25 research outputs found

    Development of a FAHP Algorithm Based Performance Measurement System for Lean Manufacturing Company

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    For companies that implement Lean Manufacturing, it is essential to measure the extent of success in terms of the achievements of optimum performances. This paper describes the development of a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) algorithm based Performance Measurement System (PMS) application software for lean companies. The PMS software, which was developed using the C++ language, was designed as a decision making system to aid lean manufacturing companies. The software allows decision making analysis based FAHP facilitating data input, pairwise comparisons, weight calculation and lean company scores. A case study of a lean manufacturing is presented to illustrate the theoretical and practical aspects of the PMS software. The case study demonstrated the software tool can assent to a lean company to implement PMS in a much easier manner yielding more accurate and consistent results that include a list of recommended actions to address issues identified. Therefore, it can improve the company performance

    Karakteristik Pasien dengan Keputusan Pembelian Jasa Layanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between patient characteristics, including gender, age, education level, occupation, and dental health values ​​, with the decision to purchase dental and oral health services. The research method used in this research is analytic observational with a cross-sectional study design. The results showed that most of the dental clinic patients were female as much as 73.8%, adult age was 82.2%, middle education was 60.7%, students were 68.2%, and the value of moderate dental health was 55, 1%. There is a significant relationship between the amount of dental health (p-value = 0.024) and the decision to purchase dental and oral health services, while gender, age, education level, and occupation show no significant relationship. In conclusion, patient characteristics in dental health values ​​determine patients in making decisions related to purchasing dental and oral health services.   Keywords: Patient Characteristics, Purchase Decisions, Dental Healt


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melaui model pembelajaran Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). Desai penelitian yang digunakan adalah Classroom Action Research yang dirancang oleh Craig Mertler. Data penelitian berasal dari angket dan lembar observasi. Data yang dianalisa menghasilkan hanya 19,4% peserta didik yang terlibat pada dimensi emosional di siklus pertama, dan pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 33,3%. Pada dimensi behavioral 13,9% peserta didik terlibat di siklus pertama dan 27,8% di siklus kedua. Pada dimensi kognitif 38,9% peserta didik yang terlibat di siklus pertama dan 52,8% di siklus kedua. Data observasi perilaku peserta didik menunjukan perilaku keterlibatan yang sangat kurang terhadap pembelajaran di kelas maupun di luar kelas.Kata Kunci: keterlibatan siswa, model pembelajaran, PBLL


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    This research aims to examine the effectiveness of wood waste processing training in fostering entrepreneurial spirit among students in Package C. The training methods employed include lectures, discussions, and hands-on practices in wood waste processing. The research sample consists of 20 students in Package C who have an interest in enhancing their skills through wood waste processing. This study utilizes a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected through interviews and documentation observation to measure knowledge of wood waste processing, entrepreneurial attitudes, and entrepreneurial intentions. The results of the research indicate that wood waste processing training significantly enhances students' knowledge of wood waste processing. Furthermore, the training also has a positive impact on students' entrepreneurial attitudes, as evidenced by a significant improvement in proactive attitudes, initiative, and opportunity orientation. Additionally, the training significantly influences students' entrepreneurial intentions. These findings suggest that wood waste processing training is effective in cultivating entrepreneurial spirit among students in Package C. The implications of this research underscore the importance of integrating entrepreneurship training into the Package C curriculum to provide students with relevant skills and knowledge in wood waste processing

    Manajemen Sistem Informasi Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Bengkel Sepeda Motor Umum Skala UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) Berbasis Komputerisasi

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    Motorcycle repair shop management is to manage the motorcycle workshop to be effective and efficient. Good workshop management must also be supported by a properly administration, in order to record all the resources that become workshop assets. Moreover, the motorcycle workshop also conducts spare parts sales to complete the replacement needs of broken vehicle spare parts. This study aims to analyze and design a workshop information system for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in the field of repairing of motorcycle. Generally the SMEs motorcycle workshops in this research, still uses a simple management system and manually in presenting the data required by the workshop. This it make difficult and inconvenient for the owner of a small and medium-scale of motorcycle workshop. Sequence, it is necessary to optimize the management system and change the simpler manual system to be computerized. One way is by implementing the 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) methods and creating an information system that can manage equipment in SMEs scale of motorcycle workshops. Stages of the method in this study: (1) survey of general workshop management SMEs scale, (2) do analysis of data obtained during the survey and provides input for workshop management based on 5S method, (3) to design and create information systems and databases using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the programming language and MySQL as the database. By implementing 5S management and this information system can help streamline the services of SMEs scale of motorcycle workshops

