201 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Poly-o-anisidine Sn(IV) Arsenophosphate: Its Analytical Applications as Pb(II) Ion-Selective Membrane Electrode

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    Poly-o-anisidine Sn(IV) arsenophosphate is a newly synthesized nanocomposite material and has been characterized on the basis of its chemical composition, ion exchange capacity, TGA-DTA, FTIR, X-RAY, SEM, and TEM studies. On the basis of distribution studies, the exchanger was found to be highly selective for lead that is an environmental pollutant. For the detection of lead in water a heterogeneous precipitate based ion-selective membrane electrode was developed by means of this composite cation exchanger as electroactive material. The membrane electrode is mechanically stable, with a quick response time, and can be operated over a wide pH range. The selectivity coefficients were determined by mixed solution method and revealed that the electrode is sensitive for Pb(II) in presence of interfering cations. The practical utility of this membrane electrode has been established by employing it as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of Pb(II)

    The role of Eag and HERG channels in cell proliferation and apoptotic cell death in SK-OV-3 ovarian cancer cell line.

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    The voltage gated potassium (K+) channels Eag and HERG have been implicated in the pathogenesis of various cancers, through association with cell cycle changes and programmed cell death. The role of these channels in the onset and progression of ovarian cancer is unknown. An understanding of mechanism by which Eag and HERG channels affect cell proliferation in ovarian cancer cells is required and therefore we investigated their role in cell proliferation and their effect on the cell cycle and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells

    Classical Thermoset Epoxy Composites for Structural Purposes: Designing, Preparation, Properties and Applications

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    Abstract, Introduction and Conclusions of the Book Chapter are presented for the acquaintance. Full text is available at http://www.mrforum.com/product/9781945291876-9/.Classical thermosetting epoxy composites for structural purpose, along with nanocomposites, are now widely used in various industries. An epoxy matrix is considered as a dominant polymer matrix in the design of such composites due to its study, high performance and wide commercial use. The optimization of processes and design and technological parameters of the equipment for their molding and processing of polymer composite materials (PCMs), as well as the creation of PCMs with a predetermined set of properties, remains an urgent task nowadays. An equally important problems are the production of defect-free and monolithic structures of such composites with increasing the productivity of their molding. Particular attention is paid to low-frequency ultrasonic as a basic method of physical modification of liquid epoxy media and intensification the processes of capillary impregnation and "wet" winding

    Ultrasonic Тrеаtment in the Production of Classical Composites and Carbon Nanocomposites

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    Abstract, Introduction and Conclusions of the Book Chapter are presented for the acquaintance. Full text is available at https://www.elsevier.com/books/nanocarbon-and-its-composites/khan/978-0-08-102509-3Low-frequency ultrasonic treatment in the production of classical composites and carbon nanocomposites is one of the dominant methods used in the preparation of such kinds of composites. For example, ultrasonic is a basic method of physical modification of liquid epoxy media, as well as to a method that intensifies the processes of sonification of liquid epoxy media, capillary impregnation, "wet" winding and dosed application. This method also promotes the production of defect-free and monolithic structures of such reinforced composites. The influence of ultrasonic treatment regimes on the technological and operational properties of epoxy polymers is investigated, as well as the strengthening of reinforced composites based on them. Technical means of ultrasonic cavitation treatment for classical epoxy binders and polymer composite materials based on them are investigated. Ultrasonic dispersing of nanoparticles in solutions and liquid polymeric media is studied. Aspects of preparation of nanosuspensions for the production of polymeric nanocomposites with ultrasonic treatment as also the production of nanomodified epoxy compositions and prepregs based on them are described. Ultrasonic treatment in the production of graphene and graphene aerogels is analyzed. Epoxy composites based on graphene aerogels with exceptional operational properties are studied

    Bin Packing under Random-Order: Breaking the Barrier of 3/2

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    Best-Fit is one of the most prominent and practically used algorithms for the bin packing problem, where a set of items with associated sizes needs to be packed in the minimum number of unit-capacity bins. Kenyon [SODA '96] studied online bin packing under random-order arrival, where the adversary chooses the list of items, but the items arrive one by one according to an arrival order drawn uniformly randomly from the set of all permutations of the items. Kenyon's seminal result established an upper bound of 1.51.5 and a lower bound of 1.081.08 on the random-order ratio of Best-Fit, and it was conjectured that the true ratio is 1.15\approx 1.15. The conjecture, if true, will also imply that Best-Fit (on randomly permuted input) has the best performance guarantee among all the widely-used simple algorithms for (offline) bin packing. This conjecture has remained one of the major open problems in the area, as highlighted in the recent survey on random-order models by Gupta and Singla [Beyond the Worst-Case Analysis of Algorithms '20]. Recently, Albers et al. [Algorithmica '21] improved the upper bound to 1.251.25 for the special case when all the item sizes are greater than 1/31/3, and they improve the lower bound to 1.11.1. Ayyadevara et al. [ICALP '22] obtained an improved result for the special case when all the item sizes lie in (1/4,1/2](1/4, 1/2], which corresponds to the 33-partition problem. The upper bound of 3/23/2 for the general case, however, has remained unimproved. In this paper, we make the first progress towards the conjecture, by showing that Best-Fit achieves a random-order ratio of at most 1.5ε1.5 - \varepsilon, for a small constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. Furthermore, we establish an improved lower bound of 1.1441.144 on the random-order ratio of Best-Fit, nearly reaching the conjectured ratio

