118 research outputs found

    Influencia de la infestación por Dacus Oleae sobre el flavor de aceites, extraídos de aceitunas atacadas, por análisis HPLC y HRGC de compuestos volátiles

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    The authors have examined the influence of the Dacus Oleae infestation on the aroma of the oils obtained from olives of Coratina and Nebbio varieties at different levels of attack. The results obtained indicated a worsening of the qualitative level of the oils obtained from increasing percentages of infested olives; these were found to have a great decrease of phenolic substances and higher contents of both volatile alcohols and aldehydes with an unpleasant sensation. Of particular interest was hexanal/total volatile alcohols ratio, in which having been well correlated with the extent of infestation, would permit one to establish in an objective manner, if and how much the olives from which an oil has been extracted have suffered a Dacus attack.Los autores han examinado la influencia de la infestación por Dacus Oleae sobre el aroma de aceites obtenidos de aceitunas de las variedades Coratina y Nebbio en diferentes estados de ataque. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron un empeoramiento de los niveles de calidad de los aceites obtenidos a medida que se incrementaba el porcentaje de aceitunas infestadas; mostrando una gran disminución de las sustancias fenólicas y altos contenidos tanto de alcoholes volátiles como de aldehídos, con una sensación desagradable. De particular interés fue la relación hexanal/alcoholes volátiles totales, la cual ha sido bien correlacionada con la extensión de la infestación, lo que permitiría establecer de una manera objetiva, sí y cuantas de las aceitunas de las cuales se ha extraído, han sufrido ataque por Dacus

    Biogenesis of «fusty» defect in virgin olive oils

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    Quality evaluation of olive oil by statistical analysis of multicomponent stable isotope dilution assay data of aroma active compounds

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    An instrumental method for the evaluation of olive oil quality was developed. Twenty-one relevant aroma active compounds were quantified in 95 olive oil samples of different quality by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and dynamic headspace coupled to GC-MS. On the basis of these stable isotope dilution assay results, statistical evaluation by partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was performed. Important variables were the odor activity values of ethyl isobutanoate, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, 3-methylbutanol, butyric acid, E,E-2,4-decadienal, hexanoic acid, guaiacol, 2-phenylethanol, and the sum of the odor activity values of Z-3-hexenal, E-2-hexenal, Z-3-hexenyl acetate, and Z-3-hexenol. Classification performed with these variables predicted 88% of the olive oils? quality correctly. Additionally, the aroma compounds, which are characteristic for some off-flavors, were dissolved in refined plant oil. Sensory evaluation of these models demonstrated that the off-flavors rancid, fusty, and vinegary could be successfully simulated by a limited number of odorants

    Effect of harvest time on physicochemical quality parameters, oxidation stability, and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil

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    The aim of this study was to determine the changes in some physicochemical properties of olives (fruit weight, water content and oil content) and olive oils (total chlorophyll, carotenoid, pheophytin a, peroxide value and free acidity), and in the chemical properties (fatty acids, tocopherols, phenolics, oxidation stability and volatile profiles) of oils during ripening.Ripening indices (RI) of olive samples were 1.93 (unripe), 4.28 (ripe) and 5.89 (overripe). Most of the mentioned features changed with ripening. During ripening there was a sharp decrease in total chlorophyll, carotenoid and pheophytin a contents. An increase in oleic and linoleic acids and a decrease in palmitic acid were found in the fatty acid composition. Olive oils showed strong relations among oxidation stability, tocopherol content, total phenols content, and antiradical actvity of phenol extracts and these parameters decreased with maturation. Nevertheless, higher amounts of trans-2-hexenal were found in the oil from ripe olives than from unripe and overripe olives. On the other hand, the highest concentration of hexanal was found in the oil from overripe olives.In general, significant differences were observed in fruit weight, pigments, free acidity, fatty acid, tocopherol, and total phenolics contents, radical scavenger activity, oxidation stability, phenolic profile and volatile profile between the olive oils from the Gemlik cultivar at different stages of maturation

    Biogénesis del atrojado en el aceite de oliva virgen

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    The biogenesis of «fusty» defect was studied by chemical and microbial analyses on olives stored in piles for different times and their resulting oils. The fusty defect was perceived by tasters after four days of storage. The quali-quantitative composition of oil volatile fraction was a very suitable way to emphasize metabolites produced by microorganisms involved during the fruit storage. Some volatile compounds, such as 2- and 3- methyl butan-1-al, their corresponding alcohols and propionic acid, 2- methyl propionic acid and 3-methyl butanoic acid, were produced. At the same time, it was observed a dramatic development of Clostridium sp. and, in a lower proportion, of Pseudomonas sp. Furthermore, during the storage the evident softening of fruits has to be attributed to microorganisms in rapid growth belonging to Enterobacter sp. and moulds, that have in its enzymatic store pectinolytic enzymes.La biogénesis del atrojado ha sido estudiada química y microbiológicamente en aceitunas amontonadas durante diferentes períodos de tiempo; además ha sido evaluado el aceite procedente de la elaboración de dichos frutos. La percepción de atrojado era percibida por el panel de catadores sólo después de cuatro días de almacenamiento de las aceitunas. La determinación cuanti-cualitativa de los compuestos aromáticos del aceite resultante se ha relacionado con los microorganismos implicados en la degradación de los frutos. Se han encontrado algunos compuestos volátiles como el 2- y 3- metil butan-1-al y sus correspondientes alcoholes, el ácido propiónico, el ácido 2-metil propiónico y el 3-metil butanoico. Al mismo tiempo, ha sido observado el fuerte desarrollo de especies del género Clostridium y, en menor proporción, de Pseudomonas. Asimismo, durante el almacenamiento se produjo un ablandamiento de los frutos a causa de la acción de las enzimas pectolíticas de microorganismos de rápido crecimiento, pertenecientes al género Enterobactery a mohos