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Manajemen Inventory/Perlengkapan Peralatan Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau

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    Information technology has been rapidly developed in term of implementations, nowadays. It can be applied to various fields such as the inventory management systems of laboratory. Currently, the laboratory management system in the Mechanical Engineering of University of Riau has used a conventional management system, yet. Therefore, the management of inventory equipments might be not optimize due to still using manual process. The purposes of this research are to design, develop and test of inventory management system based computerize for laboratory equipments in the Mechanical Engineering of University of Riau. The research method was divided into two stages: (1) analyzing of current laboratory conditions by using of visual control/ management and Kanban system and (2) to design, develop and test an information system of inventory management for laboratory's equipments. A system of application program was created using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as programming language and MySQL as the database. The stages of system design were to develop a database table of subsystem, subsystem models, the dialogues subsystem and display interface system (users interface), and the menus structure. The inventory management based information system that can minimize human error, know exactly the amount of goods and material, be quickly and facilitate a recapitulation and reports, facilitate monitoring and inspection. As a result, the performance of management of inventory/ supplies laboratory equipments in Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau was more optimal, effective and efficient

    Analisa Performance Mesin Screw Press Menggunakan Metoda Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Studi Kasus: PTPN V Sei Pagar)

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    The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is one of the methods of maintenance activities, which aim to preserve and maintain the quality of the equipment or machinery. The OEE in maintenance activities may include measuring the level of availability, level of performance, and level of quality of the machines to produce a product. This research aims to analyze the performance of machine using OEE method (case study: the machine screw press in PTPN V Sei Pagar). The research was carried out on screw press machine in the PTPN V Sei Pagar. The company is engaged in palm oil processing industry that produces crude palm oil and kernel. The research method used the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach to analyze the value of OEE based on the Statistic Software of SPSS 21. Analysis result over a period of eight weeks of OEE values were obtained on a screw press,which was 47.3%. The OEE values of the screw press machine were still below the standard of OEE\u27s world class, which was over 85.4%. Based on analyzing of the value of six big losses that was known as the affecting factor of the low value of the OEE on the screw press machine, that was found the very significant losses on the set up and adjustment losses. The value of OEE on the set up and adjustment losses of the screw press was 45.6%. Using cause and effect diagram was obtained the root causes of the low value of OEE due to very high the schedule of stand by the machine. By using SPSS 21 software proved that each of six big losses factors have a relationship and affect the value of OEE with significant value under 0.05

    Manajemn Sistem Pergudangan/Warehouse Peralatan Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau Berbasis Komputerisasi

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    The warehouse management is a system to manage a storage and handling of goods and material, which are stored and distributed in a right time, amount and the specification. The Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau is equipped with goods and material to support its activities. Hence, it is needed a system to manage the storage and handling of such equipments in optimal manner. Recently, the warehousingat the Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau has been used the manual system. Subsequent, there was not optimal to manage activities in the laboratory such as time consuming, mess of storage, difficulty in finding data equipments, etc. This research aim is to design and develop a warehouse management system of the Laboratory in Mechanical Engineering, Riau University. A method of 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) and the warehouse laboratory based information system were implemented in this research. Stages to construct the information system of warehouse management were: the design of database system, the menu structure, sub-systems and the display model of interface system (users interface). This systemwas developed using the programming language of the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL as the database. The information system of laboratory based-computerization was useful for managing and monitoring the activities in Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering in form of incoming or outgoing the data of goods and material. While, the design of warehouse layout of facilities in laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau used the 5S method, was produced clean and neatly arranged of the equipments and tools