1,083 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Quantum Group Symmetry of Diatomic Molecules

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    We propose a q-deformed model of the anharmonic vibrations in diatomic molecules. We analyse the applicability of the model to the phenomenological Dunham's expansion by comparing with experimental data. Our methodology involves a global consistency analysis of the parameters that determine the q-deformed system, when compared with fitted vibrational parameters to 161 electronic states in diatomic molecules. We show how to include both the positive and the negative anharmonicities in a simple and systematic fashion.Comment: 15 pages, 3 Table

    Monomeric Alpha-Synuclein Exerts a Physiological Role on Brain ATP Synthase

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    Misfolded α-synuclein is a key factor in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, knowledge about a physiological role for the native, unfolded α-synuclein is limited. Using brains of mice lacking α-, β-, and γ-synuclein, we report that extracellular monomeric α-synuclein enters neurons and localizes to mitochondria, interacts with ATP synthase subunit α, and modulates ATP synthase function. Using a combination of biochemical, live-cell imaging and mitochondrial respiration analysis, we found that brain mitochondria of α-, β-, and γ-synuclein knock-out mice are uncoupled, as characterized by increased mitochondrial respiration and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential. Furthermore, synuclein deficiency results in reduced ATP synthase efficiency and lower ATP levels. Exogenous application of low unfolded α-synuclein concentrations is able to increase the ATP synthase activity that rescues the mitochondrial phenotypes observed in synuclein deficiency. Overall, the data suggest that α-synuclein is a previously unrecognized physiological regulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics through its ability to interact with ATP synthase and increase its efficiency. This may be of particular importance in times of stress or PD mutations leading to energy depletion and neuronal cell toxicity. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Misfolded α-synuclein aggregations in the form of Lewy bodies have been shown to be a pathological hallmark in histological staining of Parkinson's disease (PD) patient brains. It is known that misfolded α-synuclein is a key driver in PD pathogenesis, but the physiological role of unfolded monomeric α-synuclein remains unclear. Using neuronal cocultures and isolated brain mitochondria of α-, β-, and γ-synuclein knock-out mice and monomeric α-synuclein, this current study shows that α-synuclein in its unfolded monomeric form improves ATP synthase efficiency and mitochondrial function. The ability of monomeric α-synuclein to enhance ATP synthase efficiency under physiological conditions may be of importance when α-synuclein undergoes the misfolding and aggregation reported in PD

    Generalized Heisenberg Algebras and Fibonacci Series

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    We have constructed a Heisenberg-type algebra generated by the Hamiltonian, the step operators and an auxiliar operator. This algebra describes quantum systems having eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian depending on the eigenvalues of the two previous levels. This happens, for example, for systems having the energy spectrum given by Fibonacci sequence. Moreover, the algebraic structure depends on two functions f(x) and g(x). When these two functions are linear we classify, analysing the stability of the fixed points of the functions, the possible representations for this algebra.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, subfigure.st

    Interplay of packing and flip-flop in local bilayer deformation. How phosphatidylglycerol could rescue mitochondrial function in a cardiolipin-deficient yeast mutant

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    In a previous work, we have shown that a spatially localized transmembrane pH gradient, produced by acid micro-injection near the external side of cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles, leads to the formation of tubules that retract after the dissipation of this gradient. These tubules have morphologies similar to mitochondrial cristae. The tubulation effect is attributable to direct phospholipid packing modification in the outer leaflet, that is promoted by protonation of cardiolipin head-groups. In this study, we compare the case of cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles with that of giant unilamellar vesicles that contain phosphatidylglycerol (PG). Local acidification also promotes formation of tubules in the latter. However, compared with cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles the tubules are longer, exhibit a visible pearling, and have a much longer lifetime after acid micro-injection is stopped. We attribute these differences to an additional mechanism that increases monolayer surface imbalance, namely inward PG flip-flop promoted by the local transmembrane pH gradient. Simulations using a fully nonlinear membrane model as well as geometrical calculations are in agreement with this hypothesis. Interestingly, among yeast mutants deficient in cardiolipin biosynthesis, only the crd1-null mutant, which accumulates phosphatidylglycerol, displays significant mitochondria! activity. Our work provides a possible explanation of such a property and further emphasizes the salient role of specific lipids in mitochondria! function. n a previous work, we have shown that a spatially localized transmembrane pH gradient, produced by acid micro-injection near the external side of cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles, leads to the formation of tubules that retract after the dissipation of this gradient. These tubules have morphologies similar to mitochondrial cristae. The tubulation effect is attributable to direct phospholipid packing modification in the outer leaflet, that is promoted by protonation of cardiolipin headgroups. In this study, we compare the case of cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles with that of giant unilamellar vesicles that contain phosphatidylglycerol (PG). Local acidification also promotes formation of tubules in the latter. However, compared with cardiolipin-containing giant unilamellar vesicles the tubules are longer, exhibit a visible pearling, and have a much longer lifetime after acid micro-injection is stopped. We attribute these differences to an additional mechanism that increases monolayer surface imbalance, namely inward PG flip-flop promoted by the local transmembrane pH gradient. Simulations using a fully nonlinear membrane model as well as geometrical calculations are in agreement with this hypothesis. Interestingly, among yeast mutants deficient in cardiolipin biosynthesis, only the crd1-null mutant, which accumulates phosphatidylglycerol, displays significant mitochondrial activity. Our work provides a possible explanation of such a property and further emphasizes the salient role of specific lipids in mitochondrial function

