4,579 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de metodologias e análise rápida em alimentos por espectroscopia de infravermelho (NIR, FTIR, RAMAN)

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    The spectroscopy is a technique that provides information about the molecular structure of a substance. This technique is presently widely used in pharmaceuticals, food, medical, textile applications, among others due to the use of samples without manipulation. Spectroscopy studies interaction between electromagnetic radiation with matter, by determining the energy levels of atoms and molecules. The total energy of a molecule is the sum of the electronic, vibrational and rotational energy. The infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy are two techniques used for faster identification, they are easy to use, requiring a little amount of samples as well as providing information about the sample composition. Two case studies related to application of these methodologies in food industry were also presented

    Application of FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy for the quality control of wine spirits, brandies and grape marc spirits

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    This study attempted to apply a rapid method for the determination of methanol, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate in wine spirits, brandies and grape marc spirits, using Fourier Transform Infrared – Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) Spectroscopy

    Estudo da variação do crescimento da cortiça na direcção axial e tangencial

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    Comunicação apresentada no 4.º Congresso Florestal Nacional que decorreu em Évora em 2001.Neste trabalho efectuou-se o estudo do crescimento da cortiça através da espessuras dos anéis de crescimento de 5 pranchas de cortiça amadia cozida de classe de qualidade 1. Para cada prancha de cortiça efectuaram-se medições das camadas de crescimento segundo a direcção axial e tangencial distanciadas de 3 cm cada num total de 25 medições, 5 para cada direcção. Verificou-se que dentro da mesma prancha, para um determinado ano de crescimento, a variabilidade encontrada para a espessura da camada de crescimento é muito elevada, sendo mais elevada nos primeiros anéis de crescimento com espessuras superiores. Constatou-se que existiam diferenças significativamente entre as várias pranchas, no entanto, é a espessura dos anéis de crescimento que explicam a maior parte da variabilidade encontrada (66%). A variação na direcção axial é praticamente nula, contrariamente ao que se verifica na direcção tangencial devido às tensões de crescimento em diâmetro que vão provocar uma maior variabilidade. A variação do crescimento da cortiça segue uma distribuição da forma E=b0Ab1, em que E – espessura da cortiça, A – anos de crescimento e b0 e b1 são parâmetros ajustados em função do material. Os modelos justificam mais de 97% da variação encontrada

    Hymenoptera pollinator effect on environment

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    There are several studies reporting the evidence that pollinators are declining as a result of local and global environmental degradation. Operation Pollinator is an international biodiversity program, supported by Syngenta, to boost the number of pollinating insects on commercial farms. It works by creating specific habitats, tailored to local conditions and native insects. The aim of this work is to increase the ecological suitability of pollinator populations through improves food availability for pollinator employing strategies for surrounding landscape. Two cherry orchards, located in Fundão, Portugal, were studied: one was installed a patch meadow with flowery prairie with the purpose of increasing pollinator’s number; other with poor native biodiversity. It was identified the main groups of insects visiting the cherry blossoms and the surrounding flora, during the flowering cherry trees. This review was conducted through observation and analysis of pollen in pollinator’s nests, artificially placed in the orchards in order to evaluate the visiting flowers. There was a greater number of pollinating insects in the orchard with higher biodiversity and it was found that insects visited other flora along with the cherry blossoms. The Hymenoptera identified belong to genus: Andrena; Apis; Eucera; Tropinota; Anthophora; Osmia; Xylocopa. The orchard where haven’t been installed the patch meadow, shows a lower number of visiting insects as well as lower species variability. The increasing of pollinators protects the environment and increases the fruit production and quality. The findings of the sweeter fruit, with the increased number and diversity of insects leads to the conclusion that the environment benefits from the increase in pollinators with more balanced environment, it's a winning environment for everyone. The conservation of pollinator habitat can also enrich overall biodiversity and the ecosystem services, protect soil and water qualityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito dos polinizadores himenópteros em pomar de cereja

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    Efeito dos polinizadores himenópteros em pomar de cereja

