112 research outputs found

    Archaeological excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice, Commune Czarnocin, in seasons 2013-2014

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    The excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice have been carried out since 2008. So far, the excavations have encompassed approx. 40 ares and resulted in the discovery of 122 archaeological features. The area investigated in seasons 2013–2014 totals 10 ares. The research revealed cremation burials associated with the Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures, as well as the first inhumation burial in the site, and more groove features linked with the Przeworsk culture

    Niche burials of the Corded Ware Culture at Kraków Mistrzejowice, site 85

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    Two additional niche graves of the Corded Ware Culture were discovered during the rescue archaeological works carried out in the year 2010 on site No 85 in Kraków-Mistrzejowice. The preserved fragments of skeletons allow to assess that in the feature 1307 there were buried two individuals: female at the age of death at iuvenis-adultus and child at the age of death at infans II, the sex was not established. The human remains that were found in the feature 1311 belonged to a man at the age at death of adultus (20–25 years old) with intra vitam body height of 170 cm. Discovered in grave goods especially pottery allow to date them to phase IIIb of the Corded Ware Culture development in Małopolska Upland

    A Case of Extensive Infl ammatory Changes (Osteomyelitis) in an Infant’s Skeleton from the Medieval Burial Ground (11th–12th c) in Wawrzeńczyce (Near Krakow)

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    The aim of this study was to diagnose and describe extensive infl ammatory changes in a child’s skeleton from Wawrzeńczyce, (the medieval period). The aim of the analysis was to determine the nature of the infl ammatory changes and their etiology by means of macroscopic techniques as well as X-ray analysis. The tests revealed that the individual suffered from a hematogenous multifocal osteitis. This condition might have been a result of an acute or sub-acute osteitis, and the untreated form of osteomyelitis might have contributed to the infection of the entire developing organism, leading to death

    Between the Baltic and Danubian worlds : the genetic affinities of a middle neolithic population from Central Poland

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    For a long time, anthropological and genetic research on the Neolithic revolution in Europe was mainly concentrated on the mechanism of agricultural dispersal over different parts of the continent. Recently, attention has shifted towards population processes that occurred after the arrival of the first farmers, transforming the genetically very distinctive early Neolithic Linear Pottery Culture (LBK) and Mesolithic forager populations into present-day Central Europeans. The latest studies indicate that significant changes in this respect took place within the post-Linear Pottery cultures of the Early and Middle Neolithic which were a bridge between the allochthonous LBK and the first indigenous Neolithic culture of north-central Europe-the Funnel Beaker culture (TRB). The paper presents data on mtDNA haplotypes of a Middle Neolithic population dated to 4700/4600-4100/4000 BC belonging to the Brześć Kujawski Group of the Lengyel culture (BKG) from the Kuyavia region in north-central Poland. BKG communities constituted the border of the “Danubian World” in this part of Europe for approx. seven centuries, neighboring foragers of the North European Plain and the southern Baltic basin. MtDNA haplogroups were determined in 11 individuals, and four mtDNA macrohaplogroups were found (H, U5, T, and HV0). The overall haplogroup pattern did not deviate from other post-Linear Pottery populations from central Europe, although a complete lack of N1a and the presence of U5a are noteworthy. Of greatest importance is the observed link between the BKG and the TRB horizon, confirmed by an independent analysis of the craniometric variation of Mesolithic and Neolithic populations inhabiting central Europe. Estimated phylogenetic pattern suggests significant contribution of the post-Linear BKG communities to the origin of the subsequent Middle Neolithic cultures, such as the TRB

    Diagenetic signals from ancient human remains : bioarchaeological applications

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    This preliminary study examines the potential effects of diagenetic processes on the oxygen-isotope ratios of bone and tooth phosphate (δ18O) from skeletal material of individuals representing the Corded Ware Culture (2500–2400 BC) discovered in Malżyce (Southern Poland). Intra-individual variability of Ca/P, CI, C/P, collagen content (%) and oxygen isotopes was observed through analysis of enamel, dentin and postcranial bones. Using a variety of analytical techniques, it was found that, despite the lack of differences in soil acidity, not all the parts of a skeleton on a given site had been equally exposed to diagenetic post mortem changes. In a few cases, qualitative changes in the FTIR spectrum of analysed bones were observed. The data suggest that apart from quantitative analyses, i.e., the calculation of Ca/P, CI, C/P and collagen content, qualitative analyses such as examination of the absorbance line are recommended. The degree to which a sample is, contaminated on the basis of any additional, non-biogenic peaks, deemed to be contaminated should also be specified

    The early Bronze Age feature from Wilczyce, site 10, Sandomierz district : an interpretation of its functioning in light of multidimensional analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 at the site in Wilczyce located on the Sandomierz Upland. During exploration of the pit rich flint material, fragments of pottery vessels and animal bones were found and just above the bottom a “deposit” involved a human skull of the young female, two cattle mandibles, a sheep/goat tibia and astragalus, a damaged cattle scapula and radius, and a polishing stone were deposited. The C14 date obtained from the tooth from the cattle jaw was 3790 ± 35 BP. Based on the shape and the size of discovered feature it is possible to classify it as a typical storage pit but presence of “deposit” enable to postulate a ritual character of assemblage that reflect some kind of burial practices of the Mierzanowice culture. Rituals in the form of interring the dead or parts of their bodies can be found also in the Unietice culture so such features may indicate the emergence of a certain supra- -regional and cross-cultural trend in the early Bronze Age