6 research outputs found

    Medial Patellar Luxation in Dogs

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    Medijalno iščašenje ivera česta je pojava i uzrok šepanja u malih pasmina pasa stoga ima velik značaj u veterinarskoj praksi. Međutim, kirurško liječenje lakših slučajeva često se izbjegava i ne smatra bitnim. Iščašenje većinom nastane zbog traume, ali može biti prisutno već pri rođenju što je često povezano s težim deformacijama kostiju. Težina kliničkih znakova ovisi o stupnju iščašenja ivera, a u nekim slučajevima kada nema kliničkih znakova do dijagnoze se dolazi tijekom rutinskog kliničkog pregleda. Osim ortopedskog pregleda, dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju rendgenskog snimanja. Vrsta operativnog zahvata ovisi o stupnju iščašenja, a može se temeljiti na rekonstrukciji mekih tkiva ili kostiju. Najčešće korištene tehnike su zatezanje lateralnog retinakuluma, trohleoplastika i transpozicija goljenične kvrge dok se kod težih deformacija kostiju primjenjuje osteotomija. Danas postoje i moderne metode rješavanja ovog ortopedskog problema kao što je korištenje implantanata. Veliku ulogu u liječenju treba pridati postoperativnoj analgeziji te imobilizaciji noge. Rijeđe se događaju veće komplikacije, ali se može javiti ponovno iščašenje ivera ili popuštanje implantanata što se smatra najčešćim. U većini slučajeva prognoza je odlična, noga se vraća normalnoj funkciji te se hromost ne pojavljuje.Medial patellar luxation is often a common occurrence and the cause of lameness in small breeds of dogs, therefore, of great significance in veterinary practice. However, surgical treatment of light cases is often avoided and not considered essential. Most of luxations occur due to trauma, but may be present at the birth, which is often associated with more severe deformations of the bones. The severity of clinical signs depends on the degree of patellar luxation, but in some cases there are no clinical signs until the diagnosis comes during a routine clinical examination. Apart from an orthopedic examination, the diagnosis is set after X-rays. The type of surgery depends on the degree of luxation and may be based on the soft tissue or bone reconstruction. The most commonly used techniques are the overlap of lateral retinaculum, trochleoplasty and transposition of tibial tuberosity while severe bone deformations apply osteotomy. Today there are also modern methods of dealing with this orthopedic problem such as the use of implants. An important role in the treatment should be given to postoperative analgesia and leg immobilization. There are fewer complications, but there may be a recurrence or loosening of the implants which are considered the most common. In most cases, the prognosis is excellent, the leg returns to normal function and the lameness does not appear

    Evaluation of recovery after cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgery in 60 dogs - questionnaire and clinical examination

