3,650 research outputs found

    Anyons and transmutation of statistics via vacuum induced Berry phase

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    We show that bosonic fields may present anyonic behavior when interacting with a fermion in a Jaynes-Cummings-like model. The proposal is accomplished via the interaction of a two-level system with two quantized modes of a harmonic oscillator; under suitable conditions, the system acquires a fractional geometric phase. A crucial role is played by the entanglement of the system eigenstates, which provides a two-dimensional confinement in the effective evolution of the system, leading to the anyonic behavior. For a particular choice of parameters, we show that it is possible to transmute the statistics of the system continually from fermions to bosons. We also present an experimental proposal, in an ion-trap setup, in which fractional statistical features can be generated, controlled, and measured

    Organizational Commitment of Instructors of Private Colleges in Nueva Ecija

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    Organizational commitment is critical since high commitment rates contribute to several desirable organizational outcomes. It is important to promote organizational commitment among college instructors as they are committed to staying longer and performing better. The study described the personal commitment, service commitment, and career commitment of instructors from private colleges towards organizational commitment. This study used the descriptive method. The researcher distributed a survey questionnaire with likert-scale responses to a total of 83 instructors composed of 49 females and 39 males who were employed as instructor with a service length of not more than 2 years. Based on the findings of this research, it is then concluded, firstly, that the commitment towards organization of the instructors from private colleges can be shown into three different aspects personal, service, and career. Secondly, personal commitment towards organization is the most shown commitment of the instructors that they understand their contributions to the organization’s goals and their organizations inspire them to give their beat at work. Thirdly, in terms of service commitment towards organization, instructors from private colleges strongly agreed that their organization understands the needs of their customers for change thus they offer excellent customer service. Lastly, though resulted last in the aspects of commitment, career commitment towards organization proved that instructors from private colleges agreed that their career goals are important to their organizations. The researcher recommends that commitment towards organization must be taken into consideration of every person involved within it. Thus, not only for employees a commitment must be seen. Personal commitment is always an important aspect on how an employee will stay in an organization. However, the researcher recommends that an organization should also find other aspects of commitment towards organization aside from personal, service and career

    Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction to Online Shopping

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    Most companies are expanding their network through an online platform. Under various scenarios (e.g. pandemic situations), market vendors should be versatile and adaptable to different types of distribution channels. This paper described the factors affecting consumer satisfaction to online shopping such as reliability and responsiveness, assurance and empathy, and tangibility. This paper determined the significant difference between the sex of respondents and the factors affecting consumer satisfaction to online shopping. This paper used a descriptive method, a total of 487 online consumers (219 Male and 268 Female) within Cabanatuan City were involved in this study using adopted questionnaire with adopted likert-scale responses. Based on the gathered data, the researchers drew four conclusions. First, the respondents have a strong degree of confidence in their respective website/application for online shopping. Hence, it is recommended that owners of online shopping website/application should work on improving their order cancelation and returns. Second, the respondents trusted online shopping websites/applications because of their marketing tactics, such as word of mouth, to boost their credibility. Hence, it is highly suggested that the owners of online shopping website/application should track the problems involving product delivery. Third, respondents have been literate in using and searching online shopping websites/applications. Hence, it is recommended that the owners of the online shopping website/application continuously improve their system to keep their consumers satisfied. Finally, the null hypothesis is retained. It implies that sex does not affect the consumer satisfaction to online shopping factors. Thus, it is suggested to look for other variables that may affect consumer satisfaction

    Geometric phase induced by a cyclically evolving squeezed vacuum reservoir

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    We propose a new way to generate an observable geometric phase by means of a completely incoherent phenomenon. We show how to imprint a geometric phase to a system by "adiabatically" manipulating the environment with which it interacts. As a specific scheme we analyse a multilevel atom interacting with a broad-band squeezed vacuum bosonic bath. As the squeezing parameters are smoothly changed in time along a closed loop, the ground state of the system acquires a geometric phase. We propose also a scheme to measure such geometric phase by means of a suitable polarization detection.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Dimensionamento Estrutural de um Equipamento para Sinterização de Chapas de Refugo de PET Reciclado

