18 research outputs found

    Social and economic efficiency of implementation of pastile products made from unconventional raw materials in the hospitality field

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    In the context of the deteriorating environmental situation, scientists are faced with the urgent task of improving the quality of food. One way is to reduce the carbohydrate load by replacing sugar in sweeteners while enriching them with nutrients. One way is to reduce the carbohydrate load by replacing sugar in sweeteners while enriching them with nutrients. For this purpose, a number of studies have been carried out to improve the quality of pastilles through the use of stevia - a natural sweetener and elamin The objects of research are social and economic efficiency. Investigated problem was to calculate the social and economic efficiency from the introduction of the developed marshmallow. Main scientific results: The article presents these calculations of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the development, namely, a decrease in the realizable value of the Exotica pastille by 1.2 % and an increase in the "Smakota" pastille and "Nasoloda" marshmallow by 4.0 and 2.3 %. However, it was found that the integral quality indicator of marshmallow "Nasoloda" exceeds the control by 10.2 %, for the pastille "Exotica" and "Smakota" – by 21.1 and 26.3 %. Scope of practical use of the development is the food industry, namely, the expansion of the range of products with a low glycemic index, increased nutritional value. An innovative technological product is the technology of making pastilles, which has economic and social efficiency. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: The use of the developed pastille products for consumers with a lack of iodine, selenium, iron, obesity patients and diabetes mellitus

    European Porcelain in Russian Regional Collections: Attribution Problems

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    For the most part, the museum network of modern Russia formed in the first decades of the USSR. At the time, works from nationalized collections of considerable size were distributed on a large scale and somewhat chaotically among the already existing and mostly capital museums and newly created regional ones. This factor had a significant impact on the formation of the composition of most regional collections, and seriously affected the specifics of registering items such as those made of porcelain and the peculiarities of specialists’ access to them. Thus, the collection of porcelain of Western European production of the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts has around two hundred items. Despite the relatively modest number, it will nevertheless help one get sufficiently acquainted with the main trends in the development of porcelain in European countries between the eighteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries. The history of its formation demonstrates the main trends in the replenishment of collections in the Soviet years. For many decades, namely, from the moment of the establishment of the museum in 1936 until the early 2010s, the collection in question remained practically unstudied, which was largely due to the lack of specialists characteristic of many regional museums of that time, as well as the low availability of sources for comparing and typologizing the works stored in the collections. Referring to the collection of the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, the article considers the main problems associated with the study of regional collections of European porcelain: the fragmented provenance of artworks transferred from nationalized collections in the first decades of the museum’s development; the complex format of working with private collections due to the specifics of the socio-political system of the Soviet state which did not welcome private collecting; insufficient attention to the marks on the artworks, which can confuse an inexperienced researcher, and, as a result, the urgent need for a significant updating and addition of porcelain marks to the currently existing reference books

    Мicцe i poль мaлoгo пiдпpиємcтвa в eкoнoмiцi Укpaїни

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    1. Ckopenko B. C. Sustainable development of the national economy: current problems and mechanisms of provision: materials of the II international scientific-practical Internet 27th. nat. University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Bapanovsky. Kpiviy Pig: DonNUET, 2018. 485c. 2. Stpilchuk Yu. I. Financial provision of innovative projects of small and medium business: global challenges and Ukrainian issues: coll. Materials of the I International Scientific-Practical Conference; December 7, 2016, Kyiv. K .: KNEU, 2016. S. 239. 3. Small Business: Legislative Experience / National Institute for Systematic Research on Entrepreneurship Problems. URL: https://nisse.ru/. 4. Boltyanska L. O., Andreeva O. I., Lysak O. I. Economics of the enterprise: textbook. manual: recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. Hepcon: Old- plus, 2015. 668 p. 5. Chmelova O. C., Balanda V. V. Strategies of innovative development of the Ukrainian economy: problems, prospects, efficiency // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Strategy of Innovative Development of the Economy of Ukraine: problems, perspectives, efficiency "Ford-2017" December 27, 2017 p. Kharkiv: NTU "KhPI", 2017 p. 231 c. 6. Zagadepchuk Yu. V. Summer scientific discussions, XXI International scientific-practical internet-conference. Vinnytsia, June 15, 2018. Ch. 1, 73 p.Revealing the importance of small business as part of the economic environment and its impact on the socio-economic state of society as a whole.Розкриття важливості малого підприємництва як частини економічного середовища та вплив його на соціально-економічний ста

