119 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Keefektifan Media Dokumenter Bencana Alam Indonesia Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Karangan Deskripsi”. Penelitian ini diawali masalah: 1) Bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa dalam menulis karangan deskripsi sebelum menggunakan media video dokumenter bencana alam di Indonesia di kelas eksperimen?; 2) Bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa dalam menulis karangan deskripsi sesudah menggunakan media video dokumenter bencana alam di Indonesia di kelas eksperimen?; 3) Adakah perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi menggunakan media video dokumenter bencana alam di Indonesia di kelas eksperimen?. Hipotesis kerja penelitian ini yaitu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil menulis deskripsi sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan penggunaan media video dokumenter bencana alam di Indonesia. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah “pretes-postest one group design pada kelas yang disebut sebagai kelas eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bhakti Pusdikpal Cimahi dengan sampel kelas X-TL. Sampel sebanyak 37 orang dari kelas X-TL. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil kemampuan nilai skor pretes awal dan postes yang diberikan. Nilai pretes, diperoleh jumlah skor siswa sebesar 2360, dengan rata-rata skor adalah 63,78. Dari hasil pretes, diperoleh jumlah skor siswa sebesar 2374, dengan rata-rata skor adalah 64,16. Dari analisis data hasil pretes dan postes, peneliti melihat adanya peningkatan nilai rata rata kelas antara sebelum dan sesudah digunakannya media video dokumenter pada pembelajaran siswa menulis karangan deskripsi. Sementara itu, diperoleh thitung sebesar 2,258, sedangkan harga ttabel dengan taraf signifikan 95% = 5,54, dengan df = 36. Dengan demikian, thitung > ttabel atau thitung lebih besar dari ttabel. Dapat disimpulkan perbedaan hasil pretes dan postes adalah signifikan. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian, hipotesis kerja (Hi) memenuhi kriteria dan diterima. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa media video dokumenter efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi pada siswa kelas X. This study entitled " Effectiveness of Natural Disaster Documentary Media Indonesian In Essay Writing Learning Description". This study begins the problem: 1) How do students' skills in writing essays description before using the medium of video documentaries of natural disasters in Indonesia in the experimental class ?; 2) How do students' skills in writing essays after using video media description documentary natural disasters in Indonesia in the experimental class ?; 3) Are there significant differences between the results of learning to write essays using the medium of video documentary descriptions of natural disasters in Indonesia in the experimentalclass?. The working hypothesis of this study that there are significant differences between the results before and after the written description given treatment use video media documentaries natural disasters in Indonesia. The research design used in this study is a "one-group pretest-posttest design in a class are referred to as quasi-experimental class. The population in this study class X SMK Karya Bhakti Pusdikpal Cimahi with samples of X-TL. Sample of 37 people from the class of X-TL. Based on the research results, the ability of the results obtained initial values pretest and posttest scores were given. Pretest value, the number of scores obtained by students in 2360, with the average score was 63.78. From the results of the pretest, students obtained a total score of 2374, with the average score was 64.16. From the data analysis pretest and posttest results, researchers saw an increase in average scores between the classes before and after the use of documentary video media on student learning essay writing descriptions. Meanwhile, the obtained t was 2,258, while the price ttable the 95% significance level = 5.54, df = 36. with Thus, t count> t table or t count greater than t table. It can be concluded pretest and posttest differences in the results are significant. Based on testing criteria, the working hypothesis (Hi) met the criteria and received. It is proved that the effective use of documentary video media in teaching essay writing descriptions in Class

    Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM) Melalui Fasilitasi Pihak Eksternal Dan Potensi Internal (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Usaha "Emping Jagung" Di Kelurahan Pandanwangi Kecamatan Blimbing Kota Malang)

