87 research outputs found

    Constitutively active transforming growth factor β receptor 1 in the mouse ovary promotes tumorigenesis

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    Despite the well-established tumor suppressive role of TGFβ proteins, depletion of key TGFβ signaling components in the mouse ovary does not induce a growth advantage. To define the role of TGFβ signaling in ovarian tumorigenesis, we created a mouse model expressing a constitutively active TGFβ receptor 1 (TGFBR1) in ovarian somatic cells using conditional gain-of-function approach. Remarkably, these mice developed ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors with complete penetrance, leading to reproductive failure and mortality. The tumors expressed multiple granulosa cell markers and caused elevated serum inhibin and estradiol levels, reminiscent of granulosa cell tumors. Consistent with the tumorigenic effect, overactivation of TGFBR1 altered tumor microenvironment by promoting angiogenesis and enhanced ovarian cell proliferation, accompanied by impaired cell differentiation and dysregulated expression of critical genes in ovarian function. By further exploiting complementary genetic models, we substantiated our finding that constitutively active TGFBR1 is a potent oncogenic switch in mouse granulosa cells. In summary, overactivation of TGFBR1 drives gonadal tumor development. The TGFBR1 constitutively active mouse model phenocopies a number of morphological, hormonal, and molecular features of human granulosa cell tumors and are potentially valuable for preclinical testing of targeted therapies to treat granulosa cell tumors, a class of poorly defined ovarian malignancies

    AKT regulates NPM dependent ARF localization and p53mut stability in tumors

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    Nucleophosmin (NPM) is known to regulate ARF subcellular localization and MDM2 activity in response to oncogenic stress, though the precise mechanism has remained elusive. Here we describe how NPM and ARF associate in the nucleoplasm to form a MDM2 inhibitory complex. We find that oligomerization of NPM drives nucleolar accumulation of ARF. Moreover, the formation of NPM and ARF oligomers antagonizes MDM2 association with the inhibitory complex, leading to activation of MDM2 E3-ligase activity and targeting of p53. We find that AKT phosphorylation of NPM-Ser48 prevents oligomerization that results in nucleoplasmic localization of ARF, constitutive MDM2 inhibition and stabilization of p53. We also show that ARF promotes p53 mutant stability in tumors and suppresses p73 mediated p21 expression and senescence. We demonstrate that AKT and PI3K inhibitors may be effective in treatment of therapeutically resistant tumors with elevated AKT and carrying gain of function mutations in p53. Our results show that the clinical candidate AKT inhibitor MK-2206 promotes ARF nucleolar localization, reduced p53(mut) stability and increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation in a xenograft model of pancreatic cancer. Analysis of human tumors indicates that phospho-S48-NPM may be a useful biomarker for monitoring AKT activity and in vivo efficacy of AKT inhibitor treatment. Critically, we propose that combination therapy involving PI3K-AKT inhibitors would benefit from a patient stratification rationale based on ARF and p53(mut) status

    Analysis of Nkx3.1:Cre-driven Erk5 deletion reveals a profound spinal deformity which is linked to increased osteoclast activity

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    Extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 5 (ERK5) has been implicated during development and carcinogenesis. Nkx3.1-mediated Cre expression is a useful strategy to genetically manipulate the mouse prostate. While grossly normal at birth, we observed an unexpected phenotype of spinal protrusion in Nkx3.1:Cre;Erk5fl/fl (Erk5fl/fl) mice by ~6–8 weeks of age. X-ray, histological and micro CT (µCT) analyses showed that 100% of male and female Erk5fl/fl mice had a severely deformed curved thoracic spine, with an associated loss of trabecular bone volume. Although sex-specific differences were observed, histomorphometry measurements revealed that both bone resorption and bone formation parameters were increased in male Erk5fl/fl mice compared to wild type (WT) littermates. Osteopenia occurs where the rate of bone resorption exceeds that of bone formation, so we investigated the role of the osteoclast compartment. We found that treatment of RANKL-stimulated primary bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMDM) cultures with small molecule ERK5 pathway inhibitors increased osteoclast numbers. Furthermore, osteoclast numbers and expression of osteoclast marker genes were increased in parallel with reduced Erk5 expression in cultures generated from Erk5fl/fl mice compared to WT mice. Collectively, these results reveal a novel role for Erk5 during bone maturation and homeostasis in vivo

