233 research outputs found

    H216O line list for the study of atmospheres of Venus and Mars

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    IR spectroscopy is an important method of remote measurement of H216O content in planetary atmospheres with initial spectroscopic information from the HITRAN, GEISA, etc., databases adapted for studies in the Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike the Earth, the atmospheres of Mars and Venus mainly consist of carbon dioxide with a CO2 content of about 95%. In this paper, the line list of H216O is obtained on the basis of the BT2 line list (R.J. Barber, J. Tennyson, G.J. Harris, et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368, 1087 (2006)). The BT2 line list containing information on the centers, intensities, and quantum identification of lines is supplemented with the line contour parameters: the self-broadening and carbon dioxide broadening coefficients and the temperature dependence coefficient at 296 K in the range of 0.001–30000 cm−1. Transitions with intensity values 10−30, 10−32, and 10−35 cm/molecule, the total number of which is 323310, 753529, and 2011072, respectively, were chosen from the BT2 line list


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    The value of intellectual property is now growing by the day in view of globalization of economic processes and integration of the Russian Federation into the world economy. The need for development of legislation in the field of intellectual property, improvement of legal mechanisms to protect the intellectual deliverables is dictated by a market economy, changes in social relations, as well as the inconsistency of regulatory enforcement, which prevents from proper implementation of the individual’s rights in the sphere of intellectual property realization. Over the past decade, the entrepreneurial activity has demonstrated an increase in a number of facts of recognition of the intellectual property created by an employee as work for hire (WFH). Under these procedures, both employers and employees often make mistakes that subsequently lead to such items being non-protectable. The point is that the current legislation has no procedure or criteria to recognize the intellectual property created by employees as WFH. However, failure to observe the procedures regulated by tax legislation when recognizing the results of an employee's intellectual activity as WFH poses a high risk for instituting administrative action against the employer. In this paper, we will try to determine the procedure and criteria for recognizing the results of an employee's intellectual activity as WFH.El valor de la propiedad intelectual está creciendo día a día en vista de la globalización de los procesos económicos y la integración de la Federación de Rusia en la economía mundial. La necesidad de desarrollar una legislación en el campo de la propiedad intelectual, la mejora de los mecanismos legales para proteger los resultados intelectuales está dictada por una economía de mercado, los cambios en las relaciones sociales, así como la inconsistencia de la aplicación de la normativa, que impide la implementación adecuada de Derechos del individuo en el ámbito de la realización de la propiedad intelectual. Durante la última década, la actividad empresarial ha demostrado un aumento en una serie de hechos de reconocimiento de la propiedad intelectual creada por un empleado como trabajo por contrato (FMH). Según estos procedimientos, tanto los empleadores como los empleados a menudo cometen errores que posteriormente conducen a que dichos elementos no sean protegibles. El punto es que la legislación actual no tiene procedimientos ni criterios para reconocer la propiedad intelectual creada por los empleados como FMH. Sin embargo, el incumplimiento de los procedimientos regulados por la legislación fiscal al reconocer los resultados de la actividad intelectual de un empleado como FMH plantea un alto riesgo de iniciar acciones administrativas contra el empleador. En este documento, trataremos de determinar el procedimiento y los criterios para reconocer los resultados de la actividad intelectual de un empleado como FMH.В настоящее время значение интеллектуальной собственности возрастает с каждым днём в связи с глобализацией экономических процессов и интеграцией Российской Федерации в мировую экономику. Необходимость развития законодательства в сфере интеллектуальной собственности, совершенствование механизмов правовой охраны интеллектуальной собственности диктуется условиями рыночной экономики, изменениями общественных отношений, а также противоречивостью правоприменительной практики, которая не позволяет в полной мере обеспечить реализацию прав субъектов в сфере использования результатов интеллектуальной деятельности. В предпринимательской деятельности за последнее десятилетие происходит увеличение количества фактов признания результатов интеллектуальной деятельности, созданных работником в качестве служебных произведений. В рамках этих процедур работодатели и работники часто допускают ошибки, которые впоследствии приводят к неохраноспособности таких объектов. Сложность заключается в том, что в действующем законодательстве отсутствует порядок и критерии признания созданных работниками объектов интеллектуальной собственности служебными произведениями. Однако при несоблюдении некоторых регламентированных налоговым законодательством процедур в процессе признания результатов интеллектуальной деятельности работника служебными произведениями возникают высокие риски привлечения работодателя к административной ответственности. В настоящей статье попытаемся определить порядок и критерии признания результатов интеллектуальной деятельности работника служебным произведением