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    Puknuće prednje križne veze najčešći je ortopedski problem i uzrok šepanja u pasa. Kako bi se istražila uspješnost oporavka nakon operativnog liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema, uspoređivane su dvije operacijske metode: kranijalna transpozicija goljenične kvrge i metoda lateralnog šava. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u 4 skupine te se u svakoj nalazilo 15 pasa različite dobi, spola i pasmine. Prvu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno liječeno metodom lateralnog šava (MRIT), dok je kontralateralna noga intaktna. Drugu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno podvrgnuto metodi kranijalne transpozicije goljenične kvrge (TTA), a druga noga je intaktna. Trećoj skupini pripadali su psi s bilateralnim puknućem te je jedno koljeno liječeno MRIT metodom, a drugo metodom TTA. Četvrtoj skupini pripadali su psi kojima je dijagnosticirano svježe, neliječeno puknuće. Provodeći anketu među vlasnicima pasa iz prve tri navedene skupine, dobiveni su njihovi subjektivni dojmovi i procjene oporavka njihovih ljubimaca nakon operacije. Njihovi navodi uspoređeni su s kliničkim pregledom koji je izvršen na svakom pacijentu uz procjenu osteoartritisa te su tako dobiveni objektivni nalazi. Više od polovice anketiranih vlasnika zadovoljno je kvalitetom života u vidu ortopedskog problema njihovog psa nakon operacije. Rezultati kliničkih mjerenja pokazali su statističku razliku između koljena sa svježom rupturom i koljena koja su bila operirana jednom od metoda. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je da funkcija operiranog koljena nije značajno smanjena u odnosu na zdravo koljeno. Zaključak je da sama procjena vlasnika ne odudara pretjerano od nalaza kliničkog pregleda te da nema značajne razlike u uspješnosti oporavka između dvije navedene kirurške metode.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is the most common orthopaedic problem and cause of lameness in dogs. In order to examine the success of the recovery after surgical treatment of this orthopaedic issue, we compared two surgical methods: cranial tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral seam method. Participants were divided into 4 groups, each of 15 dogs of different age, sex and breed. The first group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was treated using the modified retinacular imbrication technique (MRIT) method while the contralateral leg was intact. The second group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was subjected to the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) method and the other leg was intact. The third group included dogs with bilateral rupture where one stifle joint was treated with MRIT method and the other with TTA method. The fourth group consisted of dogs diagnosed with a fresh, untreated rupture. A survey was conducted among the owners of the first three groups, to obtain their subjective impressions and assessments of the recovery of their pets after surgery. Their observations were compared with the clinical examination, which was performed on each patient to obtain objective findings. More than half of participants were satisfied with the quality of life concerning the orthopaedic problem of their dog after surgery. The results of clinical measurements showed a statistically significant difference between stifle joints with fresh rupture and the stifle joints that had been operated by one of the methods. Clinical examination showed that the function of the operated stifle joint was not significantly decreased compared to the healthy stifle joint. It was established that the owner’s assessment did not differ notably from the findings of the clinical examination and that there was no significant difference in the success of recovery between the two specified surgical methods

    Diagnostic and surgical treatment of medial patellar luxation in dogs

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    Medijalno iščašenje ivera česta je pojava i uzrok šepanja u malih pasmina pasa te ima veliko značenje u veterinarskoj praksi. Međutim, kirurško liječenje lakših slučajeva, osobito I stupnja često se izbjegava i ne smatra bitnim. Konzervativno liječenje ne daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Iščašenje može nastati zbog traume, ali može biti prisutno već pri rođenju što je često povezano s težim deformacijama kostiju. Nasljednog je karaktera. Težina kliničkih znakova ovisi o stupnju iščašenja ivera, a u nekim slučajevima kada nema kliničkih znakova do dijagnoze se dolazi tijekom rutinskog kliničkog pregleda. Osim ortopedskog pregleda, dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju rendgenskog snimanja koje može biti negativno u I ili čak II stupnju iščašenja. Vrsta operativnog zahvata ovisi o stupnju iščašenja, a može se temeljiti na rekonstrukciji mekih tkiva ili kostiju. Najčešće korištene tehnike su zatezanje lateralnog retinakuluma s otpuštanjem medijalnog retinakuluma, produbljivanje trohlearnog kanala, odnosno trohleoplastike i premještanja goljenične kvrge lateralno i čak blago distalno. Kod težih deformacija kostiju primjenjuje se korektivna osteotomija bedrene kosti. Danas postoje i moderne metode liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema kao što je korištenje implantanata ili endoproteza koje povećavaju ili u potpunosti zamjenjuju trohlearni žlijeb. Ove tehnike imaju znatno višu cijenu. Veliku ulogu u liječenju treba dati i postoperativnoj analgeziji te imobilizaciji noge. Rjeđe se događaju veće komplikacije, ali se može javiti ponovno iščašenje ivera, popuštanje implantanata što se smatra najčešćim te lom goljeničke kvrge kao najteža komplikacija. U većini slučajeva prognoza je odlična, noga se vraća normalnoj funkciji, a hromost se ne pojavljuje. Ovaj rad ukratko opisuje kliničku sliku, dijagnostičke metode i kirurško liječenje medijalnog iščašenja ivera u pasa uz osvrt na suvremene kirurške metode.Medial patellar luxation is a common occurrence and the cause of lameness in small dog breeds, and therefore of great significance in veterinary practice. However, surgical treatment of light cases, such as grade I is often avoided and not considered essential. In most cases, conservative treatment is insufficient. Luxations can occure due to trauma or can be present at birth, which is often associated with more severe bone deformations. It is hereditary disease. The severity of clinical signs depends on the degree of patellar luxation, though there may be no clinical signs until diagnosis is made during routine clinical examination. Apart from an orthopaedic examination, the diagnosis is set after radiography which can be negative in grade I or even grade II. The type of surgery depends on the degree of luxation and may be based on soft tissue or bone reconstruction. The most commonly used techniques are overlap of the lateral retinaculum, medial retinaculum release, trochleoplasty and transposition of tibial tuberosity laterally or distally. In severe bone deformations, osteotomy of the femur is applied. There are now modern methods to treat this orthopaedic problem, such as the use of endoprosthetic implants that enhance or substitute the patellar grove completely. An important role in treatment should be given to postoperative analgesia and leg immobilization. There are fewer complications, though there may be a recurrence of patellar luxation and loosening of implants, as the most common complication, or tibial crest fractures as the most severe complication. In most cases, the prognosis is excellent, the leg returns to normal function and lameness does not appear. This paper describes the clinical signs, diagnostic procedures and surgical treatment of medial patellar luxation in dogs with several of the mentioned modern techniques

    Позитрон - 29-30

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    Наш први двоброј до сада представља посебно рођенданско издање. Како Позитрон ове године обележава десет година постојања, имаћете прилику да прочитате осврт чланова редакције на овај јубилеј. Пружамо увид у догађаје који су обележели претходни период. То укључује новогодишњу хуманитарну акцију одржану крајем 2022. године, Global Women's Breakfast на коме Позитрон сада већ традиционално учествује и Фестивал науке као највећи догађај у првој половини ове године на коме су учествовали студенти Хемијског факултета. Откривамо вам која се хемија крије иза филмског платна и шта све оне, добро нам познате, специјалне ефекте чини тако специјалним. Разматрамо у каквој су вези мода и загађење, те шта можемо да урадимо да то загађење смањимо. Бавимо се и раздвајањем елемената, како су настали и колико су заступљени. Ако сте икада размишљали да ли нуклеарна фузија може потенцијално бити будућност при добијању „чисте енергије“, као и зашто нам је талидомид значајан, наши дописници су вам припремили одговоре на та питања. Прелистајте нашу највећу Ретросинтезу до сада и присетите се шта се све дешавало у месецима за нама. Као и увек, спремили смо и забаван садржај у оквиру Позитиве

    The usage of silicon fertilisation in order to mitigate the oxidative stress and to improve the resilience of barley subjected to drought

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    Drought causes huge agricultural and economic losses worldwide. Silicon (Si) is considered abeneficial element for plants. It mitigates stress caused by salinity, drought, and high and low temperaturesby promoting antioxidant production. However, the underlying mechanisms are still notelucidated. We investigated Si fertilisation effect on photosynthetic parameters, trichome number,leaf optical properties, as well as profiles of amino acids and polyphenols in barley exposed towater shortage. Silicon was applied in three growth stages: (i) before the flag leaf emergence;(ii) prior to the grain filling phase; (iii) at the grain filling phase start. Drought negatively impactsphotochemical efficiency, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic pigment content, and leaf reflectiveand transmissive properties. Si application between flag leaf emergence and grain fillinghad the strongest effect on light reflectance. Among all analyzed phenolics, saponarin was themost abundant in all samples, irrespective of water regime and Si supply. Caffeoyl ester was theonly hydroxycinnamic acid showing significant accumulation with the latest applied Si comparedto no added Si upon drought. The major amino acids in barley leaves were glutamate, glutamine,aspartate, asparagine, and serine. Aspartate content was the highest in leaves exposed to droughtwithout Si addition, while lysine was the most accumulated in the leaves supplemented by Si atthe grain filling phase start. Proline was 2.5 times more abundant in the leaves exposed to droughtregardless of Si treatment. Taken together, although Si did not mitigate drought stress effects, itseffect was dependent on the barley growth phase prior to supplementation.Book of Abstracts / 4th International Conference on Plant Biology [and] 23rd SPPS Meeting, 6-8 October 2022, Belgrad

