1,294 research outputs found

    Atividade de bioterápicos para o tratamento de mastite subclínica bovina.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de bioterápicos administrados por meio da ração para o tratamento de mastite subclínica bovina causada por Staphylococcus aureus. O bioterápico na potência 12 CH foi produzido a partir de amostras de leite dos quartos infectados e administrado na dosagem de 0,5g do produto em pó por animal, espalhado sobre o alimento oferecido no momento da ordenha, duas vezes ao dia, durante 30 dias. Um grupo controle foi mantido nas mesmas condições recebendo placebo. Análises microbiológicas e CMT (California Mastitis Test) foram realizados 15 e 30 dias após o início do tratamento. Observou-se que a taxa de eficiência do tratamento foi maior no grupo tratado quando comparado ao grupo controle (p< 0,05), no 30º. dia de tratamento. Foi observado um aumento na reação ao CMT em índices superiores no grupo tratado (p<0,05) . Os resultados do presente experimento permitem concluir que a homeopatia apresentou-se satisfatória para tratamento de mastite subclínica em bovinos, entretanto, houve interferência negativa na resposta ao CMT com aumento das reações no decorrer do tratamento

    Perdas reprodutivas e reconcepção em fêmeas bovinas de corte submetidas a inseminação artificial em tempo fixo

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as perdas gestacionais entre 30 e 120 dias de gestação e reconcepção em vacas de corte submetidas à inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Foram analisadas 18.462 informações do arquivo zootécnico de animais submetidos a IATF no período da estação de monta de novembro de 2019 a abril de 2020 na região do semiárido de Minas Gerais. Os parâmetros avaliados foram perda gestacional, categoria animal, presença do bezerro ao pé da vaca, escore de condição corporal (ECC) e situação final da estação de monta das fêmeas que perderam gestação após a IATF, os dados foram analisados pelo teste qui-quadrado de Person (χ²) e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 5% com uso do programa SPSS. A taxa de prenhez final foi de 58,52%. A taxa de perdas entre o primeiro e segundo diagnóstico gestacional foi de 3,6%. Observou-se dependência entre as variáveis categoria e perda gestacional (χ²= 12,374, p0,05). A diferença do ECC entre as categorias foi significativa (p<0,05). A situação final foi influenciada (p<0,05) pela categoria animal. A ordem de parição e o escore de condição corporal influenciam significativamente a taxa de perda gestacional. Palavras-chaves: Bovinocultura; Desempenho reprodutivo; Perdas gestacionai

    Control of Haematobia irritans in the Minas Gerais Semiarid

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    Background: Beef cattle is considered to be one of the most important economic activities, however, it presents problems in the production chain such as the occurrence of parasites that reduce the growth, performance, productivity and may cause mortalities occasionally. The chemical control is the most used alternative to reduce ectoparasites. Nevertheless, inappropriate management of insecticides has contributed to the selection of population resistant to the products available on the market. This paper aimed to evaluate the practices of management and the application of insecticides used to control horn flies in farms of dairy cattle in the North of the state of Minas Gerais.Materials, Methods & Results: It was visited 62 rural properties, which produce milk. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied in order to obtain information on the characteristics of the properties (location, size and type of the cattle), on the knowledge about the epidemiology of the horn flies, and on the practices adopted to the control of those parasites. The practices adopted include the moment of application of the insecticides, frequency of the cattle treatment, used products, method of application, number of animals treated, and choice and substitution criteria of insecticides. The data collected were tabulated in contingency tables, and they were analyzed using the chi-square test, considering a significance of 5%. The racial composition of the cattle in the farms was mainly mixed-race of unknown origin, representing 77% of the animals evaluated. In this research, it was reported a greater incidence of horn flies infestation on adult beef herd, and 23.6% of the producers reported occurrences of infestation in the whole herd, not differing by categories. The infestation peaks of the fly occurred from November to March. It was also found a greater frequency of pyrethroid use in the region (P < 0.001), where 43.1% of the producers used associations of pyrethroid or organophosphate to control the flies, high efficiency being reported. From the properties assessed, 92% presented inadequacy in the practices of control of horn flies, for instance, the lack of using cattle manure tank, the accumulation of open waste, the lack of rotation of insecticides, which can favor the selection of resistant flies.Discussion: In this paper, it was reported 77.19% of predominance of Haematobia irritans infestation from November to March mainly in animals with a higher percentage of European or mixed-race genetics. Such results corroborate with the literature, because it was verified the influence of race and hair color in the level of infestation in the animals, although, in the same race, each individual presents different susceptibilities. Taurine beef cattle are more susceptible to infestation by horn flies than zebu cattle. Thus, the lower the proportion of zebu cattle genetics in the herd, the greater the infestation. Taurine beef cattle are more infested because shows a greater number of sebaceous glands and greater concentration of testosterone being attractive before the calves castrated, cows, and after, young animals. Cypermethrin was predominant in most part of the commercial insecticides used in the properties to control this ectoparasite, which could be justified by the large number of products available on the market with such compound in the formulations. The high efficiency of the associations of the insecticides reported by the producers could justify itself by the presence of active ingredients with different mechanisms of action. However, the limitation on the use of these associations is that not always the chemical compounds contained in the drug act simultaneously, being able to favor the selection of parasites resistant to different insecticides present in these formulations