    Molecular mechanisms of neuroprotective effects of thyroid hormones and their metabolites in acute brain ischemia

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    As endovascular reperfusion advances and multimodal neuroimagimg is implemented, neuroprotection in ischemic stroke progresses to the next level. In the recent years, the focus of neuroprotection research has been gradually shifting towards the research of endogenous substances and their synthetic analogs. According to the available evidence, thyroid hormones (THs) and their metabolites are potentially effective neuroprotectors in brain ischemia. Objective. To identify and classify TH neuroprotective effects in acute brain ischemia by analyzing contemporary data. We studied and analyzed publications indexed in РubMed, SciElo, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Biomedical Data Journal, and eLibrary. The molecular basis of TH effects includes genomic and non-genomic mechanisms aimed at mitochondrial activity regulation, neuro- and angiogenesis, axonal transport, cytoskeleton maintenance, and impact on ion channels as well as activation and expression of specific proteins. TH effects on the central nervous system can be classified into following clusters: influence on neuronal and glial metabolism, apoptosis modulation, neuroplasticity and angiogenesis, impact on hemostasis, and local and systemic immune response. Conclusion. THs are multimodal and selective regulators of cellular processes that affect neuroplasticity and neuro-reintegration both in the brain ischemic zone and beyond it. Therefore, a promising research can cover THs and and their metabolites as cerebral cytoprotectors to improve functional outcomes of ischemic strokes

    The Use of Social Networks to Train the Intercultural Dimension of Foreign Languages at Higher Educational Institutions

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    The paper aims to identify how social networks contribute to training the intercultural dimension of foreign languages at higher educational institutions. We attempted to answer the questions of what effect the use of social networks has on foreign language training, fostering intercultural and occupational skills, and how both students and teachers perceive the intervention. To achieve research goals, we used quantitative tools, such as (1) checklists, (2) assessment records on English for Specific Purposes, (3) the cultural intelligence scale, (4) the multidimensional emotional empathy scale, and (5) the questionnaire for reflective thinking. Qualitative data were drawn from the observations and interviews. The research findings confirmed that the use of social networks provided students with a true-to-life (authentic) environment and context to gain cultural experience and train a foreign language. This strategy boosts English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching experiences using a distance-learning component. A longitudinal research design enhances transformations in students in terms of emotional empathy and reflective thinking

    In situ synthesis, structural chemistry and vibrational spectroscopy of Zn-doped Ca5Mg4(VO4)6

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    The phase formation of the solid solution Ca5Mg4–xZnx(VO4)6 (0≤x≤4) was studied in situ using differential scanning calorimetry and high-temperature X-Ray powder diffraction (XRPD). XRPD analysis shows the appearance of unavoidable secondary pyrovanadate phases using conventional synthesis methods. The local structure of the solid solution was verified by vibrational spectroscopy. The analysis of the infrared and Raman spectroscopy data allows establishing the main features between vanadate garnets and their isostructural analogs among natural silicates

    Properties of Water Ice and Dust Particles in the Atmosphere of Mars During the 2018 Global Dust Storm as Inferred From the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite

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    The properties of Martian aerosols are an integral part of the planetary climatology. Global dust storms (GDS) significantly alter spatial and vertical distributions of dust and water ice aerosols and their microphysical properties. We explored the 2018/Martian year 34 GDS with the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite instrument onboard the ESA-Roscosmos Trace Gas Orbiter mission. Solar occultation observations of thermal infrared and near infrared channels in the 0.7-6 μm spectral range with >103 signal-to-noise ratio are used to constrain the vertical dependence and the temporal evolution of the particle properties of water ice and dust (effective radius, effective variance, number density, and mass loading) before the 2018 GDS and during its onset and decay phases. In most of the observations, the particle size of dust and water ice decreases with altitude. The effective radius of dust and water ice particles ranges in 0.1−3.5 μm and 0.1−5.5 μm, respectively. The largest aerosol particles (>2.5 μm for dust and >3.5 μm for water ice) are present below 10 km before the onset and during the GDS decay phase. During the peak of the GDS, dust reached altitudes of 85 km; the most frequently observed effective radius is 1−2μm with 0.1−1 cm−3 number density and 0.1 effective variance. Detached layers of water ice composed of 0.1−1 μm particles are systematically observed at 50−100 km during this period. Below, at 0−50 km, we see the dust mixed with the main water ice layer comprising 1−4 μm particles.ExoMars is a space mission of ESA and Roscosmos. The ACS experiment is led by IKI, the Space Research Institute in Moscow, assisted by LATMOS in France. The science operations of ACS are funded by Roscosmos and ESA. We are grateful to Michael Wolff, an anonymous reviewer, and Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets editorial board whose comments helped to improve this paper. The early retrievals in 2019 were supported by Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian government. M. Luginin, A. Fedorova, N. Ignatiev, A. Trokhimovskiy, and O. Korablev acknowledge RSF funding of Sections 4 and 5 under grant number 20-42-09035. F. Montmessin acknowl-edges funding from CNES and ANR (PRCI, CE31 AAPG2019)

