135 research outputs found

    Helicopter Main Rotor Conceptual Design - Application to a Westland Lynx Helicopter

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    Helicopter design requires from the designers to make a lot of compromises and choices, sometimes affecting on positive parameters in order to improve global capabilities and performance. If these choices are made well, based on detail calculations and reliable input data, flight performances should be good and helicopter should be able to satisfactory sustain all the missions and tasks for which it is designed for. The following paper describes a shorter version of the initial design philosophy with an application to the Westland Lynx helicopter. This philosophy, of course with some specifics, could be applied in Croatia, in terms of determination of basics requirements and assumptions for making the right decision in selecting a specific type of an aircraft ā€“ both for the military and for civilian sector

    Jezično-filozofska promiŔljanja sinonimije i teorija značenja

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    Sinonimija je semantički odnos među dvama ili nizom leksema različita izraza, a jednaka ili vrlo slična sadržaja. S obzirom na to da je osnovna uloga jezika izražavanje značenja, a značenje jezičnih jedinica rezultat govornikova konstruiranja, u radu će se proučavati različite vrste značenja, kognitivne domene, odnosno okviri naÅ”ega znanja i konstrukcije značenja u određenim kontekstima. Konstrukcija značenja podrazumijeva kreativan kognitivni proces davanja prednosti samo pojedinim značenjskim sastavnicama riječi i istiskivanje ostalih u drugi plan, Å”to je temeljna podloga za promiÅ”ljanje o sinonimiji. Pojam značenja sjeciÅ”te je interesa kognitivne lingvistike i filozofije jezika pa će se upravo iz tih dvaju glediÅ”ta pristupiti pojavi sinonimije. Svrha je rada odrediti pojam sinonimije i njezin opseg te je razgraničiti od srodnih jezičnih pojava. Rad se sastoji od pet poglavlja. Nakon uvoda, u drugome će se poglavlju najprije govoriti o značenju. U njemu će se navesti tradicionalne filozofske teorije značenja (referencijska, opisna, uzročno-povijesna, ideacijska i teorija upotrebe), a nakon toga objasniti kognitivnolingvistički pristup značenju i njegovim vrstama. U trećemu će se poglavlju predstaviti pojmovi sinonima i sinonimije. Navest će se kriteriji sinonimije, razgraničiti sinonimiju od srodnih jezičnih pojava, objasniti načelo prototipnoga teorijskoga odnosa, a nakon toga govoriti o desinonimizaciji. Iznijet će se kratak historiografski pregled filozofskoga proučavanja sinonimije, a na samome kraju poglavlja podjela sinonima. U četvrtome će se poglavlju objasniti i razgraničiti različiti stupnjevi odnosa među riječima: istoznačnost, bliskoznačnost i sličnoznačnost. U petome će se poglavlju iznijeti zaključak diplomskoga rada.Synonymy is the semantic relationship that exists between two or more words that have the same (or nearly the same) meaning and belong to the same part of speech, but are spelled differently. Considering that the basic role of language is the expression of meaning, which is constructed by a speaker, this graduate thesis will try to present different types of meanings, cognitive domains of our knowledge and construction of meaning in certain contexts. The construction of meaning implies a creative cognitive process of giving advantages to only the particular parts of meaning and extending the others to the second plan, which is the fundamental basis for researching synonymy. Thinking about meanings is the intersection of the interests of cognitive linguistics and the philosophy of language. Because of that, synonymy is presented from these two points of view. The purpose of the thesis is to define the concept of synonymy and its scope and to distinguish it from related linguistic phenomena. This work is divided into five chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter discusses meaning itself. It includes traditional philosophical theories of meaning (referential, descriptive, causal-historical, ideational and theory of use), and then explains the cognitive-linguistic approach to meaning and its types. The third chapter is about synonymy and synonyms, the criteria of synonymy and differences between synonymy and similar linguistic phenomena. Furthermore, this chapter explains the principle of the prototype theoretical relation and shows the basic principles of desynonymyzation. It also presents short historiographic review of philosophical studies of synonymy and, at the very end, specifies types of synonyms. The fourth chapter illustrates differents degrees of relationship between words: equality, multiplicity and similarity. Fifth chapter outlines the conclusion of graduate thesis

    Esperanto: From Idea to Failure of the First Recognized International Language

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Gender-related Idioms in German Language

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    MikrobioloŔka dijagnostika infekcija uzrokovanih bakterijama Ureaplasma urealyticum i Mycoplasma hominis

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    Cilj rada: Odrediti učestalost infekcija uzrokovanih M. hominis i U. urealyticum u KBC-u Split od 1.1.2020. do 31.12.2020. te odrediti osjetljivost navedenih izolata na antibiotike u istom periodu.Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo podatke o pacijentima s dokazanom M. hominis ili U. urealyticum u navedenom razdoblju. Podatci su prikupljeni u Kliničkom zavodu za mikrobiologiju i parazitologiju, Kliničkog bolničkog centra (KBC) Split. Kao dijagnostička metoda koristio se komercijalni set za kultivaciju urogenitalnih mikoplazmi MYCOFAST RevolutioN, podijeljen u dvije faze testiranja.Rezultati: Klinički zavod za mikrobiologiju i parazitologiju u Splitu zaprimio je 638 uzoraka iz urogenitalnog trakta sumnjivih na infekciju urogenitalnimi mikoplazmama. Od toga je u 7% (ukupno 45 uzoraka) dokazana U. urealyticum te u 0,5% (ukupno 3 uzorka) M. hominis. Ureaplazme najčeŔće uzrokuju infekcije spolnog sustava i to u žena u generativnoj dobi. Većina testiranih izolata ureaplazmi bila je osjetljiva na doksicikin (94,4%), eritromicin (82,9%), moksifloksacin (80,5%), levofloksacin (77,8%) i tetraciklin (76%), a rezistentnana klindamicin (95,8%). Zbog malog broja mikoplazmi testiranih na antibiotike, uzorak nije repre-zentativan za statističku analizu osjetljivosti izolata na antibiotike.Zaključci: Rezultati ovoga istraživanja ukazuju na najveću pojavnost urogenitalnih mikoplazmi u žena reproduktivne dobi, Å”to naglaÅ”ava značaj rane dijagnostike i liječenja, kako bi se pravodobno spriječile komplikacije u trudnoći i postpartalnom razdoblju. Iako je većina izolata dobro osjetljiva na tetracikline i makrolide, potrebno je stalno testiranje osjetljivosti izolata na antibiotike zbog sve veće pojave i rasta rezistencije u svijetu

    Educational strategies and active learning in one-teacher-education with an autistic student on the example of a natural science topic (a case study)

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    Rad s učenicima s posebnim potrebama, prvenstveno rad s učenicima s autizmom vrlo je zahtjevan i iziskuje posebnu pripremu i edukaciju učitelja (i pomoćnika u nastavi). Strategije obrazovanja su poučavanje i učenje, strategija doživljavanja i izražavanja doživljenog, strategija vježbanja i strategija stvaranja. U aktivnoj nastavi se mogu primijeniti različiti postupci. Istraživanje se temelji na strategiji obrazovanja učenika s autizmom pomoću konkretnih primjera koristeći ABA metodu. Rezultati istraživanja provedeni s učenikom s autizmom pokazuju kako je učenik aktivnim učenjem, individualiziranim i prilagođenim programom, uspjeÅ”no svladao četiri pojma u dva Å”kolska sata. Iako za ovo istraživanje nije bitna količina svladanog nastavnog sadržaja koje učenik može svladati u jednom ili dva Å”kolska sata, već dokazati da će učenik s autizmom viÅ”e svladati nastavnog sadržaja uz aktivno učenje. Učenik je dobro reagirao na konkretne primjere voća (jabuka, kruÅ”ka, banana, avokado, Å”ipak, dinja, limun), pokazivao znakove veselja i zainteresiranosti dok na njemu tradicionalan način poučavanja i učenja (fotografijom) nije obraćao toliku pažnju na voće niti davao ikakve znakove veselja. Tijekom procjene poučavanja i učenja pokazivao je znakove umora i nezainteresiranosti. Uz ohrabrivanje i poticanje procjena je napravljena. Ovaj rad je ujedno analiza slučaja tijekom određenog razdoblja odnosno studija slučaja ili analiza slučaja.Working with students with special needs, primarily working with autistic students is very demanding and requires special preparation and education of teachers (and teaching assistants). Educational strategies are teaching and learning, strategy of experiencing and of expressing experienced things, strategy of practicing (exercising, training), and the strategy of creating. Various procedures can be used in active teaching. The research is based on the strategy of educating students with autism by means of concrete examples using the ABA method. The results of the research conducted with the autistic student show that the learner has successfully mastered four concepts in two school hours thanks to active learning with an individualized and adapted syllabus (programme). Although for this research study the amount of the teaching content that can be acquired in one or two school periods is not essential, but rather to prove that a learner with autism will master the teaching content more effectively with active learning. The student has responded well to concrete examples of fruit (apple, pear, banana, avocado, pomegranate, melon, lemon), showing signs of joy and interest while in traditional teaching and learning (by means of photography) he has not paid such attention to fruit or given any signs of joy. Already during the assessment of teaching and learning, he has showed signs of tiredness and disinterest. With encouragement and stimulation, the assessment has been made. This work is also a case analysis over a given period, namely a case study or case analysis

    Modular Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Coordinated and Holistic Energy Management of Buildings ā€“ Battery Storage Considerations

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    In the paper, a modular building energy management strategy based on a three-level hierarchical model predictive control is applied to the daily operation scheduling of a full-scale building consisting of 248 offices. Such an approach provides a holistic energy management strategy and enables significant demand response ancillary services for buildings as prosumers, while retaining the independence of required expertise in very different building subsystems. The three-level coordination encompasses building zones, central medium conditioning and a microgrid subsystem. Compared to rule-based control, detailed realistic simulations for typical days in summer show that the indoor comfort is substantially improved with a considerable reduction of the overall building operation cost. The analysis also considers the margin of a battery storage system contribution to the operating costs reduction which underlines the potential of software-based coordination

    Modular Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Coordinated and Holistic Energy Management of Buildings ā€“ Battery Storage Considerations

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    In the paper, a modular building energy management strategy based on a three-level hierarchical model predictive control is applied to the daily operation scheduling of a full-scale building consisting of 248 offices. Such an approach provides a holistic energy management strategy and enables significant demand response ancillary services for buildings as prosumers, while retaining the independence of required expertise in very different building subsystems. The three-level coordination encompasses building zones, central medium conditioning and a microgrid subsystem. Compared to rule-based control, detailed realistic simulations for typical days in summer show that the indoor comfort is substantially improved with a considerable reduction of the overall building operation cost. The analysis also considers the margin of a battery storage system contribution to the operating costs reduction which underlines the potential of software-based coordination

    Modern drug market ā€“ the influence of the digital market on the structure and dynamics of the drug market

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    Struktura suvremenog tržiÅ”ta droga složen je fenomen u kojemu konstantan tijek proizvodnje, ponude i potražnje ilegalnih tvari rezultira sve dinamičnijim razvojem i kretanjima, a pod velikim je utjecajem globalizacije i razvoja novih tehnologija, posebice interneta. Internet, kao važan facilitator na navedenom tržiÅ”tu, u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća omogućio je Å”irok pristup velikom rasponu informacija i time postao neophodan komunikacijski alat za razvoj kriminalnih aktivnosti povezanih s tržiÅ”tem droga. Predstavljajući nevidljivu, skrivenu stranu interneta, i pod krinkom anonimnosti, kripto tržiÅ”te, kao oblik digitalnog tržiÅ”ta, pruža tako nove mogućnosti i načine trgovanja ilegalnim tvarima te na taj način preuzima monopol pred klasičnim načinima trgovanja drogom (Ā»licem u liceĀ«). Rad analizira suvremene znanstvene spoznaje o načinu funkcioniranja kripto tržiÅ”ta droga kao i njegov utjecaj na strukturu i dinamiku suvremenog tržiÅ”ta droga, a u svrhu promiÅ”ljanja o razvoju preventivnih aktivnosti koje bi bile u mogućnosti suzbiti takvu vrstu kriminaliteta. Istraživanja sugeriraju da razvojem kripto tržiÅ”ta tradicionalna tržiÅ”ta drogom neće nestati već će se oba tržiÅ”ta međusobno nadopunjavati pri čemu će djelovanje na digitalnom tržiÅ”tu biti učestalije zbog veće mogućnosti zaÅ”tite identiteta njegovih glavnih aktera. Aktivnosti usmjerene na suzbijanje rada digitalnog tržiÅ”ta droga predstavljaju velik izazov za brojne stručnjake koji se bave prevencijom zlouporabe ilegalnih tvari, od represivnog aparata pa sve do stručnjaka pomagačkih profesija koji zasigurno imaju veliku ulogu u osmiÅ”ljavanju i implementaciji različitih preventivnih aktivnosti u ovoj domeni.The structure of the modern drug market is a complex phenomenon in which the constant flow of production, supply and demand of illegal substances results in increasingly dynamic development and trends, and which is under a great influence of globalization and the development of new technologies, especially the Internet. During the last several decades the Internet, as an important facilitator on the aforementioned market, has enabled a wide access to a broad range of information and has thus become a necessary communication tool for the development of criminal activities connected to the drug market. As an invisible, hidden side of the Internet, and under the disguise of anonymity, the crypto market as a form of a digital market offers new possibilities and ways of trafficking of illegal substances and in that manner takes over monopoly from classic ways of drug traffic (ā€œface to faceā€). The paper analyses modern scientific knowledge about the manner in which the crypto drug market is functioning, as well as its influence on the structure and dynamics of the modern drug market, with the purpose of reflection on prevention activities that could eliminate such types of crime. Research suggests that the traditional drug market will not disappear with the development of crypto markets, but that both markets will complement one another, at which the activity in the digital market will become more frequent due to larger possibilities of protecting the identities of its main operators. Activities focused on combating the digital market operation represent a great challenge for numerous experts dealing with prevention of illegal substance abuse, from the police to the professionals in helping professions who certainly have a great part in designing and implementing different preventive activities in this area
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