    Evaluation of recovery after cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgery in 60 dogs - questionnaire and clinical examination

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    Puknuće prednje križne veze najčešći je ortopedski problem i uzrok šepanja u pasa. Kako bi se istražila uspješnost oporavka nakon operativnog liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema, uspoređivane su dvije operacijske metode: kranijalna transpozicija goljenične kvrge i metoda lateralnog šava. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u 4 skupine te se u svakoj nalazilo 15 pasa različite dobi, spola i pasmine. Prvu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno liječeno metodom lateralnog šava (MRIT), dok je kontralateralna noga intaktna. Drugu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno podvrgnuto metodi kranijalne transpozicije goljenične kvrge (TTA), a druga noga je intaktna. Trećoj skupini pripadali su psi s bilateralnim puknućem te je jedno koljeno liječeno MRIT metodom, a drugo metodom TTA. Četvrtoj skupini pripadali su psi kojima je dijagnosticirano svježe, neliječeno puknuće. Provodeći anketu među vlasnicima pasa iz prve tri navedene skupine, dobiveni su njihovi subjektivni dojmovi i procjene oporavka njihovih ljubimaca nakon operacije. Njihovi navodi uspoređeni su s kliničkim pregledom koji je izvršen na svakom pacijentu uz procjenu osteoartritisa te su tako dobiveni objektivni nalazi. Više od polovice anketiranih vlasnika zadovoljno je kvalitetom života u vidu ortopedskog problema njihovog psa nakon operacije. Rezultati kliničkih mjerenja pokazali su statističku razliku između koljena sa svježom rupturom i koljena koja su bila operirana jednom od metoda. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je da funkcija operiranog koljena nije značajno smanjena u odnosu na zdravo koljeno. Zaključak je da sama procjena vlasnika ne odudara pretjerano od nalaza kliničkog pregleda te da nema značajne razlike u uspješnosti oporavka između dvije navedene kirurške metode.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is the most common orthopaedic problem and cause of lameness in dogs. In order to examine the success of the recovery after surgical treatment of this orthopaedic issue, we compared two surgical methods: cranial tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral seam method. Participants were divided into 4 groups, each of 15 dogs of different age, sex and breed. The first group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was treated using the modified retinacular imbrication technique (MRIT) method while the contralateral leg was intact. The second group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was subjected to the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) method and the other leg was intact. The third group included dogs with bilateral rupture where one stifle joint was treated with MRIT method and the other with TTA method. The fourth group consisted of dogs diagnosed with a fresh, untreated rupture. A survey was conducted among the owners of the first three groups, to obtain their subjective impressions and assessments of the recovery of their pets after surgery. Their observations were compared with the clinical examination, which was performed on each patient to obtain objective findings. More than half of participants were satisfied with the quality of life concerning the orthopaedic problem of their dog after surgery. The results of clinical measurements showed a statistically significant difference between stifle joints with fresh rupture and the stifle joints that had been operated by one of the methods. Clinical examination showed that the function of the operated stifle joint was not significantly decreased compared to the healthy stifle joint. It was established that the owner’s assessment did not differ notably from the findings of the clinical examination and that there was no significant difference in the success of recovery between the two specified surgical methods