    APOBEC3 as a driver of genetic intratumor heterogeneity

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    Our recent study revealed that APOBEC3B is upregulated during the preinvasive stages of non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer. In addition to its role in mediating single nucleotide variants, we propose that APOBEC3 promotes copy number intratumor heterogeneity prior to invasion, providing a substrate for cancer evolution

    Monomeric alpha-synuclein exerts a physiological role in brain ATP synthase

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    Misfolded α-synuclein is a key factor in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, knowledge about a physiological role for the native, unfolded α-synuclein is limited. Using brains of mice lacking α-, β-, and γ-synuclein, we report that extracellular monomeric α-synuclein enters neurons and localizes to mitochondria, interacts with ATP synthase subunit α, and modulates ATP synthase function. Using a combination of biochemical, live-cell imaging and mitochondrial respiration analysis, we found that brain mitochondria of α-, β-, and γ-synuclein knock-out mice are uncoupled, as characterized by increased mitochondrial respiration and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential. Furthermore, synuclein deficiency results in reduced ATP synthase efficiency and lower ATP levels. Exogenous application of low unfolded α-synuclein concentrations is able to increase the ATP synthase activity that rescues the mitochondrial phenotypes observed in synuclein deficiency. Overall, the data suggest that α-synuclein is a previously unrecognized physiological regulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics through its ability to interact with ATP synthase and increase its efficiency. This may be of particular importance in times of stress or PD mutations leading to energy depletion and neuronal cell toxicity

    An Algebraic q-Deformed Form for Shape-Invariant Systems

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    A quantum deformed theory applicable to all shape-invariant bound-state systems is introduced by defining q-deformed ladder operators. We show these new ladder operators satisfy new q-deformed commutation relations. In this context we construct an alternative q-deformed model that preserve the shape-invariance property presented by primary system. q-deformed generalizations of Morse, Scarf, and Coulomb potentials are given as examples

    Linkage mapping, comparative genome analysis, and QTL detection for growth in a non-model teleost, the meagre Argyrosomus regius, using ddRAD sequencing

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    Meagre (Argyrosomus regius), is a benthopelagic species rapidly emerging in aquaculture, due to its low food to biomass conversion rate, good fillet yield and ease of production. Tracing a species genomic background along with describing the genetic basis of important traits can greatly influence both conservation strategies and production perspectives. In this study, we employed ddRAD sequencing of 266 fish from six F1 meagre families, to construct a high-density genetic map comprising 4529 polymorphic SNP markers. The QTL mapping analysis provided a genomic appreciation for the weight trait identifying a statistically significant QTL on linkage group 15 (LG15). The comparative genomics analysis with six teleost species revealed an evolutionarily conserved karyotype structure. The synteny observed, verified the already well-known fusion events of the three-spine stickleback genome, reinforced the evidence of reduced evolutionary distance of Sciaenids with the Sparidae family, reflected the evolutionary proximity with Dicentrarchus labrax, traced several putative chromosomal rearrangements and a prominent putative fusion event in meagre’s LG17. This study presents novel elements concerning the genome evolutionary history of a non-model teleost species recently adopted in aquaculture, starts to unravel the genetic basis of the species growth-related traits, and provides a high-density genetic map as a tool that can help to further establish meagre as a valuable resource for research and production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Method Based on a Nonlinear Generalized Heisenberg Algebra to Study the Molecular Vibrational Spectrum

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    We propose a method, based on a Generalized Heisenberg Algebra (GHA), to reproduce the anharmonic spectrum of diatomic molecules. The theoretical spectrum generated by GHA allows us to fit the experimental data and to obtain the dissociation energy for the carbon monoxide molecule. Our outcomes are more accurate than the standard models used to study molecular vibrations, namely the Morse and the qq-oscillator models and comparable to the perturbed Morse model proposed by Huffaker \cite{hf}, for the first experimental levels. The dissociation energy obtained here is more accurate than all previous models

    Active Membrane Fluctuations Studied by Micropipet Aspiration

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    We present a detailed analysis of the micropipet experiments recently reported in J-B. Manneville et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4356--4359 (1999), including a derivation of the expected behaviour of the membrane tension as a function of the areal strain in the case of an active membrane, i.e., containing a nonequilibrium noise source. We give a general expression, which takes into account the effect of active centers both directly on the membrane, and on the embedding fluid dynamics, keeping track of the coupling between the density of active centers and the membrane curvature. The data of the micropipet experiments are well reproduced by the new expressions. In particular, we show that a natural choice of the parameters quantifying the strength of the active noise explains both the large amplitude of the observed effects and its remarkable insensitivity to the active-center density in the investigated range. [Submitted to Phys Rev E, 22 March 2001]Comment: 14 pages, 5 encapsulated Postscript figure