407 research outputs found

    Fluoride Released From GIC and RMGIC in Saliva and Dentino-Enamel SUbstance

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    Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) and Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC) are two restorative materials in dentistry that have the capacity of releasing fluoride to saliva, dentino-enamel substance, and the ability to form fluoroapatite crystal. This study aims to compare the amount of fluoride release in saliva and dentino-enamel substance. A total of 48 caries free premolar teeth were prepared to form a cavity with the dimension of 4 x 4 x 2 mm on the buccal surfaces. These teeth were then divided into 3 groups (control, GIC, RMGIC groups). These teeth were then soaked in artificial saliva without fluoride content and were incubated at room temperature (37 0C). Each group was divided again into 4 sub groups, with different periods of soaking (1, 3, 10, and 20 days). The fluoride content of saliva was analyzed using ion chromatography. The fluoroapatite on dentino-enamel substance was analyzed using x-ray diffraction or XRD. While there was a significant difference in fluoride release in saliva and no significant difference in fluoroapatite formation on dentino-enamel substance within 3 groups. Fluoride content in saliva showed a significant difference within the 3 groups. No significant difference was found in the fluoroapatite content on dentino-enamel substance

    Pertumbuhan Dpk, Pinjaman Diterima, Penempatan pada Bank Lain, Surat Berharga dan Kredit untuk Pertumbuhan Efisiensi pada Bank Pemerintah Daerah

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    The bank is a financial institution that serves as an intermediary for those who have surplus funds to those who need it. Beside, banking activities include funding, lending and providing other services. In addition, funding activities include demand deposits, saving deposits and time deposits. While lending activities interbank placement, commercial papers and credits. To obtain profits, the bank needs to measure its ability to conduct its operations, one of which it uses the ratio of the efficiency ratio of operating expenses to operating income. The study uses sample of Regional Government Bank during the period 2010-2012 with total assets of over 10 trillion. There are six bank used as a sample, namely PT. BPD. Kalimantan Timur, PT. BPD. Riau, PT. BPD. Jawa Tengah, PT. BPD. Jawa Timur, PT. BPD Sumatra Utara. Based on this research, the growth of demand deposits, saving deposits, time deposit, loan received, inter- bank placement, commercial papers, and credit simultaneously have a significant effect on the growth of BOPO, by 28 %. Among the seven independent variables, there are three independ- ent variables that have a significant influence on the dependent such as time deposit growth with 9.92 %, the growth loan by 5.24 %, the growth interbank placement by 9.30%


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    Liang Panningnge, one of cave sites in Maros Region, South Sulawesi, provides information about the exploitation of animals especially pig (Suidae) by the cave inhabitants. The aims of this research are to know more about the behavior and subsistence strategy related to the existence of Suidae. The methods of analyses includes tafonomy analysis, species and element identifications, Number of Identified Specimen (NISP), Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI), Minimum Number of Elements (MNE), age of death, and Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) analyses. The results show that there were two species of Suidae that were consumed along the four occupation phases at  Liang Panningnge, i.e. Sus celebensis and Babyrousa celebensis. The existence of Toalean tools, especially Maros point and other stones points throughout the  habitation period show that both species of Suidae were hunted. Incomplete elements of each species show that the preys were possibly butchered inside and outside the site, and specific elements were shared among the group members. There was an indication of management or even domestication of Suidae as shown by the high index of LEH in the third phase. This notion is also supported by significant increase of juvenile and immature Suidae

    Optimization of Reaction Conditions in the Production of Gadolinium Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetate-Folate

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    A previous study has performed the laboratory-scale synthesis and characterization of Gadolinium Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-Folate. Some parameters associated with the synthesis have been defined. In current study was focused on establishment the parameters for scaling up the production of Gadolinium Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-Folate as a targeted MRI contrast agent. For the purpose of subsequent scaling up the synthesis, the parameters particularly those determining the yield of the reaction product should be established. This report presents the use of The Placket Burman Design and the Response Surface Methodology in establishing the parameters. Thus, following the Placket Burman Design, a number of synthesis reactions were carried out, each with different reaction conditions, with respect to parameters to include: mole ratio of reactants (i.e mole of Gd3+ to DTPA-Folate), time of reaction, temperature, stirring rate, pH and solvent volume. Using this method, a conclusion could be drawn that the three factors were found to be significant. To get final conclusions on the optimal synthesis reaction conditions, the Response Surface Methodology was then applied. For this purpose, again, some synthesis reactions experiments were performed. These were done, in accordance to the Response Surface Methodology, verified by analysis of countour plots, helped to locate the optimal value of the factors. The resulted data showed that for optimal yield of the synthesis reaction there were three dominant parameters. They were mole ratio of reactants, stirring rate process, and the volume of water