    Educação Ambiental Para o Ecodesenvolvimento

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    &nbsp;This study is about the negative effects caused by the exaggerated economical growth and how education can be used as an agent to minimize the damages caused to the natural environment. In this study, environmental education is considered as a pillar which will become into a new awareness to people in terms of reducing the anxiety for the exaggerated consumerism under an economical perspective. In this way, a literature review research on the subject was carried out in bibliographic collections, using Google Scholar and Scielo, in a timeless way. Therefore, the work is characterized as qualitative and, as a method of approach, the phenomenological-hermeneutic method was used. Regarding the achieved results, there is a common sense among the authors say in the environmental education is promising to changes in relation to the human and to the nature, once it contributes to collective awareness for a new vision on companies, such as&nbsp; public and private participation to take care of the biodiversity and this way provide ah harmonious environment among the parts. Therefore, environmental education is considered as essential as a way to minimize anthropocentric actions that can be harmful to the environment and, as well as to motivate preservation actions by the society to achieve balance, harmony and an ecologically sustainable life to the future generations.El estudio aborda los impactos negativos sobre la naturaleza causados por el crecimiento económico exacerbado y cómo la educación ambiental puede actuar como agente minimizador de los daños causados al medio natural. En esta investigación, la educación ambiental fue vista como el pilar transformador para una nueva conciencia de las personas, en el sentido de reducir el deseo de consumismo exagerado desde una perspectiva económica. De esta forma, se realizó una investigación de revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema en acervos bibliográficos, utilizando Google Scholar y Scielo, de manera atemporal. Por lo tanto, el trabajo se caracteriza como cualitativo y, como método de abordaje, se utilizó el método fenomenológico-hermenéutico. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, hubo consenso entre los autores de que la educación ambiental realmente es prometedora para cambios en la relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza, ya que contribuye a la conciencia colectiva y una nueva visión sobre las empresas, como la participación pública y privada, en cuidando la biodiversidad, y por ende, propiciando un ambiente armonioso entre las partes. Por ello, se considera fundamental utilizar la educación ambiental como medio para minimizar las acciones antropocéntricas nocivas para el medio ambiente y, de esta forma, promover acciones de preservación por parte de la sociedad con el fin de lograr el equilibrio, la armonía y una vida ecológicamente sostenible para las generaciones futuras.O estudo aborda os impactos negativos à natureza causados pelo crescimento econômico exacerbado e como a educação ambiental pode entrar como agente minimizador de prejuízos causados ao meio ambiente natural. Nesta pesquisa, se viu a educação ambiental como o pilar transformador para uma nova conscientização das pessoas, no sentido de diminuir a ânsia pelo consumismo exagerado na perspectiva econômica. Desta forma, foi feita uma pesquisa de revisão da literatura sobre o tema em acervos bibliográficos, utilizando o Google Acadêmico e Scielo, de forma atemporal. Logo, o trabalho se caracteriza como qualitativo e, como método de abordagem, foi utilizado o fenomenológico-hermenêutico. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, houve um consenso entre os autores que realmente a educação ambiental é promissora para mudanças na relação entre humano e natureza, uma vez que contribui para a conscientização coletiva e uma nova visão sobre as empresas, como a participação pública e privada, em cuidar da biodiversidade, e assim, trazer um ambiente harmonioso entre as partes. Portanto, considera-se essencial o uso da educação ambiental como meio para minimizar as ações antropocêntricas que sejam nocivas ao meio ambiente e, desta forma, promover ações de preservação por parte da sociedade com o propósito de atingir o equilíbrio, harmonia e uma vida ecologicamente sustentável para as gerações vindouras

