35 research outputs found

    Development of Indonesia Halal Agroindustry Global Market in ASEAN: Strategic Assesment

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    With the opening of AEC at the end of 2015, ASEAN became one of the largest markets in the world with a population of 633 million. Agroindustry is one of the most important sectors in ASEAN for Global Halal Market. Therefore, Indonesia needs to identify other segments or industries that can re-energize halal agroindustry of the country. This paper discusses the overlooked halal food segment in Indonesia as a catalyst in developing other potential sectors, in line with rapid globalization and internationalization. Using content analysis from various literatures, this exploratory study focuses on the past and current situation of halal food segment, and how its development can potentially affect growing sectors such as tourism and education in Indonesia. A SWOT analysis was conducted to summarize the country’s internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) issues in branding itself.</em

    Business Model Analysis of Halal Transportation Provider Company

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    Halal products have become important needs for the Muslims. Increasing demand for halal products increased to encourage the importance of halal logistics. Halal logistics system must guarantee that the products remain secured in the process of logistic and transport activities. There is still many homework to be done to realize halal transportation and logistics in Indonesia.TRAC Sharia as a transportation services provides a solution that is established with sharia principles such as musyarakah, mutanaqisah, and ijarah through its business process model. Novelty of this study is on the mapping of value proposition, business model, and business process integrated with Sharia principles. According to the results of this research that TRAC Sharia provides the best Ijarah services for companies that are concerned about sharia-based products or services. Agreement of Ijarah on TRAC Sharia is free from the elements of Riba, Maysir, and Gharar. In addition, all vehicles TRAC Sharia obtained halal through murabahah mechanisms and protected by insurance based on Sharia principles (Ta'awun). The advantage of TRAC Sharia is the openness and fairness in the management of the vehicle and can be developed into a mudharabah with the concept of profit sharing

    Analisis gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dalam memimpin kemandirian unit usaha Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Watan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan kepemimpinan spritual di unit bisnis pada pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Wathan Narmada Narmada. Penelitianini juga menganalisis strategi kepemimpinan spritual di unit bisnis pada pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Wathan Narmada. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi langsung, dan dokumentasi dari perusahaan. Direktur unit usaha Narmada Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Wathan, Ustadz. H. Ahmad Dahlan, SH. Kemudian peneliti mewawancarai penanggung jawab Haramain Bakery, Haramain Mini Bank, unit usaha Haramain Mart, staf yang mengikuti proses kegiatan di unit-unit bisnis tersebut, dan santri. Implementasi enam indikator kepemimpinan spiritual, yaitu visi, harapan atau iman, cinta altuaristik, keterpanggilan, keanggotaan, dan kehidupan batin yang telah dilaksanakan dengan baik di unit usaha Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Wathan Narmada. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan spiritual unit usaha Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Nadhatul Wathan Narmada telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat dari enam indikator kepemimpinan spiritual yang telah dilaksanakan dengan baik di Divisi Nadhatul Wathan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain yaitu visi, harapan atau keyakinan, cinta tanpa pamrih, panggilan, keanggotaan dan pelaksanaan kehidupan batin. Strategi kepemimpinan spiritual Nadhatul Wathan Narmada unit usaha Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain merupakan pimpinan unit usaha yang sangat memperhatikan dan meningkatkan kerohanian para anggotanya dengan memberikan motivasi dan bimbingan di lingkungan pesantren. pertemuan. Serta visi yang berdampak positif dan kuatnya harapan dan keyakinan anggota, serta rasa cinta dan kasih sayang pemimpin terhadap anggota, sebagian anggota merasa bahwa tanggung jawab ini merupakan panggilan dan keanggotaan yang baik antara pemimpin dan anggota

    Future-Proofing Islamic Business: A Systematic Review of Strategic Foresight Implementation Using Vosviewer

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    Islamic businesses encounter distinctive problems and opportunities in the current dynamic and uncertain commercial landscape. In VUCA environment, success hinges on the capacity to anticipate future developments and quickly adjust strategies accordingly. What are the current trends, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic businesses while adopting strategic foresight in the VUCA era for future studies? This research’s objective is to identify patterns, problems, prospects, and obstacles encountered by Islamic enterprises in VUCA world. This review seeks to identify essential themes, insights, and patterns regarding trend analysis, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic firms in the VUCA world by a thorough analysis of scholarly works. VOSviewer extracted Scopus search results. We analysed and mapped 590 publications on future-proofing Islamic business: a systematic evaluation of strategic foresight implementation. Based on the mapping results, 200 articles on strategic foresight from 2003 to 2023, 190 about Islamic business terms from 2005 to 2023, and 200 about VUCA from 2013 to 2023 were found. Many potential future research questions related topics such as how can strategic foresight help corporation forecast environmental changes, how can strategic foresight help Islamic business meet changing stakeholders needs, and how can strategic foresight improve Islamic business promising futur

    Implementation of Islamic Business Ethics Values based on IFSB 09: BMT La Tansa Ponorogo Experience

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    The importance of ethics in the business world is of high priority and global importance. New trends and problems arise every day which is a major challenge for any organization. Today, the need for ethical behavior in organizations has become important. Just as, if a dishonest business practice, only thinking about the maximum profit and harming the other will bring an institution will no longer be trusted and gradually lost. So the purpose of this research is the implementation of Islamic business ethics based on IFSB standard 09. It is proven from the overall result of interview analysis, observation, and transcript of interview result. BMT La Tansa Ponorogo has a series of activities within the scope of strengthening and cultivation of values that serve as the foundation of all operational activities. These values include Sincerity, Simplicity, Independence, Islamic Prayer, and Freedom. In conducting business and activities, business actors have understood and implemented Islamic principles or values based on Al Qur’an and Hadith. Implementation of this Islamic business ethics that includes aspects of honesty and fairness, prudential aspects, aspects of ability, information aspects for customers, aspects of information about customers, solutive aspects of conflict of interest, and aspects of Shari’a compliance