38 research outputs found
Pathogenic Mechanisms of Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia with Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL)
Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), also known as Nasu-Hakola disease, is a recessively inherited disease of brain and bone. PLOSL manifests as early-onset progressive dementia and bone fractures. Mutations in the TYROBP (DAP12) and TREM2 genes have been identified as the primary cause of PLOSL. DAP12 and TREM2 encode important signalling molecules in cells of the innate immune system. The mechanism by which loss-of-function of the DAP12/TREM2 signalling complex leads to PLOSL is currently unknown.
The aim of this thesis work was to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms behind PLOSL. To first identify the central nervous system (CNS) cell types that express both Dap12 and Trem2, the expression patterns of Dap12 and Trem2 in mouse CNS were analyzed. Dap12 and Trem2 expression was seen from embryonic stage to adulthood and microglial cells and oligodendrocytes were identified as the major Dap12/Trem2 producing cells of the CNS. To subsequently identify the pathways and biological processes associated with DAP12/TREM2 mediated signalling in human cells, genome wide transcript analysis of in vitro differentiated dendritic cells (DCs) of PLOSL patients representing functional knockouts of either DAP12 or TREM2 was performed. Both DAP12 and TREM2 deficient cells differentiated into DCs and responded to pathogenic stimuli. However, the DCs showed morphological differences compared to control cells due to defects in the actin filaments. Transcript profiles of the patient DCs showed differential expression of genes involved in immune response and for genes earlier associated with other disorders of the CNS as well as genes involved in the remodeling of bone, linking the findings with the tissue phenotype of PLOSL patients. To analyze the effect of Dap12 deficiency in the CNS, genome wide expression analysis of Dap12 deficient mouse brain and Dap12 deficient microglia as well as functional analysis of Dap12 deficient microglia was performed. Regulation of several pathways involved in synaptic function and transcripts coding for the myelin components was seen in Dap12 knockout mice. Decreased migration, morphological changes and shortened lifespan of the Dap12 knockout microglia was further observed.
Taken together, this thesis work showed that both Dap12 and Trem2 are expressed by CNS microglia and that Dap12 deficiency results in functional defects of these cells. Lack of Dap12 in the CNS also leads to synaptic abnormalities even before pathological changes are seen in the tissue level.This work further showed that loss-of-function of DAP12 or TREM2 leads to changes in morphology and gene expression in human dendritic cells. These data underline the functional diversity of the molecules of the innate immune system and implies their significant contribution also in demyelinating CNS disorders, including those resulting in dementia.PLOSL:N TAUTIMEKANISMIT
Polykystinen lipomembranoottinen osteodysplasia ja sklerosoiva leukoenkefalopatia (PLOSL) on autosomissa peittyvästi periytyvä luuston ja aivojen sairaus. PLOSL:sta käytetään myös nimeä Nasu-Hakolan tauti. PLOSL aiheuttaa luuston heikkenemistä ja varhaisella iällä alkavan dementian. Mutaatiot TYROBP (DAP12) ja TREM2 geeneissä johtavat PLOSL:n. DAP12 ja TREM2 proteiinit ovat tärkeitä elimistön puolustusjärjestelmän solujen normaalille toiminnalle. Mekanismi, jolla DAP12/TREM2 puute johtaa PLOSL:n, on kuitenkin selvittämättä.
Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää PLOSL:n tautimekanismeja. Aluksi selvitettiin missä ja milloin DAP12 ja TREM2 geenejä ilmennetään keskushermostossa. Molempia ilmennettiin samoilla aivoalueilla sikiökaudelta lähtien aina aikuisuuteen saakka. Havaittiin myös, että DAP12:ta ja TREM2:ta ilmennetään keskushermostossa erityisesti mikroglia- ja oligodendrosyytti-soluissa. Seuraavaksi haluttiin selvittää mihin aineenvaihduntareitteihin ja solun toimintoihin DAP12:n ja TREM2:n puutos vaikuttaa ihmisen soluissa. Tätä varten tarkasteltiin ihmisen kaikkien geenien ilmentymistä yhtäaikaisesti potilaiden dendriittisoluissa, joissa DAP12 ja TREM2 geenit eivät toimi. Eroja nähtiin sekä immuunipuolustukseen liittyvien geenien että keskushermostosairauksiin ja luun muodostukseen liittyvien geenien ilmentymisessä potilaiden ja kontrollien välillä. Solujen rakenteessa nähtiin lisäksi muutoksia. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin DAP12:n puutoksen seurauksia keskushermostossa analysoimalla kaikkien geenien ilmentymistä sekä aivokudoksessa että mikroglia-soluissa. Mikroglia-soluilla tehtiin myös toiminnallisia kokeita.
Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tunnistettiin PLOSL:n kannalta tärkeät solutyypit keskushermostossa ja havaittiin että DAP12:n puute johtaa näiden solujen vialliseen toimintaan, mikä puolestaan vaikuttaa koko keskushermoston toimintaan. DAP12:n ja TREM2:n puute johtaa lisäksi solujen rakenteen ja geenien ilmentymisen muutoksiin ihmisen dendriittisoluissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat synnynnäiseen immuniteettiin liittyvien molekyylien toiminnan monimuotoisuutta ja viittaavat siihen, että niillä on tärkeä rooli myös keskushermostoa rappeuttavissa sairauksissa
Next-generation sequencing technologies and applications for human genetic history and forensics
Rapid advances in the development of sequencing technologies in recent years have enabled an increasing number of applications in biology and medicine. Here, we review key technical aspects of the preparation of DNA templates for sequencing, the biochemical reaction principles and assay formats underlying next-generation sequencing systems, methods for imaging and base calling, quality control, and bioinformatic approaches for sequence alignment, variant calling and assembly. We also discuss some of the most important advances that the new sequencing technologies have brought to the fields of human population genetics, human genetic history and forensic genetics
Performance of Microarray and Liquid Based Capture Methods for Target Enrichment for Massively Parallel Sequencing and SNP Discovery
Targeted sequencing is a cost-efficient way to obtain answers to biological questions in many projects, but the choice of the enrichment method to use can be difficult. In this study we compared two hybridization methods for target enrichment for massively parallel sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery, namely Nimblegen sequence capture arrays and the SureSelect liquid-based hybrid capture system. We prepared sequencing libraries from three HapMap samples using both methods, sequenced the libraries on the Illumina Genome Analyzer, mapped the sequencing reads back to the genome, and called variants in the sequences. 74–75% of the sequence reads originated from the targeted region in the SureSelect libraries and 41–67% in the Nimblegen libraries. We could sequence up to 99.9% and 99.5% of the regions targeted by capture probes from the SureSelect libraries and from the Nimblegen libraries, respectively. The Nimblegen probes covered 0.6 Mb more of the original 3.1 Mb target region than the SureSelect probes. In each sample, we called more SNPs and detected more novel SNPs from the libraries that were prepared using the Nimblegen method. Thus the Nimblegen method gave better results when judged by the number of SNPs called, but this came at the cost of more over-sampling
DAP12/TREM2 Deficiency Results in Impaired Osteoclast Differentiation and Osteoporotic Features
Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), Nasu-Hakola disease, is a globally distributed recessively inherited disease. PLOSL is characterized by cystic bone lesions, osteoporotic features, and loss of white matter in the brain leading to spontaneous bone fractures and profound presenile dementia. We have earlier characterized the molecular genetic background of PLOSL by identifying mutations in two genes, DAP12 and TREM2. DAP12 is a transmembrane adaptor protein that associates with the cell surface receptor TREM2. The DAP12–TREM2 complex is involved in the maturation of dendritic cells. To test a hypothesis that osteoclasts would be the cell type responsible for the bone pathogenesis in PLOSL, we analyzed the differentiation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from DAP12- and TREM2-deficient PLOSL patients into osteoclasts. Here we show that loss of function mutations in DAP12 and TREM2 result in an inefficient and delayed differentiation of osteoclasts with a remarkably reduced bone resorption capability in vitro. These results indicate an important role for DAP12–TREM2 signaling complex in the differentiation and function of osteoclasts
Functional analysis and transcriptional output of the Göttingen minipig genome
In the past decade the Göttingen minipig has gained increasing recognition as animal model in pharmaceutical and safety research because it recapitulates many aspects of human physiology and metabolism. Genome-based comparison of drug targets together with quantitative tissue expression analysis allows rational prediction of pharmacology and cross-reactivity of human drugs in animal models thereby improving drug attrition which is an important challenge in the process of drug development.; Here we present a new chromosome level based version of the Göttingen minipig genome together with a comparative transcriptional analysis of tissues with pharmaceutical relevance as basis for translational research. We relied on mapping and assembly of WGS (whole-genome-shotgun sequencing) derived reads to the reference genome of the Duroc pig and predict 19,228 human orthologous protein-coding genes. Genome-based prediction of the sequence of human drug targets enables the prediction of drug cross-reactivity based on conservation of binding sites. We further support the finding that the genome of Sus scrofa contains about ten-times less pseudogenized genes compared to other vertebrates. Among the functional human orthologs of these minipig pseudogenes we found HEPN1, a putative tumor suppressor gene. The genomes of Sus scrofa, the Tibetan boar, the African Bushpig, and the Warthog show sequence conservation of all inactivating HEPN1 mutations suggesting disruption before the evolutionary split of these pig species. We identify 133 Sus scrofa specific, conserved long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the minipig genome and show that these transcripts are highly conserved in the African pigs and the Tibetan boar suggesting functional significance. Using a new minipig specific microarray we show high conservation of gene expression signatures in 13 tissues with biomedical relevance between humans and adult minipigs. We underline this relationship for minipig and human liver where we could demonstrate similar expression levels for most phase I drug-metabolizing enzymes. Higher expression levels and metabolic activities were found for FMO1, AKR/CRs and for phase II drug metabolizing enzymes in minipig as compared to human. The variability of gene expression in equivalent human and minipig tissues is considerably higher in minipig organs, which is important for study design in case a human target belongs to this variable category in the minipig. The first analysis of gene expression in multiple tissues during development from young to adult shows that the majority of transcriptional programs are concluded four weeks after birth. This finding is in line with the advanced state of human postnatal organ development at comparative age categories and further supports the minipig as model for pediatric drug safety studies.; Genome based assessment of sequence conservation combined with gene expression data in several tissues improves the translational value of the minipig for human drug development. The genome and gene expression data presented here are important resources for researchers using the minipig as model for biomedical research or commercial breeding. Potential impact of our data for comparative genomics, translational research, and experimental medicine are discussed
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White-to-brown metabolic conversion of human adipocytes by JAK inhibition
The rising incidence of obesity and related disorders such as diabetes and heart disease has focused considerable attention on the discovery of novel therapeutics. One promising approach has been to increase the number or activity of brown-like adipocytes in white adipose depots, as this has been shown to prevent diet-induced obesity and reduce the incidence and severity of type 2 diabetes. Thus, the conversion of fat-storing cells into metabolically active thermogenic cells has become an appealing therapeutic strategy to combat obesity. Here, we report a screening platform for the identification of small molecules capable of promoting a white-to-brown metabolic conversion in human adipocytes. We identified two inhibitors of Janus Kinase (JAK) activity with no precedent in adipose tissue biology that stably confer brown-like metabolic activity to white adipocytes. Importantly, these metabolically converted adipocytes exhibit elevated UCP1 expression and increased mitochondrial activity. We further found that repression of interferon signalling and activation of hedgehog signalling in JAK-inactivated adipocytes contributes to the metabolic conversion observed in these cells. Our findings highlight a novel role for the JAK/STAT pathway in the control of adipocyte function and establish a platform to identify compounds for the treatment of obesity
Emicizumab prophylaxis in infants with hemophilia A (HAVEN 7): primary analysis of a phase 3b, open-label trial
Subcutaneous emicizumab enables prophylaxis for people with hemophilia A (HA) from birth, potentially reducing risk of bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). HAVEN 7 (NCT04431726) is the first clinical trial of emicizumab dedicated to infants, designed to investigate the efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of emicizumab in those aged ≤12 months with severe HA without factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors. Participants in this phase 3b trial received emicizumab 3 mg/kg maintenance dose every 2 weeks for 52 weeks and are continuing emicizumab during the 7-year long-term follow-up. Efficacy end points included annualized bleed rate (ABR): treated, all, treated spontaneous, and treated joint bleeds. Safety end points included adverse events (AEs), thromboembolic events (TEs), thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs), and immunogenicity (anti-emicizumab antibodies [ADAs] and FVIII inhibitors). At primary analysis, 55 male participants had received emicizumab (median treatment duration: 100.3; range, 52-118 weeks). Median age at informed consent was 4.0 months (range, 9 days to 11 months 30 days). Model-based ABR for treated bleeds was 0.4 (95% confidence interval, 0.30–0.63), with 54.5% of participants (n = 30) having zero treated bleeds. No ICH occurred. All 42 treated bleeds in 25 participants (45.5%) were traumatic. Nine participants (16.4%) had ≥1 emicizumab-related AE (all grade 1 injection-site reactions). No AE led to treatment changes. No deaths, TEs, or TMAs occurred. No participant tested positive for ADAs. Two participants were confirmed positive for FVIII inhibitors. This primary analysis of HAVEN 7 indicates that emicizumab is efficacious and well tolerated in infants with severe HA without FVIII inhibitors
Gene ontology term enrichments for RNA-Seq data from differentiated TSC2 deletion cell lines and microarray data of patient SEGAs (related to Fig. 2f). (XLSX 27.7 kb
Genomic analysis of the molecular neuropathology of tuberous sclerosis using a human stem cell model
Additional file 1: of Superior anti-tumor activity of the MDM2 antagonist idasanutlin and the Bcl-2 inhibitor venetoclax in p53 wild-type acute myeloid leukemia models
Vector sequences for Mcl-1-targeting shRNA. (DOCX 13Â kb