51 research outputs found

    PengembanganVariasi Desain Berbasis Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCam) dan Rapid Prototyping (RP) untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Souvenir

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    The purpose of this study was to improve product design variations artistic brass souvenirs through of technology Rapid Prototyping (RP) to create the master mold brass products so as to increase the competitiveness of the product in the eyes of consumers. Market research will be conducted to identify consumer buying interest and identify distinguishing excellence needed to build the concept of product development brass. The research results in the form of a distinctive design trades selected areas further using software designed Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCAM) and translated into a master mold by a 3D engine utilizing Object 30Pro RP technology. This research will be focused on optimizing the manufacturing process so that the brass souvenirs is expected to appear as a continuous improvement effort to improve the competitiveness of the industrial centers Ngawen souvenirs

    Keunggulan Kompetitif Berbasis CAD : Membawa Konsep ke dalam Kenyataan (Studi Kasus di Perusahaan Genteng "PWS" Godean, Yogyakarta)

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    Competitive advantage will be the next issue of Small and Meditun-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the decade of the global competition. Discover ing environmental aspects should be conducted by a reasonable method so they can be motivated to grow and react by using their own capabilities. This paper represents Porter's Five Forces approach to recognize a roof-tile company' s competitive advantage. 3D modeling by using PowerSHAPE. version is then offered to fulfill their need of quick, reliable (easy to modify), and varied roof-tile design

    PengembanganVariasi Desain Berbasis Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCam) dan Rapid Prototyping (RP) untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Souvenir

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    The purpose of this study was to improve product design variations artistic brass souvenirs through of technology Rapid Prototyping (RP) to create the master mold brass products so as to increase the competitiveness of the product in the eyes of consumers. Market research will be conducted to identify consumer buying interest and identify distinguishing excellence needed to build the concept of product development brass. The research results in the form of a distinctive design trades selected areas further using software designed Artistic Computer Aided Manufacturing (ArtCAM) and translated into a master mold by a 3D engine utilizing Object 30Pro RP technology. This research will be focused on optimizing the manufacturing process so that the brass souvenirs is expected to appear as a continuous improvement effort to improve the competitiveness of the industrial centers Ngawen souvenir

    Perancangan gerobak sampah berbasis ergonomi untuk meminimalkan risiko low back pain dalam memobilisasi sampah

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    Abstract This paper discusses the design of an ergonomically based garbage cart to minimize the risk of low back pain among cleaning service workers during waste mobilization. Low back pain is a musculoskeletal disorder caused by non-ergonomic body posture while performing activities. Cleaning service workers are susceptible to experiencing low back pain due to the use of non-ergonomic garbage carts during waste mobilization. The objective of this study is to design an ergonomic garbage cart to alleviate the burden on cleaning service workers and prevent the occurrence of low back pain. The ergonomic approach is employed in the design of the garbage cart, considering anthropometric factors, body movements, and body posture analysis using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method. This study also examines relevant literature on ergonomics, low back pain, and the use of manual material handling (MMH) in preventing spinal injuries. The study findings demonstrate that the use of MMH aids, such as ergonomic garbage carts, can enhance movement flexibility and reduce workload, thereby reducing the risk of low back pain. The research methodology includes primary data collection through direct observation of cleaning service workers and the use of body posture analysis methods such as Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and RULA. The results of the body posture analysis will be utilized in the design of an ergonomic garbage cart. It is anticipated that the outcomes of this research will contribute to improving the health and safety of cleaning service workers and provide recommendations for the design of ergonomic garbage carts to mitigate the risk of low back pain.Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis postur ergonomis petugas cleaning service dalam menangani sampah dengan metode Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi risiko cedera pada pekerja akibat penggunaan gerobak sampah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang dikumpulkan dari responden di lapangan. Metode RULA terdiri dari tiga tahap analisis: pengembangan metode pencatatan postur kerja, pengembangan sistem penilaian pengelompokan bagian tubuh, dan pengembangan skor utama dan daftar tindakan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penggunaan gerobak sampah dapat menyebabkan kelelahan dan nyeri punggung bawah (pinggang). Analisis RULA menunjukkan skor tujuh, yang menunjukkan perlunya penyelidikan segera dan perubahan desain pada gerobak sampah. Penelitian ini menggunakan software CATIA untuk memberikan visualisasi postur dan posisi pekerja yang lebih akurat. Studi ini mengusulkan desain baru gerobak sampah yang mencakup pegangan yang terletak di belakang, roda belakang yang dapat bermanuver, roda karet yang lebih besar, pintu yang dapat dibuka dari atas dan depan, serta volume yang lebih besar untuk mencegah pekerjaan berulang. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa nyeri punggung bagian bawah adalah masalah umum yang dialami pekerja layanan kebersihan yang menangani sampah dan perubahan desain yang diusulkan dapat membantu mengurangi risiko cedera low back pain

    Parameter Optimization of Strategies at CNC end Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX - 40R Cam Against Surface Roughness Made Insoles Shoe Orthotic EVA Rubber Foam

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    The Quality Optimizing of surface and processing time insole shoe orthotic (iso) that made from EVA rubber foam (erf) is highly dependent on the determination of machining strategies on a CNC milling process. This paper aims to obtain optimal parameters of surface roughness and machining time iso products made erf. Data processing by Taguchi Design of Experiments used to obtain the most significant effect on the Toolpath parameters of machining strategies on software Powermill 2015. The effect of the four parameters (spindle speed, feeding, depth of cut, and types of milling cutter) set out in this experiment would give effect significant surface roughness and machining time iso products made erf. Orthogonal array is L1224, after the output finish analyzed the experimental results

    Optimization of Mechanical Parameters on Outsole Shoes Orthotic Comfort Using Finite Element Analysis

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    The shoes selection as the right footwear is very related to the feet comfort, especially in the selection of shoe materials. The shoe consists of three parts: insole, outsole, and upper shoe. The right outsole material will affect the comfort of feet during activity. This paper demonstrates a mechanical testing method on optimization of outsole material based on computer aided engineering (CAE). The outsole design on milutes diabetic patients in previous studies used as the basic design for mechanical testing at CAE. Three types of mechanical testing on Abaqus software 2016: bending, torsion, and plantar plessure used in this paper to determine the optimal outsole material as outsole material shoe orthotik. The test results showed that the material EVA rubber type declared with optimum characteristics of the von mises stress 0.0013 MPa, maximum principal stress 0.0036 MPa and features shock absorption of 5.01562 mJ. This data can served as a basic reference for the process of manufacturing the outsole of shoe on CNC machines
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