1,010 research outputs found

    The Availability of Traditional Market's Facility and Its Effect on Quality of Public Service (a Study at Perak Traditional Market in Jombang)

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    : The Availability of Traditional Market's Facility and Its Effect on Quality of Public Service (A Study at Perak Traditional Market in Jombang). Traditional market in term of potential and actual has declined of trust which leads to negative trend as a seedy impression, chaotic, muddy, insecure, and uncomfotable that are ingrained in society, for that we need improvement factor, and especially factor leading the facility where the market in order to be a positive shopping image and can affect increased service quality. This research used quantitative multiple linear regression. Result of this research indicate that Perak traditional market is still viable for use as a place to shop, but keep market infrastructure needs to be improved. Tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and jointly affect service quality at Perak traditional market in Jombang. Moreover, tangible, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance variable have partial effect on service quality at Perak traditional market in Jombang

    Tinjauan Hukum Pendaftaran Tanah Secara Sistematis Melalui Ajudikasi Berdasarkan Pp No. 24 Tahun 1997

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    Kebutuhan tanah terus meningkat sehingga sering menimbulkan masalah yang amat kompleks. Untuk menangani masalah pertanahan tersebut, pemerintah menerbitkan Undang-Undang No. 5 tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria yang kemudian dikenal dengan UUPA, lahirnya UUPA merupakan tonggak baru bangsa ini dalam hukum pertanahan. Sejalan dengan itu pemerintah kemudian mengeluarkan peraturan pemerintah No 24 Tahun 1997 tentang pendaftaran tanah yang kembali menegaskan pentingnya masyarakat mendaftarkan tanahnya, pendaftaran tanah berfungsi untuk mengetahui status bidang tanah, siapa pemiliknya, apa haknya, berapa luasnya, untuk apa dipergunakan. Pentingnya diadakannya pendaftaran tanah secara sistematis, baik dan benar melalui ajudikasi bertujuan untuk mengurangi masalah yang timbul berkaitan dengan tanah.Metode Penelitian yang digunakan penulis metode pendekatan yang bersifat yuridis empiris dengan maksud membuktikan atau menguji untuk memastikan kebenaran dan merasionalkannya melalui hasil penelitian dan pengalaman yang telah ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan bahwa masyarakat lebih banyak mendaftarkan tanahnya dengan cara sporadic, karena masyarakat menganggap pendaftaran tanah secara sistematis belum tentu ada setiap tahunnya, meskipun mahal masyarakat tetap mendaftarkan tanahnya demi mendapatkan hak atas tanah yang dimilikinya

    Perception of Learners on Parenting System and ITS Influence on Academic Performance among Secondary Schools Students of Bukonzo Country, Uganda

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    The study examined perception of learners on parenting styles and its influence on academic performance among secondary school students in Bukonzo County, Kasese District in Uganda. A correlational study design was adopted. Data was collected from 562 students selected using proportionate stratified and systematic random sampling. A structured questionnaire was administered. Findings indicated that the most prevalent parenting style was democratic style and the least was laissez-faire even as much as parents’ perception may assume that children tend to want freedom. Furthermore, Spearman Rank correlation coefficient indicated that statistically significant positive correlations exist between democratic, authoritarian parenting styles and academic performance. It therefore implied that children would wish to have parents who are in control of them as opposed to those who leaves them to do what they want. High level preference for parents who guide and mentor them. Therefore, democratic and authoritarian parenting styles proved to enhance students’ academic performance as opposed to leisure fair parenting style

    Evolution of complex organic molecules in hot molecular cores: Synthetic spectra at (sub-)mm wavebands

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    Hot molecular cores (HMCs) are intermediate stages of high-mass star formation and are also known for their rich emission line spectra at (sub-)mm wavebands. The observed spectral feature of HMCs such as total number of emission lines and associated line intensities are also found to vary with evolutionary stages. We developed various 3D models for HMCs guided by the evolutionary scenarios proposed by recent empirical and modeling studies. We then investigated the spatio-temporal variation of temperature and molecular abundances in HMCs by consistently coupling gas-grain chemical evolution with radiative transfer calculations. We explored the effects of varying physical conditions on molecular abundances including density distribution and luminosity evolution of the central protostar(s). The time-dependent temperature structure of the hot core models provides a realistic framework for investigating the spatial variation of ice mantle evaporation as a function of evolutionary timescales. With increasing protostellar luminosity, the water ice evaporation font (∼\sim100K) expands and the spatial distribution of gas phase abundances of these COMs also spreads out. We simulated the synthetic spectra for these models at different evolutionary timescales to compare with observations. A qualitative comparison of the simulated and observed spectra suggests that these self-consistent hot core models can reproduce the notable trends in hot core spectral variation within the typical hot core timescales of 105^{5} year. These models predict that the spatial distribution of various emission line maps will also expand with evolutionary time. The model predictions can be compared with high resolution observation that can probe scales of a few thousand AU in high-mass star forming regions such as from ALMA.[Abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Current developments in modelling the tumour microenvironment in vitro:Incorporation of biochemical and physical gradients

