234 research outputs found

    Demonstration of Pemphigus Antibodies on the Cell Surface of Murine Epidermal Cell Monolayers and their Internalization

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    The pathogenic effects of pemphigus vulgaris (PV) antibodies on epidermal cells can be demonstrated both in vitro using skin organ culture or primary epidermal cell cultures (PECC) and in vivo by passive transfer of PV antibodies into neonatal BALB/c mice. Although PV antibodies have been localized on the epidermal cell surface by several techniques, little is known about the fate of these autoantibodies subsequent to their surface binding. We have examined this, using murine PECC which express pemphigus antigen on their surface, and followed the fate of the bound antibody molecules. Forty-eight-hour PECC were incubated at 37°C with PV antibodies for 20 min and then with horseradish peroxidase-labelled antihuman IgG. This was considered time 0. The monolayers were fixed with glutaraldehyde after 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 18, and 24 h incubation at 37°C and then processed for electron microscopy. At time 0 hour, PV antibodies is detected bound evenly along the surface of keratinocytes. Within 30 min, the bound PV antibodies becomes clustered, internalized into submembranous vesicles via surface pits, and eventually fused with lysosomes. Widening of the intercellular spaces was also seen in PECC treated with PV antibodies within the first 24 h. PECC treated with normal human IgG in parallel cultures showed no such surface binding, internalization, or cell-cell detachment. Treatment with cytochalasin-D and/or colchicine did not affect the internalization of the PV antibodies, but fusion with lysosomes was not seen in treated cultures.These findings suggest that PV antibodies binds a surface antigen and the complex is internalized and fused with lysosomes in a process that may have pathophysiologic relevance

    Klimafolgenabschätzungen in der Wasserwirtschaft und deren Nutzen für die Praxis

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    KlimafolgenClimate ImpactsDer globale Klimawandel kann regional unterschiedliche Auswirkungen haben. Während sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung vor allem mit der Analyse der Daten beschäftigt, ist die fachliche Praxis darum bemüht, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und Handlungsempfehlungen daraus abzuleiten. Im Zuge des Projektes KliBiW (Globaler Klimawandel – Wasserwirtschaftliche Folgenabschätzung für das Binnenland) wurden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Hochwasser- und Niedrigwasserverhältnisse in Niedersachsen untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Daten von zwei regionalen Klimamodellen (WETTREG2006 und REMO), beide angetrieben durch das Globalmodell ECHAM5/MPI-OM, räumlich interpoliert und die Niederschläge zum Teil zeitlich disaggregiert, um hoch aufgelöste Klimainformationen bereitzuhalten. Anschließend erfolgte die Kopplung mit einem hydrologischen Modellsystem (PANTA RHEI), das bereits in der Hochwasservorhersagezentrale des NLWKN im Einsatz ist. Über Langzeitsimulationen wurden zukünftige Veränderungen in den Abflussverhältnissen räumlich und zeitlich differenziert für das Aller-Leine Gebiet identifiziert. Als Betrachtungszeiträume dienten eine nahe Zukunftsphase (2021 – 2050) und eine ferne Zukunftsphase (2071 – 2100). Die Veränderungen verschiedener hydrologischer Hoch- und Niedrigwasser-Kenngrößen wurden gegenüber einem Kontrollzeitraum (1971 – 2000) aufgezeigt. Die Auswertungen an 8 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten >1.000 km² auf Tageswertbasis und an 6 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten <1.000 km² auf Stundenwertbasis zeigten, dass sich die Hochwassersituation zukünftig verschärfen kann. Während kleinere Hochwässer häufiger auftreten können, nehmen die Scheitelabflüsse insbesondere in der fernen Zukunft zu. Aussagen zu größeren Ereignissen sind aufgrund der großen Bandbreite der Ergebnisse jedoch mit erheblichen Unsicherheiten behaftet. Die Niedrigwasserverhältnisse zeigten eine Abnahme der Abflüsse, speziell im Sommer, sowie eine Zunahme der Dauer undnder Volumendefizite bei Trockenperioden. Hierbei erschien die Variabilität und Ausprägung der Trockenheit in kleineren Einzugsgebieten etwas größer. Die Nutzung dieser Erkenntnisse stellt die fachliche Praxis vor die Herausforderung, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und zu kommunizieren. Unsicherheiten in den Modellketten müssen berücksichtigt und, wenn möglich, quantifiziert werden. Die abgeleiteten hydrologischen Konsequenzen des Klimawandels können z.B. Anwendung finden in der gesetzlich geforderten Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Risikogebiete entsprechend der Hochwasserrisikomanagement-Richtlinie (2007/60/EG). Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über wasserwirtschaftlich relevante Auswertungen von Klimamodelldaten auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Skalen und zeigt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele auf, wie primär im wissenschaftlichen Kontext erhobene Ergebnisse effektiv für praxisrelevante Fragestellungen genutzt werden können

