Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM): E-Journals
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    35 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Eksperimen untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    [Title:  The Implementation of Experiment Method to Improve Student’s Learning Motivation].   The purpose of this study was to improve the learning motivation of Learners of SMP Negeri 3 Mataram using the experimental method. This research is a classroom action research model of Kemmis and Taggart consisting of three cycles. The stages of each cycle consist of the planning stage, the stage of action, the stage of observation, the stage of reflection. The research implementation subjects were class VIII-3 students, amounting to 29 people on simple aircraft material. The results showed that students' learning motivation in the first cycle obtained an average score of 56.25% consisting of 50% attention, relevance 40%, confidence 75% and satisfaction 60%. Cycle II the average score of students is 68.75% consisting of 72% attention, 78% relevance, 60% confidence and 65% satisfaction. The third cycle average score of 83.27% consisted of 84.16% attention, relevance 80.68%, confidence 84.55% and satisfaction 83.55%. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of experimental methods can increase students' learning motivation in class VIII-3 on Simple Plane material

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Mini Rafting Jurang Sate

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    The purpose of this community service activity is to develop a mini rafting vehicle for satay cliff tourism as a tourist attraction which has an impact on improving the economy of the people of the village of Soccerek Pringgarata, Central Lombok. Mini rafting satay gorge as a means of promotion, sports, recreation to attract tourists so that it fosters the economy of the soccer village community. The method of implementing activities is the community development method, which is an approach in community development activities where the community is directed to achieve better social, economic and cultural conditions and the Participatory method of implementation steps, namely Problem posing, problem analysis, problem determination objectives (objectives) and objectives (objectives), actions plans (action planning), the stage (implementation) of the implementation of activities and evaluation (evaluation). The material provided in this training and assistance includes 1) introduction of rafting equipment; 2) basic rafting techniques; 3) rescue rafting; 4) practice of using rafting equipment; 5) the practice of rescue rafting. 25 participants took part in the training and mentoring activities. The results of the training and assistance of mini rafting and rescue rafting showed that as many as 84% of participants understood "mini rafting" and 80% of participants understood "rescue rafting". Activities of structuring the Jurang Sate Tourism Area, PPIP IKIP Mataram Team in partnership with the Youth Organization "Duta Taruna", Pokdasrwis "Kanak Jarin", and Bumdes "Sahara Jaya" in the Village of Soccer, Pringgarata District, Central Lombok. Implementation of the arrangement of this tourist area also involves the people of the Village of Soccer to work together to organize the tourist area and prepare for the opening of a mini rafting vehicle

    Persepsi Guru dan Peserta Didik terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Fisika Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013

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    [Title:  Perception Of Teachers And Students On The Physical Learning Process Based On Curriculum 2013]  This study aims to determine: (1) the perception of physics teachers to apply a scientific approach, (2) the perceptions of students on the physics learning process carried out by teachers, (3) the relationship between students' perceptions and the ability of teachers to carry out physics-based learning scientific approach. This research is a survey research using a descriptive correlational approach. The research sample included 18 physics teachers and 494 students spread across 10 Public High Schools in Yogyakarta City which were taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection uses questionnaires from teachers and students and observation sheets. The analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and Spearman correlation analysis. Research Results (1) The teacher has a very positive perception of the implementation of a scientific approach in scientific learning; (2) Students give a positive response to the process of physics learning carried out by the teacher; (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between the perceptions of students and the ability of teachers to carry out physics learning based on the scientific approach

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation

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    [Title: Improving Student Cognitive Learning Outcomes using Cooperative Learning Model Type Group Investigation]. The purpose of this study was to improve student cognitive learning outcomes using the Cooperative Learning Model Type Group Investigation in class X MIA 2 students of SMAS NW Mataram in the 2018/2019 academic year. The subjects of this study were 15 students of class X MIA 2. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) consisting of two cycles. Observation sheet of learning implementation is used for each meeting to find out the implementation of learning steps according to the learning implementation plan observed by 2 observers. Test instruments of 20 multiple choice questions and 5 description questions were used in this study to find out the improvement of students' cognitive learning outcomes in each cycle. The results showed the implementation of learning in the cycle I (1) the first meeting reached 63.63% with a good category and the second meeting reached 88.8% with a very good category, (2) the cognitive learning outcomes of students in cycle 1 obtained an average value 59 with the classical completeness value achieved 46% of the incomplete category, while in cycle II (3) the first meeting of the implementation of learning reached 72.72% with a good category (4) the second meeting reached 94.44% with a very good category, and for results cognitive learning students obtained an average value of 72 with a classical completeness value achieved 76%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the Cooperative Learning Model Type Group Investigation can improve cognitive learning outcomes of class X MIA 2 students of SMAS NW Mataram in the 2018/2019 academic year

    KKN KBM Berbasis Masjid Sebagai Model Trauma Healing Berkelanjutan Pasca Gempa di Lombok Utara

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    The earthquake that shook the Lombok Island in 2018 caused an impact of physical and psychological damage to the community. Especially in the village of Persiapan Menggala, many children experience fear, anxiety, sadness, and even prolonged trauma. Therefore, the community of Persiapan Menggala Village, especially children, is in dire need of a psychological rehabilitation process. One effort that can be done in helping to reduce community trauma is to do trauma healing. Trauma healing is very important especially for children affected by disasters. Therefore, the purpose of this community service activity is to carry out trauma healing that is ongoing for the children of the village of Persiapan Menggala, Pemenang sub-district, North Lombok Regency. The trauma healing service was carried out by holding a Mosque-based Teaching and Learning Activity (KBM). This activity is carried out by involving students doing a Real Work Lecture (KKN) of the village of Persiapan Menggala for 30 days. Activities undertaken include (1) Study Dex (2) compiling mosque-based curriculum for teaching and learning; (3) carrying out debriefing to students; (4) implementing mosque-based KBM; (5) holding competition activities; (6) opinion polls on community responses to mosque-based teaching and learning activities. The impact of this activity was very positive for the children of the Persiapan Menggala village, namely the reduction of fear, anxiety, sadness, and even trauma experienced and the increase in the noble character and knowledge of religion, mathematics, and science of the children of the Persiapan Menggala village

