437 research outputs found

    Nova shells

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    A search to find spatially resolved nova shells was carried out; two new shells (around FH Ser 1970 and V533 Her 1963) were discovered. The angular sizes measured at the current epoch of the eight previously known shells around novae which erupted prior to 1945 imply that the shells are coasting out at constant velocity. Expansion velocities, interstellar absorptions, and masses of the ejected material were determined for several recent novae. A new calibration of the maximum visual luminosity-rate of decline relationship for galactic novae is given

    Tell It Like It Is - Sellers\u27 Duties of Disclosure in Real Estate Transactions Under California Law

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    California has long been on the cutting edge of the law, often presaging national legal trends. It is no surprise, therefore, that California was among the first states to abandon the rule of caveat emptor in real estate transactions, enacting numerous statutes that provide a buyer with sufficient information to make a reasoned judgment in buying property. Sellers often run afoul of these laws, however, because they are unaware of the nature and extent of the duties imposed upon them. California real estate practitioners know that their state law imposes stringent duties of disclosure on sellers of real property, particularly in the sale of residential property. However, as evidenced by the amount of litigation alleging inadequate disclosure, the satisfaction of those duties is often misunderstood. This article examines those duties of disclosure. Part II addresses the statutorily-imposed duties, and Part III discusses the general common law duty of disclosure. Part IV notes several actions of the buyer that may ameliorate the seller\u27s liability. Part V examines the exception created for trustee\u27s sales. The article concludes in Part VI with recommendations for the real estate practitioner

    En andalusisk Maria-kult

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    I de senere år har det forlydt, at religionen er ved at miste sit tag i befolkningen i Spanien. Dette modsiges tildels ved en kraftig vækst i visse folkelige religiøse fænomener. Artiklen fortæller om et sådant fænomen i Andalusien, og er samtidig et eksempel på én måde at anvende Pierre Bourdieus teorier

    Symbolsk healing 'embodied'. Krop, mening og spiritualitet i danske helbredelsesritualer

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    Artiklen bygger på en antropologisk undersøgelse af spirituel healings virkemåde. Jeg har udført interviews og feltarbejde i perioden 1/10 – 05 til 31/3 – 06. Der er foretaget kvalitative interviews med 19 informanter. 5 patienter er fulgt til healing, ligesom jeg selv har gennemgået flere healings ritualer for at få del i healingens ’tavse oplevelsesbaserede viden’. Af de 19 informanter er fem ’forsøgspersoner’, dvs. personer, som har fået deres healing betalt for at forsøge at rette op på en lettere ’biased’ informantgruppe. De andre er udvalgt af healerne


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    Introduction for "Placebo

    Feasibility and beneficial effects of an early goal directed therapy after cardiac arrest: evaluation by conductance method

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    Although beneficial effects of an early goal directed therapy (EGDT) after cardiac arrest and successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) have been described, clinical implementation in this period seems rather difficult. The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility and the impact of EGDT on myocardial damage and function after cardiac resuscitation. A translational pig model which has been carefully adapted to the clinical setting was employed. After 8 min of cardiac arrest and successful ROSC, pigs were randomized to receive either EGDT (EGDT group) or therapy by random computer-controlled hemodynamic thresholds (noEGDT group). Therapeutic algorithms included blood gas analysis, conductance catheter method, thermodilution cardiac output and transesophageal echocardiography. Twenty-one animals achieved successful ROSC of which 13 pigs survived the whole experimental period and could be included into final analysis. cTnT and LDH concentrations were lower in the EGDT group without reaching statistical significance. Comparison of lactate concentrations between 1 and 8 h after ROSC exhibited a decrease to nearly baseline levels within the EGDT group (1 h vs 8 h: 7.9 vs. 1.7 mmol/l, P < 0.01), while in the noEGDT group lactate concentrations did not significantly decrease. The EGDT group revealed a higher initial need for fluids (P < 0.05) and less epinephrine administration (P < 0.05) post ROSC. Conductance method determined significant higher values for preload recruitable stroke work, ejection fraction and maximum rate of pressure change in the ventricle for the EGDT group. EGDT after cardiac arrest is associated with a significant decrease of lactate levels to nearly baseline and is able to improve systolic myocardial function. Although the results of our study suggest that implementation of an EGDT algorithm for post cardiac arrest care seems feasible, the impact and implementation of EGDT algorithms after cardiac arrest need to be further investigated

    Nova shells

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    A search to find spatially resolved nova shells was carried out; two new shells (around FH Ser 1970 and V533 Her 1963) were discovered. The angular sizes measured at the current epoch of the eight previously known shells around novae which erupted prior to 1945 imply that the shells are coasting out at constant velocity. Expansion velocities, interstellar absorptions, and masses of the ejected material were determined for several recent novae. A new calibration of the maximum visual luminosity-rate of decline relationship for galactic novae is given
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