1,439 research outputs found

    Cyanobacterial endobionts within a major marine, planktonic, calcifier (Globigerina bulloides, Foraminifera) revealed by 16S rRNA metabarcoding

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    We investigated the possibility of bacterial symbiosis in Globigerina bulloides, a palaeoceanographically important, planktonic foraminifer. This marine protist is commonly used in micropalaeontological investigations of climatically sensitive subpolar and temperate water masses as well as wind-driven upwelling regions of the world's oceans. G. bulloides is unusual because it lacks the protist algal symbionts that are often found in other spinose species. In addition, it has a large offset in its stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions compared to other planktonic foraminifer species, and also that predicted from seawater equilibrium. This is suggestive of novel differences in ecology and life history of G. bulloides, making it a good candidate for investigating the potential for bacterial symbiosis as a contributory factor influencing shell calcification. Such information is essential to evaluate fully the potential response of G. bulloides to ocean acidification and climate change. To investigate possible ecological interactions between G. bulloides and marine bacteria, 18S rRNA gene sequencing, fluorescence microscopy, 16SrRNA gene metabarcoding and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on individual specimens ofG. bulloides(type IId) collected from two locations in the California Current. Intracellular DNA extracted from fiveG. bulloidesspecimens was subjected to 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding and, remarkably, 37–87 % of all 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered were assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus. This finding was supported by TEM observations of intact Synechococcus cells in both the cytoplasm and vacuoles of G. bulloides. Their concentrations were up to 4 orders of magnitude greater inside the foraminifera than those reported for the California Current water column and approximately 5 % of the intracellular Synechococcus cells observed were undergoing cell division. This suggests that Synechococcus is an endobiont of G. bulloides type IId, which is the first report of a bacterial endobiont in the planktonic foraminifera. We consider the potential roles of Synechococcus and G. bulloides within the relationship and the need to determine how widespread the association is within the widely distributed G. bulloides morphospecies. The possible influence of Synechococcus respiration on G. bulloides shell geochemistry is also explored

    The Small Unit Cell Reconstructions of SrTiO3 (111)

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    We analyze the basic structural units of simple reconstructions of the (111) surface of SrTiO3 using density functional calculations. The prime focus is to answer three questions: what is the most appropriate functional to use; how accurate are the energies; what are the dominant low-energy structures and where do they lie on the surface phase diagram. Using test calculations of representative small molecules we compare conventional GGA with higher-order methods such as the TPSS meta-GGA and on-site hybrid methods PBE0 and TPSSh, the later being the most accurate. There are large effects due to reduction of the metal d oxygen sp hybridization when using the hybrid methods which are equivalent to a dynamical GGA+U, which leads to rather substantial improvements in the atomization energies of simple calibration molecules, even though the d-electron density for titanium compounds is rather small. By comparing the errors of the different methods we are able to generate an estimate of the theoretical error, which is about 0.25eV per 1x1 unit cell, with changes of 0.5-1.0 eV per 1x1 cell with the more accurate method relative to conventional GGA. An analysis of the plausible structures reveals an unusual low-energy TiO2-rich configuration with an unexpected distorted trigonal biprismatic structure. This structure can act as a template for layers of either TiO or Ti2O3, consistent with experimental results as well as, in principle, Magnelli phases. The results also suggest that both the fracture surface and the stoichiometric SrTiO3 (111) surface should spontaneously disproportionate into SrO and TiO2 rich domains, and show that there are still surprises to be found for polar oxide surfaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 Figure

    Slightly Non-Minimal Dark Matter in PAMELA and ATIC

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    We present a simple model in which dark matter couples to the standard model through a light scalar intermediary that is itself unstable. We find this model has several notable features, and allows a natural explanation for a surplus of positrons, but no surplus of anti-protons, as has been suggested by early data from PAMELA and ATIC. Moreover, this model yields a very small nucleon coupling, well below the direct detection limits. In this paper we explore the effect of this model in both the early universe and in the galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, v3: updated for new data, added discussion of Ferm

    Utilising abattoir sero-surveillance for high-impact and zoonotic pig diseases in Lao PDR

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    National disease surveillance systems are essential to a healthy pig industry but can be costly and logistically complex. In 2019, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) piloted an abattoir disease surveillance system to assess for the presence of high impact pig diseases (HIPDs) using serological methods. The Lao Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF) identified Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome (PRRS) and Brucella suis as HIPDs of interest for sero-surveillance purposes. Porcine serum samples (n = 597) were collected from six Lao abattoirs in March to December of 2019. Serological enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods were chosen for their high-throughput and relatively low-costs. The true seroprevalence for CSF and PRRS seropositivity were 68.7%, 95% CI (64.8-72.3) and 39.5%, 95% CI (35.7-43.5), respectively. The results demonstrated no evidence of Brucella spp. seroconversion. Lao breed pigs were less likely to be CSF seropositive (P < 0.05), whilst pigs slaughtered at <1 year of age were less likely to be PRRS seropositive (P < 0.01). The testing methods could not differentiate between seropositivity gained from vaccine or natural infection, and investigators were unable to obtain the vaccine status of the slaughtered pigs from the abattoirs. These results demonstrate that adequate sample sizes are possible from abattoir sero-surveillance and lifetime health traceability is necessary to understand HIPDs in Lao PDR

    The impact of African swine fever virus on smallholder village pig production: an outbreak investigation in Lao PDR