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Group Investigasi untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

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    [Title: The Implementation of the Cooperative Group Investigative Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Ability]. The critical thinking ability is one of the abilities students must-have in the 21st century that is oriented to the processing of information based on the results of the reflective analysis to determine what to believe and to do. The results of a series of observations and case studies note that the critical thinking ability of class X3 students of SMA Negeri 5 Malang is still low. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills through the application of an investigative cooperative group learning model. This research is a lesson study research with the steps plan, do, see. The subjects of this study were the students of class X3 of SMAN 5 Malang, totalling 36 students with teaching materials about fungi. Test instruments, observation sheets, and student worksheets are used to obtain data on learning outcomes and students' critical thinking ability in this study. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes in cycle 1 amounted to 69.7 and cycle 2 amounted to 76.1. Critical thinking ability of students has increased in cycle 1 by 84.5 and in cycle 2 by 90.5. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that interactive and collaborative learning activities which in this study use a cooperative group investigation model can improve learning outcomes and critical thinking ability of class X3 students of SMAN 5 Malang

    Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Lesson Study di SMPN 16 Mataram

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    The science learning media available at the Science Laboratory of SMPN 16 Mataram is still incomplete and some are damaged. The purpose of this community service activity is to create learning media based on lesson study at SMPN 16 Mataram. Lesson studies have 3 stages: the plan, do and see stages. At the planning stage, the activity participants are given information about the learning media and the practice of lesson study, after that, it is determined the learning media to be made and the model teacher who will simulate the media in the class. In the do stage, the model teacher simulates the application of instructional media, while the observer observes the activities of the teacher and students. In the see stage, the model teacher describes his experience doing media simulations in the classroom, while the observer provides input and suggestions for improvement in the application of further learning media. The planning phase is carried out on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, while they do and see phase is carried out on Saturday, September 7, 2019. The science learning media produced from lesson study activities according to the agreement on the planning stage consist of a hydraulic system (excavator), alarm earthquake, and portable microscope. The learning media that is simulated for use in the classroom is a portable microscope. The simulation activity of the application of learning media was participated by 30 students of SMPN 16 Mataram, with 4 observers. The making of instructional media with lesson study patterns in community service activities has increased the number of science laboratory equipment at SMPN 16 Mataram

    Pemberian Penguatan Verbal dan Non-verbal untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Kepahlawanan dan Patriotisme

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    [Title: The Provision of Verbal and Non-verbal Reinforcement to Improve Student Learning Achievement in Heroism and Patriotism Subject Matter]. The purpose of this study is to improve student learning achievement on the heroic and patriotism figures subject matter through the provision of verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. This research is a class action research (CAR) with the subject of the research were class IV students in semester 1 of SDN 2 Sandik, amounting to 28 students. Student learning achievement data were collected using test instruments and analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results showed that the student learning achievement in the first cycle was in the medium category (mean = 5.50) increased in the second cycle (mean = 8.25) with the good category. The implementation of learning has also increased in each cycle. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the provision of verbal and non-verbal reinforcement can improve student learning achievement on the heroic and patriotism figures subject matter at SDN 2 Sandik

    Penggunaan Media Gambar dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan pada TK PGRI Jatisela

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    [Title: The Use of Image Media in Improving Initial Reading Ability at Jatisela PGRI Kindergarten]. This study aims to determine the extent to which the use of image media can improve the initial reading ability in Group B of the Jatisela PGRI Kindergarten Students in the 2017/2018 Academic Year. This study is a Classroom Action Research with qualitative-quantitative data analysis techniques. The subjects of the study were 23 students of group B of the Jatisela PGRI Kindergarten. The results of data analysis show that the use of image media can (1) improve students’ initial reading ability, (2) make learning activities more active and fun, (3) the students’ initial reading ability after the second cycle increases with a percentage of 95.65%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the use of image media can improve the students’ initial reading ability of group B Jatisela PGRI Kindergarten Sesela Village, Gunungsari, West Lombok 2017/2018 Academic Year

    Meningkatkan Kemandirian Anak Menggunakan Metode Bermain Peran pada Kelompok A TK PGRI Jatisela

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    [Title: Improving the Students’ Independence using Role Playing Methods in Group A TK PGRI Jatisela]. This study aims to improve the students’ independence through role-playing learning with teaching aids and tell stories in kindergarten group A in PGRI Jatisela, Sesela, Gunungsari, West Lombok. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a qualitative approach because in this study prioritizes descriptive-analytic to solve the concepts in it, not using numerical-statistical concepts with 21 research subjects. The students’ independence observed in this study using the observation sheet were the students’ independence in wearing shoes and wearing clothes. The results showed that there was an increase in students' independence after the learning cycle. The students’ independence in wearing shoes (9.5% in cycle I) and wearing clothes (4% in cycle I) increase to 100% in cycle II. Based on the results, it can be concluded that role-playing learning with teaching aids and tell stories in group A the Jatisela PGRI Kindergarten, Sesela, Gunungsari, West Lombok can increase students’ independence in wearing shoes and wearing clothes


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