    Public Interaction Fields of Parliament Chambers in the Countries of South America

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    This article presents the author’s analysis of the constitutional texts of South American countries regarding the consolidation of universal interaction fields between the chambers of parliaments. In the course of the study, it was found that the typical (universal) interaction fields between the chambers of parlia-ment are represented by the legislative sphere (implemented in the course of adopting laws, holding joint meetings on various occasions); organizational and personnel sphere (provides for the consolidated participation of cham-bers during the formation of public authorities, as well as the appointment of officials); the control sphere, which is represented by three types: personnel and control (related to the implementation of the impeachment procedure against the head of state, resignation of senior state officials, expression of confidence lack in the government), organizational and control (concerns the formation of joint permanent and temporary commissions by the chambers of parliament) and financial control (assumes the consolidated participation of the chambers for the state budget adoption); the international sphere (con-cerns the joint activities of the chambers in the course of the ratification or denunciation of international treaties, the declaration of a state of war or the conclusion of peace). It is concluded that typical spheres of interaction bet-ween the chambers of parliaments in South American countries demonstra-te the legislator’s approaches to the development of interaction between the chambers of parliaments

    Genetic characterization of influenza viruses from influenza-related hospital admissions in the St. Petersburg and Valencia sites of the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network during the 2013/14 influenza season

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    AbstractBackgroundContinuous surveillance for genetic changes in circulating influenza viruses is needed to guide influenza prevention and control.ObjectivesTo compare intra-seasonal influenza genetic diversity of hemagglutinin in influenza A strains isolated from influenza hospital admissions collected at two distinct sites during the same season.Study designComparative phylogenetic analysis of full-length hemagglutinin genes from 77 isolated influenza A viruses from the St. Petersburg, Russian Federation and Valencia, Spain sites of the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN) during the 2013/14 season.ResultsWe found significant variability in A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses between the two sites, with nucleotide variation at antigenic positions much lower for A(H1N1)pdm09 than for A(H3N2) viruses. For A(H1N1)pdm09, antigenic sites differed by three to four amino acids from the vaccine strain, two of them common to all tested isolates. For A(H3N2) viruses, antigenic sites differed by six to nine amino acids from the vaccine strain, four of them common to all tested isolates. A fifth amino acid substitution in the antigenic sites of A(H3N2) defined a new clade, 3C.2. For both influenza A subtypes, pairwise amino acid distances between circulating viruses and vaccine strains were significantly higher at antigenic than at non-antigenic sites. Whereas A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses clustered with clade 6B and 94% of A(H3N2) with clade 3C.3, at both study sites A(H3N2) clade 3C.2 viruses emerged towards the end of the season, showing greater pairwise amino acid distances from the vaccine strain compared to the predominant clade 3C.3.ConclusionsInfluenza A antigenic variants differed between St. Petersburg and Valencia, and A(H3N2) clade 3C.2 viruses were characterized by more amino acid differences from the vaccine strain, especially at the antigenic sites

    Development of mechanism functioning banking system of Ukraine under the influence of foreign capital

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    В роботі наведено системне дослідження теоретичних та практичних аспектів формування механізму функціонування банківської системи України під впливом іноземного капіталу.In this paper the systematic study of theoretical and practical aspects of formation mechanism of the banking system of Ukraine under the influence of foreign capital

    Development of mechanism functioning banking system of Ukraine under the influence of foreign capital

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    В роботі наведено системне дослідження теоретичних та практичних аспектів формування механізму функціонування банківської системи України під впливом іноземного капіталу.In this paper the systematic study of theoretical and practical aspects of formation mechanism of the banking system of Ukraine under the influence of foreign capital