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    : The Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through the Facility of External and Potential Internal . Internal development of the business group "Emping Jagung" in increasing the potential and progress in improving its business with an initial capital by using their own savings, to innovate their products, expanding the marketing network, and complement its infrastructure. In addition, the facility from external Cooperatives and SMEs in Malang have assisted in the development of SMEs for Emping Jagung such as by giving SMEs access to capital resources, conduct coaching and training, product promotion activities, expand product marketing, as well as providing facilities and infrastructure. But the results have not been uniformly known and some employers are constrained by rising raw material prices, the limited ability of human resources, has a problem in the capital, lack of infrastructure and lack of access to product marketing. Suggestions in this study include: (a) employers of Corn Chip in Pandanwangi Village need to hone their potential by utilizing the facilities provided by the government, (b) the need for equitable and open dissemination of information as possible for Emping Jagung employers toward the program run by the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs Malang, (c) the need to improve coaching and training as well as providing marketing network for SMEs entrepreneurs, (d) the government needs to facilitate access to capital as well as the need to improve infrastructure and facilities such as the use of clinic facilities for SMEs, and (e ) need to update the number of SMEs that exist in the entire city of Malang to facilitate the training

    Identifikasi Permasalahan Yuridis dalam Proses Penetapan Keputusan Kepala Kelurahan (Studi Kasus Kelurahan Bejen Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Karanganyar)

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    Kelurahan Bejen adalah suatu wilayah yang ditempati oleh sejumlah penduduk yang mempunyai organisasi pemerintahan terendah di bawah Camat, yang tidak berhak menyelenggarakan rumah tangganya sendiri.Kelurahan dipinpim oleh Kepala Kelurahan dimana dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya dibantu oleh Perangkat Kelurahan, keduanya merupakan unsur dari Pemerintahan Kelurahan.Dengan beratnya tugas dan beban Kepala Kelurahan , maka dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewajibannya, Kepala Kelurahan dibantu oleh suatu forum musyawarah Kelurahan di dalam menetapkan Keputusan Kepala Kelurahan , karena hasil musyawarah Kelurahan merupakan masukan bagi Kepala Kelurahan , dimana keputusan Kepala Kelurahan merupakan kebijaksanaan yang ditetapkan oleh kepala Kelurahan . dengan demikian Keputusan Kelurahan dapat menyelenggarakan pemerintah Kelurahan dengan baik

    Efektivitas Senam Hamil Terhadap Penurunan Derajat Edema Kaki Pada Ibu Gravida Trimester II Dan III

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    Leg edema is one of the changes that occur during pregnancy is often a complaint of the mother gravida. Leg edema is caused because no smoothening the flow of blood at the foot. By doing pregnancy exercise regularly can improve blood circulation. This study aims to determine the effect of pregnancy exercise to decrease the degree of leg edema in the mother Gravida trim ester II and III. This study used a pre-experimental design with using one group pre-post test approach. This population was Capital gravida Trimester II and III physiologically leg edema in Pustu Lirboyo of Kediri as many as 17, while the samples used partly Capital Gravida Trimester II and III as many as 16 people using Random Sampling technique. The results showed 16 respondents before pregnancy exercise most of the level of edema in grade 2 of 8 people (50%) and after pregnancy exercise most of the level of edema in grade 1 as many as 12 people (75%). Results of data analysis obtained using the Wilcoxon test p value = 0.000, because the p value 0.000 <0.05, which means there is a pregnancy exercise influence on the degradation of leg edema mother gravida trimester II and III. By doing regular pregnancy exercise during pregnancy it will indirectly affect the blood circulation of the mother. To that can reduce leg edema in the mother gravida trimester II and III

