75 research outputs found

    Modern problems of education in Central Asia

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    Key transformations in the development of higher education in the countries of Central Asia, conditioned by the processes of globalization, are studied. The general tendencies of the modernization of higher education in Central Asian countries are revealed: the restructuring of the university system, the expansion of the mechanisms for assessing and monitoring the activities of higher education institutions, the practical orientation of education, the expansion of the network interaction of higher education institutions and the formation of university associations, the internationalization of educational activity, the virtualization of the educational process. In conclusion, the main problems of cooperation in the formation of the educational landscape of the Central Asian countries are considered and ways of their solution are suggested

    Two new oribatid mite species with auriculate pteromorphs from Southern Vietnam (Acari: Oribatida: Parakalummidae, Galumnidae)

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    Two new oribatid mite species, Neoribates spindleformis sp. nov. and Globogalumna biporosa sp. nov. are described from soil and litter of pine and acacias artificial plantations of Dong Nai Culture and Nature Reserve (Southern Vietnam). First new species is differs from all other species of Neoribates by combination of the following characters; mor¬phology of sensilli, number of leg claws and genital setae. Second new species differs from type-species of Globogalumna by the body surface and number of notogastral porose areas. The genus Globogalumna is recorded for the first time from the Oriental region

    Конституционный статус человека и гражданина в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции: векторы трансформации в России

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    The subject of research is the scientific understanding of the ways, manifestations and trends in the transformation of the constitutional status of an individual in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection.The purpose of the research is to confirm or disprove the scientific hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic impacts negatively on the content and implementation of the constitutional status of an individual in Russia.The methodology. General scientific methods, especially dialectical ones, made it possible to study the conditions and process of evolution of the constitutional status of an individual in the context of confronting coronavirus infection. With the help of a synergistic method the analysis of cross-sectoral communication of national constitutional law and international legal regulation is carried out. The systemic-structural method was used in the study of intrasystemic changes in the constitutional status of an individual. A study of normative legal sources was made using the formal legal method.The main results, scope of application. The constitutional status of an individual is undergoing a clear transformation in four directions, each of which has received a separate consideration in the work. Basically, the transformation concerned such an element of the constitutional status as "rights". For the most part, these changes have a negative character for an individual, that is, they worsen his constitutional and legal situation in comparison with the "pre-pandemic" period, but they will remain in one way or another until the sanitary and epidemiological situation normalizes. It is noteworthy that the same element of the constitutional status, including the same right, can experience several variants of transformation, but with a difference in time, content, territory of action or circle of persons. For example, the development of the right to freedom of movement on the territory of the Russian Federation is accompanied by both its restriction and suspension of implementation in general, and the right to entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by an additional opportunity for business representatives to receive compensation for forced losses. The pandemic has demonstrated the permissibility and even a certain expediency of transforming the constitutional status of a person and a citizen not only by federal laws (which follows from Part 3 of Article 55 of Russian Constitution), but also by-laws and regulations, not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. This possibility is due to references in federal legislation. It should be recognized that over the past year, for the first time, we have witnessed the active regulation of the constitutional status of a person and a citizen by the subordinate normative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which indicates their confident incorporation into the number of sources of its legal regulation.Conclusions. The vectors of transformation of constitutional status of an individual due to COVID-19 pandemic were: (a) the restriction of some basic rights, (b) the suspension of the implementation of a number of basic rights, (c) the substantive clarification and addition of certain rights and mechanisms for their implementation, (d) imposition of additional responsibilities.Исследуются изменения, которым подвергся конституционный статус личности в условиях противодействия распространению коронавирусной инфекции в Российской Федерации. Отмечено, что в наибольшей мере он претерпел негативную, хотя и вынужденную для человека и гражданина трансформацию в виде ограничения основных прав, приостановления реализации основных прав, возложения дополнительных обязанностей; в меньшей степени наблюдаются позитивные изменения, нашедшие выражение в содержательном уточнении и дополнении некоторых прав человека и гражданина, а также механизмов их реализации, при этом некоторые основные права получили трансформацию в нескольких направлениях, хотя и с разницей во времени, содержании, территории действия или круге лиц. Каждый вектор трансформации конституционного статуса подкреплен в статье разнообразными примерами из федерального и регионального законодательства

    Adoption of russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms of international law

