25 research outputs found

    Effects of Acupoint Stimulation with Digital Massager of Oxytocin on the Breast Milk Production of Working Mothers

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    Background: Many breastfeeding mothers find that their milk production decreases or even stops when they return to work due to reduced breastfeeding hormones. Massage can stimulate the oxytocin hormone, and to replace the manual massage, a digital massager of oxytocin (DMO) is developed.Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effects of the DMO on the milk production of the breastfeeding working mothers. Methods: This study employed a quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The samples were 93 breastfeeding working mothers in the community with a baby below 6 months. The samples were assigned into the intervention group (n=46) and the control group (n=47). An intervention of using the DMO was given to the mothers in the intervention group by applying the electrodes on the first intercostae of BL-17 and Bl-18 acupoints for 20 minutes in 3 consecutive days. Meanwhile, a standard treatment was given to the control group. Breast milk expression was carried out before and after the use of DMO. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney and the Wilcoxon tests. Results: The results showed that there were differences in the volume of the expressed breast milk before and after the use of the DMO (p=0.00). The mothers in the intervention group increased their milk production on an average of 23 ml when other variables affecting the breastfeeding were controlled.Conclusion: The DMO stimulated and increased the milk production of working mothers. It can also be an alternative to the complementary therapy, especially for the nursing care management of breastfeeding mothers

    The Experience of Female Adolescents as a Young Mother in Infant Caring: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Background: The transition to a new role as a parent creates a period of emotional instability among female adolescents. They may face problem such as role conflict, limitation, and confusion. This study aimed to explore the experience of female adolescents as a young mother in infant caring. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with interpretative phenomenological analysis conducted at Community Health Center Gunung Pati, Semarang, Central Java, from December 2017 to January 2018. A sample of key informants consisting of 5 mothers aged<20 years was selected for this study by purposive sampling. The data were collected by semi structured interview. To increase the data credibility, triangulation data were collected by interview with grandmothers of the infants. The data were analyzed by interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results: The experiences of the young mothers when infant caring varied with the situation. The problems experienced by adolescents as young mothers included (1) Ignorance and confusion how to care for babies; (2) A poor understanding of how to care for, nurture, educate, and care for children; (3) Young mothers were not always there for children; (4) Young mothers were less responsible for children. Social support was needed by the young mothers for improving their parenting skills. Factors that caused stress in infant care included fatigue, child health problem, conflict, and a lack of social support. Conclusion: Young mothers have various problems in child parenting. They need social support for improving infant caring skill. Keywords: child parenting, infants, experience, interpretative phenomeno­logical analysis, young mother

    Effect of Family Support on Self Efficacy among Pregnant Women with Anemia

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    Background: As Albert Bandura has defined it, self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his or her innate ability to achieve goals. It is a personal judgment of how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations. This study aimed to determine the effect of family support on self-efficacy among pregnant women with anemia to recover from anemia. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi-experiment before and after with no control design conducted at Puskesmas (community of health center) Gambirsari, Banjarsari, Surakarta, Central Java, from May to July 2018. A sample of 33 pregnant women with anemia was selected for this study. The dependent variable was self-efficacy to recover from anemia. The independent variable was family support through System Information of Self Treatment Anemia (SISTA) application. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi square test. Results: Self-efficacy of pregnant women after family support (Mean= 15.70; SD= 2.44) was higher than before family support (Mean= 4.87; SD= 1.88), and it was statistically significant (p= 0.023). Conclusion: Family support via SISTA application is effective to help improve self-efficacy of pregnant women to recover from anemia. Keywords: family support, SISTA application, self-efficacy, pregnant wome

    Governance Teknologi di Masyarakat : sebuah Pendekatan Jejaring-Aktor

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    Technology governance in community relates to the coordination, technology steering and operation which are aimed at the achievement of the predicted or ntended social impact. The mutual shaping between technology and community implies that technology governance has to take into account of technology diffusion and innovation whose process is co-evolutionary in nature. In this paper, a methodological framework which is designed to understand technology governance is based on actor-network theory. A case study about the implementation of technology scanner to process a census of population data is presented to ilustrate the application of the above-mentioned methodological framework. The problems found during the research are also presented at the last part of this paper. Kata Kunci: governance teknologi, mutual shaping teknologi dan masyarakat, proses ko-evolusioner, teori jejaring-aktor