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Dana Pihak Ketiga dan Aktiva Produktif terhadap Pertumbuhan Net Interest Margin (Nim) pada Bank-bank Pemerintah Daerah

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    This study attempts to solve the problem dealing with a good profitability of bank which occurs when net interest margin (NIM) on bank rises from year to year. However, this does not occur in the local government banks. Therefore, it is very important to find out what factors are influencing the decrease of NIM in local government banks. The aim of this study to determine the influence of demand deposits, saving deposits, time deposits, loan received, interbank placement, securities and loans both simultaneously and individually have significant effect on the NIM growth in local government banks. It uses multiple regressions for the analysis. It shows that demand deposits, saving deposits, time deposits, loan received, interbank placement, securities and loans growth simultaneously did not significantly affect the NIM growth in local government banks. Demand deposits, saving deposits, time deposits, interbank placement, loan received and loans growth partially did not affect insignificantly and negatively either. The security growth partially has significant and positive effect on the NIM and among seven independent variables; security growth has dominant effect on the NIM

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Kualitas Aktiva, Sensitivitas Pasar, Efisiensi, dan Profitabilitas terhadap CAR pada Bank Devisa yang Go Public

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    CAR is one indicator used to measure the bank capital adequacy. Capital for bank is used to absorb loss emerged from banking activities, and as the basis of some policies releasead by Indonesia Bank. This research tries to investigate whether the independent variables of LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, PDN, BOPO, FBIR, ROA, and ROE both simultaneous-ly and partially have significant effect on CAR and which variable has the dominant effect on CAR. This research uses secondary data taken from financial statements from period I Quarterly of 2010 until II Quartely in 2014 of the go-public national private banks. The sample consists of PT. Internasional Indonesia Bank, Tbk, PT. Permata Bank, Tbk, and PT. Pan Indonesia Bank, Tbk. The data were processed by using SPSS 11.5 input results and F-test to see the effect simultaneously as well as t-test to see the effect partially. It shows that LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, PDN, BOPO, FBIR, ROA, and ROE simultaneously have significant effect on CAR. Yet, partially, only IPR, APB, and PDN have significant effect on CAR. The most dominant is APB that is 23.45 percent

    Morfometrik Kambing Perah G1 Sapera Betina Berdasarkan Analisa Citra Digital

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    Estimasi ukuran-ukuran tubuh ternak melalui teknik analisa citra digital mampu menyajikan data morfometrik secara akurat dan memberi rasa nyaman kepada ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi estimasi sejumlah ukuran tubuh melalui teknik citra digital dibandingkan metode pengukuran manual. Sampel adalah kambing perah silangan generasi pertama (G1) ‘Sapera’ (50% Saanen, 50% PE) betina meliputi kambing dara (1-1.5 tahun) (13 ekor) dan betina dewasa (> 1.5-3 tahun) (17 ekor). Dilakukan pengukuran secara manual dan perekaman secara citra digital terhadap tujuh variabel ukuran tubuh. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan uji-T. Hasil ukuran tubuh kambing G1 Sapera secara manual dan citra digital berurutan untuk dalam dada (28,26±2,54 cm, 35,32±2,042 cm), panjang badan (59,93±5,12 cm, 64,20±4,28 cm), tinggi pundak 64,87±5,31 cm, 64,09±5,31 cm), tinggi panggul (65,33±5,0 cm, 66,89±4,073 cm), panjang kaki depan (51,75±3,29 cm, 50,17±2,58 cm) dan panjang kaki belakang (26,86±1,82 cm, 27,55±1,22 cm), serta lebar panggul (15,37±2,23 cm, 14,75±1,57 cm). Kambing dara memiliki ukuran-ukuran tubuh lebih seragam dibandingkan kambing dewasa, dengan Kk = 4,04-9,29 % vs 5,94-11.81 %. Data sejumlah ukuran tubuh kambing Sapera memungkinkan diperoleh dengan teknik citra digital karena menghasilkan perbedaan terhadap data ukuran manual yang rendah

