, South Korea and Canada can be mentioned. The European Union is not standing still. Until mid-February 2020, national courts and administrative bodies imposed various types of sanctions in Spain, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Austria and Poland, among others. However, although the Volkswagen case is an infringement of collective consumer interests on a pan-European scale, Member States are resolving the problem through internal proceedings. Does this ensure effective and adequate compensation of affected consumers? The increase in protection would ensure, among other things, that there is a valid injunction for adequate compensation and that the proceedings are international in nature. The paper aims to show how the representative actions mechanism proposed in the “New Deal for Consumers” package could affect the effectiveness of decisions taken in the Volkswagen case by Member States’ competent authorities

    Forecasting the directions of the EU sugar market development after limiting government intervention

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    Motivation: The EU sugar industry is one of the most regulated industry which is subject to import duties, subsidies and quotas. Government intervention in sugar markets significantly affects sugar production, consumption and trade. The GATT/WTO negotiations led to the commencement of the liberalization process in the EU sugar market, and initiated a number of reforms aimed at abolishing government support. Consequently, the sugar market in the EU has undergone considerable changes. Proper recognition of the directions of changes will contribute to reducing the difficulties of entities operating on the global sugar market. Aim: The purpose of this publication is to present the forecasts made in 2017 regarding the main categories characterizing the EU sugar market and to verify their validity following the analysis of the actual data. The work uses the forecasts made for 2017–2020 based on empirical data collected from 1993–2016, and then verifies their validity when set against the real data. Results: The results of the research showed that statistical models are not able to predict correctly not only the forecasted values, but also the directions of their changes. The range of indicators of forecast errors was almost 40 percentage points, which reduced their credibility. The Pearson correlation index of over 0.7 indicated a significant correlation between the real data and the forecast values for the consumption or sugar beet harvest, while interpreting the discrepancy coefficient index, which did not exceed 1 for the forecast of the sugar production volume. This allows to conclude that this forecast shows the smallest differentiation in comparison to the actual data obtained

    Decyzje Prezesa UOKiK dotyczące naruszeń zbiorowych interesów konsumentów za lata 2020–2021 w sprawach niefinansowych

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    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wybrane decyzje Prezesa UOKiK dotyczące naruszeń zbiorowych interesów konsumentów wydane w okresie od czerwca 2020 r. do września 2021 roku. Przeanalizowano i oceniono praktyki przedsiębiorców sprzeczne z wybranymi aktami prawnymi oraz ogólnymi zasadami uczciwości w relacjach z konsumentami. Zestawienie obejmuje najczęściej występujące naruszenia, a także sprawy szczególnie interesujące ze względu na swoje okoliczności

    Przegląd decyzji Prezesa UOKiK dotyczących naruszeń zbiorowych interesów konsumentów w 2019 r. i I połowie 2020 r.

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    Niniejszy przegląd stanowi omówienie i komentarz do decyzji Prezesa UOKiK dotyczących naruszeń zbiorowych interesów konsumentów, wydanych w okresie od stycznia 2019 r. do czerwca 2020 r. Analizie poddano przypadki uchybienia przepisom wybranych ustaw regulujących świadczenie różnego rodzaju usług oraz prawa konsumentów w relacjach z przedsiębiorcami. W opracowaniu przedstawiono najczęściej stosowane przez przedsiębiorców praktyki, a także takie, które są szczególnie interesujące ze względu na wysokość kary określonej w decyzji lub medialny wydźwięk danej sprawy

    Radiation-induced anaplastic astrocytoma following treatment of medulloblastoma

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    We hereby report a case of a 10-year-old girl in whom neurosurgery was performed for cerebellar vermis medulloblastoma in April 2000. After resection the patient underwent chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, receiving 53.07 Gy to posterior fossa and 35.07 Gy to the rest of the craniospinal axis. In 2012, she was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma, which was located within the high-dose region. Surgical resection of the tumour was performed. Postoperatively, the patient received radiation therapy (50.4 Gy) with concurrent temozolomide, followed by 6 cycles of adjuvant temozolomide. Five years after the diagnosis of anaplastic astrocytoma, the patient remains asymptomatic


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    Reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of whooping cranes (Grus americana) into eastern North America began in 2001. Reproduction first occurred in 2005. Through 2008, eggs were produced in 22 first nests and 2 renests. All first nests failed–50% confirmed due to desertion by the parents and the remaining nest failures also consistent with the pattern of parental desertion. Nest failures were not related to stage of incubation, and they were often synchronous. Temperatures in winter and early spring affected timing of nest failure. An environmental factor such as harassment of incubating cranes by black flies (Simulium spp.) may be responsible for widespread nest desertion