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    The issues of intercountry adoption are a matter of discussion for all world community in view of the fact that it is practically impossible to ensure proper regulation of all aspects of the adoption procedure and, moreover, it is possible to encounter various conflicting rules for the regulation of the adoption  procedure between the  State of child origin and the receiving State. The article outlines the prospects for ratifying the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) of 27 November 2008. Adoption procedure should be in the best interest of the child in relation to his fundamental rights. The tension in the sphere of adoption of children left without parental care by US citizens is given proper consideration. Compliance with international norms and rules is reflected in the "Dima Yakovlev Law" which is difficult to recognize as effective in its capacity to ensure the rights and interests of children. It was revealed that the implementation of the above-mentioned international acts in the Russian legal space will bring positive results due to a significant simplification of the procedure for reviewing and resolving cases on the adoption establishment

    Effective Project Scheduling Under Workspace Congestion and Workflow Disturbance Factors

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    Effective project management implies the use of advanced planning and scheduling methods that allow to determine feasible sequences of activities and to complete a project on time and on budget. Traditional scheduling tools like fundamental Critical Path Method (CPM) and various methods for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) and Time Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (TCPSP) have many shortcomings for construction projects where spatial factor plays a critically important role. Previous attempts to interpret space as a specific resource were successful for particular problems of line-of-balance scheduling, space scheduling, dynamic layout planning, horizontal and vertical logic scheduling, workspace congestion mitigating, scheduling multiple projects with movable resources, spatial scheduling of repeated and grouped activities and motion planning. However, none of these methods considers the spatio-temporal requirements in a holistic framework of generic RCPSP problem and provides feasible results accounting for workspace and workflow factors. In this paper we start with the classical RCPSP statement and then present mathematically strong formalisation of the extended generalised problem, taking into account workspace congestion and workflow disturbance constraints specified in practically meaningful and computationally constructive ways. For the generalised RCPSP problem an effective scheduling method is proposed. The method tends to minimise the project makespan while satisfying timing constraints and precedence relations, not exceeding resource utilisation limits, avoiding workspace congestions and keeping workflows continuous. The method reuses so-called serial scheduling scheme and provides for additional computational routines and heuristic priority rules to generate feasible schedules satisfying all the imposed requirements. Advantages of the method and prospects for its application to industrial needs are outlined in the paper too

    El papel de la educación continua en la formación de habilidades profesionales en el proceso de entrenamiento de manejo individual

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    This article presents solutions that are defined as a paradigm shift in driving schools, which will allow restructuring the process of driver training and reducing the risk of accidents. Thus, the study discusses ways to reduce the accident rate of drivers who have recently received a license to drive a car. To achieve the goal, accident statistics were analysed depending on driving experience and driver age. The influence of the Internet and computer games on the psychology of novice drivers was also studied. Finally, the process of driving skills formation in the entrepreneurial educational process of driving schools is described. We suggested that novice drivers should demand the proper driving school and consider the criteria by which they can choose a suitable and effective driving school to obtain complete and in-depth knowledge.Este artículo presenta soluciones que se definen como un cambio de paradigma en las autoescuelas, lo que permitirá reestructurar el proceso de capacitación de conductores y reducir el riesgo de accidentes. Por lo tanto, el estudio analiza formas de reducir la tasa de accidentes de los conductores que recientemente recibieron una licencia para conducir un automóvil. Para lograr el objetivo, se analizaron las estadísticas de accidentes según la experiencia de conducción y la edad del conductor. También se estudió la influencia de Internet y los juegos de computadora en la psicología de los conductores novatos. Finalmente, se describe el proceso de formación de habilidades de conducción en el proceso educativo emprendedor de las escuelas de conducción. Sugerimos que los conductores novatos deben exigir la escuela de manejo adecuada y considerar los criterios por los cuales pueden elegir una escuela de manejo adecuada y efectiva para obtener un conocimiento completo y profundo

    Становление и развитие высших органов государственной власти Донецкой Народной Республики и Луганской Народной Республики от самопровозглашения до принятия в Российскую Федерацию