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    Industri tahu pada umumnya menghasilkan air limbah yang polutif, dengan nilai BOD 900-3500 mg/l dan COD 1700-7300 mg/l. Limbah cair tahu ini pada umumnya langsung dibuang ke sungai yang menyebabkan kematian organisme perairan karena kekurangan oksigen. Jika dibuang ke sawah akan menghasilkan gas metan yang menyebabkan unsur hara didalam tanah menjadi tidak seimbang yang akan berdampak pada bulir padi menjadi puso atau kosong. Untuk menurunkan nilai BOD dan COD limbah, perlu dilakukan pengurangan zat-zat organik yang terkandung di dalam limbah sebelum dibuang ke perairan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperoleh angka penurunan COD dan BOD sesuai dengan PERGUBJATIM-72-2013 yang ada dari limbah cair tahu dengan proses adsorpsi dengan memanfaatkan arang aktif sekam padi sebagai adsorben pada proses adsorpsi limbah industri tahu. Massa optimum pada penelitian ini adalah 100 gram dan waktu kontak optimum 20 menit dengan nilai COD 32 mg/L dan BOD 16,6 mg/L


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    Industri tahu pada umumnya menghasilkan air limbah yang polutif, dengan nilai BOD 900-3500 mg/l dan COD 1700-7300 mg/l. Limbah cair tahu ini pada umumnya langsung dibuang ke sungai yang menyebabkan kematian organisme perairan karena kekurangan oksigen. Jika dibuang ke sawah akan menghasilkan gas metan yang menyebabkan unsur hara didalam tanah menjadi tidak seimbang yang akan berdampak pada bulir padi menjadi puso atau kosong. Untuk menurunkan nilai BOD dan COD limbah, perlu dilakukan pengurangan zat-zat organik yang terkandung di dalam limbah sebelum dibuang ke perairan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperoleh angka penurunan COD dan BOD sesuai dengan PERGUBJATIM-72-2013 yang ada dari limbah cair tahu dengan proses adsorpsi dengan memanfaatkan arang aktif sekam padi sebagai adsorben pada proses adsorpsi limbah industri tahu. Massa optimum pada penelitian ini adalah 100 gram dan waktu kontak optimum 20 menit dengan nilai COD 32 mg/L dan BOD 16,6 mg/L

    Pertumbuhan Abalon Tropis (Haliotis squamata) pada Pemberian Pakan Dua Makroalga yang Berbeda di Wadah Pemeliharaan

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    Macroalgae Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp. are commonly found, cultivated, and utilized to feed abalone in captivity. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of two different macroalgae diet (Gracilaria sp. and Ulva sp.) on tropical abalone (Haliotis squamata). Two treatments of macroalgae diet (Gracilaria - Gra and Ulva - Ulv) with six replications were performed at Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, North Lombok. In this study, 300 tropical abalone (49.40 ± 0.21 mm) were kept indoor in 60-l rearing tank at 25 abalone per tank of stocking density for 90 days between September to December. Macroalgae Gracilaria sp. outperformed Ulva sp. on specific growth rate body weight (SGRBW) (0.18 ± 0.15), food conversion ratio (FCR) (7.14 ± 5.72) and survival rate (SR) (75.20 ± 15.34 %) of tropical abalone

    Pengaruh Massa Magnesium Silikat (Magnesol) Dan Waktu Operasi Pada Proses Pemurnian Biodiesel

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    -Biodiesel purification process using a dry cleaning method has been successfully performed. Biodiesel is derived from used cooking oil. Overall purified biodiesel dry washing method to increase the quality. Reaction time and amount used magnesol greatly affect biodiesel purification process. The best conditions obtained at reaction time of 60 minutes and the amount of magnesol 2% w / w. Density, viscosity, flash point, cetane number, free glycerol and total glycerol increased the quality are 3%, 34%, 7%, 22%, 48% and 38%, respectively

    Characteristics of briquettes from bagasse charcoal using XRD and FTIR analysis

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    The briquettes produced from bagasse charcoal have been successfully. The particle size of bagasse charcoal used as raw material for the manufacture of briquettes significantly affects the resulting briquettes' calorific value. Mesoporous particle size provides a higher calorific value when compared to micropore sized particles. To clarify the effect of particle size and the use of adhesive in the process of making briquettes from bagasse charcoal. In this study, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) and FTIR analysis were studied on the resulting briquette samples. XRD analysis will provide information about briquettes' pore structure, while FTIR analysis offers information on the success of the type and amount of adhesive used. The type of adhesive in this study uses starch and molasse from sugar factory waste. Besides, treatment of the compressive strength of briquettes is also carried out with several variations in pressur