    Endochondral bone in an Early Devonian ‘placoderm’ from Mongolia

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    Endochondral bone is the main internal skeletal tissue of nearly all osteichthyans—the group comprising more than 60,000 living species of bony fishes and tetrapods. Chondrichthyans (sharks and their kin) are the living sister group of osteichthyans and have primarily cartilaginous endoskeletons, long considered the ancestral condition for all jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes). The absence of bone in modern jawless fishes and the absence of endochondral ossification in early fossil gnathostomes appear to lend support to this conclusion. Here we report the discovery of extensive endochondral bone in Minjinia turgenensis, a new genus and species of ‘placoderm’-like fish from the Early Devonian (Pragian) of western Mongolia described using X-ray computed microtomography. The fossil consists of a partial skull roof and braincase with anatomical details providing strong evidence of placement in the gnathostome stem group. However, its endochondral space is filled with an extensive network of fine trabeculae resembling the endochondral bone of osteichthyans. Phylogenetic analyses place this new taxon as a proximate sister group of the gnathostome crown. These results provide direct support for theories of generalized bone loss in chondrichthyans. Furthermore, they revive theories of a phylogenetically deeper origin of endochondral bone and its absence in chondrichthyans as a secondary condition

    A well-preserved ‘placoderm’ (stem-group Gnathostomata) upper jaw from the Early Devonian of Mongolia clarifies jaw evolution

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    The origin of jaws and teeth remains contentious in vertebrate evolution. ‘Placoderms’ (Silurian-Devonian armoured jawed fishes) are central to debates on the origins of these anatomical structures. ‘Acanthothoracids’ are generally considered the most primitive ‘placoderms’. However, they are so far known mainly from disarticulated skeletal elements that are typically incomplete. The structure of the jaws—particularly the jaw hinge—is poorly known, leaving open questions about their jaw function and comparison with other placoderms and modern gnathostomes. Here we describe a near-complete ‘acanthothoracid’ upper jaw, allowing us to reconstruct the likely orientation and angle of the bite and compare its morphology with that of other known ‘placoderm’ groups. We clarify that the bite position is located on the upper jaw cartilage rather than on the dermal cheek and thus show that there is a highly conserved bite morphology among most groups of ‘placoderms’, regardless of their overall cranial geometry. Incorporation of the dermal skeleton appears to provide a sound biomechanical basis for jaw origins. It appears that ‘acanthothoracid’ dentitions were fundamentally similar in location to that of arthrodire ‘placoderms’, rather than resembling bony fishes. Irrespective of current phylogenetic uncertainty, the new data here resolve the likely general condition for ‘placoderms’ as a whole, and as such, ancestral morphology of known jawed vertebrates

    Cardiolipin, and not monolysocardiolipin, preferentially binds to the interface of complexes III and IV

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    The mitochondrial electron transport chain comprises a series of protein complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane that generate a proton motive force via oxidative phosphorylation, ultimately generating ATP. These protein complexes can oligomerize to form larger structures called supercomplexes. Cardiolipin (CL), a conical lipid, unique within eukaryotes to the inner mitochondrial membrane, has proven essential in maintaining the stability and function of supercomplexes. Monolysocardiolipin (MLCL) is a CL variant that accumulates in people with Barth syndrome (BTHS). BTHS is caused by defects in CL biosynthesis and characterised by abnormal mitochondrial bioenergetics and destabilised supercomplexes. However, the mechanisms by which MLCL causes pathogenesis remain unclear. Here, multiscale molecular dynamics characterise the interactions of CL and MLCL with yeast and mammalian mitochondrial supercomplexes containing complex III (CIII) and complex IV (CIV). Coarse-grained simulations reveal that both CL and MLCL bind to sites at the interface between CIII and CIV of the supercomplex. Free energy perturbation calculations show that MLCL interaction is weaker than that of CL and suggest that interaction with CIV drives this difference. Atomistic contact analyses show that, although interaction with CIII is similar for CL and MLCL, CIV makes more contacts with CL than MLCL, demonstrating that CL is a more successful “glue” between the two complexes. Simulations of the human CIII2CIV supercomplex show that this interface site is maintained between species. Our study suggests that MLCL accumulation in people with BTHS disrupts supercomplex stability by formation of relatively weak interactions at the interface lipid binding site