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes a deadly disease of pigs which spread through southeast Asia in 2019. We investigated one of the first outbreaks of ASFV in Lao People's Democratic Republic amongst smallholder villages of Thapangtong District, Savannakhet Province. In this study, two ASFV affected villages were compared to two unaffected villages. Evidence of ASFV-like clinical signs appeared in pig herds as early as May 2019, with median epidemic days on 1 and 18 June in the two villages, respectively. Using participatory epidemiology mapping techniques, we found statistically significant spatial clustering in both outbreaks (p < 0.001). Villagers reported known risk factors for ASFV transmission - such as free-ranging management systems and wild boar access - in all four villages. The villagers reported increased pig trader activity from Vietnam before the outbreaks; however, the survey did not determine a single outbreak source. The outbreak caused substantial household financial losses with an average of nine pigs lost to the disease, and Monte Carlo analysis estimated this to be USD 215 per household. ASFV poses a significant threat to food and financial security in smallholder communities such as Thapangtong, where 40.6% of the district's population are affected by poverty. This study shows ASFV management in the region will require increased local government resources, knowledge of informal trader activity and wild boar monitoring alongside education and support to address intra-village risk factors such as free-ranging, incorrect waste disposal and swill feeding

    Retrospective investigation of the 2019 African swine fever epidemic within smallholder pig farms in Oudomxay province, Lao PDR

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    The 2019 African swine fever (ASF) outbreak in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR or Laos) represented a major epidemiologic event where a transitioning lower-middle income nation (LMIC) experienced a viral epidemic in a naĂŻve pig population. The diversity of pig management styles creates challenges for local and regional policymakers when formulating recommendations to control an ASF outbreak. The aim of this study were to investigate the management of pigs in villages of Oudomxay province that were affected by ASF in 2019, as a case study in a smallholder pig-rasing system in northern Laos. The frequencies of well known risk factors were measured in the affected villages and the timelines and household level stock losses due to the outbreak were investigated. These findings were compared to data available from a similar outbreak in the southern province of Savannakhet. Disease control implications of these findings are discussed. Mean losses were 3.0-23.3 pigs per household, with a mean lost herd value of USD 349, 95% CI (294-415). These pig losses reflect those estimated in Savannakhet (6.7 pigs per household). However, the financial loss estimated per household was higher, USD 349 versus USD 215, possibly due to higher pig values and a higher input/output management approach in Oudomxay. The investigation revealed the presence of numerous ASF risk factors, such as swill-feeding and free-ranging. In addition, poor biosecurity practices - such as inappropriate garbage disposal and slaughtering - that could contaminate the environment were present. ASF cases occurred across all villages between June and December 2019, with outbreak periods ranging from 22-103 days. These values are consistent with the outbreak in Savannakhet; however, notable differences in management styles were observed. These findings demonstrate the need for more disease control resources from the village to the Governmental level. Villages need support in enacting context appropriate biosecurity measures, whilst the ongoing surveillance and investigation of ASF require investment in logistical and veterinary resources at the Governmental level

    Novel estimation of African swine fever transmission parameters within smallholder villages in Lao P.D.R

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    African Swine Fever (ASF) disease transmission parameters are crucial for making response and control decisions when faced with an outbreak, yet they are poorly quantified for smallholder and village contexts within Southeast Asia. Whilst disease-specific factors − such as latent and infectious periods − should remain reasonably consistent, host, environmental and management factors are likely to affect the rate of disease spread. These differences are investigated using Approximate Bayesian Computation with Sequential Monte-Carlo methods to provide disease parameter estimates in four naïve pig populations in villages of Lao People’s Democratic Republic. The villages represent smallholder pig farmers of the Northern province of Oudomxay and the Southern province of Savannakhet, and the model utilised field mortality data to validate the transmission parameter estimates over the course of multiple model generations. The basic reproductive number between-pigs was estimated to range from 3.08 to 7.80, whilst the latent and infectious periods were consistent with those published in the literature for similar genotypes in the region (4.72 to 6.19 days and 2.63 to 5.50 days, respectively). These findings demonstrate that smallholder village pigs interact similarly to commercial pigs, however the spread of disease may occur slightly slower than in commercial study groups. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that despite diversity across the study groups, the disease behaved in a consistent manner. This data can be used in disease control programs or for future modelling of ASF in smallholder contexts

    Timing and mechanism for intratest Mg/Ca variability in a living planktic foraminifer

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    Geochemical observations indicate that planktic foraminifer test Mg/Ca is heterogeneous in many species, thereby challenging its use as a paleotemperature proxy for paleoceanographic reconstructions. We present Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca data collected by laser ablation ICP-MS from the shells of Orbulina universa cultured in controlled laboratory experiments. Test calcite was labeled with Ba-spiked seawater for 12 h day or night calcification periods to quantify the timing of intratest Mg-banding across multiple diurnal cycles. Results demonstrate that high Mg bands are precipitated during the night whereas low Mg bands are precipitated during the day. Data obtained from specimens growing at 20 °C and 25 °C show that Mg/Ca ratios in both high and low Mg bands increase with temperature, and average test Mg/Ca ratios are in excellent agreement with previously published empirical calibrations based on bulk solution ICP-MS analyses. In general, Mg band concentrations decrease with increasing pH and/or [CO2−3] but this effect decreases as experimental temperatures increase from 20 °C to 25 °C. We suggest that mitochondrial uptake of Mg2+ from the thin calcifying fluid beneath streaming rhizopodial filaments may provide the primary locus for Mg2+ removal during test calcification, and that diurnal variations in either mitochondrial density or activity produce Mg banding. These results demonstrate that Mg banding is an inherent component of test biomineralization in O. universa and show that the Mg/Ca paleothermometer remains a fundamental tool for reconstructing past ocean temperatures from fossil foraminifers
