20 research outputs found

    Nursing students’ perceptions of peer learning as a learning model in clinical practice and students’ learning through peer learning - an evaluation study

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    The study is an evaluation of peer learning, a model for learning in clinical practice where two students learn together and are supervised by one preceptor. The aim was to gain knowledge about how the nursing students experienced peer learning as a learning model when it was introduced in a hospital ward. The study was performed using a questionnaire with open and closed questions from 23 students.The results show that students experienced good control over the tasks they were responsible for and perceived increased independence and responsibility for the patients they cared for depending on the organization and clear structure in the model. Peer learning provided a good and instructive collaboration where students discussed and supported each other. Some students wanted a longer period with one preceptor before starting peer learning, and some students mentioned it could be challenging to be supervised by two preceptors in the peer learning period. However, the majority suggested peer learning as a permanent teaching model in clinical practice

    Praksisutvikling 2010: Samarbeid mellom hĂžgskole og praksisfelt for utvikling av praksisstudier i sykepleierutdanning

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    Rapporten gir ei framstilling av praksisutviklingsprosjekt ved HÞgskolen Stord/Haugesund, Avdeling helsefag i 2009-2010. Prosjekta er gjennomfÞrte i samarbeid mellom hÞgskolen og praksisfeltet, og har som mÄl Ä styrke praksislÊringa for studentar ved sjukepleiarutdanninga. Felles for prosjekta er at dei tar utgangspunkt i konkrete praksissituasjonar, og siktar mot Ä utvikle og betre kvaliteten i lÊresituasjonen. I denne prosjektportefÞljen finn vi prosjekt retta mot kompetanseutvikling for kontaktsjukepleiarar, tilrettelegging av praksisplassar innan palliativ omsorg, strukturering av innkomstsamtalar ved innlegging i sjukehus og studentdeltaking i undersÞking av ernÊringsforhold blant eldre ved ein sjukeheim. Prosjekta har blitt utfÞrte av prosjektgrupper sett saman av lÊrarar ved hÞgskolen og sjukepleiarar med studentansvar ved dei ulike praksisstadene knytt til hÞgskolen. Prosjekta blei gjennomfÞrte i seks kommunar, ved sjukehus og sjukeheimar. Prosjektgruppene har hatt trefire fellesmÞte pr. semester, med erfaringsutveksling og kollektiv, gjensidig rettleiing undervegs i prosessen. Dette fellesskapet har skapt mÞteplassar mellom hÞgskole og praksisfelt i ein likeverdig atmosfÊre og har hatt som funksjon bÄde Ä auke kvaliteten i praksisstudiane og Ä bygge bru mellom teori og praksis i sjukepleiarutdanninga

    Nursing students’ perception of the clinical learning environment and supervision in relation to two different supervision models – a comparative cross-sectional study

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    Background Knowledge concerning nursing students’ experiences of the clinical learning environment and how supervision is carried out is largely lacking. This study compares nursing students’ perceptions of the clinical learning environment and supervision in two different supervision models: peer learning in student-dedicated units, with students working together in pairs and supervised by a “preceptor of the day” (model A), and traditional supervision, in which each student is assigned to a personal preceptor (model B). Methods The study was performed within the nursing programme at a university college in Sweden during students’ clinical placements (semesters 3 and 4) in medical and surgical departments at three different hospitals. Data was collected using the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher evaluation scale, CLES+T, an instrument tested for reliability and validity, and a second instrument developed for this study to obtain deeper information regarding how students experienced the organisation and content of the supervision. Independent t-tests were used for continuous variables, Mann-Whitney U-tests for ordinal variables, and the chi-square or Fischer’s exact tests for categorical variables. Results Overall, the students had positive experiences of the clinical learning environment and supervision in both supervision models. Students supervised in model A had more positive experiences of the cooperation and relationship between student, preceptor, and nurse teacher, and more often than students in model B felt that the ward had an explicit model for supervising students. Students in model A were more positive to having more than one preceptor and felt that this contributed to the assessment of their learning outcomes. Conclusions A good learning environment for students in clinical placements is dependent on an explicit structure for receiving students, a pedagogical atmosphere where staff take an interest in supervision of students and are easy to approach, and engagement among and collaboration between preceptors and nurse teachers. This study also indicates that supervision based on peer learning in student-dedicated rooms with many preceptors can be more satisfying for students than a model where each student is assigned to a single preceptor

    Sykepleiestudenters opplevelse av peer learning som praksismodell og av Ă„ lĂŠre gjennom peer learning i praksisstudier - en evalueringsstudie