    Identification and assessment of cardiolipin interactions with E. coli inner membrane proteins

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    Integral membrane proteins are localized and/or regulated by lipids present in the surrounding bilayer. While bacteria have relatively simple membranes, there is ample evidence that many bacterial proteins bind to specific lipids, especially the anionic lipid cardiolipin. Here, we apply molecular dynamics simulations to assess lipid binding to 42 different Escherichia coli inner membrane proteins. Our data reveal an asymmetry between the membrane leaflets, with increased anionic lipid binding to the inner leaflet regions of the proteins, particularly for cardiolipin. From our simulations, we identify >700 independent cardiolipin binding sites, allowing us to identify the molecular basis of a prototypical cardiolipin binding site, which we validate against structures of bacterial proteins bound to cardiolipin. This allows us to construct a set of metrics for defining a high-affinity cardiolipin binding site on bacterial membrane proteins, paving the way for a heuristic approach to defining other protein-lipid interactions

    Thymus transplantation for complete DiGeorge syndrome: European experience

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    Background: Thymus transplantation is a promising strategy for the treatment of athymic complete DiGeorge syndrome (cDGS). Methods: Twelve patients with cDGS were transplanted with allogeneic cultured thymus. Objective: To confirm and extend the results previously obtained in a single centre. Results: Two patients died of pre-existing viral infections without developing thymopoeisis and one late death occurred from autoimmune thrombocytopaenia. One infant suffered septic shock shortly after transplant resulting in graft loss and the need for a second transplant. Evidence of thymopoeisis developed from 5-6 months after transplantation in ten patients. The median (range) of circulating naïve CD4 counts (x10663 /L) were 44(11-440) and 200(5-310) at twelve and twenty-four months post-transplant and T-cell receptor excision circles were 2238 (320-8807) and 4184 (1582 -24596) per106 65 T-cells. Counts did not usually reach normal levels for age but patients were able to clear pre-existing and later acquired infections. At a median of 49 months (22-80), eight have ceased prophylactic antimicrobials and five immunoglobulin replacement. Histological confirmation of thymopoeisis was seen in seven of eleven patients undergoing biopsy of transplanted tissue including five showing full maturation through to the terminal stage of Hassall body formation. Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) expression was also demonstrated. Autoimmune complications were seen in 7/12 patients. In two, early transient autoimmune haemolysis settled after treatment and did not recur. The other five suffered ongoing autoimmune problems including: thyroiditis (3); haemolysis (1), thrombocytopaenia (4) and neutropenia (1). Conclusions: This study confirms the previous reports that thymus transplantation can reconstitute T cells in cDGS but with frequent autoimmune complications in survivors

    PyLipID : A Python package for analysis of protein-lipid interactions from MD simulations

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    Lipids play important modulatory and structural roles for membrane proteins. Molecular dynamics simulations are frequently used to provide insights into the nature of these protein–lipid interactions. Systematic comparative analysis requires tools that provide algorithms for objective assessment of such interactions. We introduce PyLipID, a Python package for the identification and characterization of specific lipid interactions and binding sites on membrane proteins from molecular dynamics simulations. PyLipID uses a community analysis approach for binding site detection, calculating lipid residence times for both the individual protein residues and the detected binding sites. To assist structural analysis, PyLipID produces representative bound lipid poses from simulation data, using a density-based scoring function. To estimate residue contacts robustly, PyLipID uses a dual-cutoff scheme to differentiate between lipid conformational rearrangements while bound from full dissociation events. In addition to the characterization of protein–lipid interactions, PyLipID is applicable to analysis of the interactions of membrane proteins with other ligands. By combining automated analysis, efficient algorithms, and open-source distribution, PyLipID facilitates the systematic analysis of lipid interactions from large simulation data sets of multiple species of membrane proteins
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