409 research outputs found

    The impact of DFM and TheHorseCourse on domestic violence and abuse in Troubled Families.

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    TheHorseCourse is highly effective in reducing domestic violence and abuse, with 51% fewer DVA flags at follow up. This compares very favourably with other DVA interventions in the published research literature

    Factor VIII:C concentrate purified from plasma using monoclonal antibodies: human studies

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    Conventional clotting factor concentrates have, until recently, been of intermediate purity, containing less than 1% of the coagulation factor, and greater than 99% extraneous plasma proteins such as fibrinogen, fibronectin, gamma globulins, and traces of many others. We report here the results of a new factor VIII concentrate that is purified from human plasma using a mouse monoclonal antibody to factor VIII:vWF in an affinity chromatography system. The resultant concentrate has an activity of between 3,000 and 5,000 U/mg protein before albumin is added as a stabilizer. Seven patients with severe hemophilia A and no inhibitor who were positive for antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been treated solely with this concentrate for over 24 months. Factor usage in these patients has ranged from 611 U/kg/yr to 2,022 U/kg/yr. These patients have infused approximately once per week on the average, most often for joint hemorrhages. The efficacy of the concentrate is excellent. No allergic reactions have occurred and no factor VIII antibodies have developed. In these seven patients mean CD4 counts stabilized (856 +/- 619 at screen v 778 +/- 686 at 24 months) and there was reversal of skin test anergy. In a comparison group on conventional intermediate purity concentrate chosen retrospectively decreases in mean CD4 cell counts similarly did not occur. However, the number of the comparison patients who were anergic increased over the course of the study. These observations indicate the possibility that more highly purified concentrates may stabilize immune function in HIV seropositive patients

    HIV testing in Europe: Evaluating the impact, added value, relevance and usability of the European centre for disease prevention and control (ECDC)’s 2010 HIV testing guidance

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    Background: An evaluation of the 2010 ECDC guidance on HIV testing, conducted in October 2015–January 2016, assessed its impact, added value, relevance and usability and the need for updated guidance. Methods: Data sources were two surveys: one for the primary target audience (health policymakers and decision makers, national programme managers and ECDC official contact points in the European Union/ European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries and one for a broader target audience (clinicians, civil society organisations and international public health agencies); two moderated focus group discussions (17 participants each); webpage access data; a literature citation review; and an expert consultation (18 participants) to discuss the evaluation findings. Results: Twenty-three of 28 primary target audience and 31 of 51 broader target audience respondents indicated the guidance was the most relevant when compared with other international guidance. Primary target audience respondents in 11 of 23 countries reported that they had used the guidance in development, monitoring and/or evaluation of their national HIV testing policy, guidelines, programme and/or strategy, and 29 of 51 of the broader target audience respondents reported having used the guidance in their work. Both the primary and broader target audience considered it important or very important to have an EU/EEA-level HIV testing guidance (23/28 and 46/51, respectively). Conclusion: The guidance has been widely used to develop policies, guidelines, programmes and strategies in the EU/EEA and should be regularly updated due to continuous developments in the field in order to continue to serve as an important reference guidance in the region

    A phase I, randomized study of combined IL-2 and therapeutic immunisation with antiretroviral therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Fully functional HIV-1-specific CD8 and CD4 effector T-cell responses are vital to the containment of viral activity and disease progression. These responses are lacking in HIV-1-infected patients with progressive disease. We attempted to augment fully functional HIV-1-specific CD8 and CD4 effector T-cell responses in patients with advanced chronic HIV-1 infection. DESIGN: Chronically infected patients with low CD4 counts T-cell counts who commenced antiretroviral therapy (ART) were subsequently treated with combined interleukin-2 and therapeutic vaccination. METHODS: Thirty six anti-retroviral naive patients were recruited and initiated on combination ART for 17 weeks before randomization to: A) ongoing ART alone; B) ART with IL-2 twice daily for 5 days every four weeks starting at week 17 for 3 cycles; C) ART with IL-2 as in group B and Remune HIV-1 vaccine administered once every 3 months, starting at week 17; and D) ART with Remune vaccine as in group C. Patients were studied for 65 weeks following commencement of ART, with an additional prior 6 week lead-in observation period. CD4 and CD8 T-cell counts, evaluations of HIV-1 RNA levels and proliferative responses to recall and HIV-1 antigens were complemented with assessment of IL-4-secretion alongside quantification of anti-HIV-1 CD8 T-cell responses and neutralizing antibody titres. RESULTS: Neither IL-2 nor Remune™ vaccination induced sustained HIV-1-specific T-cell responses. However, we report an inverse relationship between HIV-1-specific proliferative responses and IL-4 production which continuously increased in patients receiving immunotherapy, but not patients receiving ART alone. CONCLUSION: Induction of HIV-1-specific cell-mediated responses is a major challenge in chronically HIV-1-infected patients even when combining immunisation with IL-2 therapy. An antigen-specific IL-4-associated suppressive response may play a role in attenuating HIV-specific responses

    Voracious planktonic hydroids: unexpected predatory impact on a coastal marine ecosystem

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    Hydroids are typically attached, benthic cnidarians that feed on a variety of small prey. During sampling on Georges Bank in spring 1994, we found huge numbers of hydroids suspended in the plankton. They fed on young stages of copepods that are an important prey for fish, as well as on young fish themselves. Two independent methods were used to estimate feeding rates of the hydroids; both indicate that the hydroids are capable of consuming from 50% to over 100% of the daily production of young copepods. These results suggest that hydroids can have a profound effect on the population dynamics of zooplankton and young fish on Georges Bank

    Validation of the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm for estimating sleep-wake patterns from activity recordings

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    © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Sleep Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Sleep Research Society. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Periods of sleep and wakefulness can be estimated from wrist-locomotor activity recordings via algorithms that identify periods of relative activity and inactivity. Here, we evaluated the performance of our Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm uses a moving 24-h threshold and correlation procedure estimating relatively consolidated periods of sleep and wake. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm was validated against sleep logs and polysomnography. Sleep-log validation was performed on two field samples collected over 54 and 34 days (median) in 34 adolescents and 28 young adults. Polysomnographic validation was performed on a clinical sample of 23 individuals undergoing one night of polysomnography. Epoch-by-epoch analyses were conducted and comparisons of sleep measures carried out via Bland-Altman plots and correlations. Compared with sleep logs, the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm classified sleep with a median sensitivity of 80% (interquartile range [IQR] = 75%-86%) and specificity of 91% (87%-92%). Mean onset and offset times were highly correlated (r = .86-.91). Compared with polysomnography, the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm reached a median sensitivity of 92% (85%-100%) but low specificity of 33% (10%-98%), owing to the low frequency of wake episodes in the night-time polysomnographic recordings. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm overestimated sleep onset (~21 min) and underestimated wake after sleep onset (~26 min), while not performing systematically differently from polysomnography in other sleep parameters. These results demonstrate the validity of the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm in faithfully estimating sleep-wake patterns in field studies. With its good performance across daytime and night-time, it enables analyses of sleep-wake patterns in long recordings performed to assess circadian and sleep regularity and is therefore an excellent objective alternative to sleep logs in field settings.ASL received a stipend from the Max‐Weber‐Programm (Studienstiftung), AMB received funding from the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences Munich, CR received funding from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) PhD research grants (PDE/BDE/114584/2016), LKP received a fellowship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Finance Code 001), and NG received research funding from the FoeFoLe program at LMU (registration No. 37/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio