30 research outputs found

    Motivasi Kepesertaan Mandiri BPJS di Era Universal Health Coverage Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional

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    Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the motivation of BPJS Health participants as independent participants. In this study, researchers used a motivational theory developed by Clayton Alderfer with three indicators namely Existence, Relatedness and Growth with a descriptive quantitative research approach with non-random sampling using a purposive method using conditions in selecting respondents ie respondents were outpatients in Specialist Poly Wiyung Hospital, Surabaya. The selected respondents were 43 people.The results of this study were the discovery of community motivation as independent health insurance participants. Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motivasi peserta BPJS Kesehatan sebagai peserta mandiri. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori motivasi yang dikembangkan oleh Clayton Alderfer dengan tiga indikator yaitu Existence, Relatedness dan Growth dengan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel non-random menggunakan cara purposive, yakni pemilihan responden menggunakan syarat tertentu (responden adalah pasien rawat jalan di Poli Spesialis RS Wiyung Surabaya). Responden yang dipilih berjumlah 43 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya motivasi masyarakat yang menjadi peserta mandiri jaminan kesehatan

    Motivasi Kepesertaan Mandiri BPJS di Era Universal Health Coverage Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional

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    This research was conducted to determine the motivation of BPJS Health participants as independent participants. In this study, researchers used a motivational theory developed by Clayton Alderfer with three indicators namely Existence, Relatedness and Growth with a descriptive quantitative research approach with non-random sampling using a purposive method using conditions in selecting respondents ie respondents were outpatients in Specialist Poly Wiyung Hospital, Surabaya. The selected respondents were 43 people.The results of this study were the discovery of community motivation as independent health insurance participants. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motivasi peserta BPJS Kesehatan sebagai peserta mandiri. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori motivasi yang dikembangkan oleh Clayton Alderfer dengan tiga indikator yaitu Existence, Relatedness dan Growth dengan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel non-random menggunakan cara purposive, yakni pemilihan responden menggunakan syarat tertentu (responden adalah pasien rawat jalan di Poli Spesialis RS Wiyung Surabaya). Responden yang dipilih berjumlah 43 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya motivasi masyarakat yang menjadi peserta mandiri jaminan kesehatan.

    Analisis Kelayakan Pengembangan Unit Hemodialisis di Rumah Sakit X di Surabaya

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    Abstract—Indonesia is one country with the kidney failure is quite high, according to the Indonesian Society of Nephrology (PERNEFRI) in the 5th Report of Indonesian Renal Registry, in 2012 there were 16.040 patients with kidney failure but reportedly only 9161 patients were active in hemodialysis in 2012. The increasing incidence of kidney failure that requires hemodialysis services, the more hemodialysis services are needed to meet the needs of patients with kidney failure. Research to assess the development of hemodialysis units at Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital in terms of the size of the market difference, the difference in the cost of single-use and reuse HD units compared to the amount of financing from BPJS. The research method uses a case study conducted at Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital. Data collection is done by means of observation, document study and interviews. The investment analysis method used is the Net Present Value method, the Pay Back Period method and the Internal Rate of Return. Results and Discussion. The results of the SWOT analysis of the hospital are in quadrant I, where the hospital has a great opportunity to increase the number of hemodialysis services. The results of the financial analysis and investment assessment, Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital has a profitable income growth and based on the results of the analysis the investment is relatively safe. Keywords: feasibility study, hemodialysis, SWOT analysis   Abstrak—Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan angka gagal ginjal cukup tinggi. Perkumpulan Nefrologi Indonesia (PERNEFRI) dalam 5 th Report of Indonesian Renal Registry pada tahun 2012 melaporkan terdapat 16.040 penderita gagal ginjal, tetapi hanya 9.161 pasien yang aktif dalam kegiatan hemodialisa. Meningkatnya insiden gagal ginjal yang memerlukan pelayanan hemodialisa, maka semakin banyak senter pelayanan hemodialisa yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terhadap pasien gagal ginjal. Tujuan penelitian untuk menilai kelayakan pengembangan unit hemodialisa di RS Wiyung Sejahtera ditinjau dari besarnya pangsa pasar, selisih biaya unit cost HD single use dan reuse dibandingkan dengan besarnya pembiayaan dari BPJS. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi kasus yang dilakukan di RS Wiyung Sejahtera. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi, studi dokumen dan wawancara. Metode analisis investasi yang digunakan adalah metode Net Present Value, metode Pay Back Periode dan  Internal Rate of Return. Hasil dan pembahasan. Hasil analisis SWOT RS berada pada kuadran I, dimana RS mempunyai peluang besar meningkatkan jumlah layanan hemodialisa. Hasil analisis keuangan dan penilaian investasi, RS Wiyung Sejahtera memiliki perkembangan pendapatan yang menguntungan dan berdasarkan hasil analiisis investasi relatif aman. Kata kunci: studi kelayakan, hemodialisis, analisis SWO

    Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Lbl Method With A Final Result Approach

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    Anatomy and Histology are crucial fields and serve as fundamental subjects in the clinical phase of Medical Education. Without a strong understanding of anatomy and histology, students cannot perform physical examinations, which are essential procedures for diagnosing diseases. The aim of this study is to determine whether the learning before lecture (LBL) method can improve final grades in Anatomy and Histology. This research employed a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The subjects were students from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Surabaya, and comparisons were made between different academic years. The first group received traditional teaching methods with active lecturers. The second group underwent the learning before lecture intervention. The research findings indicate that the final grades in both groups had a p-value of <0.05. Learning before lecture had a significant impact on the final examination scores in anatomy and histology for the students. The results of the study demonstrate that the group exposed to learning before lecture showed a significant improvement in their final grades

    The Comparison of Anxiety Disorder Among Ex - Female Sex Workers and Non - Female Sex Workers in The Ex - localization Area

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    Indonesian localization of Female Sex Workers (FSW) was one of the largest in Southeast Asia, which has been taken by the government since 2014. The impact of mental health disorders has not yet been reported. This study aimed to compare the anxiety disorder among ex-FSW and non-FSW. This was a study to compare the prevalence of anxiety disorders among ex-FSW compared to non-FSW, located in ex-localization in Surabaya, Indonesia. Seventy-five participants met inclusion criteria and were gathered on December 10th, 2022 to complete Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) tests. The results showed that 16,67% of participants (n=12) were found with clinical anxiety scores. Among them, 41,67% ex-FSW (n=5) and 58,33% non-FSW (n=7). The prevalence of anxiety disorder, also the total BAI score, compared to the work history of FSWs and non-FSWs were found not associated (p>0.05). The anxiety disorder was found higher in the non-FSW group than ex-FSW group. But there was no difference found in the prevalence of anxiety and the BAI score between ex-FSW and non-FSW

    The Comparison of Anxiety Disorder Among Ex-Female Sex Workers and Non-Female Sex Workers in The Ex-localization Area

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    Abstract—Indonesian localization of Female Sex Workers (FSW) was one of the largest in Southeast Asia, which has been taken by the government since 2014. The impact of mental health disorders has not yet been reported. This study aimed to compare the anxiety disorder among ex-FSW and non-FSW. This was a study to compare the prevalence of anxiety disorders among ex-FSW compared to non-FSW, located in ex-localization in Surabaya, Indonesia. Seventy-five participants met inclusion criteria and were gathered on December 10th, 2022 to complete Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) tests. The results showed that 16,67% of participants (n=12) were found with clinical anxiety scores. Among them, 41,67% ex-FSW (n=5) and 58,33% non-FSW (n=7). The prevalence of anxiety disorder, also the total BAI score, compared to the work history of FSWs and non-FSWs were found not associated (p>0.05). The anxiety disorder was found higher in the non-FSW group than ex-FSW group. But there was no difference found in the prevalence of anxiety and the BAI score between ex-FSW and non-FSW. Keywords: anxiety disorder, female sex workers, mental disorders Abstrak—Eks-lokalisasi Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) di Indonesia adalah salah satu yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara, yang ditutup pemerintah di tahun 2014. Dampaknya pada kesehatan mental belum pernah dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan gangguan cemas diantara mantan PSK dan non-PSK. Penelitian ini adalah studi untuk membandingkan prevalensi gangguan cemas diantara mantan PSK dan non-PSK sekitar eks-lokalisasi di Surabaya, Indonesia. Didapatkan 75 partisipan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, mereka dikumpulkan pada 10 Desember 2022 untuk mengisi tes Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 16,67% partisipan (n=12) didapatkan hasil positif untuk skor kecemasan, di antaranya, 41,67% mantan PSK (n=5) dan 58,33% non-PSK (n=7). Prevalensi kecemasan serta total skor BAI tidak berhubungan dengan riwayat pekerjaan mantan PSK dan non-PSK. Gangguan kecemasan ditemukan lebih tinggi pada non-PSK dibandingkan mantan-PSK. Namun, tidak ditemukan perbedaan prevalensi kecemasan dan skor BAI diantara mantan PSK dan non-PSK. Kata kunci: gangguan cemas, gangguan mental, wanita pekerja seks komersia

    The Association of Demographic Factors Among Ex-Female Sex Workers and Non-Female Sex Workers in Ex-Localization Area

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    Introductions: The localization of Female Sex Workers (FSW), one of the largest in Southeast Asia, has considerably reduced because of the government’s actions since 2014. Minimal research reported on the association factor among ex-FSW and non-FSW. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the association of demographic factors among ex-FSW and non-FSW in the ex-localization area. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study to identify the association of demographic factors among ex-FSW and non-FSW in the ex-localization area in Surabaya, Indonesia. Seventy-five participants met inclusion criteria and were gathered at predetermined locations on December 10th, 2022, to complete demographic data. Also, they had completed Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) tests for screening the clinical depression assessment. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 24 software. Results: The study determined associated factors within the ex-FSW (p<0.05) in terms of marital status (0.03), history of psychiatric disorders (0.01), and history of smoking (0.02). The clinical depression assessment was higher in the ex-FSW group (22.5%) than in the non-FSW group (11.43%). Conclusions: Based on the work history of FSWs and non-FSWs, it had been found associated in terms of marital status, history of psychiatric disorders, and smoking history. Also, the Clinical Depression occurred more in the ex-FSW than the non-CSW group

    Perbandingan Jumlah Trombosit Primigravida Dengan Multigravida Pada Kejadian Preeklampsia Di Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina Gresik Periode Tahun 2019 – 2021

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    Latar belakang: Preeklampsia adalah suatu kondisi dimana ibu hamil dengan masa kehamilan lebih dari 20 minggu memiliki tanda utama hipertensi dan proteinuria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan jumlah trombosit antara primigravida dan multigravida pada kejadian preeklampsia. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan probability sampling yaitu purposive sampling dengan 61 rekam medik ibu preeklampsia yang diambil sesuai kriteria inklusi di RS Ibnu Sina Gresik yang terdiri dari 14 primigravida dan 47 multigravida dari tahun 2019 sampai dengan 2021. Hasil: Pasien preeklampsia dengan jumlah trombosit terendah adalah 170 kelompok, terendah.000/L dan tertinggi 490.000/μL dengan rerata 282.066/μL. Pada primigravida jumlah trombosit 170.000/L dan tertinggi 342.000/L dengan rata-rata 277.857/μL, sedangkan pada kelompok multigravida memiliki jumlah trombosit terendah 173.000/μL dan tertinggi 490.000/μL dengan rata-rata 283.319/ L. Kedua kelompok dibandingkan dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna jumlah trombosit antara primigravida dan multigravida (p>0,05). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara jumlah trombosit primigravida dan multigravida pada pasien preeklampsia

    Toga dan Produk Olahan

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    Buku ini berisi penjelasan singkat terkait TOGA, beberapa contoh tanaman TOGA yang dapat dimanfaatkan, khususnya sebagai antioksidan serta beberapa contoh hasil olahan TOGA berupa teh herbal dan jamu instan siap minum

    Toga Dan Produk Olahan

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    Buku berisikan tentang penjelasan terkait tanaman obat keluarga (TOGA), pengelompokan TOGA, kemanfaatan TOGA, bagian TOGA yang dimanfaatkan beserta beberapa contohnya, produk olahan berbahan TOGA baik berupa teh herbal maupun serbuk minuman tradisional beberapa contohnya. Juga diuraikan cara pembuatan beberapa produk olahan teh herbal maupun serbuk minuman tradisional, sehingga pembaca dapat mempraktekkan cara pembuatannya secara langsung