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    The subject of this study is a scientific understanding of the formation and development of the supreme state authorities of the People's Republics of Donbass (DPR, LPR) as unrecognized states from the time of their self-declaration in 2014 to their admission to the Russian Federation in 2022.The purpose of the study is to identify the main features, stages of formation and development of institutions of supreme state power (the head of state, parliament, government and courts) in the republics of Donbass in the period from 2014 to 2022.The methodological basis of the research was a wide range of general and special methods of scientific cognition. Dialectical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction were used as general scientific methods. Comparative-legal, system-structural and formal-legal methods were used as special methods. General scientific methods, especially dialectical ones, allowed us to study the factors and the process of evolution of the constitutional status of the supreme state authorities of the DPR and LPR in the conditions of military confrontation with the mother state and political rapprochement with Russia. Using the comparative legal method, a comparative analysis of the status of the highest state authorities of the DPR, LPR and the Russian Federation was carried out. The system-structural method was used in the study of intra-system changes in the constitutional status of the studied authorities. With the help of the formal legal method, a study of normative legal sources was conducted, which made it possible to form the logic of the presentation of the material and the conceptual apparatus of the declared topic.The procedure for the formation and activities of the state authorities of the DPR and LPR are regulated by an array of legal acts, the norms of which reflect both the identity of the power institutions of the republics of Donbass and the tendency to the reception of constitutional and legal institutions existing in Russia. This allows us to state with confidence the presence of a number of features in the process of evolution of the highest state authorities of the republics of Donbass, which reflect the focus on integration with a more developed state system of Russia, the formation in a short historical time, the proximity of the mechanism of organization and content of the competence of the highest state authorities of the two republics, caused, including their formation in the conditions of the special the legal regime of martial law.The results of the study can be useful at the present stage of integration of new subjects of the Russian Federation into the legal system of the Russian Federation and into the system of its state authorities.The conclusion is reasoned that the transformation of the institutions of the supreme power of the republics of Donbass has passed two stages and is currently in the third. The first stage is characterized by the formation of its own republican system of supreme state authorities (2014-2018). The second stage is characterized by further improvement and transformation of the status of the supreme state authorities of the republics against the background of increased Russian legal influence (November 2018-2022). The third stage is explained by the adoption of the DPR and the LPR into our state in September 2022 and the beginning of systematic work to change legislation regarding the creation of higher state authorities of new subjects of Russia.Исследовано становление и развитие высших органов государственной власти народных республик Донбасса (ДНР, ЛНР) как непризнанных государств со времени их самопровозглашения до принятия в состав Российской Федерации. Раскрыты основные аспекты организации и деятельности высших органов государственной власти ДНР и ЛНР. Проведен сравнительный анализ отдельных элементов конституционно-правового статуса главы государства, парламента, правительства и судебной системы в Российской Федерации и республиках Донбасса. Выявлены и охарактеризованы этапы и специфические черты формирования высших органов государственной власти ДНР и ЛНР в указанный период: формирование в сжатые исторические сроки в условиях военного конфликта; практически тождественные системы высших органов государственной власти ДНР и ЛНР; ключевая роль и обширный круг полномочий глав республик во внутренних и внешних делах; преимущественная ориентация на российский опыт государственного строительства

    Интернационализация отечественного права в контексте правовых позиций Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации и Верховного Суда Российской Федерации

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    The article is aimed at identifying legal positions on the relationship between international and domestic Russian law in the decisions of Russian Constitutional Court and Russian Supreme Court.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the practice of Russian Constitutional Court and Russian Supreme Court significantly changed the content of norm of Russian Constitution that recognizes generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties as part of the Russian legal system.The methodological basis of the study was formed by both general scientific methods (dialectical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction) and special methods (synergistic, systemic-structural and formal-legal).The main results, scope of application. The main body of the article covers three interrelated issues. Firstly, the problems of interpretation of Pt. 4 of Art. 15 of the Russian Constitution. These problems are summarized to the ratio of the categories “generally recognized principles of international law” and “generally recognized norms of international law”, to possible contradictions between the current international treaty with the participation of Russia and the provisions of the Russian Constitution as well as to exceptions from the priority of international treaties over the domestic law of Russia. Five such exceptions are highlighted: the unconditional primacy of the Russian Constitution; domination of an international treaty only in the event of a conflict of its norms with the internal law of Russia; the presence in an international treaty of dispositive norms that are inferior to domestic law; taking into account the level of legal force when determining the correlation of an international treaty with the sources of national Russian law; implementation of an international treaty as self-executing or non-self-executing, when the priority of the latter directly depends on the adoption of an appropriate normative act of domestic law. Secondly, the system of legal positions of the Russian Constitutional Court on the relationship between international and domestic law and their target mission is considered. The legal positions on the issue under study are divided into two groups - on the interaction of international treaties with the domestic law of Russia and on the assessment of the prospects for the incorporation of the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights into Russian legal system and the limits of its jurisdiction. The consolidating basis of all judicial legal positions is the unconditional priority of the Russian Constitution, the need to differentiate the normative content of an international treaty with the participation of the Russian Federation and acts of official interpretation by the authorized body of its norms, as well as the desire to preserve the constitutional identity of Russia. Thirdly, the subject of reflection was the limits of the internationalization of domestic law.Conclusions. There is an obstacle to the further internationalization of domestic law. It is the presence of spheres of public and state life that cannot and should not be included in the subject of international legal regulation and are subject exclusively to domestic legal impact. In addition, the framework of internationalization is due to the conflict with the state sovereignty of Russia and the desire to ensure the inviolability of the foundations of the constitutional order and national interests, and to ensure the country's constitutional identity.Посредством анализа законодательства, а также правовых позиций Конституционного Суда РФ и Верховного Суда РФ выявлены проблемы толкования ч. 4 ст. 15 Конституции РФ. Судебные правовые позиции по вопросам соотношения международного и отечественного права разделены на две группы: о взаимодействии международных договоров с внутренним правом России и об оценке инкорпорации правовых позиций Европейского Суда по правам человека в правовую систему России. Сделан вывод, что консолидирующими идеями всех судебных правовых позиций являются безусловный приоритет Конституции РФ, необходимость разграничения нормативного содержания международного договора с участием Российской Федерации и актов официального толкования уполномоченным органом его норм, а также стремление к сохранению конституционной самобытности России

