10 research outputs found

    A Joint Statement: Gender, faith, and COVID-19

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    In a statement made by Faith in Beijing, a group of religious organizations including Anglican Communion, actalliance, Islamic Relief Worldwide, World Council of Churches, and others, call for worldwide gender equality amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement mentions healthcare, education, prevention of sexual violence, and inter-religious dialogue. The statement is available on the Anglican Communion’s website

    Anglican Communion Calls for COVID-19 Responses to Tackle Gender Inequalities

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    This article by the Anglican Communion discusses the statement regarding gender equality made by Faith in Beijing, a world-wide group of different religious organizations. The article discusses the contents of the statement, in addition to how religious organizations can respond to gender inequality and sexual violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article includes a link to the statement, which can also be found on this Scholarworks site

    The Instruments of Unity and Communion in Global Anglicanism

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    The Anglican Communion is a worldwide fellowship of 44 churches in communion with the See of Canterbury. The Lambeth Commission on Communion, in its Windsor Report, called for an appraisal of the instruments of unity and communion. The Commission recommended three key normative developments designed to maintain the creative tension between provincial autonomy (locally) and ecclesial communion (globally): a clarification of the roles of the institutional instruments of unity (or communion); the completion of a statement of principles of canon law common to the churches of the Anglican Communion; and the adoption by each church of an Anglican Communion Covenant. This chapter explores the key elements of these developments, as well as the plethora of instruments within these developments and the relations between them

    Resisting Rights to Renounce Imperialism: East African Churches’ Strategic Symbolic Resistance to LGBTQ Inclusion

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