    Strategi Penggunaan E-tki sebagai Wahana dalam Mengatasi Kesenjangan Informasi

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    Informasi yang diterima calon TKI dan TKI masih kurang karena pemerintah yang bertugas dalam pelayanan dan penempatan TKI belum optimal dalam memberikan informasi kepada mereka. Berbagai keluhan yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya akses dan fasilitas pelayanan informasi dapat diminimalisir, apabila pemerintah semakin intensif dalam menyampaikan informasi hingga menjangkau tiap calon TKI dan TKI. Informasi ini berguna untuk memberdayakan TKI sehingga mereka tidak mudah percaya kepada sponsor, calo atau Perusahaan jasa tenaga kerja dan berani menolak tindakan sewenang-wenang majikan yang bertentangan dengan hak dan kewajiban mereka sebagai TKI. Metode dalam penulisan ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam strategi untuk memenuhi informasi itu, peranan difusi inovasi dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat dimanfaatkan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan informasi kepada TKI. Penggunaan sarana teknologi informasi dan komunikasi disadari sebagai suatu keharusan untuk mencapai efisiensi dan efektivitas dari tiap upaya memberikan informasi kepada TKI. Pelayanan informasi dapat diberikan tidak hanya melalui komunikasi tatap muka tetapi juga melalui internet atau informasi online yang didukung oleh e-TKI. Penguatan sistem informasi melalui penerapan tahapan strategi difusi inovasi dan informasi ini adalah untuk memberikan pelayanan terhadap informasi TKI yang cepat, mudah, efektif, efisien dan terintegrasi secara online. Kebijakan pengembangan e–TKI ini merupakan komitmen pemerintah untuk terus menyempurnakan sistem pelayanan informasi TKI kepada masyarakat

    Penerapan Biblioterapi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tentang Labelling Negatif pada Siswa Kelas Vii-d di SMPN 2 Dlanggu-mojokerto

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    Penelitian ini berawal dari fenomena siswa yang belum memiliki pemahaman tentang labelling negatif yang berakibat pada ketidak efektifan proses belajar mengajar di kelas VII-D SMPN 2 Dlanggu yang ditunjukkan dengan sikap memberikan julukan negatif kepada temannya tanpa melihat keseluruhan sifatnya, memberikan julukan secara berulang-ulang hingga ndividu lain marah dan menyebabkan permusuhan dan perkelahian antar teman. Upaya yang dilakukan guru BK di sekolah untuk menangani permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan menegur siswa yang bersangkutan, melakukan sosialisasi di kelas tentang tata tertib, melakukan permainan di kelas untuk meningkatkan keakraban siswa, upaya tersebut sudah baik namun belum maksimal karena masih sering ditemui siswa yang belum memiliki pemahaman tentang labelling negatif. Hal tersebut membuat pentingnya sebuah teknik untuk diterapkan dalam menangani permasalahan siswa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji penerapan teknik biblioterapi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang labelling negatif siswa kelas VII-D SMPN 2 Dlanggu. Jenis penelitian ini mnggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian pre-experimental design dengan bentuk one group pre-test post-test design. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah angket labelling untuk memperoleh data tingkat pemahaman tentang labelling negatif siswa kelas VII-D SMPN 2 Dlanggu. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 7 siswa dari kelas VII-D yang memiliki pemahaman tentang labelling negatif dalam kategori rendah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik non prametrik analisis uji Wilcoxon.Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan ketentuan N = 7 menunjukkan bahwa nilai ρ (kemungkinan harga dibawah Ho) = 0.018 lebih kecil dari α (taraf kesalahan) sebesar 5% = 0.05 atau 0.018 < 0.05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hipotesis penelitian ini yang berbunyi “penerapan biblioterapi efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang labelling negatif pada siswa kelas VII-D di SMPN 2 Dlanggu” dapat diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan biblioterapi efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang labelling negatif pada siswa kelas VII-D di SMPN Dlanggu.   Kata Kunci : biblioterapi, pemahaman labelling negatif &nbsp
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