    The Protease Inhibitor Alpha-2-Macroglobuline-Like-1 Is the p170 Antigen Recognized by Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Autoantibodies in Human

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    Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is a devastating autoimmune blistering disease, involving mucocutaneous and internal organs, and associated with underlying neoplasms. PNP is characterized by the production of autoantibodies targeting proteins of the plakin and cadherin families involved in maintenance of cell architecture and tissue cohesion. Nevertheless, the identity of an antigen of Mr 170,000 (p170), thought to be critical in PNP pathogenesis, has remained unknown

    BPIFB1 is a lung-specific autoantigen associated with interstitial lung disease.

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder that is often associated with autoimmune syndromes. Despite the connection between ILD and autoimmunity, it remains unclear whether ILD can develop from an autoimmune response that specifically targets the lung parenchyma. We examined a severe form of autoimmune disease, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS1), and established a strong link between an autoimmune response to the lung-specific protein BPIFB1 (bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold-containing B1) and clinical ILD. Screening of a large cohort of APS1 patients revealed autoantibodies to BPIFB1 in 9.6% of APS1 subjects overall and in 100% of APS1 subjects with ILD. Further investigation of ILD outside the APS1 disorder revealed BPIFB1 autoantibodies present in 14.6% of patients with connective tissue disease-associated ILD and in 12.0% of patients with idiopathic ILD. The animal model for APS1, Aire⁻/⁻ mice, harbors autoantibodies to a similar lung antigen (BPIFB9); these autoantibodies are a marker for ILD. We found that a defect in thymic tolerance was responsible for the production of BPIFB9 autoantibodies and the development of ILD. We also found that immunoreactivity targeting BPIFB1 independent of a defect in Aire also led to ILD, consistent with our discovery of BPIFB1 autoantibodies in non-APS1 patients. Overall, our results demonstrate that autoimmunity targeting the lung-specific antigen BPIFB1 may contribute to the pathogenesis of ILD in patients with APS1 and in subsets of patients with non-APS1 ILD, demonstrating the role of lung-specific autoimmunity in the genesis of ILD

    Characterization of Bacteria in Ballast Water Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    To evaluate a rapid and cost-effective method for monitoring bacteria in ballast water, several marine bacterial isolates were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Since International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations are concerned with the unintended transportation of pathogenic bacteria through ballast water, emphasis was placed on detecting species of Vibrio, enterococci and coliforms. Seawater samples collected from the North Sea were incubated in steel ballast tanks and the presence of potentially harmful species of Pseudomonas was also investigated. At the genus-level, the identification of thirty six isolates using MALDI-TOF MS produced similar results to those obtained by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. No pathogenic species were detected either by 16S rRNA gene analysis or by MALDI-TOF MS except for the opportunistically pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, in house software that calculated the correlation coefficient values (CCV) of the mass spectral raw data and their variation was developed and used to allow the rapid and efficient identification of marine bacteria in ballast water for the first time

    Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Identification of Mycobacteria in Routine Clinical Practice

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    Background: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria recovered from respiratory tract specimens are emerging confounder organisms for the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis worldwide. There is an urgent need for new techniques to rapidly identify mycobacteria isolated in clinical practice. Matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has previously been proven to effectively identify mycobacteria grown in high-concentration inocula from collections. However, a thorough evaluation of its use in routine laboratory practice has not been performed. Methodology: We set up an original protocol for the MALDI-TOF MS identification of heat-inactivated mycobacteria after dissociation in Tween-20, mechanical breaking of the cell wall and protein extraction with formic acid and acetonitrile. By applying this protocol to as few as 10 5 colony-forming units of reference isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, and 20 other Mycobacterium species, we obtained species-specific mass spectra for the creation of a local database. Using this database, our protocol enabled the identification by MALDI-TOF MS of 87 M. tuberculosis, 25M. avium and 12 non-tuberculosis clinical isolates with identification scores $2 within 2.5 hours. Conclusions: Our data indicate that MALDI-TOF MS can be used as a first-line method for the routine identification of heatinactivated mycobacteria. MALDI-TOF MS is an attractive method for implementation in clinical microbiology laboratories i

    SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Managing wildlife populations in the face of global change requires regular data on the abundance and distribution of wild animals, but acquiring these over appropriate spatial scales in a sustainable way has proven challenging. Here we present the data from Snapshot USA 2020, a second annual national mammal survey of the USA. This project involved 152 scientists setting camera traps in a standardized protocol at 1485 locations across 103 arrays in 43 states for a total of 52,710 trap-nights of survey effort. Most (58) of these arrays were also sampled during the same months (September and October) in 2019, providing a direct comparison of animal populations in 2 years that includes data from both during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. All data were managed by the eMammal system, with all species identifications checked by at least two reviewers. In total, we recorded 117,415 detections of 78 species of wild mammals, 9236 detections of at least 43 species of birds, 15,851 detections of six domestic animals and 23,825 detections of humans or their vehicles. Spatial differences across arrays explained more variation in the relative abundance than temporal variation across years for all 38 species modeled, although there are examples of significant site-level differences among years for many species. Temporal results show how species allocate their time and can be used to study species interactions, including between humans and wildlife. These data provide a snapshot of the mammal community of the USA for 2020 and will be useful for exploring the drivers of spatial and temporal changes in relative abundance and distribution, and the impacts of species interactions on daily activity patterns. There are no copyright restrictions, and please cite this paper when using these data, or a subset of these data, for publication

    SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States

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    With the accelerating pace of global change, it is imperative that we obtain rapid inventories of the status and distribution of wildlife for ecological inferences and conservation planning. To address this challenge, we launched the SNAPSHOT USA project, a collaborative survey of terrestrial wildlife populations using camera traps across the United States. For our first annual survey, we compiled data across all 50 states during a 14-week period (17 August-24 November of 2019). We sampled wildlife at 1,509 camera trap sites from 110 camera trap arrays covering 12 different ecoregions across four development zones. This effort resulted in 166,036 unique detections of 83 species of mammals and 17 species of birds. All images were processed through the Smithsonian's eMammal camera trap data repository and included an expert review phase to ensure taxonomic accuracy of data, resulting in each picture being reviewed at least twice. The results represent a timely and standardized camera trap survey of the United States. All of the 2019 survey data are made available herein. We are currently repeating surveys in fall 2020, opening up the opportunity to other institutions and cooperators to expand coverage of all the urban-wild gradients and ecophysiographic regions of the country. Future data will be available as the database is updated at eMammal.si.edu/snapshot-usa, as will future data paper submissions. These data will be useful for local and macroecological research including the examination of community assembly, effects of environmental and anthropogenic landscape variables, effects of fragmentation and extinction debt dynamics, as well as species-specific population dynamics and conservation action plans. There are no copyright restrictions; please cite this paper when using the data for publication