737 research outputs found


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    In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to be recovered and this problem can be addressed with adaptive dictionary method. In the case of multichannel observations sparsity found to be very useful for source separation. The problem exist is that in most cases the sources are not sparsified in their domain and it will become necessary to sparsify the source by using some known dictionaries. In order to recover the sources successfully a prior knowledge of the sparse domain is required, if not available this problem can be solved by using dictionary learning technique into source separation. The proposed method, a local dictionary is adaptively learned for each source separately along with separation. This approach improves the quality of source separation both in noiseless and different noisy situations. The advantage of this method is that it denoise the sources during separation

    Contraceptive practices and awareness of emergency contraception among Muslim women of urban slum of Raichur, Karnataka

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    Background: According to NFHS-2005, prevalence of female sterilization is lowest among Muslims (21 percent). Many women prefer not to use contraception and continue childbearing until they have at least one son. Proper use of family planning methods is the key to preventing unplanned pregnancies. This study aimed to assess the contraceptive practices and awareness about emergency contraception among 82 married Muslim women in the reproductive age group.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in an urban slum area, Raichur where all the Muslim married women in the reproductive age group, attending OPD at UHC, during between August and September 2013 were interviewed using a pre-tested and pre-structured questionnaire. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality were maintained throughout the process of this study.Results: Out of total 82 Muslim ever married women, majority of them were literate, 63 (76.8%). 50 (61.0%) of women had family size less than or equal to 5. 44 (53.7%) were married at 16-19 years of age and 8 (9.8%) women married between 12-15 years of age which is below legal age of marriage. Maximum total numbers of births were 3-4. Those who wanted male child had births between 5-6. Majority of women 34 (41.5%) had a birth interval of 1 year and 19.5% women had no birth interval. 32 (39.0%) women didn’t use any contraceptive till they completed family. 71 (86.5%) women were aware of all the methods of contraception. Majority of women 30 (36.6%) received information from doctors. Only 11 (13.4%) women were aware of Emergency Contraception.Conclusions: Despite 76.8% literacy and 86.5% of awareness of the various methods of contraception, contraceptive practices were low among women. 32 (39.0%) women didn’t use any contraceptive till they completed family. There is a gap between awareness and practice. Awareness of emergency contraception is quite low among women (13.4%). Emphasis has to be laid on delaying marriage and first pregnancy and education on planning and spacing children and reproductive contraceptive options, especially emergency contraception since all contraceptive methods can have potential failure; the use of emergency contraceptive of plays an important role in preventing unplanned pregnancies. There is a need to improve women's education about EC. The primary health care providers can play a major role in informing their patients about emergency contraception

    Coating radiation waves based on BaFe12O19/ZnO from natural red sand on X-ray radiation exposure in the Laboratory of Efarina Hospital in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 penggunaan teknologi dan alat radiologi sudah menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan rumah sakit. Alat radiologi tersebut yang berfungsi untuk perawatan (terapi), diagnosa dan pembunuhan penyakit tanpa melakukan operasi. Tetapi disamping kemudahan-kemudahan yang diberikan ternyata alat tersebut juga memberikan efek negatif bagi tubuh yang terkena paparan radiasi. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat material Penyerap Gelombang Radiasi berbasis BaFe12O19/ ZnO dari Pasir Merah Alam dengan rasio (50 : 50) wt% antara matriks dan filler. Komposit BaFe12O19/ ZnO telah dilakukan dengan metode Wet Milling dengan media toluene. Barium M-Ferrit sebagai matriks dan ZnO sebagai filler yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama untuk pembuatan komposit. Dari hasil uji X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)  pada serbuk BaFe12O19 sebagai matrik menunjukkan bahwa fasa yang terbentuk single face dan struktur kristal hexagonal memiliki parameter kisi a=5,929 Ǻ dan c= 23,41 Ǻ space group (P 63/m m c) Sampel komposit BaFe12O19/ZnO yang terstruktur heksagonal (file JCPDS No. 39-1433). Hasil analisis permukaan menggunakan Scanning Electron Magnetic (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa Komposit  memiliki ukuran partikel yang paling halus dan kecil, Hasil Karakterisasi VSM komposit adalah (Ms = 39.40 emu/g, (Mr = 17,20 emu/g, Hcj = 2728 Oe. Hasil true density komposit BaFe12O19/ZnO adalah 5.386364 g/cm

    Ayurvedic management of Episcleritis (Sira Pidaka) - A Case Study

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    Episcleritis is an inflammatory condition of the episclera producing local redness and mild soreness or discomfort. By appearance it looks similar to conjunctivitis, but there will be no discharge or tearing. It typically affects young adults, being twice more common in women than men. There are many treatments available for episcleritis but they all include the use of corticosteroids which on long run produces side effects like posterior subcapsular cataract, glaucoma, allergic conjunctivitis. So the development of a treatment protocol devoid of corticosteroids is the need of today`s era. In Ayurveda, the signs and symptoms of this can be compared with the lakshanas of Sirapidaka. The present paper discusses a case of episcleritis and its Ayurvedic treatment

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical researchers toward authorship in scientific journals

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    Background: The knowledge, attitudes and practices of scientific authorship vary across different regions. We conducted this study to understand this variation among medical researchers in India.Methods: An anonymous web-based researcher-survey invited all faculty, researchers and PhD students at Pacific institute of Medical sciences, Udaipur, India. The study design and the questionnaire were approved by the institutional ethics committee.  Basic information on study was given to obtain consent for participation. The 30 questions on authorship experience and related issues were based on the statements in International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and other national and international recommendations on authorship. Participants reported their authorship experiences and answered multiple choice questionnaires.Results: The response rate was 36.36% among the participants, who were post-graduate with up to 10 years of research experience. About 62.5% had not been appropriately acknowledged as authors at some point during their career. Contributors (authorship) and ethical peer review is perceived as the key principle of research integrity. Though, single authorship was regarded as more significant, interdisciplinary management of diseases increases number of co-authors. A platform to challenge authorship, declaration of contribution in authorship and shared responsibility of co-authors in case of fraudulent publication was majority opinion.Conclusions: Almost 50 of the participant medical researchers had knowledge of formal authorship requirements. Majority agreed with the criteria would help in decreasing the authorship dispute in the medical research. There is need for awareness and continuous education on these criteria

    A study on knowledge, awareness and preventive practice about tuberculosis among medical students in Udaipur, India

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly lethal infectious disease causing huge health burden worldwide, commonly involving the respiratory system. Medical students should also be empowered to impart awareness and reduce stigma related to TB. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether educational intervention would affect the level of TB awareness, knowledge, attitude and preventive practice of TB among medical students.Methods: The present study was carried out among the second year medical college students of Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Udaipur, India (n=142). A multiple-choice questionnaire of 45 questions was designed in English language, for pre- and post-tests. A 30-minute visual health education was given on TB and the assessment of knowledge, attitude and preventive practice of TB was done by a pre-test and post-test questionnaire.Results: Out of the total 150 student, 142 participated in the study making the response rate 94.66%. The total mean percentage of correct answers for TB knowledge was 48.59 (±20.44) which improved to 69.33 (±17.74) post-training. The total mean percentage of right attitude was 63.036 (±16.46) which improved to 77.06 (±15.58) post-training. The total mean percentage of correct answer for preventive practice were provided by 67.036 (±12.90) which changed to 79.50 (±12.01) post-training. There was significant difference in the knowledge, attitude and preventive practice of students in pre- and post-training tests (p=0.001).Conclusions: Our findings revealed that medical students had poor knowledge. A simple TB education session had a positive influence on knowledge, attitude and preventive practices about TB among them

    Ayurvedic management of Retinitis Pigmentosa (Doshandha) - A Case Study

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited, degenerative eye disease that causes severe vision impairment due to the progressive degeneration of rod photoreceptor cells in retina. This form of retinal dystrophy manifests initial symptoms independentof age; thus, RP diagnosis occurs anywhere from early infancy to late adulthood. This primary pigmentary retinal dystrophy is a hereditary disorder predominantly affecting the rods more than the cones. The main classical triads of retinitis pigmentosa are arteriolar attenuation, Retinal bone spicule pigmentation and Waxy disc pallor. The main treatment of retinitis pigmentosa is by using Low vision aids (LVA) and Genetic counseling. As such a complete cure for retinitis pigmentosa is not present. So a treatment protocol has to be adopted that helps in at least the symptomatic relief. In Ayurveda, the signs and symptoms of this can be compared with the Lakshanas of Doshandha which is one among the Dristigata Roga. It is considered as a diseased condition in which sunset will obliterate the Dristi Mandala and makes the person blind at night time. During morning hours the rising sunrays will disperse the accumulated Dosas from Dristi to clear vision. This disease resembles Kaphajatimira in its pathogenesis, but the night blindness is the special feature. Since the disease is purely Kaphaja, a treatment attempt is planned in Kaphara and Brimhana line. The present paper discusses a case of retinitis pigmentosa and it’s Ayurvedic Treatment
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