    Inovasi Pembelajaran Elektronik dan Tantangan Guru Abad 21

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    [Title: Electronic Learning Innovations and 21st Century Teacher Challenges]. The development of information technology that is very rapid in this century has a very significant impact on the world of education, where, the process of transition from the age of industrialization to the age of knowledge requires every field in life to change very quickly and must be able to adapt quickly. Entering the 21st-century technological advances have entered into various aspects of life, including education. Teachers and students, lecturers and students, educators and students are required to have the ability to teach in this 21st century. A number of challenges and opportunities must be faced by students and teachers in order to survive in the age of knowledge that is coloured by the emergence of various educational innovations. One innovation that is developing quite rapidly is electronic learning (electronic learning) or e-learning. E-learning is distance learning (distance learning) that utilizes computer technology, computer networks and/or the internet. This electronic learning innovation allows learners to learn through computers in their respective places without having to physically go to attend classes/lectures in class. Therefore, educators and prospective educators in the 21st century need to be prepared to be able to adapt to the development of science and technology. Teacher Training Institute (LPTK) as an institution producing prospective educators/teachers needs to equip teachers and prospective teachers to skillfully use technology, especially ICT, because of the challenges of future teachers related to ICT. In an effort to prepare prospective teachers entering the 21st century, STKIP Weetebula as one of the LPTKs in Indonesia seeks to equip its students by including e-learning courses in the curriculum of elementary school teacher education study programs (PGSD)

    E-Learning Moodle, Media Pembelajaran Fisika Abad 21

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    [Title: Moodle E-Learning, the 21st Century Physics Learning Media] A distinctive characteristic of 21st-century learning is digital communication, meaning that the learning process is no longer face to face course between teachers and students but is more of an internet-based (e-learning) modern learning. The process of implementing e-learning requires a Learning Management System (LMS) which functions to regulate the management of learning. One of the LMS that can be used in organizing e-learning learning is moodle. Moodle e-learning can be used as a medium to improve the quality of interactive learning and support for the implementation of blended learning. Through e-learning moodle learning material can be accessed anytime and anywhere, besides that the material can be enriched with various learning resources including multimedia, which can be quickly updated by the instructor. In addition, the facilities offered in moodle e-learning learning are able to display learning materials that are abstract in nature into material that can be witnessed in person. Material samples that are mostly abstract are material on physics subjects. Therefore, moodle electronic learning is expected to be able to help students master the concepts in physics learning

    Non-Genetic and Genetic Effects on Growth Traits from Birth to 120 days of Age of G2 Sapera Goat

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    Information on non-genetic and genetic factors is required in the selection program. Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) has been conducting a selection of the growth traits of Sapera goat (50% Saanen, 50% PE).  This research was aimed to study non-genetic and genetic effects on growth traits from birth to the age of 120 days old of the 2nd generation (G2) of Sapera goat.  Data on body weight and measurement were collected from kids at birth (105 head.) to the age of 120 days old (51 head).  The 30 days interval growth data were calculated by linear interpolation. Non-genetic effects were analyzed by General Linear Model for unbalanced data by considering sex, type of birth, the month of kidding, and year of kidding as fixed variables.  The genetic component was analyzed by a mixed linear model by considering sire as a random variable.  Heritability was estimated by the paternal half-sib method. Non-genetic factors mostly had no significant effect (P 0.05) on body weight and measurement.  The 90 days old and 120 days old males had higher weights than females (P0.05). Birth type and year of kidding had significant effects (P0.05) on body weight and some measurements at certain ages. No significant months of kidding effect on the growth traits (P0.05).  Heritability values of body weight (h2 = 0.11-0.19) and body sizes (h2 = 0.03-0.24) were relatively low. Except high heritability values for birth weight and for body weight at 30 days old (h2 = 0.59 and 0.29), and for hip girth at 30 days old and at 60 days old (h2 = 0.13-0.54).  The growth traits of G2 Sapera kids were affected by sex and year of kidding and slightly influenced by genetic (sires) factors

    Determinan Intensitas Energi Di Indonesia

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    Studi ini memperkaya kajian energi di Indonesia dengan menganalisis konsumsi dan intensitas energi, sertafaktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intensitas energi di Indonesia baik secara agregat (nasional) maupunsektoral. Indeks Ideal Fisher digunakan untuk mendekomposisi Perubahan intensitas energi (esiensi danperubahan aktivitas ekonomi). Analisis Vector Autoregressive (VAR) atau Vector Error Correction Model(VECM) digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel-variabel ekonomi terhadap intensitas energi.Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa intensitas energi di Indonesia meningkat selama periode 1977-2010. Faktorutama yang memengaruhi intensitas energi di tingkat nasional adalah Perubahan aktivitas ekonomi,sedangkan di tingkat sektoral adalah efek esiensi