1,674 research outputs found


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    An Optima 3000 ICP-AES instrument was modified and the equipment necessary to carry out axial excitation atomic fluorescence was designed and constructed. Using this calibrated system, preliminary fluorescence experiments were not successful. As fluorescence is proportional to source intensity, it was considered that the excitation source, a hollow cathode lamp, may not have been sufficiently intense to produce fluorescence. A novel excitation source-driver system was designed and built in-house to operate HCLs, BDHCLs and LEDs with variable modulation frequencies and duty cycle capabilities. Studies investigating lamp response to changes in modulation frequency and duty cycle indicated that a lamp operated with a lower modulation frequency range (167 - 542 Hz) and higher duty cycles (30 - 50 %) should provide the preferred intense excitation conditions for the production of fluorescence in the ICP, When a Thermo Elemental PQ2 instrument was used, fluorescence was obtained immediately. Um'variate searches were used to optimise several plasma parameters, i.e. forward power; viewing height ALC; plasma, nebuliser and auxiliary gas flow rates. Once the optimum conditions had been determined, calibration curves were plotted for each of the elements studied (Ba, Li, Mg and Na). The calibration showed excellent linearity over five orders of magnitude (R? values ranged from 0.99995 to 1.0000) and the precision on each data point was better than 5 % RSD. Limits of detection were determined to be 27.6, 0.51, 0.43 and 0.20 ug 1* for Ba, L i , Mg and Na, respectively, which approached those reported in the literature for a commercial system. Vertical profiles of the plasma, using radial excitation, were obtained for Ba, Li , Mg and Na. Using the optimum conditions for Li and Na, vertical profiles of the plasma, using axial excitation with the more intense LEDs, were obtained. Both profiles showed that there was a relatively sharp optimum, with respect to fluorescence signal, as a function of viewing height ALC. The optimum viewing heights ALC obtained, for both radial and axial excitation fluorescence, were identical, suggesting that, irrespective of the excitation arrangement employed, only particular conditions produced in the plasma give the optimum conditions for fluorescence and that these are spatially dependent. Plasma diagnostics were performed in an attempt to explain why fluorescence was observed using the plasma produced by the Thermo Elemental but not by the Optima 3000 generator. At a viewing height of 50 mm ALC, Texc and Trot were 3080 and 2500 K for plasmas produced using the Thermo Elemental generator and 3600 and 2830 K for the Optima 3000 generator, respectively. Temperatures were calculated using the mean emission intensity at particular wavelengths. The intensities of the emitting species from the Thermo Elemental ICP were lower than those obtained from the Optima 3000 ICP for supposedly 'identical' conditions. If the number of excited species gives rise to lower emission intensities, then there must be more atoms in the lower/ground state from the plasma produced using the Thermo Elemental generator. This is of vital importance because for fluorescence to occur the fluorescence emission intensity will be dependent on the number available in the ground state for excitation {i.e. a relatively 'cool' plasma is required for fluorescence to occur). As very similar plasma operating conditions and the same concentration solutions were used in the fluorescence experiments performed using both the Optima 3000 and the Thermo Elemental ICPs, the differences observed in plasma performance may be attributed to efficiency of coupling of the generators used

    Goalsetting as a tool for involving people with learning disabilities in healthcare.

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    Background: This research was undertaken during a period of rapid change within the NHS including the deinstitutionalisation of care, and increased emphasis on partnership working. The main aim of the study was to examine collaborative goalsetting as a means of (a) involving people with learning disabilities in healthcare decision making and (b) measuring the impact of treatment interventions. Study Design: Initially a qualitative approach was taken. Case study methods centred on the introduction of Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) as an individualised measure of outcome within two acute specialist in-patient units. Views of co-operative care planning and evaluation were elicited from patients and clinicians through the use of GAS. A unique patient interview schedule was developed incorporating pictures as a supplementary method of establishing users' views. Following this a two-phase interview survey included views of care from eight practitioners and 10 managers and service commissioners. Finally a survey of 94 key stakeholders within Scottish learning disabilities services was undertaken. Findings: Practitioners had difficulties implementing GAS. Twelve patients were selected for the GAS study by members of the multidisciplinary team. In total 16 goals were set and scaled and impact measured. Six patients participated in interviews, describing the users' view of the therapeutic process. The findings highlighted barriers to the inclusion of people with learning disabilities such as rapid discharge, extreme behaviour and severe learning disabilities. In all surveys outcome measurement was viewed as complex as well as open to manipulation. A consistent preference for individualised measures of outcome for people with learning disabilities emerged. The research indicated multiple perspectives on stakeholders' attitudes to partnership working, regarding, for example, power differentials, professional terriorialism and interagency mistrust