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    The study is an evaluation of peer learning, a model for learning in clinical practice where two students learn together and are supervised by one preceptor. The aim was to gain knowledge about how the nursing students experienced peer learning as a learning model when it was introduced in a hospital ward. The study was performed using a questionnaire with open and closed questions from 23 students. The results show that students experienced good control over the tasks they were responsible for and perceived increased independence and responsibility for the patients they cared for depending on the organization and clear structure in the model. Peer learning provided a good and instructive collaboration where students discussed and supported each other. Some students wanted a longer period with one preceptor before starting peer learning, and some students mentioned it could be challenging to be supervised by two preceptors in the peer learning period. However, the majority suggested peer learning as a permanent teaching model in clinical practice

    European Union directives and clinical practice in nursing education in the Nordic countries

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    Nursing education in countries belonging to the European Union (EU) must follow EU directive requirements. The aim of this opinion paper is to explore and discuss the challenges presented by EU requirements to clinical practice in nursing education. These requirements prescribe that clinical practice must be carried out in a variety of different and specialized areas that provide care in hospital units. This may offer students only a limited range of experience; thus, they may not be fully prepared to care for patients with common diseases, and only have a restricted knowledge about the ongoing development of caring for patients at home. EU directives require that half of a nursing education course be allocated to clinical practice. This is challenging, since the number of hours is laid down without considering such aspects as the need for pedagogical qualifications for preceptors, which in turn may affect the quality of the clinical practice

    Health-promoting and -impeding aspects of using peer-learning during clinical practice education : A qualitative study

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    Aim The aim of the present study was to elucidate health-promoting and -impeding aspects of peer-learning by examining nursing students' descriptions of learning together as peers, and how this might interact with their health. Background Peer-learning is a useful strategy for teaching and learning in nursing students' clinical practice education. In the research, benefits such as improved cooperation and increased self-confidence have been described and labelled as health-promoting. Design A qualitative descriptive approach Method Thirteen first-year nursing students aged 22-45 years, who had completed their first clinical practice education on a medical or surgical hospital ward, participated in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Result Working as a pair was primarily described as positive, as the peers felt basic support from each other, even though they described negative experiences that limited their own development and challenged their patience. Conclusion Peer-learning as a model for supervision in clinical practice incorporates valuable health-promoting aspects, as the students felt safe, supported, increased self-confidence, and participation. The interaction between peers helped them grow as human beings, and the mutual support the peers felt was a vital health-promoting aspect that limited the impact of the described health-impeding aspects, which included sometimes finding peer-learning trying, stressful and irritating

    Nursing students’ perceptions of peer learning as a learning model in clinical practice and students’ learning through peer learning - an evaluation study

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    The study is an evaluation of peer learning, a model for learning in clinical practice where two students learn together and are supervised by one preceptor. The aim was to gain knowledge about how the nursing students experienced peer learning as a learning model when it was introduced in a hospital ward. The study was performed using a questionnaire with open and closed questions from 23 students.The results show that students experienced good control over the tasks they were responsible for and perceived increased independence and responsibility for the patients they cared for depending on the organization and clear structure in the model. Peer learning provided a good and instructive collaboration where students discussed and supported each other. Some students wanted a longer period with one preceptor before starting peer learning, and some students mentioned it could be challenging to be supervised by two preceptors in the peer learning period. However, the majority suggested peer learning as a permanent teaching model in clinical practice

    Preclinical pharmacology of AZD9977: A novel mineralocorticoid receptor modulator separating organ protection from effects on electrolyte excretion

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    <div><p>Excess mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation promotes target organ dysfunction, vascular injury and fibrosis. MR antagonists like eplerenone are used for treating heart failure, but their use is limited due to the compound class-inherent hyperkalemia risk. Here we present evidence that AZD9977, a first-in-class MR modulator shows cardio-renal protection despite a mechanism-based reduced liability to cause hyperkalemia. AZD9977 <i>in vitro</i> potency and binding mode to MR were characterized using reporter gene, binding, cofactor recruitment assays and X-ray crystallopgraphy. Organ protection was studied in uni-nephrectomised db/db mice and uni-nephrectomised rats administered aldosterone and high salt. Acute effects of single compound doses on urinary electrolyte excretion were tested in rats on a low salt diet. AZD9977 and eplerenone showed similar human MR <i>in vitro</i> potencies. Unlike eplerenone, AZD9977 is a partial MR antagonist due to its unique interaction pattern with MR, which results in a distinct recruitment of co-factor peptides when compared to eplerenone. AZD9977 dose dependently reduced albuminuria and improved kidney histopathology similar to eplerenone in db/db uni-nephrectomised mice and uni-nephrectomised rats. In acute testing, AZD9977 did not affect urinary Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup> ratio, while eplerenone increased the Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup> ratio dose dependently. AZD9977 is a selective MR modulator, retaining organ protection without acute effect on urinary electrolyte excretion. This predicts a reduced hyperkalemia risk and AZD9977 therefore has the potential to deliver a safe, efficacious treatment to patients prone to hyperkalemia.</p></div