    Прямое действие и применение норм Конституции РФ: к вопросу о разграничении понятий

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    The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical problems of direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is the delineation of concepts of direct action and the direct application of the Constitution. The proposed topic is very relevant, because nowadays, when the Russian Federation is striving to build a rule-of-law state and a developed civil society, the theoretical and practical bases of the direct action of Constitution require a scientific justification.The methodological basis of the study was: a formal-logical method that made it possible to clarify the properties of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, distinguishing it from the statics and dynamics from other regulatory legal acts. The practice of direct enforcement of the Constitution was analyzed with formal-legal method.The authors analyzed theoretical material: the works of Vengerov A.B., Vitruk N.V., Grevtsov Yu.I., Kokotov A.N., Kravets I.A., Lychin V.O., Nevinskii V.V., Ebzeev B.S., - as well as empirical data - decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and other courts.The authors came to the conclusion that the direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is a legal feature of the norms of the Basic Law, that are implemented irrespective of the existence of normative legal acts that specify them. Even if it is necessary to specify the norms of the Constitution, clarifying rules are created on the basis of constitutional legal requirements and only develop them for the purpose of implementation. Direct application of the Constitutional rules is only one of the forms of its implementation, according to Art.15 (1) of Russian Constitution.Анализируются различные подходы к раскрытию закрепленных в ч. 1 ст. 15 Конституции РФ ее прямого действия и прямого применения. На основании исследованного материала выявляются различия между указанными терминами. Рассматривается практическое воплощение идеи прямого действия Конституции РФ посредством ее прямого применения, которое является лишь одной из форм реализации Основного закона, делающей прямое действие норм Конституции не просто лишь закрепленным постулатом, а влияющим на практику и имеющим значение для человека и гражданина юридическим свойством Конституции РФ

    Merger of Higher Education Institutions and Educational Competitiveness: Interrelationship Issues

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    In the context of Russian higher education modernization, merger of universities is viewed as one of the tools to increase their competitiveness. At the same time, the impact of the unification of universities on the competitiveness of their educational activities has not been subjected to special research. In this regard, the purpose of this publication is to substantiate scientifically the key aspects of the relationship between the merger of universities and the competitiveness of their educational activities in order to develop practical recommendations for managing the process of university merger.As an empirical base of the research, the published data on 53 leading universities in Russia were used, most of them have experienced merger processes (federal universities, Universities of Project 5-100, national research universities, “first wave” pillar universities). As a methodical basis for the study, we used generalization, comparison, abstraction, prediction; methods of empirical research: interviewing focus groups, content analysis of universities’ Web sites, expert evaluation, case-method.The paper considers the theoretical and methodological grounds of university competitiveness in the conditions of higher education modernization, measurement indicators and factors influencing the competitiveness of university’s educational activity. The analysis of the results of university merger is carried out, the specifics of this processes as an instrument for the development of higher education in Russia is highlighted. A methodology has been developed and implemented to justify the interconnection of universities and the competitiveness of their educational activities. The key aspects of the interconnection of university associations and the competitiveness of their educational activities have been determined, taking into account the positive and negative effects resulting from the merger. The author gives practical recommendations on managing the process of university merger with the purpose to increase the level of competitiveness of their educational activities.The results of the conducted research show the direct relationship between the process of universities’ merger and the preservation of their competitiveness in the development of educational activities. The author stresses the predominantly positive impact of merger processes on the educational potential of an enlarged university