688 research outputs found


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    Heterogeneity is one of the distinguishing features in spatial econometric models. It is a frequent problem in applied work and can be very damaging for statistical inference. In this paper, we focus on the problems implied by the existence of instabilities in the mechanism of spatial dependence in a spatial lag model, assuming that the other terms of the specification remain stable. We begin the discussion with the role played by the algorithms of local estimation in detecting the instabilities. Problems appear when one must decide what to do once the existence of heterogeneity has been confirmed. The logical reaction is trying to parameterize this lack of stability. However, the solution is not obvious. Assuming that a set of indicators related to the problem has been identified, we propose a simple technique to deal with the unknown functional form. In the final part of the paper, we present some Monte Carlo evidence and an application to evaluate the instability in the mechanisms of spatial dependence in the convergence process of the European Regions.DEPENDENCE, LOCAL ESTIMATION, MONTE-CARLO, SPATIAL INSTABILITY

    Prisión domiciliaria como alternativa de protección de la unidad familiar de los (as) menores hijos de personas privadas de libertad

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    La prisión domiciliaria es un mecanismo inicialmente concebido con el propósito de procurar el cumplimiento del precepto constitucional de prevalencia de los derechos del menor, sin embargo esa concepción ha evolucionado y ha sufrido modificaciones en la legislación colombiana. En el presente trabajo se analiza esta evolución considerando el núcleo familiar y los derechos de los niños, la prevalencia de los derechos de los niños, las opciones para la protección de la unidad familiar, la evolución legislativa de la prisión domiciliaria, la opción que madre o padre actúen cabeza de familia, la condición de cabeza de familia en caso de separación de la pareja y la finalidad de la prisión domiciliaria según el código penal y la ley 750 del 2002

    Forecasting heterogeneous regional data: The case of Spanish employment

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    Forecasting regional variables provides very important information for political, institutional and economic agents. However, in the present context characterized by important decline of economies, heterogeneous data and regional interdependencies, it is even more difficult to carry out accurate forecasts for any economic variable. In this paper, we assess the predictive performance of alternative models such as certain spatial panel models, the space-time autoregressive (ST-AR) model or the spatial Global VAR model. In all the cases, models also take into account the significant structural breaks in time. The capacity of forecasting is measured through traditional measures such as Theil?s U statistics, mean absolute error or root mean square error. Furthermore, comparison with some non-spatial models is also carried out. The empirical application refers to the explanation of employment in European Regions at NUTS II administrative level in terms of Eurostat. Results show that spatial models outperform non-spatial ones by a great extent

    Testing for breaks in the weighting matrix

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    A weighting matrix, W, say, connecting pairs of observation sites, is a key element in the specification of many spatial models. Typically this matrix is fixed a priori by the investigator, which is seldom satisfactory. Recent proposals advocate a more data-driven approach in which W may be estimated. Where panel data are available it may be possible not only to estimate W but also to test its constancy through time. When the time dimension of the panel is large there is a non-negligible risk of breaks in model parameters, including possibly the weights. Ignoring such breaks when they are present will produce at best inefficient parameter estimates, and in most cases, biases. The paper focuses on the stability of W by adapting to the spatial panel context tests for the constancy of covariance matrices developed in the multivariate statistics literature. Information provided by these tests is a prerequisite for a satisfactory analysis of models in which W appears. The utility of our approach is illustrated by two case studies of the contemporary Spanish economy

    Terence Fisher, revisitador de mitos

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    Angulo, J. (1991). Terence Fisher, revisitador de mitos. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (6):22-43. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/43306.Importación Masiva2243

    Agnes Moorehead

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    Angulo, J. (1996). Agnes Moorehead. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (20):60-65. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/40961.Importación Masiva60652

    Atenas, retorno a la Acrópolis

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    Angulo, J. (1997). Atenas, retorno a la Acrópolis. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (24):74-75. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41034.Importación Masiva74752

    King Vidor, la apoteosis del individualismo

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    Angulo, J. (1999). King Vidor, la apoteosis del individualismo. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (31):14-36. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41149.Importación Masiva14363

    Algunas maneras de tomarse la justicia por su mano

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    Angulo, J. (2000). Algunas maneras de tomarse la justicia por su mano. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (32):26-31. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41169.Importación Masiva26313