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    Tumour cell proliferation, metabolism and treatment response depend on the dynamic interaction of the tumour cells with other cellular components and physicochemical gradients present in the tumour microenvironment. Traditional experimental approaches used to investigate the dynamic tumour tissue face a number of limitations, such as lack of biological relevance for the tumour microenvironment and the difficulty to precisely control fluctuating internal conditions, for example in oxygen and nutrients. The arrival of advanced in vitro models represents an alternative approach for modelling the tumour microenvironment using cutting-edge technologies, such as microfabrication. Advanced model systems provide a promising platform for modelling the physiochemical conditions of the tumour microenvironment in a well-controlled manner. Amongst others, advanced in vitro models aim to recreate gradients of oxygen, nutrients and endogenous chemokines, and cell proliferation. Furthermore, the establishment of mechanical cues within such models, e.g., flow and extracellular matrix properties that influence cellular behaviour, are active research areas. These model systems aim to maintain tumour cells in an environment that resembles in vivo conditions. A prominent example of such a system is the microfluidic tumour-on-chip model, which aims to precisely control the local chemical and physical environment that surrounds the tumour cells. In addition, these models also have the potential to recapitulate environmental conditions in isolation or in combination. This enables the analysis of the dynamic interactions between different conditions and their potentially synergistic effects on tumour cells. In this review, we will discuss the various gradients present within the tumour microenvironment and the effects they exert on tumour cells. We will further highlight the challenges and limitations of traditional experimental models in modelling these gradients. We will outline recent achievements in advanced in vitro models with a particular focus on tumour-on-chip systems. We will also discuss the future of these models in cancer research and their contribution to developing more biologically relevant models for cancer research

    Silenced Husbands:Muslim Marriage Migration and Masculinity

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    In both Denmark and Britain, legal and policy discourses have relied on a range of problems implicitly or explicitly linked to transnational marriages involving ethnic minorities in order to control and change the character of spousal immigration. These discourses often focus on the vulnerability of Muslim women, while Muslim men appear as patriarchal figures abusing their power over co-ethnic women. In this article, we use qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with Pakistanis in the United Kingdom and Turks in Denmark to explore gendered challenges for Muslim migrant husbands and demonstrate experiences inconsistent with the assumptions that underpin regulation. Attention to intersecting identities reveals weaknesses in such men’s relational positions and multiple arenas in which their masculinity is problematized or denigrated. In combination, these representations function to limit such men’s ability to give voice to their vulnerabilities and the challenges they face and thus to reinforce assumptions of male hegemony. </jats:p


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher factors (gender, qualification, and teaching experience) on academic achievement of learners with ADHD in inclusive learning environments in international primary schools of Mombasa (Kenya) and Kampala (Uganda). This was a comparative study that included 377 Learners (9-11 years) and their class teachers. The study adapted Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale Questionnaire (ADHD-SQ) which assessed the three ADHD subtypes, a self-formulated questionnaire that required class teachers to provide their demographic characteristic, and End of Term Assessment Results (ETAR) of learners in core subjects of math, science and English for their academic achievement. The results revealed that female class teachers in Kampala significantly influenced overall academic achievement (U = 19.50, p = .018) while male class teachers in Mombasa significantly influenced math achievement (U = 241.00, p = .036) of learners with ADHD condition. Teacher’s qualifications did not significantly influence academic achievement of learners with ADHD in Mombasa (rs = -.058, p = .675) and Kampala (rs = .334, p= .139). Teaching experience significantly influenced science achievement of learners with ADHD in Kampala (rs = -.486, p = .025). The study recommended exploration of these teacher factors in public primary schools across the two cities

    NhaD type sodium/proton-antiporter of Halomonas elongata: a salt stress response mechanism in marine habitats?

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    BACKGROUND: Sodium/proton-antiporters (Nha) are known to play an important role in pH- and Na(+)-homeostasis. In microorganisms several types with different capacity, affinity and selectivity for Na(+ )and Li(+ )exist. The homeostasis system of E. coli, NhaA and NhaB, is well researched, but the function of other types of Na(+)/H(+)-antiporters like NhaD is yet to be fully understood. Since several antiporters play an important role at various points in the physiology of higher organisms, one can speculate that the main functions of some of those procaryotic antiporters differ from pH- and Na(+)-homeostasis. RESULTS: This study investigates the function and regulation of a gene encoding for a NhaD type antiporter which was discovered in the halophilic eubacterium Halomonas elongata. The deduced primary amino acid sequence of the abovementioned gene showed more than 60% identity to known antiporters of the NhaD type from Alkalimonas amylolytica, Shewanella oneidensis and several other marine organisms of the γ-Proteobacteria. Evidence was found for a dual regulation of H. elongata NhaD expression. The gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Antiporter deficient NaCl and LiCl sensitive E. coli mutants EP432 and KNabc were partially complemented by a plasmid carrying the H. elongata nhaD gene. Surprisingly the LiCl sensitivity of E. coli strain DH5α having a complete homeostasis system was increased when NhaD was co-expressed. CONCLUSION: Since NhaD is an antiporter known so far only from halophilic or haloalcaliphilic Proteobacteria one can speculate that this type of antiporter provides a special mechanism for adaptation to marine habitats. As was already speculated – though without supporting data – and substantiated in this study this might be active Na(+)-import for osmoregulatory purposes

    University Students With Disabilities, Accessibility, and the Return to Normal

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    In the context of the return to normal on university campuses in the ongoing pandemic, our research team wondered what students with disabilities could tell us about what makes university classes and services more and less accessible to them, and in that broader context, what pandemic modifications they hope continue. After two years of innovation, if we rush back to normal, we are at risk of squandering hard-won new skills, technology, and insights that are of broad value for all students. Disabled students\u27 experiences and perspectives, as reported in 80 survey responses and 16 interviews, disrupt common assumptions about accessibility and the disabled population at universities and in Canada
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