160 research outputs found

    Brexit i jego skutki dla Niemiec z perspektywy ekonomicznej i społecznej

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    At the end of March 2017, the British government initiated the legal procedure of withdrawal from the EU, beginning the two-year countdown towards Brexit. However, as of August 2019, the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still pending. The Brexit uncertainty over the years has had an impact on the UK economy negatively affecting, e.g., its growth. This paper addresses the impact of Brexit, however from the viewpoint of Germany, focusing on the economic and social perspective. For our analyses, we differentiate between the announcement of Brexit and the possible final outcomes of Brexit. From an economic perspective, our analyses focus on the four freedoms of the European Single Market. From a social perspective, our analyses focus on mobility, studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and consumer rights. Using descriptive statistics primarily based on data from Destatis and Eurostat, we expect the following implications. From an economic perspective, we expect negative implications like worsening trade relationship between the UK and Germany affecting jobs, especially in the automotive sector. From a social perspective, we also expect negative implications like increasing travel costs to the UK, increasing mobile phone roaming charges, additional healthcare insurance. Further areas impacted by Brexit may be studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and customers rights.Pod koniec marca 2017 r., rząd brytyjski zainicjował procedurę prawną dotyczącą wystąpienia z Unii Europejskiej, rozpoczynając tym samym dwuletnie odliczanie do Brexitu. Jednakże, biorąc pod uwagę stan na sierpień 2019 r., ostateczny wynik negocjacji, jest nadal w toku. Niepewność wywołana przez Brexit w ciągu ostatnich lat wpływała negatywnie na gospodarkę Wielkiej Brytanii, np. wzrost gospodarczy. Niniejsza praca ukazuje wpływ Brexitu na Niemcy z uwzględnieniem perspektywy ekonomicznej i społecznej. W naszych analizach rozróżniamy między efektami po ogłoszeniu Brexitu, a jego możliwymi skutkami. Uwzględniając perspektywę ekonomiczną, nasze analizy koncentrują się na czterech swobodach rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej. W perspektywie społecznej, nasze analizy skupiają się na mobilności, studiach i praktykach w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcjach finansowych oraz prawach konsumentów. Za pomocą statystyk opisowych, bazując głównie na danych z Destatis i Eurostatu, przewidujemy następujące konsekwencje. Biorąc pod uwagę perspektywę ekonomiczną, spodziewamy się negatywnych następstw, takich jak pogorszenie relacji handlowych między Wielką Brytanią a Niemcami, wpływających na zatrudnienie, w szczególności w sektorze motoryzacyjnym. Uwzględniając perspektywę społeczną, spodziewamy się także negatywnych konsekwencji, np. wynikających z podróżowania do Wielkiej Brytanii: rosnących kosztów podróży, opłat roamingowych, dodatkowego ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. Wśród pozostałych obszarów, na które może wpływać Brexit wskazać należy studia i praktyki w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcje finansowe oraz prawa konsumentów

    Analiza kompetencji rodziców w zakresie bezpieczeństwa dzieci w Internecie

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    In the last three years there had been conducted several researches in Poland, which were related to competences and consciousness of parents in the field of children safety in the Internet, including the research conducted in 2010 in all European Union countries (the EU Kids Online research). In this paper the author focuses mainly on the comparison and synthesis of the result of these researches on safety of children in the Internet and parent’s competences in that matter as well on presentation of conclusions drawn from these results. The paper also presents briefly types and classification of Internet threats, as well the analysis of activities and competences of children in the Web

    Kernel PCA in nonlinear visualization of a healthy and a faulty planetary gearbox data

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    PCA (Principal Component Analysis) is a powerful method for investigating the dimensionality and extracting structure from multi-dimensional data, however it extracts only linear projections. More general projections – accounting for possible non-linearities among the observed variables – can be obtained using kPCA (Kernel PCA), that performs the same task, however working with an extended feature set. We consider planetary gearbox data given as two 15-dimensional data sets, one coming from a healthy and the other from a faulty planetary gearbox. For these data both the PCA (with 15 variables) and the kPCA (using indirectly 500 variables) is carried out. It appears that the investigated PC-s are to some extent similar; however, the first three kernel PC-s show the data structure with more details

    Influence of Heavy Metals on Quality of Raw Materials, Animal Products, and Human and Animal Health Status

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    Heavy metals constitute one of the threats to the natural environment and the health of living organisms. The sources of contamination of the environment with heavy metals are mainly industry, thermal and chemical processing of mineral resources, burning of coal, gases and liquid fuels, municipal economy (rubbish dumps, sewage), and agriculture consuming mineral fertilizers, plant protection agents, utilizing huge loads of pollution accompanying animal production. Accumulation of toxic elements in plant tissues leads to disturbances in plant reproduction and thus to lowering of their nutritional value. In humans and animals, in turn, it may cause poisoning and the occurrence of various disorders and diseases, including cancer. There are different ways to reduce the penetration of heavy metals into crops and deactivation in animal organisms—by using the tolerance of plants to heavy metals, cleaning the environment through phytoremediation, the use of antagonistic type interactions to reduce bioaccumulation in animal tissues, as well as the properties of compounds of organic and mineral origin. The aim of the chapter is to present the problems of environmental pollution and accumulation of heavy metals (mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead) in tissues of farm animals, their impact on human and animal health, as well as the possibility of inactivation of heavy metals in animal organisms