    Photochemical depletion of heavy CO isotopes in the Martian atmosphere

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    The atmosphere of Mars is enriched in heavy isotopes with respect to Earth as a result of the escape of the atmosphere to space over billions of years. Estimating this enrichment requires a rigorous understanding of all atmospheric processes that contribute to the evolution of isotopic ratios between the lower and upper atmosphere, where escape processes take place. We combine measurements of CO vertical profiles obtained by the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite on board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter with the predictions of a photochemical model and find evidence of a process of photochemistry-induced fractionation that depletes the heavy isotopes of C and O in CO (δ13C = −160 ± 90‰ and δ18O = −20 ± 110‰). In the upper atmosphere, accounting for this process reduces the escape fractionation factor by ~25%, suggesting that less C has escaped from the atmosphere of Mars than previously thought. In the lower atmosphere, incorporation of this 13C-depleted CO fractionation into the surface could support the abiotic origin of recently found Martian organics

    Asymmetric impacts on Mars’ polar vortices from an equinoctial Global Dust Storm

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    Mars possesses dynamical features called polar vortices: regions of cold, isolated air over the poles circumscribed by powerful westerly jets which can act as barriers to transport to dust, water, and chemical species. The 2018 Global Dust Storm was observed by multiple orbiters and offers a valuable opportunity to study the effects of such a storm on polar dynamics. To this end, we assimilate data from the Mars Climate Sounder and Atmospheric Chemistry Suite into a Mars Global Climate Model. We find that the storm had asymmetrical hemispherical impacts, with the northern vortex remaining relatively robust while the southern vortex was substantially diminished in its intensity. We propose that this asymmetry was due both to the storm’s latitudinal extent, as it extended further south than north, and to its equinoctial timing, occurring as the southern vortex was already decaying. We show that both polar vortices, in particular the northern, were reduced in ellipticity by the storm. There was a well‐correlated reduction in stationary topographic wave activity at high latitudes in both hemispheres. We demonstrate that the characteristic elliptical martian polar vortex shape is the pattern of the stationary waves, which was suppressed by the shifting of the polar jet away from regions of high mechanical forcing (north) or reduction of polar jet intensity by a reduced meridional temperature gradient (south). These asymmetric effects suggest increased transport into the southern (but not northern) polar region during Global Dust Storms at northern autumn equinox, and more longitudinally symmetric transport around both poles

    Exploring the pre-immune landscape of antigen-specific T cells

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    Abstract Background Adaptive immune responses to newly encountered pathogens depend on the mobilization of antigen-specific clonotypes from a vastly diverse pool of naive T cells. Using recent advances in immune repertoire sequencing technologies, models of the immune receptor rearrangement process, and a database of annotated T cell receptor (TCR) sequences with known specificities, we explored the baseline frequencies of T cells specific for defined human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I-restricted epitopes in healthy individuals. Methods We used a database of TCR sequences with known antigen specificities and a probabilistic TCR rearrangement model to estimate the baseline frequencies of TCRs specific to distinct antigens epitopespecificT-cells. We verified our estimates using a publicly available collection of TCR repertoires from healthy individuals. We also interrogated a database of immunogenic and non-immunogenic peptides is used to link baseline T-cell frequencies with epitope immunogenicity. Results Our findings revealed a high degree of variability in the prevalence of T cells specific for different antigens that could be explained by the physicochemical properties of the corresponding HLA class I-bound peptides. The occurrence of certain rearrangements was influenced by ancestry and HLA class I restriction, and umbilical cord blood samples contained higher frequencies of common pathogen-specific TCRs. We also identified a quantitative link between specific T cell frequencies and the immunogenicity of cognate epitopes presented by defined HLA class I molecules. Conclusions Our results suggest that the population frequencies of specific T cells are strikingly non-uniform across epitopes that are known to elicit immune responses. This inference leads to a new definition of epitope immunogenicity based on specific TCR frequencies, which can be estimated with a high degree of accuracy in silico, thereby providing a novel framework to integrate computational and experimental genomics with basic and translational research efforts in the field of T cell immunology