32 research outputs found

    Language, responsibility, and agency: How UK's immigrant‐background young adults navigate linguistic heritage

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    This study explores the intersection of agency and responsibility in navigating linguistic heritage among immigrant‐background young adults (18–29 years old) in the UK. Drawing on Judith Butler's theorisation, it provides a nuanced understanding of how individuals engage with and respond to the burdening aspects of heritage language maintenance within the complex context of globalised power structures and privileged dynamics. The research employs a qualitative approach, integrating journal entries, interview transcripts, and co‐analysis to elucidate participants' experiences. Through grounded theory development, the study identifies key themes such as: negotiating responsibility across temporalities; the sense of guilt, shame and indebtedness embedded in the process of language maintenance; and finding agency through renarration. The paper contributes to geographical thought on migration and language by going beyond discussions of family language policy and proficiencies and drawing attention to the multifaceted implications of navigating linguistic heritage within immigrant families and monolingual Britain across the instabilities of social and temporal relations and power‐laden positionings. It also highlights the repertoires of narrative and interrelational approaches to reframing heritage that immigrant‐background young adults may access as they formulate their identities with and against language expectations, norms, proficiencies and hegemonies

    Variedad sonora de las antaras nasca: ¿Un caos o el sistema?

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    Las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en 1994 y 1995 en el centro ceremonial nasca de Cahuachi produjeron un hallazgo excepcional para los estudios arqueomusicológicos: un grupo de 27 flautas de Pan (antaras) que conformaba una ofrenda sacrificial en el templo del Sector Y13. Estudios detallados de las antaras (análisis de grabaciones directas de los sonidos y cálculos acústicos) han arrojado una gran cantidad de información sobre sus propiedades musicales/acústicas. También es posible, gracias al buen estado de conservación de los instrumentos, reconstruir su proceso de elaboración. La tecnología de producción aplicada resultó ser muy avanzada, lo cual refleja un sofisticado concepto de espacio sonoro y permite rechazar insinuaciones sobre una afinación imprecisa, torpe o caótica como consecuencia de una poco esmerada elaboración. Es más, quizá haya que reconocer que las series sonoras de las antaras ocultan en realidad un sistema de intervalos planificado con precisión y que el criterio de afinación seguido no sólo buscaba aportar valores melódicos, sino también complejas disonancias.The ceramic Panpipe (antara) was the main melodic instrument in Nasca culture. The archaeological excavations accomplished in 1994 and 1995 in Nasca ceremonial center at Cahuachi gave the extraordinary finding for archaeomusicological studies: the 27 antaras, which served as an offering in the temple in Sector Y13. The detailed studies on antaras (analysis of recorded sounds and acoustic calculations) gave a large amount of information about their musical/acoustical properties. It is possible also, thanks to the good state of preservation of instruments, to reconstruct the process of making of antaras. The applied technology of production seems to be very complex and to reflect the sophisticated general idea of sonorous space. The series of sounds and the types of intervals show the peculiarity of Nasca musical system which is to give the highest range to both values of music: melody and complex dissonances

    Ultrafiltrative separation of rhamnolipid from culture medium

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    Classic methods of biosurfactant separation are difficult and require large amounts of organic solvents, thus generate high amounts of waste. This work presents and discusses in detail an original procedure to separate rhamnolipid from fermentation broth using high performance membrane techniques. Due to the unique properties of surface active agents, such as capability of forming aggregates above the critical micelle concentration, it is possible to easily purify the biosurfactant with high efficacy using inexpensive and commonly used membranes. In this article, two-stage ultrafiltration is proposed as a method for separating and purifying rhamnolipid from the culture medium. The obtained purified rhamnolipid solution was capable of reducing surface tension of water down to 28.6 mN/m at critical micelle concentration of 40 mg/l. Separation of rhamnolipid was confirmed by HPLC; three types of rhamnolipids were identified (RL1, RL2, RL4), with considerable predominance of RL2

    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma — current trends in diagnosis and treatment

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    Pancreatic cancer, despite significant medical advances, is still a significant clinical problem. This article focuses on discussing risk factors, diagnostic methods, and treatment options. These elements are crucial in making a prompt diagnosis and initiating treatment. On average, a physician in primary care sees a patient with undiagnosed pancreatic cancer once every few years. Knowing the underlying symptoms and referring the patient to an appropriate center can significantly increase survival. Diagnostic methods include physical examination, numerous imaging techniques, and determination of tumor markers in serum. Surgical treatment combined with adjuvant chemotherapy is the only chance of cure for pancreatic cancer patients qualified for surgery. However, most patients experience tumor recurrence. When a tumor recurs, treatment for these patients and patients with unresectable disease is palliative chemotherapy. Numerous studies are currently underway to improve diagnostic and treatment methods

    A rare case of coexistence of a patent ductus arteriosus and a congenital carotid arteriovenous fistula in a 7-year-old girl

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    U 7-letniej dziewczynki, której w 3. miesiącu życia zamknięto implantem istotny hemodynamicznie przetrwały przewód tętniczy, w badaniu metodą Dopplera stwierdzono wpuklenie się okludera do światła aorty i jej przewężenie z gradientem skurczowym około 40 mm Hg. Ponadto powiększył się wymiar lewej komory oraz poszerzyła się tętnica płucna. Z powodu niejasnych objawów wykonano cewnikowanie serca — stwierdzono, że implant jest prawidłowo umieszczony i nie powoduje utrudnienia przepływu krwi. Wykluczono koarktację aorty, natomiast ujawniono cechy zwiększonego przepływu lewo-prawego z cechami nadciśnienia płucnego, sugerujące obecność wewnątrzczaszkowej przetoki tętniczo-żylnej. Po wykonaniu tomografii komputerowej wykluczono przetokę mózgową, uwidoczniono nieprawidłowe połączenie pomiędzy gałęzią lewej tętnicy szyjnej zewnętrznej a lewą żyłą szyjną wewnętrzną. Przetokę zamknięto interwencyjnie za pomocą cewek, po zabiegu nie zaobserwowano przecieku resztkowego. Pacjentkę wypisano ze szpitala w stanie dobrym.A 7-year-old girl, who underwent a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus closure at the age of 3 months, was diagnosed with a systolic gradient in the aortic lumen of approximately 40 mm Hg in Doppler examination, caused by prominence of the occluder. Additionally, an increase in the left ventricle and pulmonary artery sizes were established. Due to unclear symptoms, cardiac catheterization was performed, concluding that the implant was correctly positioned and did not obstruct blood flow, yet revealing features of increased left-right flow and pulmonary hypertension, suggesting the presence of an intracranial arteriovenous fistula. The performed computed tomography excluded a cerebral fistula and revealed an abnormal connection between the branch of the left external carotid artery and the left internal jugular vein. The fistula was interventionally closed with coils and no residual leakage was observed after the procedure. The girl was discharged home in a good condition

    Burnout among psychotherapists: a cross-cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic.

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    The aim of this study was to examine cross-cultural differences, as operationalized by Schwartz's refined theory of basic values, in burnout levels among psychotherapists from 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. We focused on the multilevel approach to investigate if individual- and country-aggregated level values could explain differences in burnout intensity after controlling for sociodemographic, work-related characteristics and COVID-19-related distress among participants. 2915 psychotherapists from 12 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Great Britain, Serbia, Spain, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and Switzerland) participated in this study. The participants completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey, the revised version of the Portrait Values Questionnaire, and a survey questionnaire on sociodemographic, work-related factors and the COVID-19 related distress. In general, the lowest mean level of burnout was noted for Romania, whereas the highest mean burnout intensity was reported for Cyprus. Multilevel analysis revealed that burnout at the individual level was negatively related to self-transcendence and openness-to-change but positively related to self-enhancement and conservation values. However, no significant effects on any values were observed at the country level. Male sex, younger age, being single, and reporting higher COVID-19-related distress were significant burnout correlates. Burnout among psychotherapists may be a transcultural phenomenon, where individual differences among psychotherapists are likely to be more important than differences between the countries of their practice. This finding enriches the discussion on training in psychotherapy in an international context and draws attention to the neglected issue of mental health among psychotherapists in the context of their professional functioning

    The significance of the sense of coherence for various coping resources in stress situations used by police officers in on-the-beat service

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    Background: Police officers meet many stressors as part of their occupation. The psychological resource "sense of coherence" (SOC) protects against ill-health, but its impact on coping resources for stress situations has not been studied in the population of police officers. Different approaches to investigate the significance of SOC for different outcomes have been identified in literature, leading to some difficulties in the interpretation and generalization of results. The aim was therefore to explore SOC and the coping resources, and to examine the significance of SOC for various coping resources for stress using different models in a sample of Swedish police officers providing on-the-beat service. Materials and Methods: One hundred and one police officers (age: mean = 33 years, SD = 8; 29 females) were included, and the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29) and the Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) were used. The dependent variable in each regression analysis was one of the coping resources: cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual/philosophical, physical, and a global resource. Global SOC-29 and/or its components (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness) were investigated as independent variables. Results: All CRI and SOC-29 scores except for that of spiritual/philosophical resources were higher than those of reference groups. Manageability was the most important component of SOC for various coping resources in stress situations used by police officers. Conclusion: A deeper study of manageability will give useful information, because this component of SOC is particularly significant in the variation in resources used by police officers to cope with stress. Salutogenesis, the origin of well-being, should be more in focus of future research on workplaces with a high level of occupational stress

    Maintenance and non-maintenance of community language in immigrant families: the case of Polish parents in the UK

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    This paper examines Polish immigrant parents’ perceptions of their community language value, the factors that shape their approaches to children’s language education, and the different outcomes on the spectrum of language maintenance/non-maintenance they achieve. It focuses on the empirical findings and interprets them with reference to Bourdieu’s theory of practice. It argues that a better understanding of migrants’ diverse experiences can be aided by an analysis of capital interactions and transformations in response to the socio-cultural environment. At the same time, it suggests that the negative impact of anti-migration socio-political structures and discourses on language practices should not be assumed