    Paper making potential of Acacia dealbata and Acacia melanoxylon

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    The pulping and papermaking potential of Acacia dealbata and Acacia melanoxylon were studied using Eucalyptus globulus as a reference. Pulp yield, alkali consumption and delignification in the kraft process, of both species, compare very well with the reference. Pulp yield can be higher than that of E. globulus and the residual lignin content lower after cooking, which is in good agreement with the lower lignin and extractives content of the wood samples used. Pulps produced from Acacia have slightly lower fibre length and coarseness and higher fibre width and wet fibre flexibility than E. globulus pulps. As a consequence of fibre characteristics, the paper produced from Acacia is denser and exhibits higher tensile and burst strength, and lower tear resistance than that from E. globulus, at a given PFI revolution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese honey consummer's attitudes and characterization

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    Este estudo tem como principais objectivos determinar o perfil do consumidor do mel em Portugal e as suas atitudes face ao produto, à produção e ao consumo de mel. Para esse efeito foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário directo online. Este questionário foi aplicado uma amostra representativa de 1037 indivíduos. Foi efectuado um pré-teste do inquérito com cerca de 30 inquiridos. Foram ainda analisadas as atitudes face ao produto, o apoio à apicultura, o foco apícola e as normas subjectivas sobre a produção e ao consumo de mel efectuado de acordo com da Teoria do Comportamento Planeado (TCP) de Ajzen.The aim of this study is to evaluate the honey consumer’s profile in Portugal and their attitudes towards the product, the production and consumption of honey. For this purpose was developed and applied a questionnaire directly online. This questionnaire was completed by a representative sample of 1037 persons. It made a pre-test review with 30 respondents. We also analyzed the attitudes towards the product, supporting beekeeping, beekeeping focus and subjective norms on production and consumption of honey made in accordance with the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TCP) of Ajzen

    Variation of compression and tensile properties of cork

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    Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.The compression and tensile properties of cork were studied on samples obtained from cork planks with densities ranging 0.12 - 0.20 g.cm-3 and porosities 0.5 to 22.0%, and different commercial quality classes. The stress-strain curves in compression were characterized by an elastic region up to approximately 5% strain, followed by a large plateau for strains up to 60% caused by the progressive buckling of cell walls, with a steep increase of stress for higher strains corresponding to cell collapse and densification. The direction of compression was a highly significant factor of variation, with cork showing higher strength for the radial compression. The stress-strain curves were also very similar regardless of the porosity of the samples. The tensile properties of cork were measured in three radial positions in the cork planks: the inner side (belly side), the outer site (back side) and a mid position. The results showed that the distance to the inner part plank in tensile tests was a highly significant factor of variation. The Young moduli measured by a tensile stress were significantly higher near the inner part of the plank and lower in the outer part. The compression and tensile properties of cork samples obtained from cork planks of different quality classes did not differ significantly. An exponential model of Young’s modulus in function of cork density and porosity could be adjusted for the compression and tensile behaviour of cork. The large variability observed is strongly influenced by the structural features involving the lenticular channels walls, namely the presence of thick walled and lignified cells

    Evaluation of wood basic density as an indirect measurement of the volume of wood raw material

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    The manufacturing process of wood agglomerate integrates distinct unit that transforms wood raw material into wood agglomerate. The yield of wood agglomerate produced is influenced by the density and the quality of the initial raw material. This work has compared two distinct methodologies aimed at defining the yield of the process through an indirect measurement at the precursor material. Samples (logs of differentiated sizes) were collected immediately at the industry entrance and several parameters were measured. The logs basic density and the moisture content was annotated, through analysis of the corresponding dry and wet mass. Log bark percentage has estimated also at the level of dry and wet basis. These parameters were used to determine the wood volume from different provenance and species in the beginning of the industrial process. The results indicated that wasn’t a great difference between the two different methods to determine the wood basic density and the wood volume in m3. Principal components analysis was used to investigate the differences between different provenances and different species for the wood basic density, and we conclude there is a great variability in wood basic density for the hardwood species than the observed for the softwood and there isn’t a great variability between different provenances. We study too the difference off wood moisture that could be occurring before the evaluation of wood basic density
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