    Joseph Sullivan

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    In 1847, Joseph Sullivan emigrated to the United States from Kerry, Ireland. Along with him came his wife, Mary, a son, John, a daughter Margaret, and a Mary Sullivan. By 1850 the Sullivan family move to Savannah, Georgia from New York. However, they do not become citizens until 1852. While in Savannah, the Sullivans experience the birth of two daughters-Mary and Ellen. Joseph Sullivan\u27s occupations included being a laborer, porter, janitor. However he worked as a clerk at Southern Bank for ten years. By 1887 Joseph Sullivan\u27s life comes to an end.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/sav-bios-lane/1128/thumbnail.jp

    A Content-Analysis Approach for Exploring Usability Problems in a Collaborative Virtual Environment

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    As Virtual Reality (VR) products are becoming more widely available in the consumer market, improving the usability of these devices and environments is crucial. In this paper, we are going to introduce a framework for the usability evaluation of collaborative 3D virtual environments based on a large-scale usability study of a mixedmodality collaborative VR system. We first review previous literature about important usability issues related to collaborative 3D virtual environments, supplemented with our research in which we conducted 122 interviews after participants solved a collaborative virtual reality task. Then, building on the literature review and our results, we extend previous usability frameworks. We identified twelve different usability problems, and based on the causes of the problems, we grouped them into three main categories: VR environment-, device interaction-, and task-specific problems. The framework can be used to guide the usability evaluation of collaborative VR environments

    School Counselors as Leaders in School Turnaround

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    This study examined the role of professional school counselors in the school turnaround process. Themes from a qualitative case study analysis suggest that school counselors used leadership to develop data-driven programs and activities congruent with the ASCA National Model. Additionally, school counselors sought greater collaboration, partnership, and relationships with teachers, students, families, and the community at larger. Finally, the role of school counselors was heavily shaped by the expectations of school principals. Implications are explored for school counseling practice

    La influencia de las rutas de vuelos de bajo coste en la elección del destino turístico

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    Influence exerted by low-cost flights availability between East Midlands and Reus airports on English tourists’ decision to visit a coastal mature destination as Costa Dorada (Northeastern Spain) has been analyzed by means of the Causal Chain Approach. The results show the uplift in the probability of the visit created by the presence of the low-cost flights is 28.4%. Probability is higher in the case of those staying in a hotel in Salou (33.9%).Mediante la aplicación del método conocido como Causal Chain Approach, se ha analizado la influencia en la llegada de turistas ingleses a la Costa Dorada y al conjunto de la provincia de Tarragona ejercida por la existencia de una ruta de vuelos de bajo coste entre los aeropuertos de East Midlands y Reus. Los resultados muestran que el incremento en la probabilidad que los turistas hayan venido al destino escogido debido a la disponibilidad de dichos vuelos es del 28,4%. Esta probabilidad aumenta en el caso de aquellos que estuvieron alojados en un hotel de Salou (33,9%)

    Neuropsychological and somatic changes in bulimia and the basic principles of somatic treatment?