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    The consumption of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) has been increasing every year, as well as its recycling process as the applications of recycled PET are diversified. However, the recycling companies are not able to recycle 100% of PET because the particles with low granulometry (refuse) are not utilized because they stick to the extruder screw and are discarded. This study presents the structural dimensioning of a proposal of an equipment to sinter this refuse in some predetermined geometries, in order to achieve possible commercial applications. This structural dimensioning was done with finite element analysis open-source software Salome Meca. Some structural modifications required to achieve the design requirements are presented. Yet, the hydraulic system to operate the compression was also dimensioned.O consumo de polietileno tereftalato (PET) vem aumentando a cada ano, bem como sua reciclagem, pois as aplicaçÔes do PET reciclado são bem diversificadas. Entretanto, as empresas de reciclagem ainda não conseguem reciclar 100% do PET que recebem porque as partículas com granulometria muito pequena (refugo) aderem ao parafuso das extrusoras de plåstico, e são descartadas. Este trabalho apresenta o dimensionamento estrutural de uma proposta de equipamento para sinterizar este refugo em geometrias pré-determinadas, a fim de atingir possíveis aplicaçÔes comerciais O dimensionamento estrutural foi feito a partir de simulaçÔes computacionais pelo método dos elementos finitos, utilizando o software Salome Meca. São apresentadas as modificaçÔes estruturais feitas para atender os requisitos do projeto. Ainda, foi feito o dimensionamento do sistema hidråulico para acionamento do sistema de compressão

    On Hamiltonian systems with critical Sobolev exponents

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    In this paper we consider lower order perturbations of the critical Lane-Emden system posed on a bounded smooth domain Ω⊂RN\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N, with N≄3N \geq3, inspired by the classical results of Brezis and Nirenberg \cite{BrezisNirenberg1983}. We solve the problem of finding a positive solution for all dimensions N≄4N \geq 4. For the critical dimension N=3N=3 we show a new phenomenon, not observed for scalar problems. Namely, there are parts on the critical hyperbola where solutions exist for all 11-homogeneous or subcritical superlinear perturbations and parts where there are no solutions for some of those perturbations.Comment: 26 page

    Entanglement dynamics for two interacting spins

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    We study the dynamical generation of entanglement for a very simple system: a pair of interacting spins, s1 and s2, in a constant magnetic field. Two different situations are considered:(a) s1 ->\infty, s2 = 1/2 and (b) s1 = s2 ->\infty, corresponding, respectively, to a quantum degree of freedom coupled to a semiclassical one (a qubit in contact with an environment) and a fully semiclassical system, which in this case displays chaotic behavior. Relations between quantum entanglement and classical dynamics are investigated.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Dramatização como estratégia pedagógica no ensino de Bioética

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    Anais do 3° Encontro Nacional de Jogos e Atividades LĂșdicas no Ensino de QuĂ­mica, FĂ­sica e Biologia (Jalequim - Level III) - NĂșcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Ensino de QuĂ­mica/CiĂȘncias da UNILA (NuDDEQ)O termo BioĂ©tica foi utilizado pela primeira vez na dĂ©cada de 1970, pelo pesquisador americano Van Rensselaer Potter. De acordo com esse autor, a BioĂ©tica seria uma ponte entre o conhecimento biolĂłgico e os valores humanos. Desta maneira, essa ĂĄrea do conhecimento se propĂ”e ao exercĂ­cio da reflexĂŁo sobre questĂ”es Ă©ticas que envolvam o conhecimento e a aplicação de tecnologias relacionadas Ă  Biologia e ĂĄreas BiomĂ©dicas (DURAND, 2014)

    Coherent evolution via reservoir driven holonomy

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    We show that in the limit of strongly interacting environment a system initially prepared in a Decoherence Free Subspace (DFS) coherently evolves in time, adiabatically following the changes of the DFS. If the reservoir cyclicly evolves in time, the DFS states acquire an holonomy.Comment: 4 page
