143 research outputs found

    Severe ocular involvement in a newborn with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

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    Abstract Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare proliferative disease of the mononuclear phagocyte system, characterised by tissue infiltration of CD1a + CD207+ histiocytes. The clinical presentation is variable, ranging from unifocal asymptomatic bone involvement to life-threatening multisystem disease, requiring aggressive therapeutic approaches. Intraocular involvement is uncommon and associated to poor visual and general prognosis. We report a case of LCH in a newborn with severe ocular and multisystem risk-organ involvement, unresponsive to several lines of chemotherapy. Off-label administration of vemurafenib led to dramatic improvement at systemic level; however, chronic sequelae of ocular involvement resulted in poor visual prognosis. Intraocular LCH involvement may be asymptomatic and clinical signs delayed, leading to severe complications, especially in newborns and young children. Screening for ocular involvement is essential for early treatment initiation, which can possibly improve the visual outcome. Vemurafenib is effective on systemic involvement, and its role in ocular LCH needs to be evaluated

    Environmental effects on brain functional networks in a juvenile twin population

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    : The brain's intrinsic organization into large-scale functional networks, the resting state networks (RSN), shows complex inter-individual variability, consolidated during development. Nevertheless, the role of gene and environment on developmental brain functional connectivity (FC) remains largely unknown. Twin design represents an optimal platform to shed light on these effects acting on RSN characteristics. In this study, we applied statistical twin methods to resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) scans from 50 young twin pairs (aged 10-30 years) to preliminarily explore developmental determinants of brain FC. Multi-scale FC features were extracted and tested for applicability of classical ACE and ADE twin designs. Epistatic genetic effects were also assessed. In our sample, genetic and environmental effects on the brain functional connections largely varied between brain regions and FC features, showing good consistency at multiple spatial scales. Although we found selective contributions of common environment on temporo-occipital connections and of genetics on frontotemporal connections, the unique environment showed a predominant effect on FC link- and node-level features. Despite the lack of accurate genetic modeling, our preliminary results showed complex relationships between genes, environment, and functional brain connections during development. A predominant role of the unique environment on multi-scale RSN characteristics was suggested, which needs replications on independent samples. Future investigations should especially focus on nonadditive genetic effects, which remain largely unexplored

    Prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of patients coming from the community with sepsis due to multidrug resistant bacteria

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    Background: Although previous studies showed an increasing prevalence of infections due to multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in the community, specific data on sepsis are lacking. We aimed to assess prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of patients with sepsis due to MDR bacteria. Methods: An observational, retrospective study was conducted on consecutive adult patients coming from the community and admitted to the Policlinico Hospital, Milan, Italy, with a diagnosis of sepsis between January 2011 and December 2015. Primary study outcome was in-hospital mortality. Results: Among 518 patients, at least one MDR bacteria was isolated in 88 (17%). ESBL+ Enterobacteriaceae were the most prevalent MDR bacteria (9.7%) followed by MRSA (3.9%). Independent risk factors for sepsis due to MDR bacteria were septic shock (OR: 2.2; p = 0.002) and hospitalization in the previous 90 days (OR: 2.3; p = 0.003). Independent risk factors for sepsis due to ESBL+ bacteria were hospitalization in the previous 90 days (OR: 2.1; p = 0.02) and stroke (OR: 2.1; p = 0.04). A significantly higher mortality was detected among patients with vs. without MDR bacteria (40.2% vs. 23.1% respectively, p = 0.001). Independent risk factors for mortality among patients with sepsis were coagulation dysfunction (OR: 3.2; p = 0.03), septic shock (OR: 3.2; p = 0.003), and isolation of a MDR bacteria (OR: 4.6; p < 0.001). Conclusion: In light of the prevalence and impact of MDR bacteria causing sepsis in patients coming from the community, physicians should consider ESBL coverage when starting an empiric antibiotic therapy in patients with specific risk factors, especially in the presence of septic shock

    Neural stem cell transplantation in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis: an open-label, phase 1 study

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    Innovative pro-regenerative treatment strategies for progressive multiple sclerosis (PMS), combining neuroprotection and immunomodulation, represent an unmet need. Neural precursor cells (NPCs) transplanted in animal models of multiple sclerosis have shown preclinical efficacy by promoting neuroprotection and remyelination by releasing molecules sustaining trophic support and neural plasticity. Here we present the results of STEMS, a prospective, therapeutic exploratory, non-randomized, open-label, single-dose-finding phase 1 clinical trial (NCT03269071, EudraCT 2016-002020-86), performed at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy, evaluating the feasibility, safety and tolerability of intrathecally transplanted human fetal NPCs (hfNPCs) in 12 patients with PMS (with evidence of disease progression, Expanded Disability Status Scale &gt;= 6.5, age 18-55 years, disease duration 2-20 years, without any alternative approved therapy). The safety primary outcome was reached, with no severe adverse reactions related to hfNPCs at 2-year follow-up, clearly demonstrating that hfNPC therapy in PMS is feasible, safe and tolerable. Exploratory secondary analyses showed a lower rate of brain atrophy in patients receiving the highest dosage of hfNPCs and increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective molecules. Although preliminary, these results support the rationale and value of future clinical studies with the highest dose of hfNPCs in a larger cohort of patients

    Brain volumes in alcohol use disorder : Do females and males differ? A whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging mega-analysis

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    Emerging evidence suggests distinct neurobiological correlates of alcohol use disorder (AUD) between sexes, which however remain largely unexplored. This work from ENIGMA Addiction Working Group aimed to characterize the sex differences in gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) correlates of AUD using a whole-brain, voxelbased, multi-tissue mega-analytic approach, thereby extending our recent surfacebased region of interest findings on a nearly matching sample using a complementary methodological approach. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from 653 people with AUD and 326 controls was analyzed using voxel-based morphometry. The effects of group, sex, group-by-sex, and substance use severity in AUD on brain volumes were assessed using General Linear Models. Individuals with AUD relative to controls had lower GM volume in striatal, thalamic, cerebellar, and widespread cortical clusters. Group-by-sex effects were found in cerebellar GM and WM volumes, which were more affected by AUD in females than males. Smaller groupby- sex effects were also found in frontotemporal WM tracts, which were more affected in AUD females, and in temporo-occipital and midcingulate GM volumes, which were more affected in AUD males. AUD females but not males showed a negative association between monthly drinks and precentral GM volume. Our results suggest that AUD is associated with both shared and distinct widespread effects on GM and WM volumes in females and males. This evidence advances our previous region of interest knowledge, supporting the usefulness of adopting an exploratory perspective and the need to include sex as a relevant moderator variable in AUD

    Epidemiology and Microbiology of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Preliminary Results of a National Registry

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    Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) represent a wide range of clinical conditions characterized by a considerable variety of clinical presentations and severity. Their aetiology can also vary, with numerous possible causative pathogens. While other authors previously published analyses on several types of SSTI and on restricted types of patients, we conducted a large nationwide surveillance programme on behalf of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases to assess the clinical and microbiological characteristics of the whole SSTI spectrum, from mild to severe life-threatening infections, in both inpatients and outpatients. Twenty-five Infectious Diseases (ID) Centres throughout Italy collected prospectively data concerning both the clinical and microbiological diagnosis of patients affected by SSTIs via an electronic case report form. All the cases included in our database, independently from their severity, have been managed by ID specialists joining the study while SSTIs from other wards/clinics have been excluded from this analysis. Here, we report the preliminary results of our study, referring to a 12-month period (October 2016–September 2017). During this period, the study population included 254 adult patients and a total of 291 SSTI diagnoses were posed, with 36 patients presenting more than one SSTIs. The type of infection diagnosed, the aetiological micro-organisms involved and some notes on their antimicrobial susceptibilities were collected and are reported herein. The enrichment of our registry is ongoing, but these preliminary results suggest that further analysis could soon provide useful information to better understand the national epidemiologic data and the current clinical management of SSTIs in Italy

    Giosuè Carducci prosatore

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    Questo volume su Giosuè Carducci prosatore raccoglie i contributi presentati al XVII Convegno internazionale di Letteratura italiana "Gennaro Barbarisi", tenutosi a Palazzo Feltrinelli (Gargnano del Garda) dal 29 settembre al 1° ottobre 2016. Si è trattato di una proficua occasione di incontro, di studio e di approfondimento su un tema forse poco frequentato, soprattutto in tempi recenti, ma ricco di sollecitazioni per una più articolata e storicamente fondata definizione della personalità di un autore così significativo nel panorama della cultura italiana fra Otto e primo Novecento; non soltanto sul versante della poesia (un primato sancito dal premio Nobel nel 1906) ma anche, e forse ancora di più, su quello della prosa saggistica, degli scritti di polemica, delle curatele editoriali, delle ricerche erudite, fino alle prove di alta oratoria e all'epistolografia
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