6 research outputs found


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    Daerah penelitian termasuk dalam wilayah yang berada di Zona Mandala Rembang dan Pegunungan selatan secara administratif terletak di Kabupaten Rembang- Blora Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Secara geografis terletak pada koordinat 546600 mT - 551750 mT dan 9239000 mU – 9244000 mU. yang tercakup dalam peta rupa bumi lembar Blora dengan nomor peta 1509-122 edisi 1-1999 dengan skala 1:25.000. Secara geomorfik, daerah telitian dibagi menjadi dua satuan bentukan asal, yaitu bentukan asal Struktural yang terdiri dari : Subsatuan Geomorfik Perbukitan Homoklin (S22) dan Subsatuan Geomorfik Punggungan Homoklin (S21), Subsatuan Geomorfik Lembah Sinklin (S17) dan bentuk asal Flufialyang dibagi menjadi: Subsatuan Geomorfik Tubuh Sungai (F1). Pola pengaliran yang berkembang pada daerah telitian yaitu subdendritik sebagai perkembangan dari pengaruh struktural yang bekerja dengan stadia geomorfologi yang telah mencapai tahapan dewasa. Stratigrafi daerah telitian terdiri dari lima satuan batuan, dari tua ke muda adalah Satuan Batugamping Tawun, Satuan Batupasir Ngrayong, Satuan Batugamping Bulu, Satuan Napal Wonocolo serta endapan alluvial. Struktur geologi yang berkembang pada daerah telitian berupa struktur kekar dan struktur lipatan berupa sinklin. Kekar pada daerah telitian mempunyai arah umum N 345o. Sedangkan jenis lipapatan (sinklin) pada daerah telitan adalah Upright Gentle Plunging Fold (Fluety, 1964). Dari analisis sample batuan yang diambil pada Satuan Batupasir Ngrayong, harga porositas yang didapat dari analisis thin section berkisar antara 10% - 17,2% yaitu cukup – baik. Sedangkan harga porositas yang didapat dari analisis inti batuan berkisar antara 10.68% - 17.94% yaitu cukup – sangat baik. Harga permeabelitas yang didapat dari analisis inti batuan berkisar antara 9.394 - 375.15mD yaitu cukup - sangat baik. Berdasarkan harga porositas dan permeabelitas dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan pada Satuan Batupasir Formasi Ngrayong, maka area yang paling baik sebagai reservoar yaitu pada area utara dan selatan dari daerah telitian. Potensi geologi yang ada pada daerah telitian terdiri dari potensi positif yaitu batupasir selain sebagai reservoar yang baik juga sebagai bahan galian golongan C. Batulempung juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan galian golongan C. Sedangkan potensi negatif yaitu gerakan tanah berupa longsoran


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    Most of cassava grown in Palas, South Lampung District is sweet type cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) utilized as raw materials for cassava-based snack production. However, their characteristic had never been reported. The aims of the research were to determine the effect of varieties, harvesting age, and interaction between varieties and the harvesting age on morphology and chemical characteristics of sweet type cassava planted in Palas District, South Lampung. The experiment was factorial and arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors and four replications. The first factor was cassava variety, i.e., manalagi (V1), mentega (V2), and krembi (V3). The second factor was the harvest age (U) i.e., 7-8 months (U1) and 8-9 months (U2). Morphology data were reported descriptively, while data for other characteristics were tested for homogeneity and additivity using Barlett and Tuckey test, then subjected to ANOVA, and further tested using Duncan test at the level of 5%. The results showed that the variety and harvest age significantly affected of water content, starch yield, starch content, amylose, and amylopectin. There was a significant interaction between varieties and age of harvest on moisture content, starch yield, and starch content, but there was no significant interaction effect on amylose and amylopectin. The highest value of moisture content was found in manalagi aged at 7-8 months (67.28% wb), the highest value of starch yield was found in manalagi age at 8-9 months of (16.34%), the highest value of starch content was found in mentega aged at 8-9 of months (17.52 % wb), the highest value of amylose was found in mentega aged at 8-9 of month (10.35% db), the highest value of amylopectin was found in krembi aged at 7-8 of month (92.78% db). Overall, krembi, manalagi, and mentega can be categorized as low-amylose cassava which has potential to be developed as raw material for crispy cassava-based snack. Keywords: harvesting age, krembi, low-amylose cassava, manalagi, menteg