    Correlation of Endostatin and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2) Serum Levels With Cardiovascular Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis Patients

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    Fibrosis of oesophagus, lungs, heart, and kidney in the course of systemic sclerosis (SSc) may lead to dysfunction of the above organs or even patients death. Recent studies point out the role of angiogenesis and fibrosis disturbances in the pathogenesis of SSc. Heart fibrosis is one of the most important prognostic factors in SSc patients. So, the aim of our study was to examine cardiovascular dysfunction in SSc patients and its correlation with serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), endostatin, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP2). The study group comprised 34 patients (19 with limited scleroderma (lSSc) and 15 with diffuse scleroderma (dSSc)). The control group consisted of 20 healthy persons, age and sex matched. Internal organ involvement was assessed on the basis of specialist procedures. Serum VEGF, endostatin, and TIMP2 levels were evaluated by ELISA. We found cardiovascular changes in 15 patients with SSc (8 with lSSc and 7 with dSSc). The observed symptoms were of different characters and also coexisted with each other. Higher endostatin serum levels in all systemic sclerosis patients in comparison to the control group were demonstrated (P < .05). Also higher serum levels of endostatin and TIMP2 were observed in patients with cardiovascular changes in comparison to the patients without such changes (P < .05). The obtained results support the notion that angiogenesis and fibrosis disturbances may play an important role in SSc. Evaluation of endostatin and TIMP2 serum levels seems to be one of the noninvasive, helpful examinations of heart involvement in the course of systemic sclerosis

    Niemcy 30 lat po zjednoczeniu – aspekt społeczno-demograficzny i gospodarczy

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    In line with the 30th anniversary of the German reunification this article reviews the social as well as economic effect of Germany’s reunification on Germany distinguishing between East Germany and West Germany to present times. Looking at the social effect we can see a decrease in the number of population for East Germany and an increase in the number of population for West Germany over time. In addition, the average age of the population in federal states in East Germany has increased above average of Germany’s population compared to the federal states in West Germany. Looking at the economic effect focusing on gross domestic product per capita, gross fixed capital formation, unemployment reate and gross wages and salaries we can see that East Germany has decreased its gap to West Germany over time, however, its economic convergence to West Germany remains an ongoing process.Autorzy w artykule omawiają społeczno-demograficzne i gospodarcze implikacje zjednoczenia Niemiec dla wschodniej i zachodniej części kraju, w 30. rocznicę zakończenia okresu dwupaństwowości. Analizując społeczno-demograficzne implikacje, autorzy wskazują na spadek liczby ludności w Niemczech wschodnich i jednoczesny wzrost liczby ludności w Niemczech zachodnich w badanym okresie. Autorzy zwracają również uwagę na postępujący proces starzenia się społeczeństwa, widoczny zwłaszcza w landach wschodnich, gdzie średni wiek ludności wynosi powyżej średniej wieku ludności w Niemczech. Poddając analizie wybrane wskaźniki makroekonomiczne dla określenia implikacji gospodarczych, tj. PKB na mieszkańca, nakłady brutto na środki trwałe, stopę bezrobocia i wynagrodzenie brutto, autorzy wskazują, iż Niemcy wschodnie zmniejszyły dystans w stosunku do Niemiec zachodnich, jednakże konwergencja poziomów rozwoju gospodarczego obu części Niemiec to nadal niedokończony proces

    Medialna postać “znaczącego Innego” a wychowanie współczesnego dziecka

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    The aim of the article was to analyze the theoretical relationship between contemporary media personalities and the upbringing of a child. The considerations refer to the concepts of the "significant Other" and the authority, including the media authority. At the same time, it was emphasized that the concept of an authority is very much debatable today. The next part of the article describes difficulties associated with raising a child in a world immersed in the media. In order to achieve a certain balance, after analyzing the products, examples were given of media personalities that could play the role of a "significant Other" or a media authority that could be good for contemporary children.Celem artykułu była teoretyczna analiza tego, jaki związek może zachodzić między współczesnymi osobowościami medialnymi a wychowaniem dziecka. W rozważaniach odwołano się do pojęć “znaczącego Innego” oraz autorytetu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem autorytetu medialnego. Jednocześnie podkreślono, że pojęcie autorytetu współcześnie bardzo mocno rozmywa się. W kolejnej części artykułu opisano trudności związane z wychowaniem dziecka, w świecie zanurzonym w mediach. W celu osiągnięcia pewnej równowagi, po dokonaniu analizy wytworów, podano przykłady medialnych osobowości, mogących pełnić rolę “znaczącego Innego” czy autorytetu medialnego i pozytywnie oddziaływać na współczesne dzieci

    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis with endocrinopathy – case report

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is characterized by Candida infection of the mucous membrane, scalp, skin and nails. We present a case of a 42-year-old man who was treated twice in the Dermatological Department. He was admitted the first time as a 7-year-old boy because of skin and mucosal lesions and then the diagnosis of granuloma candidamyceticum was established. Thirty-one years later he was admitted again with a history of facial skin lesions and blepharitis. For a couple of years he had suffered from diabetes and hypothyroidism. The diagnosis of CMC with endocrinopathy was established in our patient