    Screening for canine coronavirus, canine influenza virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in dogs during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic

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    Background and Aim: Although most cases of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) are in humans, there is scientific evidence to suggest that the virus can also infect dogs and cats. This study investigated the circulation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), canine coronavirus (CCV), and canine influenza virus (CIV) in domiciled and/or stray dogs from different locations in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: In total, 86 dogs living in homes, on the streets, or in shelters in the cities of Taiobeiras, Salinas, Araçuaí, and Almenara were randomly selected for this study. The COVID Ag Detect® Self-Test was used to detect SARS-CoV-2. The ACCUVET CCV AG TEST – CANINE CORONAVIROSIS® was used to detect CCV, whereas canine influenza was detected using the ACCUVET CIV AG TEST – INFLUENZA CANINA®. All collected data were mapped using QGIS 3.28.1 for spatial data analysis and the identification of disease distribution patterns. Descriptive analysis of the collected data, prevalence calculations, odds ratios (ORs), and 95% confidence intervals, when possible, was performed. Results: Of the 86 animals tested, only one dog tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using the rapid test for viral antigen detection. No animals tested positive for CIV. Canine coronavirus was detected in almost half of the animals tested in Almenara. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV-2 had a low prevalence (1.16%), versus 15.62% for CCV. Although the results were not significant, the age and breed of animals appeared to be associated with the occurrence of CCV. The results indicated that younger animals were 2.375-fold more likely to be infected. Likewise, purebred animals were more likely to contract the disease (OR = 1.944). Conclusion: The results indicate the need to maintain preventive measures against CCV, canine influenza, and SARS-CoV-2 in dogs. More studies are needed to better elucidate the panorama of these diseases in dogs, mainly in underdeveloped and developing countries

    Detection and identification of medically important microorganisms isolated from pigeon excreta collected in a university in a newly industrialized country

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    Exposure to animal feces contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms poses a risk to human health. The presence of fungi and yeasts in environments is related to adverse effects on respiratory health. An objective approach to mitigating possible health effects due to exposure to fungi and yeasts in closed environments is difficult due to the lack of guidelines. The aim of this work was, to identify and characterize microorganisms of medical importance isolated from pigeon feces collected on roof tiles of a university building and also to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the study area. Excrement sampling points were established, and the microorganisms were identified by standard biochemical and microbiological methods followed by MALDI-TOF proteomics for identification at the species level. Microbial identification revealed the presence of medically important microorganisms in the samples analyzed, namely the fungi Candida krusei, Candida rugosa, Aspergillus spp., Cryptococcus neoformans and Trichosporon asahii and bacterium Klebsiela pneumoniae. The results obtained demonstrated the need for the development of methods that help mitigate risks to human health due to exposure to pathogenic agents in environments such as that studied


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    A humanização do direito configura um apelo urgente e inadiável, o qual exige ações e pesquisas jurídicas em atenção a situações que representam risco aos direitos fundamentais, em especial, ao princípio da dignidade humana, princípio este que apesar de constitucionalmente consagrado, é frequentemente desrespeitado e não observado. Neste contexto, surge a necessidade de atenção a um dos grupos mais vulneráveis, as crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, cuja susceptibilidade à não observância de seus direitos, clama por intervenções claras e precisas. Assim, para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho científico, pretende-se esclarecer os mecanismos de proteção para as crianças e adolescentes previstos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Busca-se evidenciar se há previsão normativa específica para a proteção das crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua e, ainda, evidenciar os direitos fundamentais preteridos nessa situação. Pretende-se expor os motivos pelos quais as crianças e adolescentes procuram as ruas, bem como investigar a existência e extensão das políticas públicas existentes para enfretamento do tema. Pretende-se esclarecer os mecanismos de proteção para as crianças e adolescentes previstos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro