121 research outputs found

    Retoryka i praktyka: polityka Indonezji wobec Zachodu

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between Indonesia and Western countries. The argument of this paper is that democratic changes made Indonesia a valuable partner for the West. Due to these changes, although critical to some of the solutions imposed by the West, Indonesia now respects the same values and conducts a similar policy, e.g., in the field of promotion of democracy. Therefore, I conclude that the Indonesian criticism of the West had a political character – was a rhetoric not a practice.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie stosunku państwa indonezyjskiego do państw Zachodu w wymiarze retorycznym i praktycznym. W pracy podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, jak postrzeganie Zachodu wpływało na politykę zagraniczną Indonezji wobec państw zachodnich. W tekście zweryfikowana zostanie hipoteza stanowiącą, że politykę tego państwa charakteryzuje dualność: wieloletnia krytyka Zachodu miała charakter przede wszystkim deklaratywny, a więc była retoryką, nie zaś praktyką. W artykule wykorzystano analizę treści do oceny retoryki, następnie porównano narrację z działaniami politycznymi. Artykuł podzielono na cztery części. Po wstępie omówiona została polityka Indonezji przed i po rozpoczęciu procesu demokratyzacji w 1998 roku. Pracę kończy podsumowanie. Przyjęcie długiej perspektywy czasowej pozwala ukazać zmiany zachodzące w polityce Indonezji – od państwa antyzachodniego po państwo prozachodnie w retoryce i praktyce

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    Multiple renal abscesses leading to nephrectomy of the solitary kidney in a young female with type 1 diabetes and history of recurrent urinary tract infections

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    This report presents the case of a young female suffered for many years from type 1 diabetes, complicated by recurrent urinary tract infections and urosepsis with multiple abscesses which led to right nephrectomy in 2002. The patient was hospitalised in our Department in June 2009 because of urosepsis in the course of multiple left renal abscesses and subsequent acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis. A dramatic decision of removing the solitary kidney was taken, and patient was included in a long-term renal replacement therapy programme in our Centre as a preparation to kidney and pancreas transplantation

    Molecular characterization, ultrastructure, and transovarial transmission of Tremblaya phenacola in six mealybugs of the Phenacoccinae subfamily (Insecta, Hemiptera, Coccomorpha)

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    Mealybugs (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) are plant sap-sucking insects which require close association with nutritional microorganisms for their proper development and reproduction. Here, we present the results of histological, ultrastructural, and molecular analyses of symbiotic systems of six mealybugs belonging to the Phenacoccinae subfamily: Phenacoccus aceris, Rhodania porifera, Coccura comari, Mirococcus clarus, Peliococcus calluneti, and Ceroputo pilosellae.Molecular analyses based on bacterial 16S rRNA genes have revealed that all the investigated species of Phenacoccinae are host to only one type of symbiotic bacteria—a large pleomorphic betaproteobacteria—Tremblaya phenacola. In all the species examined, bacteria are localized in the specialized cells of the host-insect termed bacteriocytes and are transovarially transmitted between generations. The mode of transovarial transmission is similar in all of the species investigated. Infection takes place in the neck region of the ovariole, between the tropharium and vitellarium. The co-phylogeny between mealybugs and bacteria Tremblaya has been also analyzed

    GABA-A receptor genes do not play a role in genetics of Lesch's typology in Caucasian subjects

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    Lesch's typology differentiates alcoholics into different treatment response subgroups. The effects of ethanol are mediated, to an important extent, via the GABA-ergic system. We have evaluated the linkage disequilibrium patterns and haplotype frequencies of GABRG1 and GABRA2 genes in 133 alcoholics divided according to Lesch's typology and in 145 matched controls. Besides several relationships at a threshold of statistical significance, we found no significant differences in the haplotype distribution of these genes between alcoholics and controls. Lesch's typology may not be related with the genotype of alcoholics – at least in terms of genes with an established role in the development of dependency

    A Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Qualitative Features of Lecturing

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    Artificial Intelligence in higher education opens new possibilities for improving the lecturing process, such as enriching didactic materials, helping in assessing students' works or even providing directions to the teachers on how to enhance the lectures. We follow this research path, and in this work, we explore how an academic lecture can be assessed automatically by quantitative features. First, we prepare a set of qualitative features based on teaching practices and then annotate the dataset of academic lecture videos collected for this purpose. We then show how these features could be detected automatically using machine learning and computer vision techniques. Our results show the potential usefulness of our work.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Fungal Associates of Soft Scale Insects (Coccomorpha: Coccidae)

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    Ophiocordyceps fungi are commonly known as virulent, specialized entomopathogens; however, recent studies indicate that fungi belonging to the Ophiocordycypitaceae family may also reside in symbiotic interaction with their host insect. In this paper, we demonstrate that Ophiocordyceps fungi may be obligatory symbionts of sap-sucking hemipterans. We investigated the symbiotic systems of eight Polish species of scale insects of Coccidae family: Parthenolecanium corni, Parthenolecanium fletcheri, Parthenolecanium pomeranicum, Psilococcus ruber, Sphaerolecanium prunasti, Eriopeltis festucae, Lecanopsis formicarum and Eulecanium tiliae. Our histological, ultrastructural and molecular analyses showed that all these species host fungal symbionts in the fat body cells. Analyses of ITS2 and Beta-tubulin gene sequences, as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization, confirmed that they should all be classified to the genus Ophiocordyceps. The essential role of the fungal symbionts observed in the biology of the soft scale insects examined was confirmed by their transovarial transmission between generations. In this paper, the consecutive stages of fungal symbiont transmission were analyzed under TEM for the first time