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    Jadłowstręt psychiczny i żarłoczność psychiczna to często występujące zaburzenia psychiczne w populacji dziewcząt w wieku dojrzewania i młodych kobiet (w Polsce rozpowszechnienie zaburzeń odżywiania jest podobne jak w kręgu kultury zachodniej). Często zaburzenia te mają przewlekły przebieg. Mogą ponadto prowadzić do wielu powikłań somatycznych, w tym groźnych dla życia, w następujących sytuacjach: jeśli organizm w stanie głodzenia próbuje zachować homeostazę (zmiany hormonalne dotyczące wielu osi hormonalnych) oraz wskutek zaburzeń wynikających z załamania homeostazy u pacjentów wyniszczonych bądź tych, u których nastąpiło szybkie zmniejszenie masy ciała. Większe ryzyko wystąpienia poważnych powikłań dotyczy chorych na bulimię, prowokujących wymioty i nadużywających środków przeczyszczających oraz leków odwadniających w celu kontroli masy ciała. Zaburzeniom odżywiania często towarzyszą inne zaburzenia psychiczne (depresja, zaburzenia lękowe, zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsyjne). Skutki neuropsychologiczne zaburzeń odżywiania są najrzadziej badanymi spośród zaburzeń psychiatrycznych. W przeprowadzonych dotychczas badaniach zaobserwowano interesujące różnice w aktywności obszarów mózgu pomiędzy ludźmi zdrowymi a osobami z diagnozą zaburzeń odżywiania, w obszarach odpowiedzialnych za uwagę oraz komunikację pomiędzy strukturami zaangażowanymi w odbieranie informacji z różnych obszarów odpowiedzialnych za obraz ciała. Różnice w aktywności poszczególnych rejonów obserwowane są także pomiędzy mężczyznami a kobietami, co stanowi ciekawy punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań. (Forum Zaburzeń Metabolicznych 2011, tom 2, nr 4, 245–255)Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa are commonly occurring psychological disorders in the population of adolescent and young adult females (in Poland they occur with frequencies similar to that of Western European countries and North America). These disorders often have a chronic character. They can lead to a number of somatic disorders, sometimes life-threatening, especially in the following circumstances: if the starving organism attempts to maintain homeostasis (hormonal changes in many hormonal axes) or as a result of homeostatic breakdown in the cachectic patient or those with rapid weight loss. A higher incidence of serious complications occurs in bulimia with provoked emesis or abuse of laxative or diuretic medication. Eating disorders are often accompanied by other psychological disorders (depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder). The neuropsychological condition as associated with eating disorders is amongst the least explored areas in psychiatry. Interesting differences in cerebral activity of areas responsible for attention have been observed between healthy individuals ang those with diagnosed eating disorders, as well as differences in the structures involved in processing information from various areas responsible for body self-image. Differences in cerebral activity of these areas also exist between males and females, which begs further investigation. (Forum Zaburzen Metabolicznych 2011; vol. 2, no 4, 245–255

    Canine fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 sequence is conserved across dogs of divergent skeletal size

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) is expressed in the growth plate of endochondral bones and serves as a negative regulator of linear bone elongation. Activating mutations severely limit bone growth, resulting in dwarfism, while inactivating mutations significantly enhance bone elongation and overall skeletal size. Domesticated dogs exhibit the greatest skeletal size diversity of any species and, given the regulatory role of FGFR3 on growth plate proliferation, we asked whether sequence differences in FGFR3 could account for some of the size differences.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All exons, the promoter region, and 60 bp of the 3' flanking region of the canine FGFR3 gene were sequenced for nine different dog breeds representing a spectrum of skeletal size. The resultant sequences were compared to the reference Boxer genome sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no variation in sequence for any FGFR3 exons, promoter region, or 3' flanking sequence across all breeds evaluated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that, regardless of domestication selection pressure to develop breeds having extreme differences in skeletal size, the FGFR3 gene is conserved. This implies a critical role for this gene in normal skeletal integrity and indicates that other genes account for size variability in dogs.</p

    A transdisciplinary approach to a conservation crisis: a case study of the Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata) in Ireland

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    In this article, we build on a growing literature of examples of transdisciplinary approaches to illustrate the catalysts and outcomes of a stakeholder‐driven process to conservation practice. We illustrate this using the case of one of Europe's most rapidly declining bird species, the Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata ). As part of the response to its continuing decline, a stakeholder‐driven workshop was held in Ireland in November 2016, bringing together over 80 stakeholders from a range of governmental, non‐governmental, and private organizations responsible for or interested in curlew conservation and management. This innovative workshop sought to formulate ideas and support the implementation of actions from stakeholders themselves on how to halt further losses of curlews, within the current legislative framework. Four years on, many of the short‐ and medium‐term actions identified during the workshop have been implemented jointly by stakeholders. However, curlew recovery will require continued communication and meaningful engagement with all relevant stakeholders together with increased government support underpinned by increased public awareness and ownership of the curlew's plight. Ultimately, many stakeholders will measure the success of curlew conservation in Ireland by the long‐term viability of the breeding population