    Furanic Rigid Foams, Furanic-Based Bioplastics and Furanic-Derived Wood Adhesives and Bioadhesives

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    In this chapter, we discuss pure furanic foams and tannin-furanic foams as fire-resistant, environmentally friendly, rigid biofoams. We also examine furanic wood adhesives in which a major furan portion is coupled with either synthetics or bioadhesives. In the case of furanic wood bioadhesives, the formulations developed were 90–100% biosourced. Equally, furanic rigid plastics of considerable mechanical resistance have also been developed and applied to angle-grinder discs and automotive brakes with very encouraging results


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    Community health professionals are critical in filling the gap between traditional healthcare systems and marginalized populations. Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) workers have been an important workforce in providing essential healthcare services to rural and marginalized communities. ASHA workers have emerged as a cornerstone of India\u27s healthcare system, playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between rural and marginalized communities and formal healthcare services. There is a need for expansion of the working of ASHAs to utilize them more efficiently. Through enhanced training, technological integration, and policy support, ASHA workers can transform into empowered agents of change, ensuring equitable healthcare access for all. Mobile applications for data collection, telemedicine for remote consultations, and AI-powered tools for diagnosis can enhance their capabilities and improve the accuracy of healthcare services. Reimagining the role of ASHA workers requires supportive policies and increased advocacy efforts. Adequate compensation, formal recognition, and regular skill upgradation should be integral to their roles. Engaging with policymakers and stakeholders can ensure that their voices are heard at the policy level. This review article aims to critically examine the existing role of ASHA workers, analyze their challenges and successes, and propose innovative strategies to reimagine their role in the Indian healthcare sector. By synthesizing current literature and drawing insights from various sources, this article highlights the potential for ASHA workers to contribute significantly to community-based healthcare delivery, health education, and disease prevention

    Dynamic planar embedding is in DynFO

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    Planar Embedding is a drawing of a graph on the plane such that the edges do not intersect each other except at the vertices. We know that testing the planarity of a graph and computing its embedding (if it exists), can efficiently be computed, both sequentially [John E. Hopcroft and Robert Endre Tarjan, 1974] and in parallel [Vijaya Ramachandran and John H. Reif, 1994], when the entire graph is presented as input. In the dynamic setting, the input graph changes one edge at a time through insertion and deletions and planarity testing/embedding has to be updated after every change. By storing auxilliary information we can improve the complexity of dynamic planarity testing/embedding over the obvious recomputation from scratch. In the sequential dynamic setting, there has been a series of works [David Eppstein et al., 1996; Giuseppe F. Italiano et al., 1993; Jacob Holm et al., 2018; Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020], culminating in the breakthrough result of polylog(n) sequential time (amortized) planarity testing algorithm of Holm and Rotenberg [Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020]. In this paper we study planar embedding through the lens of DynFO, a parallel dynamic complexity class introduced by Patnaik et al [Sushant Patnaik and Neil Immerman, 1997] (also [Guozhu Dong et al., 1995]). We show that it is possible to dynamically maintain whether an edge can be inserted to a planar graph without causing non-planarity in DynFO. We extend this to show how to maintain an embedding of a planar graph under both edge insertions and deletions, while rejecting edge insertions that violate planarity. Our main idea is to maintain embeddings of only the triconnected components and a special two-colouring of separating pairs that enables us to side-step cascading flips when embedding of a biconnected planar graph changes, a major issue for sequential dynamic algorithms [Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020; Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020]

    Acetone sensor based on solvothermally prepared ZnO doped with Co3O4 nanorods

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    This paper describes a reliable and sensitive method for sensing dissolved acetone using doped nanomaterials. Large-scale synthesis of ZnO nanorods (NRs) doped with Co(3)O(4) was accomplished by a solvothermal method at low temperature. The doped NRs were characterized in terms of their morphological, structural, and optical properties by using field-emission scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive system, UV-Vis., Fourier transform IR, X-ray diffraction, and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy. The calcinated (at 400 °C) doped NRs are shown to be an attractive semiconductor nanomaterial for detecting acetone in aqueous solution using silver electrodes. The sensor exhibits excellent sensitivity, stability and reproducibility. The calibration plot is linear over a large concentration range (66.8 μM to 0.133 mM), displays high sensitivity (~3.58 μA cm(−2) mM(−1)) and a low detection limit (~14.7 ± 0.2 μM; at SNR of 3). [Figure: see text

    Influence of additives (inorganic/organic) on the clouding behavior of amphiphilic drug solutions: Some thermodynamic studies

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    AbstractHerein we provide a detailed result about the effect of various additives, viz. inorganic salts, quaternary ammonium bromides (QABs) and amino acids on clouding behavior of amphiphilic drug amitriptyline hydrochloride (AMT). The continuous increase in the cloud point (CP) of drug by increase in inorganic salt concentration and the magnitude of increases rely upon the position of the salts in Hofmeister series and hydrated radii. The QABs also influence continuous increase in the CP, which is illustrated in terms of the alkyl chain length of peculiar QAB. The effect of amino acids on CP of the drug solution is dependent upon the characteristics (acidic, basic, polar or nonpolar) of particular amino acids. The overall behavior of additives has been analyzed and discussed on the basis of electrostatic repulsion or interaction, micellar growth, and mixed micelle formation between the ingredients. In addition to this, thermodynamic parameters are also evaluated