    Pollen Viability and Microspore Culture in Three Broccoli Cultivars (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck)

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    Broccoli is a high value vegetable crop in Indonesia, however production is low due to limited number of suitable cultivars, so, breeding hybrid broccoli for warm climate is important.  The first step in hybridization is providing homozygote parent plants which can be done efficiently via microspore culture.  The objectives of this study were to determine 1) bud size that produce uninucleate microspore stage appropriate for culture; 2) pollen viability, 3) microspore development, in three broccoli cultivars (‘BL 10001’, ‘Royal Green’ and ‘Green Magic’). Various bud size (1 – 5 cm) was squashed and observed microscopically to determine bud size containing uninucleate microspore.  Pollen viability was determined by IKI staining and pollen germination method.  Chromosome number was counted on root tips using squash method with aceto-orcein stain. Various heat treatment schemes were conducted to induce microspreo development.  Result showed uninucleate microspore derived from 2-3 mm and 3-4 mm bud length of ‘BL-10001’ and ‘Royal Green’ was responsive for microspore development in culture.  Pollen viability varied among cultivars, 78-87% on IKI method and 15-16% on germination test. Microspore culture showed different embryogenesis response; pollen-like structure was produced by ‘BL 10001’


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    Tanaman tebu adalah keluarga poace yang berpotensi menghasilkan nilai ekonomi tinggi karena manfaatnya sebagai produk unggulan dalam menghasilkan gula serta bioetanol yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat luas. Untuk itu perlu upaya pemuliaan tanaman yang cepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Teknik kultur mikrospora merupakan aplikasi bioteknologi yang efisien dalam menghasilkan tanaman haploid. Teknik ini belum berhasil diaplikasikan pada tanaman tebu sehingga dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memicu embriogenesis mikrospora tebu dengan aplikasi kultur mikrospora pada varietas bululawang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan stress perlakukan perendaman mannitol 0.3M sebelum isolasi kultur pada lama perendaman yang berbeda. Analisis data menggunakan uji anova dan uji duncan. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Perlakuan stress yang diberikan berhasil memicu embriogenesis mikrospora dengan lama perendaman anther optimum pada 7 hari pada mannitol 0.3

    Studi Anther Tanaman Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) sebagai Tanaman Donor Kultur Mikrospora

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    Sugarcane is an economically valuable plant that continues to be developed to produce superior varieties, the technique to get new varietis used is microspore culture biotechnology. There are many obstacles in the implementation of the microspore cultivar method. Therefore, in this research, a study of sugarcane anthers was carried out. This research used sugarcane panicles for anther selection and then observed under a microscope. Data is analyze with descriptivey method. The results show that white and yellow anthers are the right materials for microspore culture donor

    Education for Medical Personnel Malpractice: A Literature Review

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    Doctors who adhere to professional standards, service standards, and standard operating procedures can generally expect legal protection in their medical practice. Following established protocols and guidelines helps ensure that doctors provide care within accepted norms, reducing the likelihood of malpractice allegations. This is a literature review study that analyzed the literature related to the malpractice law. The initial involved searching various databases, including MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science from April to May,2023. This search was performed using specific terms, namely doctor, dentist, malpractice, and Indonesian laws. The literature search yielded a total 153 citation (Fig. 1). Upon completion of title and abstract screening, 75 full-texts were deemed potentially relevant and reviewed. Subsequently, 21 documents fulfilled our eligibility criteria and were included. The Medical Council of Indonesia (MKDKI) has the authority to examine complaints related to the discipline of doctors and dentists and determine whether any mistakes were made in the application of medical and dental disciplines. The decisions made by MKDKI can have implications for the professional standing and disciplinary actions against doctors